r eightyfirsj year no 46 acton ontario thursday aaay 24th 1956 ten pages sever cents en jpst staff photo new maria- st bridge rises this week over the site of the old wood structure torn down to make room for this larger steel and concrete span shown here from the south side at extreme right and left are the completed end supports while in centre the two middle supports one with forms built up before pouring are near finished concrete slabs will be lifted on readymade to form the arch hand cvca a bulky report representatives from municipali ties in the credit valley conserva tion authority acton included met in brampton last night when a h richardson chief conservation en gineer presented the bulky official report to the authority on history land forestry water recreation and wild life in the watershed the report first started in 1954 was prepared under the supervision of mr richardson it is a compila tion of recommendations and plans prepared not for immediate action but intended as a pattern for years to come mr richardson presented the re port in the absence of the minister of planning and development the hon w m nickle last nights meeting also heard other addresses on conservation and saw a display of- maps charts and pictures contained in the report explanations were made by techni cal staff of the conscrvat ion branch mf the department acton which in councils view has little to gain by compulsory membership in the authority is represented by r r parker novelty gray club aids world service novelty gray club a girls ymca organization is planning its parcel post sale and tea they are raising 10 for world service several will be attending a gray conference in kitchener in june girls meet every wednesday patricia smith is president helen benton the vicepresident and anita smith the secretary mbkmaeshtss3fc 3ssxt3 vx milton teams on top fair bd continues plans for x show at a meeting last week of ac ton agricultural society plans con tinued for this years fall fairs to be held september 14 and 15 president smith griffin presided at the meeting prize lists were revised and judges suggested a field crop entry for oats and a new feature for hay competition is be- in lined up it was noted entrants for this competition could contact president griffin c aitken m mc- cullough j marshall or e pass- more also discussed was a cb c farm broadcast being arranged in con junction with this years fair pastor ray costerus receives certificate pastor ray costerus of aeton baptist church received his certifi cate in theology from mcmaster university hamilton last evening he was one of eight men graduating at the divinity convocation one girl from the leadership training school also graduated an honorary de- gree was presented to rev archie gordon of calgary i mr costerus has completed a j three year course he will be ord- lined in acton baptist church june 7 when representatives of the 15 1 churches in the cuelph association will assist the past president of the ton vent urn sid johnston of to ronto will speak here on that oc casion mr chief justice kellock of the supreme court of canada chancel lor of the university presented mr costerus with his certificate we lia b stud at the um- six to compete at big cubaree representing acton at a cubirec in port colbourne this saturday may 26 will be six cubs from the local parks a special invitation from the ni agara- district was reoeived by the local cubmaster over a month ago and since that time a number of cubs have been working saturday mornings hoping to be a member of the representing team competitions will include knot ting skipping balancing hopping and somersault relays as well as running races cubs on the acton team will be sixers brian barbcau wayne ros- zell james ironside robert foy ers second sixer jamie ironside and cub gary masales the cubaree which will begin at 10 00 am in port col borne will have cub packs from numerous points in the niagara district com- i peting i the local boys will be leaving acton early saturday morning ac- j companied by their cubmaster and assistant paying program is li as bylaw read first time report highways dept in favorf of work may grant 50 per cent paving this year of all town streets except those in the three new- est ntftdivifior innmwi into l ticchny ri ailipn cnnnril gave first reading to a bylaw for the work to go to the ontario municipal board this came after members learned the department of highways looked favorably on a complete program and was likely to bear 50 pen cent of the cost- a following a recent meeting with highways department officials it was reported a so per cent grant could be expected if hot mix were for the paving this- puts a damper on councils initial idea to use the cheaper cold mix type of hardtopping a very rough estimate of 100000 to pave over aix miles of local roads was mentioned acton would underwrite half of this figure and council noted that on a 10 year de benture the approximate 6000 per year payment is hardly more than the annual cost of road repairs and oiling if we can get hardtop roads for a cost per year no more than an nual oiling expense wed be fool ish to turn it down mayor e tyler said walt in subdivisions most councillors agreed with him the bylaw read a first time called for paving of practically all streets except those in the glenlea lakeview and braida subdivisions and the third line or churchill road subdivision residents would have to wait at least two years before there is sufficient base and settle ment of roadbeds to take hardtop ping the third line it was jioint- ed out may in the next few years have services installed and the road would have to be torn up at that time at the outset of the meeting a letter from the lnkeview subdivid- ers stated the company wished no part of moving a house on the pro posed straight roadway into the area cthis is one of thecontimiing headaches of the tenacious brank- iewic7 case the company enum erated the cost in the thousands natives of eden mills mr and it has gone to over the brankie- mrs charles roberts celebrated wicz case their 50th weddiru anniversary at reeve j hargrave said council their moffat home wednesday was not concerned with robert when friends and neighbors gather- hudsons expense but only with ed to honor the couple carrying out the towns- part of