Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1956, p. 1

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s s eightysecond year no 5 acton ontario thursday july 12th 1956 twelve pages seven cents acton y athletes at police games representing actori ymca 12 boys and girls took part in the to ronto police association district meet at varsity stadium in toronto last evening results were as follows 100 yard dash frank cooper fourth 920 yard dash frank cooper third 440 yard dash boys under 16 frank marlscak fifth 880 open morris van- hemmen and wayne arbic fourth and fifth respective ly girls relay race acton second 440 yard boys relay acton third those talcin part w wavne arbic bill skilling frank cooper morris van hemmen frank maris cak peter newton peter gibbons don price ann daintltli carol bradley ruth landsborough ger trude oost 180 children back to school bible is theme its vacation time but 180 young sters arc back to school this week and they are having a wonderful time the annual vacation bible school is beinr held in three churches and the theme is simply the bible one of the groups is making a bible book shelf to illustrate the theme while bible study is an important part of the program there ore also crafts and singing and fun- over 50 juniors are meeting in the united church 35 preschoolers and almost bo kindergarten tots in st albans parish hall and nearly 40 primary students in knox church classes are held every morning this week volunteer help ers are teaching under the super vision of the ministerial association which sponsors the school each summer rev gordon adams is superintendent the groups arc participating regularly for their program which will be a part of the parents night in knox church tomorrow evening council names engineers survey crews start work on roads before paving staff photc school is fun for these youngsters and for their teacher aaiss arlene gordon too vacation bible school is being held at three churches every morning this week with an open house tomor row evening tke beaming young pupils their names printed on signs are ann symon ken adams krs5abs2sgksmk2 j l j guelph doubles defeat locals in the intercfiunty lawn bowl ing league series the guelph team of five mixed doubles defeated ac ton- last wednesday evening july 4 pi points to 75 chris robinson welcomed the actoh team nnd ap ologized for the conditions of the greens as they were being fixed the winning skips for acton were w near jim fleming and b veldhuis their respective leads being mrs v inglis mrs w wood- burn and mrs o cairns losing teams were h rogers mrs m bell d drysdale and sirs b holmes rock wood travelled to george town where the former had a tough time in winning by n score of 91 to 88 rock wood still lends the league with guelph going above acton by two points the local club is still interested in any newcomers this weeks schedule rockwood at acton georgetown at guelph learne standings p w l tot pts rockwood 5 4 1 462 423 8 guelph 5 3 2 439 459 6 acton 5 2 3 437 410 4 georgetown 5 1 4 355 459 2 commission deals with reports and general business at meeting repair broken valve by force electric hydro employees worked into the night tuesday to repair a bro ken valve on church st at the side of the force electric plant water was off in some sections and pres sure low in others as the work was being done horseshoe pitching winners declared tuesday saw horseshoe pitching competitions ns part of the- special events program of the vmca summer schedule eight boys competed in the jun ior sections with ted quinncll tak ing top place bob groeiiebsjicr was second and bob price third in the senior contest don price was first and bill churchill second 45 to new winner chest up to 400 mrs doug mason was the winner of the appreciation day draw last saturday and took home 40 from the chest ns well as an extra 5 for knowing the mime of the merchant of the week next weeks chest is up to 400 two receive honors exam results show conservatory of music examinat ion results show that lillian phil lips obtained first class honors in grade two piano lesley a duby received honors in grade four piano these are additions to last weeks article on results for acton piano pupils 60 learn to swim classes expanding although 60 are already regyster- ed nnd have begun their swimming lessons two more childrens classes may now be added that would bring the total of youngsters learn ing to swim here this summer to so instructor bob murrow a police officer who is directing the young swimmers in his offhours has div ided the group of 60 into 10 classes the course has begun with water familiarization and is proceeding toward floating and strokes all i nonswimmers the boys and kirls i are learning in the wading pool now mr nnd mrs doug tarrant are available to teach and two ad- j ditional classes are open for regis- i tration 1 at a regular session of the puc last week members concerned themselves with superintendents reports nnd routine correspond ence on general business discussion figured early in the meeting on a planned water line installation into the sixlot privnte development proposed for the old beverley house property off church st a sixinch woter line entry was recommended by the en gineer however this was quest ioned nnd held over for later con sideration letters from the hepc ap proved payment of regular remun eration to local commissioners also advised of a revision in hepc pole rental rates to 2 per year a notice from the ontario water resources commission about a meeting for this district