Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1956, p. 8

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oul page riailt tut ac ion run iriis acton ontario tlltlluioay port and rrlclm from heltons farmlanda mh farm oraaniiarttona large entry in haltons graded a hog marketing competition for 56 haltons grade w ho marketing i resulted competition has created keen inter- j suue l4h howexei more and est state ed davenport preudent more emphasis has been and is he of the halton hog producers as j mg placed on the leanot meattvve sociauon no let than 10s entries i hog ah wiliftn of the hade in had been received on ma 1 eluding the paokei and producer carcass grading certificates for i are behind the program last xear hogs marketed during the penod itts pes it piukers adopted h new from january 1 196 to date are leaner tilm foi pork cuts loin oxv coming foi vx ant and are being tabulated at the agricultural office in lilton hallons win of the charles newton trph in 186 has apparent stimulated interest n the market inn of better quality hoga and well it raoj be if we wish to retain the market in the united states for some of our bet ter oualitv cuts this market too over 50 million pounds in is5v and had this am ount been left on the canadian market it would seem logical to assume thit hog prices in tins counlo wouldl hae hit the 23e floor long before thex did us qaattty yratr tt has been long that the canadian market hoc is of belter qualitx th h us conitv terpart canadian producers may well ask themselves how long will th superiority continue the swing back from the fat hog was underx x in the v s before the stirt of the second world war however due to the vxartime shor tage ox fats coupled with a strong demand for all qualities of meat a temporarx rexersaal in the trend boston hntts and hams are now li limited to a maximum of one limitei inch whuh we understand is about the same maudant our canadian pioeessors have follow etl foi some xeais llo at laghter welama we iiismi note the u s pi oducim i mukctttig his hog- at lirhler weights a matter of fact the diffeioiui between the nxciagc tarcicu v eight of barrow and rill at the euht principal u s markets and the iixeiagc carcusa weirht of canndtaii banoxxs and rilt ha de creased from s3 pound m ims to is lbs tn 195 it is also interesting to note that in the ftrt 11 xxeeks of acknowle l of vawmi lixe we at chicago were discounted under the 300 lb hog price as follows idrcssed we 22 1p r- ib 074 273 lbs 1 12 and 300 lb 164 a the quality of us pork in- coascs so must the quality of the canadian product that is if we want our us exports to continue the lead vxe now enjov can be lost easier than it was rained qualitv is the kv to rood pork sales 4h maintenance club sees safety films the- second meeting of the west jhalton 4 h tractor maintenance club was held in ctmiptell llle public sthiml last week the pies ident ueorge hume was u the chair after the business meetln art dennett introduced lenders hrotk karri ihick allowav and field man hws milne kosa mated the ibiecttves of the lull and the aw ants a allnttte manuals and aei ice nsonls xx ere issued hona showed two fine fllma on traitor hafelx- and petroleum safety then were 19 memheis piesent you return mutt file xoiu iiiconu lax but tan must not ihlscl it elect officers for halton cc at the aiinuitl meeting of tlto halton tiding aiuotiatlon tl held saturday in ceorgetown tlin following xxele cletted to offlfe iveatdenl joan milntosh ioit nelson vice pieaideiit kits hue siutomi nciiefiti tlrahuin ivirtei eoigelowii tnasiuei muilorio itiuiev llitrlliigton oll ing omanuei knsl hue isnu town luoxlnclal aimiik it deleuute ae sluhlui tsiirelown lerloiilil lepiesentttlive slim allen eirge low n puhlju ity kl a icttta eoi ilov n i he meeting iilsit iidointsl lli fflow4ih uinenlnient to be siilnnll- ted to the 23nd iinnuul convention sec to it that the mllllalei of lt foi m institution iiiiik out in ills depai liuent the polli lea he pi o fesses puhlu iv oi ele call iimiii him to leslrii in onlei to niuko loom for n intnlatei who tan ami will omiate the department iii at cordaimo with modern iiiethimls of refoi in may 17th i mm s t gorgjown hospital association vngnatamtiitatiittynag umarsittjmi vox sol agricultural data from n census important to farmers and groups canada first nationwide nuin- miai iwiis which xvl be tak- en on june 1 111 include both a cvnsus of population and a census grtculture ivevmus mlddtsrade censuses coiered the pialrle pro- x mces onl having tksen started when the west xvaa in its early staes of development ct3r i why the farm bill veto in us was president eisenhower right vj the vet thu is the heid- iiir or title of the following para graph txken fiom the max 1 ivu of doanes griculturil dirst the president xetoed tlie farm hill besmuse h fell he xx actmr in tic best int rests of mericni asrieulture he coxild ntu ro auwir with the idea of putting in a iil bank to reduce production and then adding on rigid support and old parit which tend to boost output the two dont belons m the same bill to quote mr fisenhoxxer the bill is contradictor ind self-de- featizik it