Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1956, p. 2

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tpaok wo the agtonfree press acton ontario thursday june mtli 1056 2uir actnti writ frpbb the only paper ver published in aetata founded in 1876 nd every thurs day at 86 mill st e acton out member of use audit bureau of circulations the cw ha and the ontarioquebec division ot the cwn a advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 410 in the united states six months 175 single copies 7c authorized as second class mall post office department ottawa fnufadied bytae dills frtattm- aad pabuahin- co united i v g a dills edltoria chief david bl dills production manager james a dills john black ve associate editors business and editorial office ph 800 acton about fathers day another among the many special days of the year comes next sunday when fathers day it marked while special days and weeks grow in numbers each year some attention will soon have to be given to consolidation in the near future every ten years the various provincial laws en acted must be revised and consolidated and the time might come soon that there will be a need for consolidation of our special days no one would be so daring as to suggest what day or days should be eliminated no father would hear of eliminating mothers day end no mother of course would entertain the idea of eradicating fathers day of course the family would never listen to stroking off either cf thse days perhaps a move to consolidate might be to add another special day and make a family day when members of the family might have a second christmas day in miniature each year when they could honor each other with gifts and tributes cards flowers etc of course in order to be crowded in the cal endar such a day must needs fall in midyear just after recovery from last christmas and with a lepse of time before preparation for next christ mas aaaybe we should never have put this sug gestion in print instead of consolidation it might j lead to addition of another special sunday but we do believe mothers and dads would give ap proval to the suggestion and we cannot see why family members should not agree but according to present day custom next sunday is fathers day and whether its embarras sing or not dad has the pedestal this year again in midjune an everyday parade read in one of our exchanges during the week where a parade was being planned to in augurate cleanup week its a surefire meth od of getting attention to have a parade most people enjoy such an event and it does focus at tention after the parade has gone by find the music of the bands dies away we often wonder if the spirit of enthusiasm does not wane as quickly as it has been stirred up after the parade has pas sed what becomes of the empty cigarette carton where do you dispose of the cigar- butt what do you do with the candy wrapper or the discard ed program the other day we watched a group of boy scouts at one of their events aaany a time weve watched them after a few days camping or out ing they hold the best kind of cleanup parade we knpw of it spreads across the grounds and svery boy gathers the litter in his path its ef fective and a part of- scout routine its a fine demonstration of individual and team effort we can alltake in- v cleanup parade every day by being tidy in the disposal of the lit ter we create our town will be more tidy and the roadsides more beautiful if we are all good scoutsjust think the next time before you throw litter from the car window be a good outofdoors housekeeper heiwy traffic the paving activity on no 7 indicates that the heavy traffic on this artery wears out quickly and indicates that no 7 carries a big load every year it seems to require patching of a variety which comes in pieces so large oftimes the patches seem to be almost the whole original this means that the sections in town carry a load that is largely through traffic ths year the section in this district has re ceived early summer attention and will be in con dition whether that is good for the acton rare- payer is a question sometime in the not too dis tant future- through highways will bypass most of the towns many of them- will be glad of free- d from through traffic as long as a good road into town is maintained actons main streets are now tjadly congested with traffic just how far would have to go from town now is a big causation what used to be all countryside is now builtup f6r- miles in either direction rper haps the new town plan will give some direction not civic minded canadians arent very interested in the activi ties of their municipal governments despite the fact that civiclegislators handle budgets totalliug- more than 850 millions a year thats the main finding of a survey by the citizens research in stitute of canada on voting turnout in 21 major canadian cities and published in the financial post the survey showed an average 435 