in bramp ton this week prompted a discuss ion on the towns continuing ef forts to locate more water sup- i pi ies i order more evergreens j the commission ordered 1000 cv- ergreens for additional planting near the disposal plant i a letter from a main st resid- cnt complained of a high main valve turnoff on the property driveway this is to be attended to following a recent breakin at the disposal plant where damage was done with a fire hydrant mem bers agreed to bay insurance cov erage against malicious damage hydro superintendent r mason described plans for a line switch over on churchill road next sun day power will be off in glenlca nnd adjacent rural areas while this work is being done it was ag reed to rfirc additional hepc linemen from guelph for the dny in order lo speed the work and reduce the inconvenience period when power would be off the town hall fire siren was re ported under repair after being hit by lightning in a recent storm i superintendent mason suggested another small truck might be use- ful to his department this request j is to bo further looked into review storm damage damage to the local system was reviewed following a violent storm j here recently it was necessary to i call for help from guelph hepc continued on page five j boys going nowhere in hurry in contest about 20 boys were going no place in particular in quite a hurry last week they strode a course and stepped right back to where ihcy started the ymca to determine the winner of n walking race he was fred landry whom the stop watch timed at eight min utes and 10 seconds the course went from the y down john st- to agnes to frederick to guelph to wilbur to mill to frederick along church to john st nnd right back to the y rjone of the boys was far behind the winner don harris and ted quinnell were dosr seconds y robin hood is bill dawkins clenrly the robin hood of the ymcas archers bill dawkins easily took first place in the com petitions there this week he took top points in three sections shoot ing on the target distance and time in the third category he wns able to let fly three arrows in 15 seconds jim bullough and bill henry tied for second eight boys qualified for the finals don harris frank morton john price neil franklin bob tracy bill dawkins jim bullough and bill henry newlyweds honored at family gathering mr nnd mrs ron hunter receiv ed the congratulations of relatives nt n family gathering friday at the home of mr nnd mrs ken hunter georgetown the newlyweds left ontario uhsotpett for the west attractive gifts were given to the young couple i hamilton men take baptist service here speaker at the sunday service at acton baptist church was ash- ton turner of hamilton a member of mount hamilton baptist church and secretary of the baptist mens brotherhood for ontario and que bec with him came bill graham who sang a solo during the service call accepted to knox pulpit rev andrew h mckcnsue jj-a- bd has accepted the call to the pulpit of knox presbyterian church church officials learned this week that he will begin bis ministry here the first of septem ber a unanimous call was extended to mr mekcnzio following a eon- etrrrtronnrmecting her trtsr wife ind five children live in islington bigger office or y secretary ymc a secretary bob brayshaw has a new office this wek he has been wielding a paint brush in bis new quarters while jones and van gils are doing- the woodwork and plastering his office is now two with his former office space enlarged lo in clude two small rooms first there is a reception desk and counter with a low swinging door beyond this is the secretarys private office now furnished with a desk paint- splattered straight chairs nnd a lad der when it is finished meetings will be held here while council monday evening passed a bylaw naming r v and erson associates engineers for- this summers town- wide paving pro gram survey crews were already at work outside establishing levels and grade markers surveying is expected to lie completed this week nnd tenders likely lo be awarded the first week in august it was learned that engineering supervision on the work hoped to be finished by september will be canfled out by acton and miltons joint engineer f palloson it v anderson associates are employed looonduet the survey and prepare specifications for the street hard- topping at the outset of the meeting memliers discussed the high cost of mwer anil water for offseason op eration of ihe arena out of this came a motion to ask the 1m1 to supply- water for the wading pool at the park j bullock appeared for the rate payers association to remind council the dump was still not cleaned up he said he could find no rat poison stations as recom mended by the health unit but could find plenty of rats the re fuse is still burned he continued and the smoke is sometimes like a london fog he concluded that adequate time hart elapsed for the council to take action on these complaints another complaint passed on by mr bullock concerned the dips in three intersections of glenlca roads town foreman a kirkness said seven feeding stations with poison have been set iip in the dump mayor k tyler said it takes at least six weeks lo wipe out the first rat population angry argument across table when the matter of the intersect- 1 seldomused gavel on the table nnd 150000 pennies for home missions the womens missionary council of acton pentecostal assembly was represented by six members at the annual penny day at braeside camp paris on july 4 when wom en from all parts of western ont ario assembled to take in