Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1956, p. 2

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v page two the acton free press acton ontario thursday july sth 105 v ljp artoh jfarr frrsii tb oaly ptptt ever pabttsned in acta founded in 875 and published every ttaura- day at 56 mill st e acton out member of the audit bureau of circulations the cvk na- and the ontarioquebec division of the cwn a advertising rates on request sub- ascriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 400 in the united states six months 175 single copies 7c authorized os second class mail post office department ottawa pabhahed by the dais printing ani pabllahbmc co umlted g a dais editorin chief jji david r dills production manager james a dills john black associate editors business and editorial office ph 600 acton past and future weve been wondering what joseph hack ing would think today of the town of acton not many of our readers know who joseph hacking was he was a printer who eighty- one years ago brought a printing press and the equipment essential for printing a news paper 1y acton and on dominion day 1875 introduced the free press to the village which had been incorporated just two years previously of the machinery and methods of today doubt if joseph hacking ever had a vision of the town and district and its people he must have had a strong- faith that the years have shown to be wellfounded but perhaps of more concern today to those who guide actons news paper what would be his thoughts on our con duct of the free press which he founded most important however to all of us who followed him is what of the future we can not dwell too long on the past in these days of rapid forwardness but going into the eighty- second year of the free press we who are now in charge have a deep appreciation of the past and of those who preceeded us and especially of the one editor whom we knew so well the late h p moore who conducted the free press for fifty years for the future we have the same aim and purpose which characterized the early editors to give the people of acton and district a newspaper that js worthy of this part of canada in which we live dog days the dogs about town may not be really ap preciative but the citizens who had garbage cans upset regularly are enjoying the change in con ditions since the three northern towns of halton made an arrangement with the oakville humane society jp bring order to our streets and keep the towns from going to the dogs the hope cf most folks will be that the present enforce ment will continue dogs are credited with a rare intelligence but after all reading or understanding of bylaws is not one of their accomplishments dog owners like the parents of children are apt to be over- indulgent and not give the proper supervision andnnterpretation of the rules of living in a law- abiding society the fault cannot be all placed at the door of pampered dogs or spoiled child ren laws that curb are not popular often and restrict some individuals but the common good without special privileges for any is in the best interests of all so the strict enforcement of the privileges of dogs m town is being appreciat ed here this year thanks go to those who are making the will of the majority here popular and correcting an abuse in a hbmane manner for happy vacation vacation days are being marred by drowning accidents which almost equal the highway fat alities our drowning accidents in the months cf june july and august are- almost on a par with accident fatalities on the highways during the same period last year 295 people were killed on pur highways in this threemonth period and 58 perished in our rivers and lakes the greafestdanger says health aainister dr phillips lies in the jj6 to 25 years age group where perhaps some seem unconscious ly to take chances or overestimate their powers es swimmers dr phillips listed- these simpje rules for water safety 1 if voj cannot swim stay away from deep water and out of canoes 2 never go swimming alone 3 never enter the water directly after a meal stomach cramps may be caused by swim- ming too soon after eating allow at least one hour after meals before taking that dip 4 float on your back if you get a cramp in your leg or foot and on reaching shore rub tie affected part vigorously above ml kep calm a- jheforward look with dominion day this year coming mid way between publication days it is a subject that is timely either before or after the day and we havechosen this year to publish our thoughts after the holiday like some others over the daringage of youth we spent the day at home arid watched the cars go screeching by the headlines of the holiday tell the story of the toil of those who just didnt make a safe return but lets not dwell on the holiday tragedies but give more concern to this great land xf burs on this 8fh birthday these are great days fonrcanada in all of its ten provinces its cities towns and hamlets and its expansive farm lands its a land youthful and offering great opportunities for those who will go out and get it its a land which is developing and enjoying the lessons taught by experience in other lands these eightynine years since confederation have been wonderful but the years ahead can be a greater era than any canadians now living have ever enjoyed the census now being taken will give some statistics on the canada of today considering the broad expanses within our borders we will find that canadians have anipte elbow room and can look after many more people the natural resources of what was once considered barren land can hardly be comprehended by average citizens of this great country canadians of 1956 may well look back with appreciative hearts for what the past has pro vided and forward with confidence to the prom ise of being the greatest nation in the world let us not be boastful but a responsible people in making canada great in all things 1 j opinions in view of the fact that there are apparently so many wrongs that need to be righted pe often wonder that we do not receive more letters to the editor and that there is such a dearth of candidates for municipal office each december we are aften asked to write on subjects of public interest and we appreciate these suggestions even if our views may not coincide after all when we write on any sub ject the opinions are our own based on our own experience we would like to emphasize that we wel come the opinions of others in our columns but we would warn against some pitfalls its not in the best interests to write when one is very angry because one is apt