vote for the chief elective off ice in the cities ranging from a low of 237 in regina toa high of 81554 in ottawa of a total of 1 7 million eligible vot ers only 7541 13 votedin the municipal elections surveyed a meayy burden men in public life these days carry a weighty burden last few weeks the headlines in can adian daily papers screamed about the debates and furore in the canadian parliament after the matter had calmed down and some of the fire had gone from the anger the house of commons was hushed and adjourned when a prominent mem ber was suddenly stricken ana died the scene shifted at weekend to the illness of the president of the united states when he had to undergo an emergency operation we often won der if the public concern is a humanitarian sym pathy for the individuals who hold office or the fact that elections may be in the offing and the opportunity the electors will have to gain ad vantage for their favorite party with so many means of rapid mass com munication today the headlines can shift easily from those in public affairs in canada and the united states to europe and even to monaco in every country there are men who are in the pub lic eye and must needs carry a great burden its a burden that takes a heavy toll fortunate in deed are a people who have men with shoulders broad enough to carry the load which is often lopsided with criticism and so lacking in kind ness aavflva remember thos e tvwwvwwvw back in 1936 builtin power a little over a 100 years ago there was ser ious talk of establishing a floating island in mid- atlantic as a fueling base for steamers it would be impossible our great grandfathers believed to build a vessel bi eno to carry sufficient coal to drive it all the way across the ocean theres been quite a change in thinking and ocean ship ping since those days says the financial post since she took to the water a year and a half ago the worlds first atomicpowered submarine the uss nautilus has cruised 30000 miles and she is still running on her original fuel built light in when the ship was built imagine travelling around the world at the equator with astder jaunt of 500 mile -as-well- ond never a pause for coal or oil or gas brief comment there are rare days in june and last weekend had them that revived faith in our canadian sum mer now that motorization has come to the home lawns and gardens its now an occupation that is well noised about the neighborhood last week a lawyers letter took us to task for making def lamatory statements too much l we cant locate the word in our dictionary rliotti ny rallirr tavlr springs ftarblngers suffered this year some making a poor show and others not at all the daffodils did manage to make a show though not as long lasting as in other years and here and there local gardens colored out ih clusters of yellow and white while the delightful spring flower had its brief stay the bible rev f pajtson district secretary- upper canada bible society a wood bound warbattered bible portion or rospel in the ara- haric innkimge was brought into the bible house in toronto recent ly the owner n world war ii veteran had picked it lip in the battlefield of italy it wins that during the italian invasion of eth iopia where amharlc is the offic ial language an italian soldier had stripped a fallen foe of personal belongings including this copy of the scriptures taken it home with him and lost it on another battle field in his own country this artintic and intricate script is one of more than bo used m printinti the bible by the bible- society the bibles influence in ethiopia is very jreat today both the orthodox church and evangel ical missions are usiilk it extensive ly and the government schools use it as a basic text book a strikinr contrast exists be tween christian ethiopin and mus lim arabia both of those neigh boring countries in ihe sixth cen tury ad had an eipml share of christian activity two teiituiics jater ethiopia had become predom inantly christian and arabia wholly muslim archcolorists claim the reason for this to be that while by 500 ad ethiopian christians had the whole bible in their native tongue it was not until the eighth century long after the tune of mo hammed that so much as a gospel was issued in arabic increasingly urgent demand upon the bible society at the addis ab aba depot for ainhnric bibles for the government schools suggested readings for the week sunday genesis 22 114 monday genesis 25 1034 tuesday genesis 28 122 wednesday geneslk82 22- 32 thursday exodus 32 114 fri day exodus 32 1530 saturday s of sol 2 117 says west pioneer had many problems deboit alta icii the old days weri not always good says william ijivcllcy born in michigan in 1b90 he has spent the last 40 years on us farm at etcbolt before the home stead was aricipfalely established he supporledjsliimself by trapping wild anil ilisfrips to grande prairie 35 miles northwest of here are well remembered the roads