thursday june 14th 1056 the acton freft press acton ontario paqethravj mackenzie news do it now do it yourself a good do4tyouraajf projad wotim be a rteyw eelting in donnacouthc blocks or koior- korad ashlar brack hie the eat of 16xl6xv kotoe vorod hk ara lie par ft s0 for a carton of 45 piacot tho 12x12 hlo rati lie aadi or 46 for a tartan tf 60 pea ooaiwa in aithar atandarej or a pattern ia lie paw 11x11 rlu tllo aro already painted and im furthar dacoralion require ad puc employees frown on new health and accident group plan continued from page onw i ready lo be erected at glenlea aa waterworks superintendent j 300n ll standard base parts ar- lflmbertreported briefly and dls rtve cussed sewer and water line ex- ienalnna nn mill st pmt cameron st a request for sewers to a george st residence was also con sidered all this work is to be done as soon as possible hydro superintendent d mason reported remaining lighting stan dards with most wiring done pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 41 water st north oait telephone 1048 l- cvoxtina iga regular 1 lb margarine 4 for 1 iga ft- una beans rr 7forl belns fancy teos tone tomato juice 6forl to frozen food feature pictswftt lemonade 6 for 100 california size 288 isl5sdssgk3oo lean mud cum peamealed coftage roils 43c maple leaf ologna by the lb 23c combination offer i one 1ib pko tablkrtk sliced side bacon and one 1- fakot pure pork sausage small both for 100 arizona cantaloupe flood slse 45 19c fall bed extra fancy orad winesap apples im slae 49c from texas carrots zara pkga 2 tar 25c nt grown adds best to any salad beeebne mild sweet green s bene radish or otnions 15c ofcelce cesana style aavee tana ayuher coin 7lwl -tablerlte- franks llb eelle pkg 35c lean minced beef 3 lbs 100 iga 15 os tins beef stew 4 for 1 iga ripe n sagged choice saes tins peaches 5forl iga chalce apple juice saes una 9 for 100 iga asserted family pack 4 lb best biscuits 1 uptons chicken noodle- 9 pkj soup mix 1 as r foavwm bonus gir catauxuje am3aiugsfotdrtooavf this is aix you need do be sure yea pick op an official savings felder at your iga feed market then each time yea shop at iga slip year cash register receipts bate it for safe keeping jest keep saving those iga cash re ceipts until yee have enough saved to equal the value indicated for any liens in ear peenslnas cata logue all premiums can be claimed in this man ner with nothing extra to pay heck now no change in our regular prices sewer accounts bel i telephone i symon hdwe acct t gordons udwe acct grants motors acct e van norman repairs 1190 200 35 69 1069 unit waterworks ace bell telephone aerv thompson motors acct acton free press chequed can brass co mdse p u c hydro apr opcr 73 34 400 2 40 13 53 365 97 1955 78 georgetown council buys second truck georgetown has purchased a sec ond fire engine after hearing representatives of uhyree companies council decided on j attamper which will be bought fkrn the americanmarsh co at i aofstraiford mounted on a gmfc chassis supplied by the local scott motors touicost of the vehicle will be 18700 obituary hydra accounts petty cosh exp trans grand valley metcrmnna assoc dues thompson motors acct roscdnle serv centie actt toth motors occt ii palmer office denning j h mackenzie and son re counter job line j cnhle access nect can gen eloo milse pitney bowes of can serv whlthiimfl garage neel acton free press letter heads smith bros connecting pins j k johnstone re meters northern elee mdse pawcrllle devices i llc standards can line materials iiulsi j it kciirnev corp mdse 1041 28 13 79 300 1100 441 14 57 25 00 110 50 10 39 b23 18 00 13 33 14 74 11 00 5 80 192 35 7201 10 37 40 ri4k9 8 270 40 shortill sheet metal plumbing 8 heating oar wood fornaxes esvostroughlno 114 churchill road phone 464 dies in hospital after accident thomas edward gllflllan of rockwood diil in st michaels hospital toronto on friday june 8 of injuries suffered in a car nc- cldent on highway seven on mny 30 driver of n pickup truck gll- f i llun wna in illusion with a gray conch lines bus nt the intersection of the highway and the eden mills sidemud four miles east of guclph the vehicles were botli eastuoumd willi the tiuck in front the hcuvy bus pushed the truck along the mirth shoulder of the roud as time wus no elite li neither vehicle lulled over although skid inurka showed timy enne within inches of striking a hydro pole mi cfttflllun was unconscious when tuken to juelph general hos pital by unihulance he was later l moved to st michaels hospital im onto lie suffered a skull friut- urc nitd possible brain injury mrs glirillnu who won a piissiiifcr in tlo tiuck nlse was taken to hospit al it nd treated for cuts and abras ions mr gilfltlnri is survived by ida widow uie former edna pinkney lit mother mrs thiiinaa pinkney five brothers unci