Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1956, p. 1

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x- lht eightysecond year no 1 acton ontario thursday july 5th 1956 ten pages seven cenls power lines down here as storm lashes area rain poured down in sheets bran ches were ripped from trees and flung onto suddenly soaked lawns and roadways high voltage flames flashed at hydro poles and wires fell to the ground during the severe storm that burst suddenly over the entire district sunday about 6 pm ominous thunder and black clouds warned of the approaching down pour but the high winds caused more damage than the lightning in acton most disrupting result of the storm was the snapping of a primary power line on church st as a result of this hydro power was off in the cast section of the town for as long as five and a half hours other sections buffered no interrup tion of service hydro crews in raincoats woiked to repair the damage lightning struck the transformer at the town hall putting the fire siren out of commission and damag ing the lighting system there the siren was repaired and tested mon day morning cars driving through the hitm- canelike storm were rocked by the wind and most stopped temporarily balls of fire were seen by many as the electricity failed as one line blew out street lights flashed sud denly on before sputtering out fallen limbs caused little damage in this district farther south in the county trees fell across toads and even onto homes some orchards suffered heavy losses an orton woman mrs george watson was with relatives at erin park seeking tefuge in a car when a tree toppled ncrobs the vehicle moments after the group sci ambled out a second tree clashed down on top of the fust luekilv no one was injured no objectors at hearing wcvlpsswkhr vwssswiksv wcr t w fairy lake drowning accidental jury urges bridge inspection a verdict of accidental death b drowning was returned h a cor oners jury in milton inst week when facts were examined in tho death of an eightyear old toronto girl at the breezes on fairy lake last month the drowning occurred at a tor onto church picnic when a pontoon bridge tipped over and spilled about 39 people into the water which was about six feet deep at this point the body of dorothy snider apparently wedged under the bridge was not found untu about is minutes after the mishap in returning the accidental drowning verdict the jury also re commended that all floating bridges be examined for safety annually by a qualified engineer investigating officer george moore milton detachment of the opp testified the 126foot bridge was supported by 22 41gnllon bar rels placed in four sets of three and two sets of five he said the bridge was supported by steel cables at cither end and fastened to cedar posts there was a three foot rail ing on either side of the bridge he said joseph jocque imm of- the breezes also testified he said the bridge was built three years ago and had never caused nn trouble mr jocque stilted that the nl reason he could gie that would cause the bridge to capsize would t the sud den movimtnt of people to nm end countv engineer iio smith said the bridge was structurally sound and that he could sn no fault with the workmanship howevei mr smith said all similar budges should be inspected and a limit placed on the number permitted to travel over it at one time damage to two cars in mill st accident a minor accident was investi gated by local police on mill st tuesday shortly after noon a car driven by pictro morandi mimico collided with the rear of another car driven by george har- grave of acton the hargrave car caused about 7s damage was park ed at the time police estimated damage to the morandi car at 17 towns street approved by paving program municipal board if t i roxy declares champion mutts actons champion dogs were judged by eager audience applause it the roxy theatre mutt show last saturday afternoon a dog food company and ledgers 1 0 a co- sponsored the ev cnt w ith the theatre rubber dog hones ind ire eif im bars were given awav during the- program lusmc brought to the show b 1 riehird stemlc won the tumors as r the largest dog while smokev led tn carol gwiodw in was the sni ill est ten ycnrold time- who c nm j with vutoi roirh wis the oldest while seven kttk old sp iikii nv nid b robert lowru wis the voungist jo marie mnrelwiwnl bi ought the hail test dok tinker charlie sunter shewed skip who proved to