their pen nies 150000 of them and to enjoy an afternoon if music skits and peec hes the pennies are for home mis sion work the 15o0 worth of ihern is to be given to a small as sembly towards the building of a church the display room of missionary gifts at the ramp was well visited there was a much greater display of fine handiwork than one would see at a fall fair this handiwork goes to missionaries on the differ ent foreign and home fields such as africa japan british west in dies the canadian north to name a few also to bethel home for girls toronto opp accident log for district in may figrures relensed by the ontario provincial police for may pertain ing to the no 3 district which comprises five heavily populated counties in this section of southern ontario including halton reveal a total of 204 accidents for the per iod there were four fatal accidents with four persons killed and 69 injured in other accidents a total of 14268 vehicles were safety checked and 3417 warnings issued there were 1118 charges laid sbma8isagiesra3as5ct3cti esquesing assails acton creek pollution charges refuted following a report from acton read by clerk j mcgeacnie the commission chaired by a m snid er was treated to a long list of charges in an esquesing ratepayers brief against actori and alleged pollution of the black creek the brief presented by clement foster was reportedly signed by 40 property owners along the black qreek a tributary of the credit river the claims in the property own ers brief were supported by a re port from eaquesing towztship council read by campbell sinclair between the two papers charges were made that seepage from ac tons dumpenters the creek ef- fluent from the town disposal sys tem pollutes the stream waste from the local tannery beardraore and co ltd hubeen causing pollution for some 40 years the chargej were countered by clerk mcgeachie and j h creigh- tom secretary treasurer of tne com pany r a mr mcgeachie said the dump is a quarter of mile from the black qreek and seepage could not pos- aitolyreach it past the railway cut which is between the dump and the department of health teats sm have shown the sewage effluent 97 per cent pure he continued and an official at the hearing agreed with the clerk that actons disposal sys tem was one of the most efficient and safe types in operation mr creighton explained the two methods of disposal used by the company to dispose of its industrial waste this is through settling 1 beds and vacant land spray he declared the tannery did not chan nel waste into the creek in recent years waste had entered the creek twice by accident he said mr creighton suggested his com pany would welcome an inquiry the esquesing charges demanded an investigation and said the com pany would be willing to improve ms pa board lets tender to tear dovn grandstand said unsafe a special meeting ofe parks board of management was held friday evening with representatives of the agricultural society to dis cuss the local park particular in regard to the grandstand which was recently declared unsafe the society was assured the board had plans for replacement of the grandstand however no definite date was fixed- at the present time the old stand will be torn down it was declared a hazardous liability and council recently agreed with the board on tbe insurance com panys recommendation s that tne stand should be removed four bids for the stands demoli- tion were opened with grant allen awarded the tender he will tear the shed down assume liability j during demolition and pay the j board 35 the parks board has m warded the tender for the lunch concession in the park during the summer to milton lunch service tender bid accepted was 100 the other ten der was submitted by reliable taxi of acton the concession is not valid on fall fair days and august 0 the minor sports day the situation if the charges were found true he denied however that the bulk of the ratepayers al legations had any truth earlier the acton brief on water reviewed present sources of supply quantity and auxiliary supplies it stated the town is now seeking further sources of supply three known sources were mentioned as possible additional supply points all within a three mile radius of town the points were not named the report declared the town had no trouble with pollution of its watersupply the brief concluded it would seem the source and supply of water is established for our future needs unless the growth of the town far exceeds our expectations our only problem like so many municipalities is raising the neces sary money to develop new sources of supply our engineer advised that he has now completed his investigation and it is his belief that acton has an adequate water supply at present sufficient for a population of 6000 people airseai is required is to erect a one million gallonxeserv- olr ion dips was referred lo the road committee n flareup developed that lasted nearly half an hour with councillors cook and blown em broiled in the hottest part of the argument councillor cook complained ng- ain of the lack af road committee meetings koad committee chairman browh defended his position and maintain ed he had seen lo it road committee responsibilities were looked after councillor cook charged it was his elected privilege to attend all road committee meetings and demanded he be notified before any meeting is held mayor tyler suggested many of the mittiags were emergency get- togethers that left no time to con tact members of the committee who happen to work out of town to this councillor cook