would leid to oxen bigger farm surpluses tighten pro duction controls arid further thrxa ten slumping firm income waa ike right lx miu tiaxe to reduce mipplv iiu rt ise th demand high rigid supports work ir unst farmers on both counts experience since the w ir points this out recent report released through the nitionil pi inmnk association committee on u s agriculture hid the fnllixving to sax it should be ileir tht holding pries supports at high iixik works in exictlx the opposite direction front that need canada s rcsent recoi d population growth together with shifts of population bctxxccii and xxlthin pro- x mces the lapuilx changing condi tions in agriculture and the diffi culty of providing act mate estlmat- j es ox er a ten x car span hax e led to the decision to extend the regnlai iiiinquenntl census of the piaiiie 1tojx mces to take m the w lolf of iauuia canadis industries are becoming or j mn and more dixersifuxl other prunarx industries suih as mining have increased in relative import i nee and the socoiidarx mduilries including a grat xanety of iiiami- fa hiring aclixities surpiss akricul- tur m the net xaluo of prxlncts nexirthiles agncultuiv is still the greatest of oiu prim irx industries tx a xerx vx ide m irgui in 1s1 one fifth of all gamfullx occupied males in canada xxere engaged ixl it induces a further increase in j arimanlv in agricultural pursuits icrcs and hi ad of lixestock of fer ind s5 per cent of the net xalnc of tilizers fied etc such highfixed j ill primarx- prtkluction was from price supports are a strong positixe i agriculture subs id to in oxerexpansion of it is onlx throughthecinsusthit production which is already oxer 1 complete mxentorx of this great expanded j basic iijdustrx can be obtained xxith ccording to doanes signs still fncn1 detnl to appraise its prt we again quote from the same i point to oxerprodiution of turkexs l g ln a parts of canada and to source on the basis of pure simple economics rnanx economists say iv was thev point out that no matter what the government does tn real basts for setting prices still gets back to supplx and demand if you nant to raise prices realistical- this xear in the us heaxx breed j as a bench mark for the an- poult production is up 50 per cent nual v are essintial during uie first quirter xxith the for a rria xarlttj of purposes total crop likclx to run xxcll aboxe 1155 thev doanes i sax better go slow on exanding unless hixe i kood retail market kssesi fall wheat looks ford addition spotty in halton contract given basic inquiries the agriculture census is a census of an industry and must include questions on the numbers or area of s ex en thing produced on the farm besides othtr questions relating to benefit require a consldei abli amount and xarlelv of data at tlie same time tne hntdeii of ubtalniii inhumation from thousands of finmer time of pnumeratliutr time and expense of sorting and tabulat ing tin data mid the iiossibllllv of jeopardfring the accuracy of the census foi essential data have al- vxas to he kept in mind tin utmost can- has ben taken tin refore trt kivp the number of qiu slums to the minimum ctinsiat- lit vv ith the nspilrements of ct nsus material the agriiiiltural qucat- lomiaire foi this first nation wide quinquennial ensu has aeeoidiikjl- ix bxn lestiictisl to bamt inquiries oiilv use of criuiiv data the uses of the information col ic led at the r nsus are manifold in the field of gov el mm nt descrip- ti matt i ml alxnit agruiilture is issintiil to foi in the basis of mllcy piovmoial and ukii governments leqiinc iktailetl onsiis mati rial on i tountx or 1111111111001 basis a cen sus is the onlx mi aiis of obtaining siuh information for small areas 1 in data collcitcd in the census not onlv pioxidis a vxiilth of in formation not obtainable in any oth i xx ix but are also essential as i tiasis for thi ilurcaifs annual and monthly stimntis for instance the i nsus data on acreiges of crops ind miinheis of live stock form l mh marks or starting places from whuh estimates in succthhling years c in be made each year every luimr in canada is asked to fill in a schedule on acreage seeded to various crops and twice a xear he is asked for number of llxe stock on hand and disposition of lixe stock this information will be required during wili as well as the regular census data because current esti- 1 mitts xvill be made in adxance of the unit census data are available gala day may 21st booths i gomes something for everone i program slaltts ut i all in with i aiab elulink ut hui i ilnt viuhi unit will lonalat if lianus mikmii lillilifii tiidil i no ljiiiii nlial tiihipa fliiiuii girl gilila ivll ilfffiir misiiltiet luuill mi mix l it john a aiolmluiii iiieuiilulivia nitmln o of nrir toxvu mlilili lmil tniiu ll olhti dlgnlluil cool the- pi ten mo or ju k al innliiiig of e lutgw n will uffli lully nin tin- inngium ut diitiwn luk uml ii lo ihhhii ii liuthv j 1 piijiilhro f im llumeiit the vuillmi it hullii ciiiinly uml tithuita tile illoglltlll will i olialat or i pit inlnn ill 111 by lln- iull tiii of m nebiwn o li ngi fnahiun uhow tollli llmlett hy hint mikmiis a lilghllmhl will lf tin nlil tlito