Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1956, p. 6

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page six the acton free press acton ontario x thuubpay mav ltui ibm milton wins legion euchre- in a close finish miltoni team won the district zone b7 euchre saturday afternoon in acton les ion follow inn close behind were streetsville acton and george town the acton team won last year teams from brampton and port credit although expected did not enter since four teams are allow ed to proceed to the district euchre in brantford each team that play ed saturday will go on in compet ition there were 48 players in the tournament a salad supper was served by the hosts local news the lemils courts have been cleaned of icitves and winter dirt and some have borun playing the property of the christian reformed ehiirch at the highway cast of acton ij bcink fenced in power failure was general throughout ontario sunday even ing and was off here in acton for a short time wymun little is preparing the lot for ills karagc just beyond thompsons fuel on the highway east of town at a y m c a board meeting last week the associations fiscal yenr was chnnged to end an dec- embei 31 each year represent tlvos of the latter day saints or mormons are in town calling doortodoor in the in terests of their faith seven new tenchers have been hired foi georgetowns throe pub lic schools mirmenting the total staff next yenr to an alltime rec ord of 33 sccdinjj is quite late this yenr due to the unreasonable cold woii- thtt appnrenttv wme farmers are considering not seeding some fields nt nil the scnikon is so lute liedgeis ioa was struck by llghtniiu duiinn one of the elect rical stoinis of the weekend al though the wn inn had to be le- miired then- mis no dnmiikc to stock on a weekend camping trip to blue suimg were acton bcouls wayne clinic- dale wixxlburn boh piukii doll mai f hull john rmcrson stcu jii t mcdonald and peter lnwsori culveits were washed out by heavy imns fi idav and in some places houses imrt cars were strand ed nwny froni the road by running water biistmeiits were flooded during the delude in some places those wlio were lip enrly wed nesday morning wished they werent it wis snowing flakes fell from n lendon sky nt different times dining the dav and the mis erable wcnthci continued a prime topic of conversation firemen didnt have far to go friday murium when the siren blew bnefl the oil stove in the o p p off lee i score of steps from the fire engine overheated and set the soot chimney to smoking no damage uis mused a recent report on motor veh icle accidents during 1915 shows that in unlum countv alone there were 1um undents in which 21 persons were killed 297 were in jured and 1097 cases of property damage wen- reported the ys icu s club is iwnv ex changing bulletins with mother group whose name recall the rhvthm of guitars and the swish of those grass skirts trv saying it secretai shin tnkahashi of the winlun ys nlens club of winlui onhu hawaii t a large tractor trailer house house trailspoitei came to some grief tucsdn ufternoon on no 7 highway about a mile west of here the trailer vith a house on top disengaged from the tractor and crashed into n hydro pole the house hydro pole and some fur nishings inside were damaged l to purchase annuals for busy bee plot busy bees womens institute met t the home of mrs j howard for their may meeting mrs locker pre siding the meeting opened with i the institute ode the roll call was answered bv naming a faonte flower it was decided to bu annuals for planting in the busv bee plot at the centenniil manor delegates were crroseni to attend the district annual and as main as could were urged to go it is being held at bethel church hornl next thursday each lidy s gnen a sheet to j mark her desire for the extension course and it is to be handed in next month mrs 1 little gne a verj interest ing paper nn transplanting large trees which was very instructive and enlightening mrs dodds fcae a contest on parts of the body mrs coxe en lightened the ladies on some if the questions in the paper she read mrs locker rave a short reading and each lady vras handed her un known sisters name for the year hauptpy birthdaj was sung by all the group for airs lindsay the mary stewart collect closed the meeting and all enjoyed a friendly