be the trickiest of the i bunch 1 bluff riioiii siower building pace is reported for the first half of the year rom n few hundred feel of the dump in the top photo taken as activity in the towns two big residential subdivisions begins from no 7 highway building at lakeview reaches hack into lo level off glenlea lower photo is built up far to the rear of the southwest corner around fairy lake thirty four homes are lhe192lot area this view of glenlea toward the highway islunclcr construi tion in ilns area of the birj likoview subdivision slowdown in subdivisions building rate drops sharply here jack walker wins 50 in club draw the weed cutter work in fairy lake is again at weeking vacation school to be held at three churches despite difficult in arranging dail offering w ill be taken special j eck walker was present in the roxy theatre friday e v nine when his name uas annoiinccd as the vv in ner of the js50 in the tenuis club draw he rnd bought his ticket no 869 for four cents five winners of 10 vie re w p williams no 85q mis w coles mo 87f lalso a four cent ticket sid fields no 782 l irrv tu liefer aftti a ricoid year ef building over a million ami thiec ftiirliis r i dollars vvoilh in loss actons cur- proo prsss exit3 rent construction year is dropping to a fir louoi level according to fikiiris on locil building feir the first six months of 1956 i only sj sk in new construction is reported for the first half of i compired to 673000 for the same period in 05 i slower building pace in the towns i two sprawling sulxii visions accounts i largelv for the drop two thirds of the 192lot gleriloa subdivision is built up and new homeowners resi- pictures appear in late edition one hour after being taken staff the daily vacation bible school will open for enrolment on mondav all children w ith sunday school affiliation or not are wel come to the classes being held from monday july 9 until fudav julv 13 hoiu s arc 9 nm to 1 1 30 a in rev gordon adam- the ptesid- cnt of the ministenal association is mipeiintt ndent mr ivan joins will be m charge- of the pie siluml iluldren wink ing with tht kindtt k iiten group will be miss iltne dm don mis buckiu i and mis hi 1 1 imp liad- ci s eif tin piimaty gnuip will be mrs 1 isimp- mi mis ken llcn mis i ulki i mi i mlon ct uns eli i be th jmv urn sttis of the jiiiuoi gioup fiiun iadi foul to mv y ill be illicit i thi diection of mrs cuslerus key cmntiilmti ri v adams mis vailm i tli ipnian miss lie li n landsbouhili and miss hi 1 sii huikitci otheivvill assist pie schooleis kincfc igu te rr and grade one are nutting in the n-ii- can palish hall tiadis two and tlnee in the pi e sbv tei i in church books and supplies have been ranged i a closing program is be ing he id for the final evening those who an planning this vaca tion school believe that the only satisfactory way of building up a stiivng and mnle nation is to begin i with the children and in no sphere l f life is this mcue important than in chirartcr training thi v point out that oveiv v isit w illi re v and mrs f a uinv vi is i highlight of thi an evuv i mill bus tup takin this viarbi the lid- of cton united church th lorimi nunist i luie and lus wife iui d thi coup fo i pit iic hin- ihei n in spi ingbaiik puk londun ihtv ouied the mcc iiniik bis- u t f uoi vlhe r i imv ai 1 cnk mik i wilt n piotitss ruhvisi to i w is riven n bo of chiknuite mil i soiivenii liiklit at the kellivgit futeirv e ich laih siripled tin diffeiin pi oiiucts ami ricnvid 11 mill e mr boy f ir shopping t lovh sippir in we irmt envv mg friends holi- i thi in ltd chinch vvasscrvid a jind grades fom to si in tluumted cjavmg up north so far this july iit to the parsonage folloved a chinch games crafts steius and temperatures in muskoka have pleiant dnvi yia woodstock con- songs will be tegular features a been dropping to 40 and below l cltidcd the trip i patent yy lh s his children to gtovv up to bt honon d and respected mtmbtis of tin lomnuinilv but not pntut it llits th iniptitanct of e m n lettr tt unint dmiim the foi i itiv i vt irs thi rush of i notmil d iv tht shit systtn ibinei of pat t nts fiom honit ileibs and tt 1 vision ill h iv i si nous ff ttp tht imount f time tin members of t lie f miilv tiiiv t tti the lull line of ihu ictei l thi honie- th yolunier teachtts ait ass st mg the home school and church in ti lining ctvn s cuintsu is dent then are 120 completed i no 1992 and barbara smith houw ln th oast end