j they were married in eden the agreement several members i mills may 23 190fi lived there for recalled the subdivider had at one several years before moving to meets ahead ror l club in the two mile mens open road race at waterdown on monday seven boys from acton started with the field of 47 three were running with the guelph legion track club and four with the acton ymca track club bruce andrews running with guelph placed 14th john brown 29th and bob allonby 34th delmar watson headed the acton y racers crossing the line 18th others in the contest were morris van hemmen ed molody and jim malloy older and more experienced rac ers were entered and the local youths showing was considered very commendable there are at least 13 athletic meets ahead for the acton y track club first is the toronto highland games being held in east york stadium in june about 20 boys and stall phoio acton scoutsjeal out and enjoy it at the big camporee over the weekend south of here scouts from milton erin hillsburg and georgetown joined in the camping outing at the milton scout camp site on no 25 highway members of the seagull patrol are left to right bob marshall stewart mcdonald peter uwson bob parker girls from acton y are expected to keith mattocks wayne currie and don emmerson the seagulls tied compete in track and field events j h from erin for first place in competitions and won a plaque including shot putt and dashes r r there will also be highland dancing r and piping contests i then the group has 12 more in- al of roriit vitations already to attend meets i aduu i jj vyupici during the summer including their- i i- kiiu canadian national exhibition they tnoy lquies iniyim hope to attend them all moffat couple wed 50 years versity regularly since he came to acton several years ago mrs cos terus attended convocation yester day i annual red shield campaign underway the annual red shield campaign is underway in acton this week the campaign is part of a nation wide drive by the salvation army to raise funds for its varied and humane work capt c g fisher guelpji in charge of the campaign in this dis trict noted that the objective here is 1000 a group of local business men is presently looking after the do canvass while vol untcer canvassers will start the residential campaign friday local campaign chairman is w benson treasurer for acton don- at ions is w woodbunx stage agreed to move the house bui no written commitment was ever made would dedicate land a motion was put to the table to make application to a judge for fin ancial settlement had this motion passed the longhanging exprop riation proceedings would enter court but the motion was with drawn withdrawal came after g w mc lean toronto solicitor representing mr brankiewicz rose to reveal his client is ready to dedicate to the town the street property if th straight arkell then came to moffat where they lived for over 30 years both in good health mr and mrs roberts have three children and three grandchildren om daughter edna lives in guelph and a son albert is at home an other son bill of walnut springs texas expects to be home later this month for his parents gulden anniversary former officer here portio ms injured in collision e road goes in constable donald cook rece 1 5 sabsssssse i1ss68sbsbss3skr sv0 assr- halton juniors hold annual field day saturday afternoon the halton junior farmers 200 strong con- verged on lowville park to hold their annual field day an after- noon full of fun and friendly com- petition in baseball horseshoes volley ball and tugwwar ended at suppertime with the milton jun iors carrying off four of the five championships final results in the horseshoes showed george hume and don johnson of milton winning with 22 points leonard thompson and jack ferguson of acton and jamie cunningham and elmer bird of norval tied for second place with 17 points for each team and phil- shepherd and bill robinson of pal ermo trading with 14 points don i johnson and jamie cunningham will go to guelph in june to- com pete in the area finals represent ing the halton juniors milton boys won the tugofwar and although they didnt win their final game of baseball for the championship they won the pre liminary game against norval 133 playing on the milton team were g gillies j jarvis k coulter a jarvis g harris c mann h ev- b bawden and l coulter the girls volleyball began with two preliminary games milton defeated norval 217 and acton de feated palermo 2115 but milton defeated acton in the playoffs by a score of 2118 players for milton were c mer- ry muriel vella marion ford barbara tasker marilyn eves audrey peacock marg stark fran featherstone phyllis bradley bet ty may and marilyn leslie the losing acton team was made up of donna mcmillan kathryn elliott betty price doris thompson mil- dred watson jessie watson and doris anderson o i 9vl3 the milton girls baseball team defeated acton 1714 for the cham pionship milton had earlier de feated norval 175 and acton had beat palermo 76 in the prelimin aries players for the winning milton group were betty may marg stark ruth robertson rholda wa ters hazel colling jane smellie dorothy marshall marilyn eves and chris harris actons players were betty r derson donna mcmillan doris thompson catherine elliott doris anderson b mckenzie betty price mildred watson and jessie watson mncil was slightly charry of the news and asked mr mclean lor a written statement of mr brank- iowicz latest change of mind it was noted the problem of the im movable house still remains to be settled with another property own er if the road is to go straight council set a special meeting for next week to deal further with the longlived problem council heard briefly from two mutual life insurance representat ives j armstrong of georgetown and a m krol or waterloo who outlined a comprehensive health and accident plan which had been earlier explained to municipal em ployees town employees were re portedly in favor of adopting this joint plan urge speed on work council listened to the two men set the matter- aside to deal with later in tjir m mt nrvrr r transferred from acton to the waterdown detachment of the pro vincial police was reported by a i hamilton newspaper to be injured in collision on the queen elizabeth highway the accident occurred near ston about f0 members of acton