cup of tea the president thanked the hostess for her home personal notes of acton inns visiting outoftown point and of visitor in acton homes ints vs oakville in baseball opener here managers sought closed monday mrs frank browning of toronto visited ielnuyje1 here on sunday mrs edith kilty of toronto spent the weekend with relatives here mr and mrs harold e sulcliffe dearborn mich spent the week end with fi lends here mr and mrs stanley cy nnd miss sandra coy willowdalc vis ited f i lends here on sunday mrs mnbel sablston of toronto visited with mr and mrs a h long nnd fiimily for a few days lust week mi and mrs hoy arnptt and family visited over the weekend with lelativcs and friends in rich mond hill mi and mrs hoy arnold visited in london this week with theii dnughter mrs a mercer mr mer cer and their two children his condition improving steadily little john seelen is still in hos pital in toronto he was struck by a car last week mi and mrs hobert slerrllt at tended the funeral of mrs sterrilfs niece and three children who lost their lives in the fire last week near waterloo mr and mrs freeman coleman of stevens point wisconsin call ed on mr and mm r n brown and other acton friends on their wav home from florida mr and mrs stan beaumont and miss beati ice beaumont toronto mr nnd mrs williniri hohlnson hoinby visited with mr and mrs ross robeitson on sunday i several indies attended the pres- bterial uilly of presbyterian church grolipi wednesday of last week in kitchener miss iaura pelton was the ruost speaker the countv asaessors held then meeting wednesday of last week in milton with mr oi rie lamb at tending he is ilsn attending a pr vincial nssevsois meeting in north bay this week as l t ias c jst- psis 4h club president is lillian phillips the third meeting of the ban- nockburn cerealettes was held at the home of relic oeunk on satur day kight girls nnd the two lead ers mrs hugh wilkinson nnd mrs stan matthews attended officers are as follows president lillian phillips first vicepresident beth mcencrv secretarytreasurer margaret morrison the girls divided into groups and cooked whole wheat muffins bran muffins lemon creamy rice and macaroni and tomato casserole which later provided the lunch this unit is known as the cereal shelf and in it the girls learn to inikc better use of homegrown ginns miss hazel leader of hlllalxirgh spent sunday with her aunts miss ida nellis and mr and mrs hub ert watson before leaving for al berta and other points west or a months holidays mrs fiances pope of heaton middlesex england is expected to arrive in aeton on monday via the arosa sun she will spend the summer visiting with mi nnd tylrs james piipe fredeilck st seveial from town were in wil ton for the open house of the new bank of montreal there mi and mrs william davey were par ticular v intci stcd as they are looking foiwnrd to the ohiuii of a new bank of montreal heie mi nnd mrs ross ballentine nnd mr and mrs william bnllentlne visited with mr arjd mrs hoy bal lentine nt huttonville on sunday uilil attended the chiisteniiur cere mony of the lutteis daughlei mary lane in the presbytei ian ehureli nt huttonvlllc mothers duy sunday vlsltois with mis w j hall and miss marjorie hall were mr and mrs robert j hall wlnghnm mr and mrs w h hall and family toron to mr and mi s w a mcgachei n and family of acton miss nellie r hall of toronto and mr and mrs e a hall of kitchener miss shiilev fryer and mr ilen- ny cannon visited on sunday at the home of mr and mrs andrew mcleod scarborough where they attended the christening of their infant daughter patricia ann miss shirley kryer and mr clare voy- eev weie godjiaienls llev a c foite of st crispins chinch sui- boiough officiated mrs gordon cuthheit of jordan river bt is veuwtig her grand mother mis john stewart si who is now convalescing ut tbe home of lier son mi j j slcwnil mr and mi- fied koisvthe sin nia mrs jim lawience detroit ml and mrs itobei t stewut peter boio mi cicoigc humphries and wallet london have also vldled with her this week t4bblii 3b svs uwaars jsatsan i i ii i i hc clearing auction sale in acton of furniture and household ef forts s on tuesday the united ihiiieh c g i t met in the sunday sehool room karen damm and verna churchill conducted the worship in the business we picked a date for our bazaar