Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1956, p. 8

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page eight thfe acton free press acton ontario thursday may 2ttta 195 tmpi re theme for meeting georgetown lacrosse attracting more attentipn jln brampton arena extensive remodelling is being i empire day was the theme for planned for georgetown arena the the meeting of the friendly circle georgetown j and g lacrosse team j held wednesday evening may 16 will be playing the first part of i in the sunday school room of the i their season in brampton arena united church since they wont be able to use the i miss clara grindley a past pres- arena for a while ident of the circle was a special i the n and cs twice ontario guest she showed colored slides of champions in three seasons are grouped with lewiston ny dun- das and streetsville from last- years league plus fergus and feature acton in hamilton newspaper attracting bers will represent such organizat- j have to be built next year owing to canada that she had taken on her travels from coast to coast the devotions were conducted by the minister rev gordon ad ams who spoke on the theme em pire day the empire is really a sisterhood of nations which con sist of every race color and creed he said despite differences and the strains of growing to mature nationhood the ideal at sisterhood dedicated to a common cause to be pursued in peace and harmony was never lost we see in this a lesson for each member and tife friendly circle itself he pointed out there can be success and joy only it we look with respect to the ideals and sac- rifices of our founders if we sec ourselves as a sisterhood in the great cause of christ and his kingdom and only if we remain firmly grounded on the foundations of honor to god love to the sister hood and loyalty to christ our king mrs irma ncsact led in prayer mrs hazel orr carried on the theme of empire day telling the origin of the union jack which dates back to the year 1607 during the business period plans were miidc for a wiener roast to take place in june replacing the usual picnic concluding the meet ings until after summer husbands of members were to be invited the mooting was under the dir ection of group four headed by mrs irmn nvssct and mrs glcnna fryer the president mrs verna bean presided a lovely buffet junch prepared by the group was enjoyed kalton manor plus owen sound these two teams are replacing ohsweken and burling ton who have dropped out home games are being planned for wednesday night and likely acton fans wilt be down to see some of them hold inspiring church services tlntendod for last week two very inspiring church ser vices have taken place at the man or recently on sunday afternoon may 6 rev j l blair was unable to be present to conduct the service but he sent thro very talented ladies who are members of his church st pauls united church milton to take the service these ladies were mrs d lawrence who conducted the service and mrs m hayward and mrs t stover who provided the music mrs hayward accomp anied at the piano by mrs stover sang a solo you must open the door which was enjoyed and ad mired very much by the residents mrs lawrence read as her scrip ture lesson part of chapter five of the first epistle of john and then delivered a very earnest and con vincing address on this lesson mrs lawrence pointed out that the centre of our lives must be faith in god and that we must not allow belief in good works or the struggle for material security to come ahead of this faith in god this faith in god has been exemp lified in the lives of noah abra ham paul and many other biblic al characters whose faith in god helped them to find their way out of difficult situations on sunday afternoon may 13 rev r f snyder pastor of em manuel baptist church milton came to the manor to conduct the xhurclr service he was accompan ied by a very talented young girl 12yearold susan draper who played the accompaniments for the hymns the poise that susan dis played while playing these ac companiments and the faultless manner in which she played them aroused the warm admiration of the residents after reading the sixth chapter of daniel as his scripture lesson mr snyder based his interesting sermon on this bible story before delivering his sermon however he paid a tribute to mothers every where on the occasion of mothers dy mr snyder began his sermon by saying that when our own beloved mothers pass on we still have a friend and companion in god who never forsakes us this is illustrat ed in the sixth chapter of daniel god saved daniel from a terrible deathnahecndeli difficult situations and give us aid and fellowship cake rosea at supper time on mothers day sunday may 13 the rtaidents en joyed a very delicious and beauti fully decorated cake sent to them with the good wishes of the brownies and girl guides of east oakville district these good wish- es were sent on behalf of the guides and bruwnies by mrs g j broadbent eist oakville pistrict commissioner at breakfast time on mothers i day each mother among the rosid- i ents of the manor received a lovely yellow rose m honor of the day a gift from the superintendent and mrs clarke st peters fiurch has first wedding in past 50 years the first wedding to be held in st peters roman catholic church on the ninth line of trafalgar for 50 years was performed there on saturday may s when johanna maria ann vanden boom of rr 4 milton became the- bride of john francis frank mccarron of rr 2 hornby white and pink snap dragons were placed in the church for the doublering ceremony per formed by rev j d lardic a sister from emmanuella school r the organ and seven girls from holy rosary school sang guests were present from toron to port credit new toronto guelph strathroy brampton bronte acton milton and hornby the bride wore a gown of white satin with flowered white net and a lace bolero she carried a bou quet of