Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1956, p. 2

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page two o- the acton free fress agton ontario thursday june hsu 1956 out artnti rnt frrbh the only paper evr pibhaheain aelae pounded in 18ts and published vrj thura- day t mill st r acton ont mambnr of a audit burtau of circulations the cw if a and the onuhoqubec division of tl cwna advertising rt on request sub scriptions payable in advance 9800 in canada moo in the united states alx months lts single copies to authorised ai second claat mail rot office departnaant ottawa hmkm by the mils rriaunc and faauakjac ca lhaltaa o a dills editorin chlaf t david r dills production manager jfamca a dills john black j associate editors business id evtlkril otttce ph 800 acton waste ntn want not in the march of progress the problem of water supply for ciilesrmtf towns now comes in for serious attention some of us can recall when the water fron one well would supply that neighbor hood following that it became necessary for eecrhom to have its own well and these were ouite- successful for many ye until the coming ef bathrsomsstsnd septic tanks on most every lot capacity of the tank pjyt a limit on the volume of itt used next came the installation of sewage disposal and a freer use of water more industries making large water consumers and then more new hom es larger public buildings new lawns and a greater strain on the water supply in many towns and cities in southern ontario each summer brings the annual water shortage problem and the constant need for more sources of supply even centres situated on the great lakes find a deficiency of pumping capacity even if there seems an abundance of water available to harassed councils in ontario comes a ray of hope for the future in the action being taken by the province to build huge mains from the great lakes to places some miles away the sire of the mains will need careful calculation to meet the needs of the future the present step by the pro vincial government will be watched with eager ness and expectance by towns and cities in the development of a remedy for short water supplies there will need be a period of some self denial and patience towns are finding their tax budget insufficient to meet all the de mand fortmrnefcliate correction the shortage of water invariably crops up in the hot dry days of summer nine months of the year the question is not so disturbing in meeting the problem there must be no waste in this three month period it may take years to solve but whether its through provincial or municipal or joint cooperation on the task of getting more water the cost is going to be met by those who are served there must be no abuse of the privileges if all are to be served there must be no waste in acton it was fortunate that at the installa tion of the waterworks system over 35 years ago the knowledge of limjted supply forced the ih- slallation of water meters on all services by this measure and this alone acton has had fewer water restrictions than many other towns in this way those who use the most water pay for any wastage and since water consumption also gov erns the cost of sewage disposal the general trend is against wastage of wafer acton requires more water to meet its needs but in the meantime cooperation of consumers is secured by a great elimination of thoughtless use we can recom mend the meter installation as an intermediate step to those towns in present water shortage difficulties take it easy it was rather terrifying to learn that drown ings in ontario in the summer months almost keep up with the fatalities of the highway and that most of the accidents are in the years be tween 16 and 25 years of age we know that its a great temptation to get the most out of a vaca tion or a short holiday at the beach we realize its great to feel the exhilaration of the great out- ofdoors and the freedom from the routine of the years iti difficult to keep the foot off the accelerat or and tempting to forget the need of a brake as the summer great outofdoors unfolds oh short or long holidays but the beauty of the beach the allurement of the lake can be as dangerous as the highpowered car experience has shown that being smart on the highway can be disastrous to manage so also can being smart in the water be disastrous to not only yourself but to many others just take it easy and have this summer bring nothing but pleasure for your holiday or vacation this year and many more years to come remember your are but human and humans can err the permanent waves that last jongest are those in some of the highways arthur ont enterprise news keeping jjp with the trend its ovor 50 years tgo iiko your senior ociltor got his first brownlo box ciwnern for two dollars and slaitml one of his hobbles of taking pictures thtfro have been great strides in iho production anil reproduction of picture in that half century until last wtxk when a pivotoongrnving machine was installed in the plant of dills printing and publishing and stepped up- the complete opera tion under one management it is the latest stop