tea and program mrs brayshuw spoke more about indians the meetini closed with taps i hi undersigned have recti ved instructions from roiikkt cross to sell b public auction it his residence 95 church st acton on saturday may 19 1j5 commencing at 1 30 o i lock d s t the followmk dining room 2 extension tables 6 leather seatedchaus side board china cabinet set of dishes blue nnd gold tnm water sets glasses pitchers vises fancy dish- es cupst suncers antique dishes table covers and linens silver dishes knives forks spoons tras old type sideboard admiral tele- i vision television table cabinet raj dio spartan desk radio smoking set wall mirrors floor lumps chesterfield chairs rockers end table card table small tables car pets rugs linoleums clocks pict ures i bedroom ritrnishincs bedrom suite daj bed dresser table wash stands bedroom lamps i kitchen furnishings phil- co refrigerator electric rarvgette clare jewel kitchen stove kitchen chairs sinrer sewing machine beatty electric washing machine tubs stands etc step ladder coal scuttle dishes pots pans etc carpenters and garden tools lawn mower lawn chairs step ladder crosscut saws axes shovels fork rakes hose rope sets of carpenter and masbn s tools paints brushes etc terms cash with the clerk on da of sale no goods to be removed till set tled for no reserve as the house is sold hindley and elliott r auctioneers phone 19r3 rockwood ortr 89233 mr coles cleric a442 the c g i t of knox church met nt the home of mrs d davidson the meeting opened with a lirief worship servne mary hunter road the scripture ruth spielvogel read a meditation and katharine kirk- ness led in prayer mrs herb price showed the group how to make paper flowers the group practised their play for the mother nd daughter banquet the meetini ilosed with taps area blood donors clinic set in milton a hlood demur clinic under the op iitunv of tht can tell in llid kiss nation il blood transfusion siivui is m hcdiin d to be set up next fndi mu 2r in milton i gion hall the clime operates to receive voluntary donations to replace blood given in hospitals to residents of this area further iivformation about the clinic open in the after noon and evening will appear in next week s paper with monday may tx being celebrated aa victoria way thla year tbl office will be elated all day correspondent aviki adver tisers are asked to please have material in early isps ksssabar was conditions improved through christians mis r m mcdonald vashoateaa foi the monthly meeting w the seium auxiliniy women s mlsslon- ai y society of knox church may 10 with mis a j htiehuiinii pre- sldtllk the seivice of woishlp xviis con- duiteil bj mis maedoiiihl and mrs ollaia nl had as lis tlieme what is the mltiioii of the cliuielit the same theme win followed huoiikii the mission study pi esent- ed in mis k ii ai nistimig in the foi in of panel discussion with mis luniiie mis olluia miss clai k ni s buchanan and mrs mainiiite assisting it wua shown that the church is called through the life neivlce and aaeilfiee of its menibei to make contribution to justice and peace in the vvoi id to impiove liiimnn conditions to care foi the needy and the refugee and to seive the needs of less developed ptsiples spcofit examples were given to piovi inns human eonilltlons have been iminoved tluouijh the witness of individiial cbiistinns s s staff present writing case to rting minister the ithiilar monthly intuin of the kixix pieshv teiiun sunday school tcuihcia and of item was held nt the manse sunday evening mn ii ifui chinch aftii the sec- utaiv anil tiisisuieri ihmts wen 1 1 ait jiiki adopted the benefits of the vmii ksbop weie list tissd sllg gcstions foi impiov cmciftth on a fu tun uoikshop weie alsi illscusseil plans foi the cougicgiliauitl pi nit in june wen- made mid vnioiis comnilttxes drawn up afli i tin- mei ting was adjourned mrs aimstrong seivnl iiiikii ilui- iiik vslileli tiiiii mis llerl pru on im half of the teaihels ami nfflieis piesenlil mi arnistioiic with a leallui wilting ease allbniigh taken by suiprlsc mi aimstioii thanked the group fltlliiftlv siv ing how be had enjovtl uoikuig with llxiii and apicc iutl tin ir vmiiiiik cooperation depar engagements play ball the familial crlea of baseball will lu- nitliuslbstleiilly oi in some cases dliiliistedly ahouted tit thf ball prk foi the