red carnations her attendants mrs shirley bakkcr as bridesmaid and miss carol mccarron as junior brides maid wore white dotted nylon frocks and carried yellow mums the flower girl miss rose marie mccarron also wore white and carried white carnations joe shea was groomsman and ushers were ray plant and jack oconnor friends and relatives gathered after the ceremony at the home of the brides father rr 4 milton the brides mother wore for the occasion a navy blue dress with pink and white accessories and flowers the grooms mother chose a dress of rosewood crepe with blond accessories and pink carnat ions leaving on the wedding trip with her husband the bride wore a blue dress with blue shortic coat her corsage was of pink and white carnations the couple both work at the ford plant at oakville at present but they have a farm at rr 1 ajton which they hope to work shortly an optometrist speaks by e l bnchner ro 48 mill st e acton allow me to introduce myself i am your acton optometrist and i intend to discuss various aspects of vision from time to time in this column to be strictly accur ate i should state that my main office is in waterloo however 1 do come to acton at least once each week so i consider myself to be a part of acton it seems to me that john q pub lic could with profit learn a great deal about his own eyes and vision in general writers in the popular press discuss every other subject under the sun from kangaroos to kumquats but this priceless pos session human eyesight is either utterly ignored by the popular wri ter or else written about very sup erficially perhaps this is only to be expected of the popular writer since he is not generally speaking a specialist in vision looking back befpre my five years of practice in the field of optometry and even before that when i commenced my five years of study at university and optom etry college i can remember a time when i too had only a hazy idea of the mechanism of vision however there are so many inter esting facets of vision and the hu man eye to be examined that we really should investigate this vast and wonderful subject together a philosopher once said man may look with his eyes but the sees with his brain sees with his brairj but we see with our i 1 shall at- temp to ansyver this in later art icles next month look for the mystery- of light section theres a look at actons expansion and facilities as well as a brief mention of its iistory by- staff wtiterbruce murdock pict ures of local buildings the old storey home the v the postoff ice the war memorial and fairy iake also accompany the story text of reporter murdocks story is printed here in- full situated 35 miles north of hamil ton at the junction of highways 7 and 25 the industrial town of ac ton population 3367 is exper iencing a homebuilding boom of its 800odd homes over 60 per cent of which arc owneroccup ied onethird have been construct ed since the end of world war ii and construction work is at present proceeding on two new subdivis ions many of the new homes arc be ing occupied by workers commut ing to employment at malton 30 miles distant and at oakville founded in the 1830s by scottish settlers acton was incorporated as a village in 1873 and as a town in 1950 it was first known as danville and then as adamsville before be ing named acton by the first post master robert swan in 1844 a native of england he named it af ter acton england the towns oldest and largest in dustry beardmore and company limited at present employing some 600 workers was founded in 1844 of the towns population today ac cording to jack mcceachie munic- i ipal clerktreasurer more than 1200 are employed in the 18 local in dustrial plants among the interesting features in connection with this lively little town is the fact that it is the small est municipality in ontario to have a ymca building situated on mill st inthe retail shopping sect- ion the building was erected in 1934 and named the murray mem orial building at present housing the municipal offices town library and the masonic lodge as well as the ymca it was built through a bequest from the late j a mur ray who stipulated that it must have either a ymca or ywca there is no predicting where this steady expansion of recent years will stop commented g a- dffls publisher of the acton free press and the milton canadian champion he said that while no new industries had come into ac- i ton recently the older ones were expanding the municipal clerk pointed out that a council commit- tee is working with the very active chamber of commerce in an effort j to attract new industry we want a steady expansion all round said the clerk we dont want housing i and industry to get out of balance mr dills by the way started as an apprentice with the acton free i press in 1909 after serving his ap- j prenticeship he was away for five years but returned in 1918 in 1927 he took over ownership of the paper which has been published continuously since 1875 a particul arly lively weekly the free press under the guiding hand of mr dills has won a number of awards from the canadian weekly news paper association just last week a sevenmember board of parks management came into being following a special bal lot taken on the question a month ago while the mayor will be a member exofficio the other mem- tq be om magazine and i ions as the iode and womws the steady increase in population i there are churches of six denom inations anglican united rorrian- catholic presbyterian baptist and dutch reformed the history of i some of which extends 6ack for i well over a century retail stores j of all kinds and two hotels in addition to having two prov- acton seems much attention frdl newspaper feature writers lately j institute canadian region groups a few weeks ago the bell tele- chamber of commerce firefight- phone companys magazine blue i ers association the rotary club bell featured the town with a beardmore company