three sisters uorge unit will mm of ernmcwii township hums of llmiiilton jef frey and lloss of cuelph mns j mlirgnrcl lliidelson mrs j katliieem diihcrlv ami mm imnld miuyl ienl of peterlxir- ouilli a member f brum h 2j4 ciifind inn legion mr fjllflllmi was a veteran of world war ii heuitiem liljli innsa wiu sung at tlic church of our lady in guelph on monday june 1 1 interment wus in mary mount cemetery f jjit t check the advtaeiji y taw b tetfcwu5t- mam v m libbys hatsmils 8anee 15ea una spaghetti 8 for 1 hanis tomato uea bus catsup 6forl with fvee movie caest ticket ogilvie white cake mix 3pkgs 1 5c off deal uple leaf soap lo pkcsxsrp flakes ro york kam lsos round una 3for 1 ledgers iga faraway rinlds may look sssinir far aivay fields only look greener to those who cannot see here in ontario we have the green fields that art the envy of the world in these green fields are everything that the vaca tioner could possibly desire mighty waters and quieuones nigged hills and peaceful valleys history and progress romance and rest fish and feather far and lower to know ontario setter is to find that it is best and it m fust outside your garden gate to h0lxrit in ontario can be a rich excatinf experience for every tamuy flow much do you rrally know about your own great province 7 here is family vacationlsnd abounding with interest and variety and excellent accommo dation even for aa overnight trip esquesing enacts bylaw to rule on gas pumps esquenlng council met in stew- arttown lost week with counclllora wilson shnelbtrbtttt7deputyreeve currle and reeve walter linhnm present minutes of the last meet ing were read and confirmed tnd correspondence was rend and dis cussed the treasurer was instructed to pay the following accounts far foxes destroyed in ksiueaing john currie georgetown 2 3 l thurntori limehouae7 3 the treas urer was also instructed to return the hid bond cheiiie of isimc snuve the fallowing accounts wei or dered im id qienrgetown hydro coinmlaion glen street lights 11025 a w denton htuinps a w denton expenses convent ion 4im bell telephone co 45 45 georgetown herald licit 14 50 iiep c repuirs norval street lights 2 70 ii luwson tyi- infi l g c orown insuriince on hall 04 50 iliintl act ounts total ling 0 4111 80 were ordered paid also the following accounts fur sheep cs troy i by dogs donald lindsay one skc iiiui one lamb 30 w a cotk ttuee lnnibs 34 n a stnrk four triw 16 a by- law to assess the township of rsiiehlnn for 1dsii was read unci passtd a bv law to provide for 1- ditional uxpeiilltiirh on roads was also ienl and passed knlsrge hrheol area at n spe ial meeting inter in tile week the treasurer was nskifl in pay relief a counts us presented hv the relief off leer knrnill s iiocery food al in ieorifetown dairy milk i7m a liv law to fix the distant at wlili h it fgiisolinc pump or scrviie island iniiv be loiiited from ha mad iillirwiincu wai rend mid piissed the clerk was inslrui ted to pu pure ii liy law to adjust the pay ment of taxes in the township a liy law to culiirtje townslilp si hkil ttreii no i olksquesini was read anl passed campbcllviue chronicles saaun t ii f of ginger farm written specially for the acta free press try owsmlulms r clarke grace mission band holds june meeting the j tine meetiriff f fjrucc mis sion band wus held in the sunday si hool room on utnrday at 10 a in the irvsident junet mitchell fifieiied the inceltnk divotloa were in charge of betty wultiin and susan buckley for trie bible study mrs green- lees explained the jiljcth command ment the secretarys report was given by margaret jmcpliall nd mrs greenlees guv the financial report the birthday sonj was sung fur betty jcf fares phut line mnthies read a noenu investment tlie of fering uas received and dedicated 27 members answered the roll call mrs csreenlces had charge of i e study period for the juniors using u chapter from bright pathways the sinking secret was the study book used by mrs porker for the primary class the meeting was closed with tin lord s prayer in unison and rrrc by gwin wallace ifti r jvhicli cookies were served nd enjoyed caab in on the rich dividends of if ht seeing so amply apread acroai the countryiide cho your pleasure blt lasizi in tba sun flailing golf os ihanag in tba seat of a holiday reaort yea know ottrkwllci bttur could well be the ahatne for your falwly holiday uua year i injoxa e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office t 48 mill st e acton hours i 306 00 evenings by appointmen for appointment telephone 115 ontacio tiavel room 4o0 67 colu st tfvnlo ontario aw it i i ial 1 rafelicity t ii hubi iii m lawt obri b4itiu1 l calmcltt plain snd me free m u m and road wap of ontario naim ad rtoffka damm o trol h boa trm c c lit wao i p the spring crop that we thought would never get seeded is now coming up