subdlvlslon nf s 112 cif them occupied and only 13 1 the pre holiday di aw was i fund- of thi vacant 18 unsold j riising pioject for the tennis club i there are no new blocks of homes although the gi imp has t good t under construct ion in cllenlei membership no team was iritered in the 240 lot lnkeviovv siibdivis i in league competition this year ion nt actons western edge 28 house nre completed and of these onlv three unoccupied another block of 14 houses is unde r construc tion m the southwest ivrntr rrf the snivel vk i ting fairy lake itxil rial t state mints leportid difficiiliv in f ihtaining flllir loins is puilv it sponsiblt fur the bilk tin building activity here last veal s alutime rectrd for tour two factories on annual bus trip i 1 i i lui lei ui- e as itarluil vv hen an istimimd 1 7t5 1o0 in it vv build n si is iipirtid foi th umonth liintvl bui st pnit nf this tot il wis due to thi reside ntnl bnvvth in lnntin nf this v it pirmits issiiel amounted to j ik l-e-bru- uv s peimits to lied s1110o vv lull mm h yi is i void in pril 14 000 in building was recordid and may folo vv sbjw i ist month i m ide thi bt st showing with 26 750 of this latter figure 18 000 was es timated for tht projected fina scr- v let station at churchill rd and no 7 hirhway the onlv nonresidential pe rrojtaj2plivd for ksimkftfeiafb s sjsisaist s3s srtaeiivs2jcnss5 vil asi last week s issue of the free it press had an extra a special edit ion printed thursday evening how ever it wnsn t circulati d gen trillv and there were only 25 cop its which vvirint for sale thi- special editlon was used to demonstrate the spe and yersitil itv of the senna fjiiver thi photo lietilt engi aving machine which was installed in the newspapers plant a few weiks ago so that all photos xiom riinin to m wspunt could hi processeel for publication hue im tin is t ikt ti it a gathiiing of lorl business pioph about 0 pm in th ivtninr wire dvtlued pnnttd ngraved and n produced in tin speiuil eilitmn tif tht jni puss whieli w is distiihuti d at tin surt meeting li ss than in hour later tin st 1 p ip i of i i llllstl 1 llll v fi i vi rxp its from the kaiirhtld cmi- i ra aid instiument coiporition t x pliiiud th machiiii and answeud pit tims from the audience of ibout h people g a oills editor of tin fin press brit f iv intro duced the tvning s program vv hich also included a slide presentation depicting the promotional potenti alitits of the photoelectric engrav er after lunch was served manj from the audience gathered in the free press of free to see the scan- a graver in operation mi t ting vv is spnps nt l n in s it ish h ill bv tins n v s t ic pi nut 1 1 pit s m itiv s i mil d strut i t ui ind in 1 i st ihlishnii nts with tin iral r inci of tin si in i puppy takes three firsts at dog show kitlots bodo a g rman she p herd owni d bv fled pfe if le of ar- ton won thi tt first awards at the dog show in burlington 1 ist satur d ly thi dog placid fust in thi senior puppy class best of inid- l in bnid puppy in bind ind the walking eliss acton second in intercounty bowling league ui im mi o hiru 27 ai t n 1 urn ii ci oi m to s n in th countv it igiit seius tin tiiuidlirs h oi tin n off ii u lit i nt r lit- r alton vhh i i ii t il i pp ii i fl iin i i tin 1 tin i i inls fivf s ts of mix 1 pruntstli r fii hearing lasts just 1 5 minutes limit rue tion of paved streite in acujii waa flven the official nod of approval thin momlnf in a 15mlnutr hrmrlnx by uir ont- urlo municipal hoard the work ehlimnuil nt lout 100080 at whlih the town will liear tttlf in i pecud to brirlii an noon an eiiglneerliik preparations are e omplele- and tender let v iatherliind rrpnmntrd the toys ii in uir lieurlnk whlrh nuu no ibjerlorn to the prommed ork lie e allril only two wlt- iiehuch i le rk j mi ieiuhlr and lighter r i runk 1itllriun who briefly aiinwerrel niirntlorui on the extent economic friuilhlllly and ilurutlon of tint work imlriiiun vv ytn qt ob served hut miuiy ontario town art finding it economical lo pav hlrrnts rather than continually bear high maintenance eoate on oiled roods mr yntea arrompanled by d jumlmon hald the board would crunt approval larllfr it waa tratlfled that the department of ihchway had fiv en verbal approval to paying m per rent of the remit the paving to he a two and a- half inch hot mix aaphalt la plan ned to tie done on all local ctrrta except new unaettled roada in glenlea and ijikevlrw auhdlvla- lorw sunday school picnic