to say things that may be regretted if you have a com plaint be prepared to offer a suggestion its much easier to wreck than to build dont be personal in your attacks and keep in mind the problem rather than the individual people come and go in this world but policies live on for years and years it wont hurf to be analytical of yourself in relation to the problem as well as to the shortcomings of the other fellow as evidence of good faith all letters for publication must be signed by the writer who will thereby accept his responsibility for the statements contained the name does not ne cessarily have to be published but can remain a secret between the writer and the publisher last but not least try to be a booster rather than a knocker have the courage to express your opinions and stand behind them progress comes through courage and the right of free speech and expression of opinion t pholo t esthrr taylor the nose for news isa qualification highly valued by news paper editors in their reporters this individual may never make the grade as a reporter but hes got a nose thats as valuable for his particular needs as any newshawks curiosity the heeding hound in this picture seems about to let loose after the source of the scent just soon as hes made sure the bible rev g r pak80n district secretary upper canada bible seefety brief comment the lack of display of flags on dominion day was quite noticeable here holidays have time only for pleasure without a doubt the most inappropriate name saddled on ffiur women folk is the mean ingless word housewife there ts no knowing where the term came from but in all likelihood i is an importation and a poor importation at- that pembroke ont observer xoday the great flood of the service clubs i great contribution to the welfare of his fellow j man is directed not alone to the amelioration of suffering and want but io the correction of those conditions that make suffering and want possible rimley alta record if your wife buys a colored refrigerator shell get tired of it sooner in seven years in stead of the 11 she needs for white says the financial post hd if she does buy odds are rwo to five shell redecorate trie whole kitchen be prepared to shell out for both within three years ikypu havent already according to the growth statistics the tower of babel has been transferred to toronto this would have been the conclusion of any one passing the open window of to ronto bible college during the past month escaping from within there came the weirdest conglom eration of sounds or noises imag inable the reason is simple the elev enth annual toronto school of linguistics was in session wusitata wusitata single voice wusitata wusitata swelling echo i waliki wnliki single voice ag ain v waliki walbci resounding cho rus and so it goes on hour after hour of the ten hour day for weeks despite the heat and ever beckon ing outofdoors summer these are the special drill classes where the students from british columbia to nova scotia and from the ar ctic almost to the equator practice reproducing sounds from the cree country to the amazon jungle from viet nam to eritrea the 73 missionaryelect students mostly graduates of colleges and universities almost double in num ber over last years institute click and trill while clustered about a taperecorder they echo the sounds in chorus and separate ly until they become masters of mimicry such drill sessions are a new ap proach to language study but are backed by 29 mission boards and societies which have headquarters or representatives in and around toronto this intensive course clues can didates on how to simplify the study of any language it is sponsored by the canadian school of missions under the lead ership of dr l s albright dr j8aahsbsmxk5iwsas8 eugene a nida versions secretary of the american bible society one of the worlds leading linguists is honorary principal the training given not only helps the student to learn the language he needs to know but shows how to reduce the spoken form to writ ing so necessary in the translation of the bible into a language that has never been put on paper suggested readings for the week sunday ex 3 122 monday ex 14 131 tuesday ex 15 127 wed nesday deut 8 120 thursday lev 16 322 friday 1 sam 15 13- 26 saturday 1 sam 17 129 oakvilles swim pool is planned a swimming pool for oakville probably beside the arena pine room moved closer to realization last thursday when the oakville lions club approved a nineman committee to start plans and ways and means well need 25000 in the bank before we make any move to start building said gil coombs chair man of the poot committee the- group he said would not only be responsible for raising the funds but also for choosing the design and location for the manmade swim ming hole it definitely will be located within oakville said mr coombs who added that the arena site wasnt the only one in the running and the committee still had an open mind on location francis bacon if a man will be gin with certainties he shall end in doubts but if he will be cdntent to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties at tht united church of canada acton qnuria rev gordon adams ma b d minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir iseader 76 bower ave actou phone 6 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton mr william bell wi rem ember those m twenty years ago taken from the tssue of the free press of july 9 1936 minu cripus secured the highest standtng of any pupil of acton public school in the entrance ex- taken from the issue of the free- treris of thursday july 5 1906 hurrah for our gallant fjre lad dies their demonstration on mon day was thoroughly successful in aniinntions-and- won lh ixx1je every partleular the athletic con- award for her splendid standing school no 4 nnssagawcya held their jubilee celebration on jftly 1 1936 ill honor of building their present school 18631936 the pro gram began with a parade led by mr j y norrish mounted on a snowwhite charger carrying the union jack then followed the school children in a van the itural fire brigade who were well equip ped for all emergencies the color ed bridal party in a welldecoratcdj wore warm looking carryall the tb the scruball gas oline wagon the brilliant scholar who used to sit in the corner the speed bus hitting oh all four and the marching rustics there was a program picnic lunch and dance nearly 50o guests sinned the register and hundreds of others failed to sign the 13th annual storey reunion was held at the home of hannah wallace acton guests were pres ent from cleveland