then jie said werent iirp they are riow we had to wait until the worst of the mud was over before we dared set out after 1930 the need for trappng no longer existed and he exchang ed his horses for a tractor he has noted other improvements over the old days including electricity and paved roads all farmers are much better off than they used to be he says they have more land modern ciiipmcntuid the benefit of such things aityxperimcntal stations taken from the liauc of the free press of thursday june 18 ibm under leadership of acton ym ca tlilh community enjoyed u new experience an monday even ing when 10 numbers which had been chosen liy mr hoy ioeksley mimical director of cfhb gave un acton program over that station it was the grand finale for 46 num bers that had appeared un the pre liminary program between eigltt and nine there wasnt a soul on acton streets bill every radio in town was turned on jack iteid one of the- younger ymca directors uddresaed the audience mrs gowdy and miss ruth gibson were accompanists on the program were ilev and mrs o i stephenson und family of limehouse gordon gibbins and jcihn mcllugjli gordon cook and his entertainers marie bninelle betty gibson and blllie vincent acton public school girls double trio frances chisholm olive nog- era dorothy bayliss bertha bris- tow eleanor jocque dorothy arn old miss webb oapringe mrs cameron leiahmun messrs davis smethurst and stutt imeliotise and miss kutli gibson a fine collection of- historical books lias been added to the acton free library this week u gift of mr ii n farmer it is a collection of over so bound volumtaa of the illustrated london news the first of the diamond jubilee services was held ut the united church on sunday there were innny visitors spitlal preacher wus hev t albert moore the general secretary of the united church of cunada the largest streamlined locomot ive in the world has been deliver ed to the cn ii for test runs it has an estimated speed of over 100 miles an hour and lacks such loco motive gadgets as smokestack cow catcher hell and nutomntlr coupler mr james b chalmers received world last evening that he has ixtn granted a pension from the war department in washington for services in the spanish- american wnr in 1b08 a new lighting system is being installed on the mnln street of georgetown k8ariickoosiivaasri back in 1906 taken from the issue of the free press of june h 19m the vote or 170 to 22 by which itv john mackoys amendment declaring hut- union with the methodist and congeffrntionul ctiurehes was not in the best inter ests of the presbyterian church was voted down by the general assembly yesterday sufficiently indicating the complexion of that body on the question negotiations will continue church union is in the air id- among other proposed amalgamat ions is that of the baptist nitd disciple bodies mr ii ii worden writes that he attended the ordination service of the manitoba conference at bran don and saw rev r j edmiaton one of our former acton boys or dained another acton boy has ci imu into prominence and esteem luj says w h n wis gardener lias now gut the bowling green into prime condition und the bowers are keen- ly enjoying this gentlemanly sport uncle toms cabin co showed under difficulties in their tent in tlie park on friday evening during the thunderstorm oakvillc is to huve a new 20000 hotel with 50 rooms known as the king edward the street sprinkler has at last gut down to business mr john thomas and messrs geo hoell and two sons went to eagle lake soak last week on a prospecting tour at the last meeting of milton council clerk conies salary was increased to moo per annual the address of ilev mr coolc- sey missionary from morocco in knox church tuesday evening is charrclerlted by those present as otiu of the most ante and instruct ive missionary addresses ever de li veredtnacliin his description of the manners and customs of the people of morocco the fallacies arid inhuman practices in ihe name of mohammedanism was highly interesting the wms of the methodist church will celebrate the silver an niversary of the organization of the society with an entertainment this evening professional directory and travellers guide 3ikdicai today in ethiopin the ancient way of life is changing and most notably in the popular demand for secular education with three tim es the number of schools there wore onlv 10 years ago every t school seat could be filled twice i farm to table over and rirls are gotting their j moncton nb cp a hatch- chance of an education as well as i cry here receiving eggs daily from boys at ri conference of education- a total of 15 flocks on farms mainly ifits held in addis ababa his imp- j in prince edward island produces crial majesty said the bible must ian average of 6000 chicks daily i be taught in our schools for if we i the chicks are sent to poultry i do not each the bible what- real farms in various parts of canada highways