saturday for st al bans st allmiis anglie an iluinh held tli ii iiimial stiudiy sliiooi piimi in lid mill pmk sitiird iv with good tin n out of p in nts and child i li i lit j iv w is pi rf i t mil i ball g nut wis ii in in pi ngri ss willi thi fithis tivmg to shiiw thi ir prow- ss in front of thi i r e hildri n huts tristied m h irgi of m lioiit ami lint i tylor winners w ri as follows hiivh mil girls 4 and under c harli i ri lliggins b irry townaend iris i and i iuline johnson h irliiu i fihik boys s and 6 liar vi y lay lor hoy shultis girls 7 and h sindra hargrove boys 7 and 8 phil dryndali terry chun hill cirls 0 and 10 diane shultis k itlu rini hlggins boys 9 and 10 buiei shultis mike churchill girls 1111 ilusimary r litt car olyn cook boys ii 13 don pnci pat chun hill girls 14 and over c irol brtd- le y hirliiri ware boys 14 and over bill chun hill david peal wlm lb irrow races david pial tnd kutli mattocks irolvn cook ind hoson iry hatt three li gged rius b irhara wan mil carol bradli v llervey fivlor and li iry butt nh im m irru i rnuis ran gi orgi i u in in monty hoot in irru d ldie rire mrs rnnklin mrs clint tiylur pn pi it i in mr ind mr clint i iv i i mr i rid in bill r ii ids winn i rm lov s huk urn ljirn v in i i 1 1 re t ill i idi s p k i g th h j- shultfs f n i r t j b niitifi i iij r bi i id s f i i i dir i 1 ith k r ur r s a it to ii tin si ll ildun iilj- ori unhid chwch wa enioyed a bus trip to london last week the group visited with rev and mrs e a currey formerly of acton also toured two cereal and biscuit plants in the city and ustat pbou liad lunch in the pork at london s western edge the tour was one of many bus aunt ertoyed by local and district groups recently the united church group returned home by woodstock league standing pwltotal pts rocku ood acton guelph gerirgetown this week s 4 3 1 371 335 6 4 2 2 362 3114 4 2 2 340 384 4 4 1 3 267 368 2 games acton at guelph rockwood t georgetourn music examination results announced conservatory of music cxaminat iqn results were announced this week in guelph several acton piano pupils tried their results fol low i grade four theory first class a n f honors delmar watson grade acion kliniier rlsces theory pass helen lands- p i borough grade two theorv first i rirsl in nadrattlon class honors ella jany bruce andrews won the mile grade nine piano pass helen an a half midget race when mem landsborough grade seven piano pass margaret armstrong joe jany elizabeth jany grade four piano robert armstrong lesley a duby grade two piano first class honors mary kobylka hon ors karin heller steven wolfe pass barbara syrnon and paul wolfe il h i 11 s i is ac ton co oi y tuv n oi pe jin ts in thi othirgamc ig ilnst gm lph at hi k k w i ii id the ou lph tiiin not nvynt by d fi iting tht trundlers of ihnl villagi by9 72 however iwkwood still 1 ads the league with three wins fur six points huv ing lost but one kamc guelpb on two and lost two while acton still stivs in second pcisition having won two and lost two but has a higher percentage of points georgetown is at the bottom total scores art to count at the end of the schedule for the awarding of the beardmore fv away at the cement trophy i ss wa at th rear station i eventually the intruders broke out jjlus blocks and squeezed through the narrow break into the garage night burglars hack past wall a inirnlirv that fok t lo- of hard work was reported last aikind it ballmtini s vrvici station about two miles last of here on no 7 highway someume during the dark hours of saturday morning a thief or to once i n they stole about 30 and 10 cartons of cigarettes before leaving the burglars tried to hide the gap in wall by stack ing fires and rims against it on the inside then they broke open the lock on the front door from the in side to leave the theft waj discovered when the fa rage was opened saturday morning district opp constable george moore was called to investi gate bers of the guelph legion track club met some of competition at the ninth annual blue water marathon at wiarton on dominion day he headed the starters all under 16 and finished in eight minutes and five seconds to win a fishing rod n p s exaitl results complete results of the yearend promotions for all grade pupils in acton public school are printed in tlus issue of the free pre the entire list will be found on pace ipeveil 1 l sl iat 1 r- wftsbffifr i i tip t t

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