ys mens club their wives and friends enjoyed the annual ladies night thursday evening of last week the- event was again held at hilltop lodge erin dancing was enjoyed after din ner music was played by elmer smith glb jordan russell soiner- ville and john tocher ys mens activities include just one more project the annual auct ion sale before halting- for the summer bruce andrews sets new record placing second behind preston in their class at play day in guelph last thursday was the acton high school ttnn about 30 competed with oscar drijber and mrs reed coaching bruce andrews set a new record for the mile race and came second in the 8bf yard race i blair hotchen won the ball throw i jim denny placed first in pole vault with bill oost second bill oost came second in high jump frank fcoopcr worraua3lt7tjelniar waisort i came third in both the mile and 1 880 ruth landsborough came third in the 75 yard dash and third in the running broad i the intermediate relay team of blair hotchen ruth la ndsbo rough i acton area has ithree accidents three wiekend accidents outside i acton were reported by provincial police ol the area detachment i a car drivt n by harold lippert kitchener crashed throiirh guard rails and caused 150 damage to the i car when the driver felt ill friday i evening the incident occurred on the steep hill on no 7- highway at norval i police estimated total damage at i smk when two cars sideswiped on j the brow of a hill saturday morning i on the sixth line nassagaweya about a mile south of highway no j 7 the cars were driven by ross snow and e nellis both of the ac- j ton area two cars driven by paul lawson i acton and james dunn brookville were involved in a 600 collision friday evening at the intersection of no 7 highway and the first line es in sing police said one car pul led orr tin- first line onto the high- i way and failed to stop t home sweet home for pike catfish while completely equipped busi- nrssliku ruups set uut for the j ey creek tuesday the cruiser constable cook was driving was struck in the rear by another car j i driven by lawrence toole 22 of i winona j constable cook as treated for neck and back injuries and later re- leased from hospital the other driver was slightly injured betty allorlby and judy abram placed second highest win cars were halted along the hikhwayleost of acton during holi day traffic for safety checks fsskata highest cheque ever paid in an appreciation day draw was made out to mrs herb price last satur- day with a 30 per cent coupon and the name of the merchant of the week she won 1b8 from the 610 jackpot hers was the second name i drawn north fishing on the holiday week- end those who stayed at home ap parently fared- better fishermen who drove off ty those proverbial faraway fields up north came home emptyhanded people with less time went over to the forks of the credit or to everton and other district fishing spots and they dont tell exactly where especially to a newspaper man but they did tell that fishing wasnt very good easiest of all was to walk over to fairy iike and dip in a line and there were the fish pike and cat fish in most other localities water was too highforlincsto reach the shoals where the fish lie commission has routine session on business reports new work players on the winning palermo i juniors team were k vivian j i fegg j patterson d vivian l vivian w price j diuniar g ricbardion and k murray in an earlier game they bad defeated acton junior team by a score of uoi they beat milton 72 for the championship players for acton were d mckenxie j cunningham o wheeler p larwaon b sotner- trjbe it morton b barber l jsemalej f tuompaon general business superintend ents reports and future discussion on service installations involved public utilities commissioners in a routine meeting last week early in the meeting it was re ported the bell telephone comp any had accepted responsibility for payment of a share in costs to re pair a water line break near t brankiewiczs property the puc also noted councils endorsation of a motion to provide remuneration to commission mem bers on the basis of 24 meetings per year brief discussion was held on the recently constructed garage by the purnping station some change were noted and members agreed to hold back payment of the account until all the work is completed to the satisfaction of the commission notice of two ameu dinner meetings prompted a talk on the regularity of outoftown convent- ions and meetings in the utilities sphere i hydro superintendent d mason j reported poles being installed in glenlea and a discussion of posit- ionirig followed all standards to complete the street lighting have i yet to arrive- he noted some talk i was also held on line installations at lakeview the superintendent reported on line rebuilding work he noted as well that some h r j f conriitaied em pap nimt get back toit another letter from robert mud- son co ltd urged more speed by t he town on street and service work in lakeview council spent little time on this all members emphasized work was proceeding as quickly as conditions would al low a sheaf of bylaws most of which have been dealt with before were passed these included a by law establishing an easement near a group of lakeview houses a by law authorizing the borrowing of some 15000 for the towns share of the new maria st bridge an other bylaw for approval of the total cost of the bridge council considered granting an easement reduction to a property owned by j e mcmiillen conting ent on gaining further information about use of this land a letter from central mortgage and housing corporation calmed some of councils vexation over an action taken by cmthic recently when loans to builders here were stopped due to the tax situation will sesame laaaa here the letter admitted that on fur ther examination actons taxes were not as high as was first un derstood the letter went on to say that cmhc was prepared to re- continued on paee four acton y rilnnhis have been chalking tip rising places in middledistance events at recent track meets shown are left to right rear morris van hemmen delmar watson ed molody front jim malloy frank mariscak at the hamilton road race malloy watson and mariscak placed 16th 22nd and 3nd in the big fiefd monday at a vaterckwnrnens open event delmar watson placed 18th