the credit story and pictures j valley conservation authority the last saturday the hamilton ys mens club fall fair board and spectator spread acton over the j the acton ratepayers association front page of the papers second afe torontosarnia line of the canad ian national railways in addition to prospect park this board will look after the park at incial highway the town is on the fairy lake a particularly interest ing spot where residents and visit ors may fish to their hearts con tent by an annexation order in 1950 acton took in 450 acres of land from the surrounding township bringing the town area to 950 ac res there are 16 miles of town streets most of the residential ohes being lined with lovely big trees mostly maples the town owns its own hydro distribution system and has a sew erage system installed in 1950 serving the entire community its water supply comes from springs and a deep well a public utilities commission at present under chairmanship of dr f g oakes looks after these utilities i acton i was informed boasts the i lowest comparative fire loss in canada this reflects much credit on the towns volunteer fire brig- j ade of 21 men under chief john j newton at present the town is i calling for tenders on a new fire i hall it has a working agreement under which it provides fire pro jection to three surrounding town ships in addition it is tied in with the mutual aid system blanketing halton county under a franchise granted a hamilton company the town will be serviced with a natural gas sup ply by midsummer and speaking of natural gas considerable interest is being taken in acton in a report ed oil find in a gas well in nearby esquesing township some six to seven miles out of town along the line of recreational activities the town has a natural ice arena and curling rink park facilities for summer activities and the ymca for indoor activities an active sports association spon sors a town ball league- for- the youngsters in summer and juvcenile hockey in winter municipal policing is handled un der contract by the ontario prov incial police with a corporal and two constables stationed here ac ton it seems was one of the first municipalities in ontario to con tract for opp service a new moderntype high school was built three years ago there is only one public school it has three buildings in use and anoth er new one it is anticipated will retiring president made life member the womens mission circle of the acton baptist church held their may meeting at mn l mccutch- eons home on mill sl the meeting took the form of a birthday fubper which all enjoyed mrs h c helwlg opened the regular meeting with prayer and a hymn mrs r costerus presided at the installation of officers for this coming year mrs dunk and mrs costerus brought the devotional mrs dunk read the scripture from phillipians mrs jcosterus read a paper on what religions offer to women taking each country in turn with their customs and different relig ions mrs c landsborough presented the retiring president mrs helwig with a life membership certificate and pin in the baptist womens mission circles of ontario and quebec mrs costerus conducted a bible contest ind after roll call by mrs c landsborough the meeting adjourned miss j coles thanked mrs mc- cuteheon for the use of her home oba intermediate ibaseball oakville vs acton 2 acton park saturday may 26 i 645 pm j please not nmrt time 1 admission 35c wool ship collect to our registered warehouse no 1 weston ontario reliable grading direct settlement obtain sacks and twine without charge from archie kerr rr 2 acton clarence denny rr 2 acton or by writing to canadian cooperative wool growers limited 217- bay street toronto canada monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and marker a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton shop phone 1410j res 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 603 w blood blood donor clinic milton legion hall friday may 2 5 230 to 5 pm 7 to 9 pjn canadian red cross mayfair restaurant acton east on no 7 highway open daily from 800 am to 1 00 am l breakfasts lunches dinners special lunches daily steaks and chops a specialty good food at reasonable prices we deliver saves oilcuts service winkler lp low preuwre k rractil7 zsmz crj bornsat thawinklaw i brj2 rrt of ctl ara ttm rtttobarn earajrnci all ih qui irir advanced low prcnur dn featum wiu aava you u r amousr of foel thia burner can ba adjusted to pcoduc jtxss tho rtht urwunt o hmmt jn ycir bocier or faunae it aoda of ovrn3 and tha clogproof oozzz cuts ttmc9 costs to mmttti investigate today i yoa har only to m th simple dpndbla dmn of its winklir lp barrier up realix wfay it u the answer o jroar haattng problem telav pbona now for a demonstration frank carney sons plumbing heating hardware electric phone 135 rockwooo h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitteq- 7 oougut st guelph housecleaning f phone 12 andiut us help you wo rlin tii tiriths nir- tn oi uiv mtiiin apurl also hh unu- tit iw uui cold slor- iir viulls ly kp itur i-ulu- illo clxtrux wc from moths acton want ad page where old friends meet young man with plan frank carney 6l sons plumbing heating hardware electric phoni 13s rockwood one of these days freds going to take over the farm meanwhile hes planning studying and working hard learning right on the job already hes learned a lot about modem t farm management and how a chartered l bank can plav its part in making tarm living more vomtortablc mote pronuble he has found tot example how uetul the hank can be as a place to build up savings to obtain credit to eek advur and market intomutuit he knows that tlie lak iuitaie door is open tivevwvoue vihen ou sec v good looking wet i mil li in tluiurx liivilw tatnui ntl scrvucvtlio cluruiyt tunk luxe blult wp tor v ttialuii the chartered banks serving tour community 3r ft u iv

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