fust time this season on hntiiidnv mav 20 acton intermed iates play the fii st game of their schedule with the oakville juniors he lo to open the arusun lliev plav ill a lengiie including aeton milton diindaa waterdown cikiiibellville unci lb amptnn from last veai with n new enti dunda mo exhibition names have been liluiiiu d befoie r first official uumt- this spilng ljulte it few of last years players have tinned out foi piactlcea on the wet unit chilly diamond so far tile team will also have some new faces as iiluyeis hnve beiii eel lilted from iiemcomeis to town ijioklng foi thf team is maiiaue- nitltt anyone wllu la intel eated ill lnliing has been linked to contact llniold townslev at i mm ui hob lvlei at itmiw foi lowing is the heliedille way 21 oakville at acton rvliiv 31 atton ui dundaa june 2 wulcidowii ut aeton june ii acton tit oakville june t alton ail iliampton june 11 cninpbellvtlle at acton june 15 aeton at wuteldown june id acton at milton june 20 millnn at acton june ti aeton at campbell villo june 27 bianiptun ut aeton june 30 ihlllilunut acton july 2 aeton ut lanipliellviue july ii aeton nt watei down july 7 dundiis at aeton july 13 aeton t oukvllle july m hi iiniptou at acton july 21 milton at acton all ihe home gaiuen ale on satnr- las except time in wednesday the salvation army ti ui k has heii collecting oli papera clothing aii olhei aitlclea in town this wiek 0 ca iljmhtb ioipii re p1 om b sib aisidmfaim ifrvd people wishing to ionati lo the wife and family of lhe late jim kirkpatrick can do so at the following places ih aclon eisens clothing store coopers drug stor h s hold en optometrist eyes glasses fitted 7 douglas st ouetph acton tennis club opening night friday may 25 its tlie night of the season bring your racquet and a friend for fun and recreation tournament refreshments senior 500 membership students 300 l ll lol sehvitf oav nlbh i 4rf alwn rm y oh i riceih mr and mrs harold vindewater of toronto announce the cnjijt ment of their dnukliter barbara joan lo dnvid bruce blnk son if mr and mrs ernest black of tm noto the miri lajje will taae plan on wediiisdivr june ii ilrie at 7 30 oclock n st leonards ankllcan i church toronto making plans i 24hour service sat ma 19 to fri may 25 at r0sedale service centre greasing washing batteries tires accessories firstclass mechanic your studebaker dealer r0sedale sg phone 16 queen st and churchill road bad accounts collected on any account over 5 00 regardless of age we pay you 70o if we collect if there is no collection there is mo charge by canadas oldest collec tion agency kelly aiken bex 239 orangeville ont i a then plan with dealer who knows how to select materials and use them to give you the most satisfaction call n we i keep coals down and give you the very best frank carney sons plumbing hardware phcne 13s heating electric rockwood open this weekend welding service wheel balancing automotive parts and accessories repairs to all makes of cars jack mccallum service phone 359j at rosedale service centre acton 4c m flt mmmrmn 4ut wcodcaajftl the best in lumber i building matf rials i vote a double trip to new york and lovely lunch i john cabot made his voyage of discovery to what is now canada eoly five years after christopher cofrawawi had landed in the west indies b o i drop in anytime km coffee i aaake it a bowling date 5 year guaranteed investment 100 to- 100000 injurandi ojnpanies mun- icipavl- sue eties and mar pfnav inv vitors hae nvested with us t open bowling acfon bowling lanes phone 697 lo main st wnf or rtioiw o f manning manager h alton peel trust savings 1mi oakili oatano oji i if i for actons queen f or a week and a complete new coordinated wardrobe in connection with the annual rotary club peanut day saturday june 2 heres how any acton high school girl except last years win ner is eligible to win the allsuspenses pviid trip to new york with a companion during this years rotary peanut campaign voters will be available with each purchase peanuts will bet en sale through the town and voting will begin at once the top 10 contestants will be announced a week before peanut day and the lucky queen for a week will be electe by total vie in the roxy theatre the evening of peanut day be sure to buy peanuts and vote m i i

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