in the fields and who knows it may be just as good a crop us usual you dont know i dorr t know nobody knows but one tiling is certain it was sown with faith in -the- old promise that seed time and huirvest shulj never fail there may be regional failures of course as there often lire but never since the flood has there been u time when crop failures have occured the woild over nat ure hiui a wny of establishing a balance drenching ralnn in some parts of the world drought in oth ers good crnps heie poor crops there we cant nee the overall pattern imdl we cant expect to realize unit iui allotment good or bad amy tie necessaiy to fit into the pattern us u whole but now us i look around at the proniisini during crop i foresee unothei prlihlem t am wondering how on earth it will ever get into the burns rurm help ia an hcirpe mid the farmer needs noine asnist- ance even if hlgli powered and high priced iniichiiiery l used for having mid hirvest because of the at lite shurtuije of help im thinking there are going to be a lot of very tired fnrmcn and farmers wives before the crop is in the liirns it is to im liopid that iilijli nclioo boys unci girls will lie of some mssistnme at home and not leave all the work to mom and dad while they take n vacation jnti for the sole purpose of netting bpenduik nmney for themsi ives itemeniber although we have the promise hint seecl tune und hurvest shall never ful we luive never been given tlie utsurani e that lubor will lie provided to deal with them i hat is a priihlem wc huve to work out for oiirtilves mil rifht now it is the tiaiglicsl problem tlie aver age farmer his to face we lire of fered help ind advice in so many ways hut ildom where it is most needid for instance the report got around that we had sold our furm which we iiaven i not yet any way so on the basis of that report in investment company sent two of its agi n ui out lo advise us as to how ind where we should invest our money but the joke was on them triey culled at the wrong farm and talked to the wrong farmers this the other farmer did not realise until the fellows were lenvini and each of them said well rood bye mr clarke we shall likely be seeing you nguin and still more advice wc got a c ard in tin moil the other day which informed us that trie writer hud n party looking for car the same year mid model aa the one we are driving if we are prepared to make a deil he could give us a terrific offer on a new car here again th re w is a serious error the writer of the card gaw us the wrong telephone number all three wi re pretty smirt follows werent they and still more problems how ire w iin to combat the ono cent inrrei in the price of bread and the 23 cent raise in hiir cuts looks is if mother iaiii have to get out th old pudding bowl jnd turn birbi r ikuri however a hair cut is m r ss try once oni e ivvry few weeks but we jre dependent on bri ad every diyof the week egjis also hive gorictup lq price which hilps to hilinie the budget for the farmer but will hardly be welcom ed by the wageearners house- wife but if the farmer should be lucky enough to get efficient hired help it will mil take an awful lot of eggs to iy the hired hands wages well lets leave farm problems for a while there are other things you might like to hear about for instance i was in toronto last week to get ray eyea tested i always thinsc it wise to consult an eye specialist rather than an opt ometrist during the course of con versation i asked my doctor if he thought watching television was harmful to the eyes not a bit- was the answer not a bit you cant hurt our eyes by using them so there you have the opin ion of an expert but remember he was referring only to the eyes not to the mental attitude of view- ers or to trie fact that too much television may mean too little phys ical exercise out of doors t i staved overnight with daugntcr and found our new grandson grow ing like a weed and a nice chub- o weed at hat ftfext day while waiting for n glasses i went to a matinee performance of okla homa the first show i have been to since the coronation it is a two and a half hour show and i enjoy ed cverv minute of it it has been changed a 1 ittle from the stage show but of course the music is the same and the scenerv is out of this world when the show starts touring the pro ince arid if it should come anywhere near vour localitv mhntever you do dont miss it if von like music color romance and first rate acting you get it all in oklahoma well i had better find out what david is doing he is out with grandpa at the moment enjoying his last week on the farm he is quite happy with me uritil cramp goes out and then away lie goes to fix fences doing such important jobs as carrying the pliers or box staples when he gets bacjcjo the city i aun afraid he will miss his hundredacre puygrcvuod