are having ther usual summer i foundation will our voting people and the us jind a few months lat- veekend jams and weekends their toll of fatal i have certainly there has been an i cr become chicken dinners ties as all seek the summer beaches theres the usual urge for treatment of streets c bout town with something to- keep down the dust it happens every year about thistime a permanent cure would indeed be appreciated fire losses in the rural areas in this district must certainly be reduced since the introduction of the fire area arrangements with the towns there are as many rural calls as there are calls in tcwrf now public indifference is endangering a healthy community spirit thinks the assiniboia sask times has the radio and tv so entrenched our lives that we are losing interest in community events or is it that we just dont care any more about a communityservice there are supposed to be gas turbines which cari subsist on practically anything from coal dust to old candle ends what we feel is really need ed is a motored vehicle which will run on grape fruit rinds and steak bones arid the outside leaves of lettuce- sort of disposal on wheels nanton alta news dr w g c kenney physic un and surgeon office in symon block 43a miirhr e acton office phone 71 residence iis church st e phane iso dr d a garrett physiciui and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river stnel acton ontario rhone 238 dr robert d buckne physiciui and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont pbnnr 679 office- hours 6h pm dental ikgai c f leatherland qc barrlmrr kollcltor notary public office hours 10 00 am 1200 ajn i 00 p in 5 00 pm saturdays by appointment only office 22- l acton lies 151 lever- 4 hoskin chartered accountants n min st brampton phones 247 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 united church of canada acton ontarl rev gordon adams ma bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 8 sunday june 17th 1956 900 am morning prayer 1000 am junior church and church school 1115 am morning worship presbyterian church in canada knox church acton minister rev andrew h mckenzic ba bd sunday june 17th 1966 945 am church school i 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship i a warm welcome awaits you if your firm uses doortodoor sales or service technteftes you face the biting dog problem says the financialipost if ft gets worse try a few remedies advocated by us post office armor inijhe trousers canine psychology even candy the ancucan church of canada st aldans caareki acta oat rev evan h jones b-a- lth sunday june 17t 195a- 3rd sunday after trinity l30 ajn holy communion 945 anl church school 1100 am beginners class 1100 tun choral communion and sexmoki baptist church y acton rev ray h costerus pastor parsonage us bower ave phone 3o0w sunday june 17th 1966 1000 ajn sunday school 1100 aun morning worship 700 pjn evening worship 15 pjn byjtj dr a j buchaman dental surceon offici ieishman block mil st office hours 9 a m to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h le1b dental snrreoit office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 a ni to 6pm telephone 19 acton m f aanderson b a barrister solicitor ioh notary public 4 miir s s ptrt- titlanj 72464 miscellaneqck optical tl ltb0chnr ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays 130 6 00 p m evenings by appointment vetekrnary ruviey uneral howe hratrd ambulance prjm- 63 nnil or day s r- rk ht- torrjriiy for olive w lawpard a t c m r m t trchrr of plioo acton stcijiq s albans parish mall 14 park ave gtreljh phome 296 travellers guide gray coach limes coaches leave acton f g oakes bv so veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b d young bv sc c l young dvm veteriaary sargeaa office brookvule ontario phone stilton tr s177 daylight saving eastbaand 638 am 858 m u3s m 2j0 2 03 pro 508 pjn 633 pin ml pm 10 08 prn sun andl hoi pnx real estak and pfgpranct acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewsons corners pnor rev k j reid n cook st telephone 64atr sunday june 17th 15 pian aurokt rrvterequloup que ck municipal council has decided to 5880 hseji transport departrnent is reported j 730 pjnt evangelistic service ready to build the airport if land is wednesday 8 pjn cottage prayer supplied by the municipality j tmeet and bible study f i wright 20 wilbur str acton ontario phone 96 107 ui 12j2 jjn 2s1 527 pm 7j27 pjn 912 1ij2 pjn 112 un fri sart and holi w r bracken phone 26 acton list your fanna busineas a with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchaser for your uiup j bfrt wood t7 ion st canadian nationuuj ramways daily 549 ajm daily daurs 1000 ajn 713 only 801 pm daily day flyer at qusta i pjn daily flyer aft 6j7 town 1011 daily h44 pjn dally sunday 84 ajny cfb pjn i sudd ubpu only flyer at tjoespa wf busv c f mjiifsnnict iteiarvlltaaaaaaaaaa

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