flildltib intl with i flliaiully high prlfta in lite ivufiliig a tiquuie tlaiitt at j hi p in u miminiuiity mug anj ftallnil ly a inuifiiifif rut dlmpluy of firework n wtirthwhllt pilxett will he uwiolt l 1 muny nf the nlslaliti 6 und ii in olnul1 l- mi t njoyuble day foi young nllil ttttl vlnce mumlhtil of lliaiuptim will lit- on liialil to help krrp ihtr lall rolling and it u htih- hint vvti yoit vuhuiuii ptimlhly iiu thcie- will tinm ut and auppfjit ho omretiwn llsltul amututii in its ef loi t to itilhi f inula fi hit- ijt- tttl htniilal come out join the fun i have a good time i boost the hospital program xxxxxxxxl 1 i s soon as the census data arc ready the information will form official dtxclopmcnt of agricultural re- basisof estimates a urge number march of marketing plans and of j of fanm rs replx voluntarily to these various conlrols for the farmers iiinii il mailed questionnaires l 10th annual fireworks display saturday may 19 at campbellville 930 pm dst sponsored by the campbellville baseball club refreshment booth and parking on grounds collection to defray expenses stands of fill wheat in halton as vxe see them do not promise normal x iclds while there ire some excellent stands a large per centage of thi more lex el fulds in the heaxs cl iv loim ireas look xerx patvhs ind in sme cases xerx thin in short the erv xxet fill coupled xxith the lite cold xvot spring his workd hixoc our memorx max- be faultv but wc do not recall inv unit m the pist 2x xears when prospects for whiat looked so poor no shelter east river ns tcpi thx cortitoiriation railw-jx- waitingrctoni and freight shed at this south shore xv histtlcstop was destroved bx fire for the second time in 25 xears contr ct for the construction of in addit inn to the trafalgar assem- blx plint of the ford motor co of canadi i td vx is iwarded to the frid construction co ltd of ham ilton thi extension which will pro- x ide m idditionil four acres of floor bue for mlnrkement of x chicle assimblx lines should be comphtod bv the end of this xeir frord prosidint rhvs m sale said folds factorx m trafalgar town ship ilreidv has i largier area of floor space under a single roof than anx other industrial building in canada with the new addition it w ill h ix 36 acres of floor space home economics career for girls when this vcars high school graduates are considering xoeat- 10ns it is to be hoped that a good number of girls w ill give some thought to a career m home eeon- omics says miss helen mckerch- er director of home economics aer- vlce n the extension branch of the ontario department of rjic ultujre for a girl with ah interest m thins relating to the home and familv limg home economics of fers a broad field xxith a ripidlx expanding demand for trained per sonnvel srvs muss mckerchcr xs teaclieri dietitians m hospitals and restaurants as mthorities on food textiles ami h me furnishings m home scrricet depirtmxnts ind as home economus wtension work ers thsre are ncxir enough grad uates to go found y i in home iconomics extension service- miss nckercher adds vxc believe there u a specnl op- porturuty for the girl xvho feels the significance of good homes and a sound fanulx life who has a tfair for the arts and crafts of home- mateinje and who likes vorking wiu people salaries compare fav lorably with those in other fields and the giw w creative ability has scope for advancement snd tor- rthe development of her own spec ial lffc crvic paroul quebec cp quebec city wiua about 1760 employees on the municipal payroll paid out more than 95000000 in waces during 19mb repqrtscity personnel mm- paulsunim s rkrsonal calls pictou ns cp firemen h d to bt summoned bv tekphone when a chimnex fire broke out jicreheavx draft snoxi in the sir- en at the f ice station kept it silent for auto life and fire insurance ctwysitf htm yixkw 2 dooc nitdtop choker windsor 4 oocr wdm wlirn vim lust i ike the wheel of tins 11 ixxlcss molorcar xou sense th it lirrr is rl i lion i ike so maiiv dis riiini motorists vou vx ill discover iincriuillcd tiiuiuumjplisiin in the handlmu tasc and mineahjad rxivscr that a lirvsk r prov ils merclv touch a button step on the luu and voure nil iuj this supcrlatixc uiotorcir dcmonstritcs the cniinccrinsj suixrionlv for vxhich chrvsler has lont been famous chrxslcr for instance has increased its stonpoxver with ncwr centreplane brakes to keep pace xxith its v8 st- mihoiiih there are manv sucti features that distinguish a chrxslcr its vxorth cinnot lc determined bx perforinanic alone the liettcr measure we think voull acprec n the nch satisfaction you et xx hen ou own a chrysler visit vuur h aler soon youll be pleased to discover how little it costs to ut i sti inucli more in a chrxsler i cukvsith corporvtion ofcvd 1ivited jtcfrciimax5tjowrot stars weekly on iv check your newspaper for date and time planning yoor ubuikie pro run ao that jrou ikm the boas pcotactmia for aroor aaoney m tha job of every stat farm agaat h can offer you tound advice oa bawr to deter- mina jrour auto lofc and fire smtc fathi i w h denny acton 39 broek si thorn 455 grants motors 352 st acton

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