but not likely the final one youwlll seomore pictures of local scenes and familiar faces in the days ahead in the freepreit the filet in the future wljl jglve a history of the community and district in story and picture that will be of greater interest with this step dbs- cribed on another news page your home town paper enters a growing list of newspapers that have their own engraving processes and feature the news in picture and word for many years onlyrie large city dailies had their own engraving plants the process was too costly and complicated for many small dailies to install and maintain the development of elec tronic engraving has how eliminated this diffi culty we have watched its growth since the close of the war for the past two or three years most of the pictures appating each week i the free press have been made on a scanagraver we now feel- that the time has arrived when it can be of sufficient use to be added to our equip ment we know readers and advertisers are go ing to enjoy the new wider field of community service it will give pictures are now a big feature of newspaper publication and we believe will become more important in the printing and pub lishing field of the future its been a long way from that two dollar brownie camera to the modern methods of tor day both in equipment and the financial aspect of printed pictures of today weve enjoyed every phase of it we are happy to bring the first photo engraving machine into service in halton just as 38years ago we put into operation the first type setting machine in the county both are marvels of the machine age and are fantastic in their operation the news stories will tell more about the latest of the wonders of this mechanical age in the printing and publishing field no charge at present those who are interested in high school ed ucation in north halton would read with interest the report presented to halton county council last week by the consultative committee which has given the matter careful consideration it is always good to seek out the facts and present them to the public so often an issue is confused by the lack of familiarity with all the facts so often conclusions are reached by listening to rumor rather than study ei the situation perhaps it would be well to provide an examination of the situation periodically we hope the report will be studied by all interested citizens in a section of the country that is developing as fast as halton the changes come so rapidly that it may be advisable as the committee sug gests to reassess the high school district in two years when the north halton district was form ed about eight years ago only two schools form ed the district if was after two years of opera tion that georgetown school came into the dis trict when formed a total enrolment for the district was estimated at 4o0 pupils whereas to day the three schools serve double that qurnber new buildings and classrooms have been built to keep up with the growth no one in those forma tive years was able to foretell present needs no one can surely predict the trend of the next five ears the district in the years it has been in opera tion brought new advantages to the students of this day it h been more economical from a municipal standpoint and tax requirement than any previously available it may well be that growth of the future will require further adjust ment but for the present the arrangement seems to be best suited and the committee after their study has recommended the continuance of the plan for the next two years at least brief comment from here on the hours of daylight will start to decrease saving of daylight has had its peak june hasw provided variety in weather this year extremes of heat and cold and a mix ture of moderation has been packed into its first three weeks what the outcome of the commission on broadcasting may be we have no idea but per haps it might not be a bad idea to have two government corporations one jo regulate the general rules under which all stations are govern ed arid the other to provide higher class entertain ment that the private stations are not able to give the public sask review there are far too many cases of motorists running away after enaccident thinks the mont real star perhaps the maximum penalty always imposed might make it instinctively clear that t try that is just something the motorist never jdoes v ih c 1 i 1 1 t t t remember those i food 0u2ufa iiluto lv klllt xiivlir a common sight at any drugstore soda fountain is the young swain and the light of his love sipping one soda with two straws young calves above seem to have the same knack although its doubtful if the romantic aspect is too important one could assume the calves have found something more to their taste at the bottom of the bucket than strawberry flavor ing with bicarb the bible rev g f parson district secretary yatty upper canada bible society i assure ou that even if you knew my beliefs and principles never could yru have givers a gift more successful so wrote a young greek immig rant to canada recently the letter was an expression of gratitude for the gift