troy toronto guelph and the district sir william mulock distinguish ed chief justice of ontario has handed in his resignation from the bench with his final sitting in court june 30 he is 92 years of age an interesting event took place at the tannery on tuesday when the men of the currying depart ment presented mr eddie footitt with a desk lamp and electric iron as wedding gifts harry statham has installed a modern oven and opened a new bake shop on mill st it is a coin cidence that his father used the same shop 60 years ago mr harold swackhamer has pur chased the funeral home of green- guernsey in hamilton and will be leaving for that city the first part of august the saturday evening band con certs are still popular under band master mason the concert on the lawn of the clarke property was a fine event the bass fishermen have been working pretty steadily at fairy lake for the past month or so 106 in the shade was recorded in acton yesterday and in the sun the thermometers just went over the top fifty years ago tests were well carried out some of canadas best men assuring ex cellence in this department visiting firemen formed a pro cession under the escort of actou cornet band acton showed up particularly well however the georgetown brigade carried off the prize for natty appearance and marching they were dressed in brand new uniforms of bricky red trimmed with gold braid and all white gloves which were striking if not partic ularly aesthetic the hamilton company paraded in their shirt sleeves a full two thousand were on the nhletic grounds for the events in cluding ball gairies sprints five mile road race competition in fire apparatus and lacrosse the dance in the drill hall in the evening was quite well attended local firemen are to be congratul ated the committee in charge of the celebration were nessrs w worden t wren n mcleod win anderson and james anderson with chief gamble chairman rob ert scott and secretary frank mc intosh as moving spirits acton did well in the matter of dominion day decorations fitting references were made in the var ious churches on sunday to our na tal day on the first of july 1667 the methodist church here was opened and dedicated with impressive cere monies tfie 30th anniversary of this auspicious event was emphasiz ed by a powerful sermon by rev g w barker mr james moore is the only member of the quarterly board who was a member when the church was opened and messrs james brown james matthews and james moore are the only original trustees remaining miss bertie smith took first class honors in her vocal examinat ions in toronto she has a rich voice sweet and melodious and of splendid compass she has a bright future before her picnic parties are of everyday oc currence the acton baptist sunday school will hold their annual picnic at warrens grove vffir ssxosbkss professional directory and travellers g medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43amill st e acton orrice phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 150 iii tory i uide i legal dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 231 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 61 office hours 68 pm c f leatherland qc barrister solicitor notary public office hours 1000 am 1200 ain 100 pm- 500 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountant 51 main st n brampton phones 2478 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib denial surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton real estate and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appmlaer real estate and insurance w r bracken real estate insurance phone 26 acton list your farms business or house with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchaser for your property j bert wood general and life insurance phone 585 77 mill st optical it is troe of every community there are a tew- who have the interest the community at heart and strive to make it a better place in which to live organizations are formed for this purpose but even in those organizations the great bulk of the work is left to a few witling horses who give their time to put things ever grenfell sask sun sunday july 8th 1956 9o0 am holy communion 1000 a-m- junior church church school 1t15 am holy communion sunday july 8th 1956 945 am church school hjoo am morning worship 700 pm evening worship a warm welcome awaits you e l buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays 130 80o pm evenings by appointment i veterinary and the anglican church of canada st albans charcn acton ont rev evan h joneac ba lth i sunday july 8th 1956 trinity vi 830 am holy communion 1100 am matins and sermon baptist church acton rev ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 208w sunday july 8th 1956 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship in charge of mens brotherhood of hamilton- 70 pm evening worship in knoatchurch use radar squad acton pentecostal assembly meeting in loi hall crewsonc corners 1 ptor rev k j rei 81 cook st telephone 649w a special ontario provincial pd- lice radar squad has had to be call- ed out to curb the excessive speed- sunday july 8th 1956 ingon highways 25 and 7 andj 1000 am sunday school through the village of nerval thet 1100 ajn morning worship special squad worked over the 730 pjn evangelistic service weekend and will return through wednesday 8 pjn- cottage prayer this week meeting and bible study f g oakes bv so veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 travellers g gray coach lines coaches leave acton b d young 3v so c l young dvn veteraaaiy surgeon officerbrookville ontario phone milton tr 89177 miscellaneous heated aaabalanee ruaaley funeral home phone 699 night or day serving the community for 48 years olive aa laaapard atcm- rmt teacfttar of pius acton studio st albauvs parish hall 14 park ave guelph ptiooe 2m m daylight saving time- eastboand 633 am daily except sun and hoi 858 am 1133 am 2 0b pm 50h pm 633 pm 883 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pm 5 27 pm 727 pm 912 pjn 1132 pm 112 am frl sat sua and hoi canadian national railways suadara tubs eastbaaaa daily 54q ajn daily except l days 1000 am 713 pm sunday only 801 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 ajn 6 37 pjn daily flyer at george town 1011ajn westbaand daily 114 pjn daily except sunday 8 48 am 65s pjn vflag- artop 74 pin saturday only ljfa pm sunday only bit am flag- jopiristtodwf otly flyer at guelpiv735 pjn daily except sat and sun j tax detrain pa from west toronto and bayoad t v r im

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