of a copy of holy scrip ture in his mothers tongue here are his own words i thank you for your welcome wished on jmy arriv al and for your kind and useful kift but you understand what it means for a man to find himself in a strange country really sir you can never imagine my sur prise when ray eyes fell uponjlhc two little books in my very first hours of arrival at the station of halifax i assure you that trie gos pel you gave nrc keep me company rives me power and resistance re vives me when reading n passage of it before i ko to bed trtiij is a translation of a letter written in greek the bible society through the church port workers supplies gos pels in the mother tongue to all newcomers to canada in recent years the society has provided free 1543127 copies of the scriptures to newcomers to canada a pleasant surprise indeed to those prospective new canadians suggested readings for tho week sunday 2 cor 12 121 monday eph 1 121 tuesday eph 2 122 wednesday fph 3 121 thursday eph 4 132 friday eph 5 133 saturday eph 6 124 in distress timmins ort cpl officials were embarrassed at the annual in spection of cadets at the timmins high and vocational school one of the flags a small union jack was hanging upside down the in specting officer stood not far away and pxominentguests were closer still obituary mrs gaa winfield had lengthy illness gertrude mary winfield died in guelph general hospital june 7 after a lengthy illness mrs win field a former glen williams res ident was a native of england she first lived in campbellville after coming to this country and after her husbands death moved to glen williams she lived in rock- wood and had been a resident of guelph for several years surviving are five children gor don fricker nerval joyce mrs alvin cartlcdgc montreal donald winfield winnipeg albert and john winfield guelph her mother mrs jessie allen died in milton on easter sunday she also leaves four grandchildren and seven sisters mrs margaret stover and mrs ol ive fetter of milton mrs alice howard campbellville winnie of toronto and three sisters in eng land capt fisher of the salvation army conducted the funeral ser vice in guelph interment was in woodlawn cemetery there great catch hod deer altu cpl- ivor nord- fors hooked a nine pound eight ounce eastern brook trout in the upper stony creek near here the fish 2h inches long and 17 inches in girth is one pound six ounces heavier than the specimen which won the north american open con test in 1955 taken from th bnae of the free rreaa of thursday june u iim rj twentyfive nturtenu orr writing nntrunco examinations ut acton school op wednesday thursday and frlduy of uila week 3 of these ure scholar of actan public school nnd 12 are from centres adjoining actorr the presbytery of guelph met at campbellville on tuesday evening for the ordination and induction of mr f luwson ba bd of the pastoral churge of campbellville und nnssngnwcyii council has decided to meet just once u month during july and aug ust in september meetings will commence again every two weeks a plan is now underway to hold weekly band concerts in the park the place chosen is at the rear of the government building on wil low st where there is plenty of space to park canadus magnificent memorial to vimy ridge will be unveiled by knig edward on july 20 the mem orial has taken 11 years to complete and cost 1250000 a larg number atte t an nual meeting of tli nassagaweya sunday school association at christie station kelso chester service was elected president and mrs n anderson secretarytreasur er i under the auspices of sacred heart church another amateur concert was presented in rock wood town hall the numbers on the program were all enjoyed and when the iambert twins contrib uted their little piece they brought down the house no one knows when it originated but the newest form of insanity to sweep the united states and can ada is the game of handies all you have to do is manipulate the hands or face to portray a familiar title person or situation swarms of caterpillars are sweeping down from northern ont ario in the worst plague in years on sunday evening after church at limehousc 115 young people from acton georgetown milton hornby ballinnfad glen williams churchill and limehouse met for a campfire worship service parents and pupils of ospringe and cedarvalc gathered for a pic nic at edgewood park miss jean peavoy presented one of the tea chers miss anna foreman with a gift the roses are beautiful just now fifty fearr ag taken from the bene of the free prase f thursday jane si 19m deputations had their inning at the meetina of council complained about were the foul odor from the- creek running past beardmoreav that men rfffd boys were swimminn in the pond without bathing- suits the drinking rowdy conduct and profane language at the grandstand on sundays and often as late ns midnight a special pmrk constable may be appointed the toronto lime co have en gaged mlr william gowdy now manager of the lime works at beach ville to take charge of their plant at limehouse mrs a f smith had potatoes and tomatoes in blossom in hr garden on june 0 mr w h stewart has been re engaged as principal of the schools at a salary of 750 per annum with an acton boy as promoter and part owner of the new james bay hal i road frdm toronto to the north d i mann it was fitting that an acton boy should be the flg i in ili trf the ftrst train charles quantir the entertainment commemorat ive of the 25th anniversary of the organization of the methodist wo mens missionary society was held last thursday evening mr h w kennedy has purchas ed the vacant property on main st between the law office andken- nedy bros store the rumor is current that a modern block of store and office buildings will be erected there the high school entrance exam inations will be held in acton school on 27th 28th and 29th inst a number of candidates from other schools will write here during the past week a strong cricket club has been organized pnd the first game was played on monday the officers are presid ent a o beardmorq vicepresid ent j c dunn manager a o t beardmore secretary treasurer james lackey committee james hayward -c- r mcintosh percy brown r windmill j corby wv holden w benton the sos excursion to niagara falls tomorrow miss daisy nicklin gave the val edictory address at the closing ex ercises of the normal school tor onto a buffet parlor car has been add ed to the 852 train for toronto asatsssristjririiajsl3ss5s3i professional directory and travellers g 3sssz23bbaaa foryl uide i medical leg a i canadian eskimos who number ed less than 100000 at the time of the 1951 census live in small groups and have no chiefs sold iers police or servants 3xs3isbsei15ikisira united church of canada aclehb ontario rev gordon adams m-a- bd- minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton pbone sundat june 24th 1956 900 am morning prayer j 000 am junior church and churchschool 1115 aim morning worship the amsucan chwtch of canada st albaaat clmrcte aetta ont rev evan tt jones ba lth sunday june 2tr 1956 nattvtty of st john the baptistl 830 amholy communion 945 am church school 1100 am beginners class 1100 am morning prayer and sermon landmark hazard gait ont cp a flower bed here has been removed as a traffic hazard it was decided the triangu lar bed one of the town landmarks was- causing accidents at a busy in tersection presbyterian church in canada knox cbitbch acton minister dr david h marshall sunday jtjne24th 1956 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship a warm welcome awaits you baptist church acton rev ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w sunday june 24th 1s38 1000 am sunday school 1100 ajn morning worship too pm evening worship u5 pjn rvjmi acton pentecostai assembly meeting in lox hall crewsons corners ptor rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone 64sw sunday- june 24th 1938 1000 am sunday school 1 100 ammoming worship 730 pm evangelistic service wednesday 8 pmcottage prayer meeting and- rible study dr w g c kfnney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e ihone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d bucknpr physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 68 pm c p leatherland qc i barrister a solicitor notary pnbu office hours 1000 am 1200 am- 1 0o p m 500 pm i saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office lcrshman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 p in xray telephone 148 dr h leib denial surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton 51 main st n brampton ihones 2i7h 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 real estate and insurance f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate and insurance w r bracken real estate insurance phone 26 acton- list your farms business or house- with us we invite you to use our facilities in securink a purchaser for your property j bert wood general aad lue insarance phone 585 77 mill st optical i traveuers guide e ro i buchner optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays 130 000 pm evenings by appointment veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 gray coach 1ines coaches leave acton b d young bv sc c l young dvm veterinary sn office brookvule ontario phone milton tr 89177 daylight saving eastbaand 638 am 858 am 1133 am 208 pm 508 pm 833 pm pm 1008 pm sun and hoi weitbaand 1027 ajn 1252 pm 257 527 pm 727 pm 12 1132 pm 112 im fri sat and hol 20 sjs pja- pm mscellankotj8 heated aaabalaaea rumley futyeral home phone w night or day serving the community for 46 years olive m laaapard atcm rmt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 canadian national railways staaaara dally 540- ajn dally except son- days 1000 am 713 pjn sunday only 801 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 ajn 637 pm daily flyer at george town loll west daily 1144 pjn dally except sundav 848 am 635 pjn flag- stop 740 pm saturday only u pjn sunday only ms ajn fling stopk sunday only flyer at guelph 705 pan daily except sat and sun to detrain pa safheaia from west toronto- and bey owl sm pjtu dally excart sat anal stm flyer at guelph 457 pun a v- j11i

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