said the mayor was trying to cover up or make exrusaes for the lack of full meetings the mayor angrily denied this you just want lo make a dis turbance here tonight dont you councillor brown shouted at coun cillor cook councillor cook i want meet ings to be held the committee chairman hasnt bothered to face the work there is to be done are you trying to call me a coward councillor brown de manded mayor tyler started to pound his told councillor cook he wasnt el ected to bicker this isnt bickering mr mayor its the towns business- was the reply ill take no more dirt from you councillor brown shot in deputyreeve w wilson added his voice to the din nnd urged the arguing councillors to address their remarks through the chair much to be desired councillor cook repented that committee meetings have still not been called t look after pressing work in several purls of town when councillor cook comment ed that the situation left much to be desired councillor g bar- beau quickly agreed however he added it was doubtful if the attit ude displayed would get much co operation from the chairman of the road committee ive tried to get cooperation councillor cook answered ive tried to arrange with mr brown and even the mayor has urged mr brown to call meetings but theres been no cooperation councillor s brunelle came into the argument to suggest any mem ber of a committee should be ablo to call a meeting when the need arises councillor c lindsay ag reed the argument cooled and under insistent urging from councillor brown members turned to other business taxi fare increases sought here c mason wis present at the meeting to complain of the condit ion of his drive entry which has been undermined following work on a driveway into a nearby indus try the engineer is to view the drive and make recommendation to council for its improvement turned over to committee for study was a request from reliable taxi to raise the local taxi fare from 35 cents to 50 cents and out- oftown rates from 25 cents to 30 cents per mile v peycha cited higher cost of cars gasoline and labor as the reason for the increase request the rate has stayed the same for over 10 years it was not ed r- regarding complaints brought to council by m sprowl at a previous meeting reeve j hargrove said i there has been no action taken as j far as he knew mr sprowl had 1 complained of the condition of his fences and property adjacent to the j third line after the towns road work there was completed the matter was left in road committee council concurred with the pit c and added malicious damage in surance to its buildings councillor cook introduced a motion that all council members who so desire be supplied with copies of minutes retroactive to january 9 the motion lost later councillor cook again in troduced the motion he explained that the municipal act docs not apply to restriction- of minutes cop ies distribution he said minutes were copied for councillors in oth er municipalities councillor barbcau suggested employees did not have time lo make the extra copies here councillor cook produced a copy of a frontage schedule for service charges supplied for 1 third line petition he submitted if there was time for the office staff to type this kind of work there wns time for extra copies of the minutes to be produced councillor cook went nn to won der what othjer councillors who had voted down the first motion had against the supplying of minutes- copies those who didnt want them wouldnt have to take them he said councillor cook tabled the motion again and again it lost variety of business and requests john robson for the past three years a popular figure in j north halton as the health units senior sanitafy inspector leaven august 1 for peteraorough j where he has been named chief sanitary inspector for the city rswksss5stt sunday concert played in shade seated in the shade of a large clump of trees redcoated bandsmen added to the pleasant setting of ac tons park when they played an impromptu concert there sunday afternoon hundreds were enjoying the sun or the shade and the cool ing offshore breeze while they listened to the music bandmaster perrot conducted the program which was planned after the crowds of people in the park previous sundays had been noted by bandsmen v council heard information in a letter from port arthur municipal office dealing with a claim for re lief and legal action connected with the claim council jeeepted the claim written approval from the de partment of highways for a supple mental bylaw on the 73000 maria st bridge was recorded the june police report was read and the reg ular magistrates summary a letter from the hepc out lined approval of remuneration for puc members here at 8 per meeting for the chairman and 8 pef meeting for commissioners up to 24 meetings per year the halton assessors association thanked the town for hospitality tendered during their june 28 meeting here council held over- a suggestion that two more blocks on mill st sidewalk john to elgin streets on the north side be relaid by town employees tne suggestion is to be considered later this month deputyreeve wilson asked if car length marks could be painted in from the parallel lines to the curb on mill st this was taken under advisement councillor lindsay urged the curve on the western approach to the hew maria st bridge be let out he was told the fence lines had been moved to make the curve not so sharp a discussion followed on placement of an eight foot chain link fence on the northwest side of the bridge to direct pedestrian traffic away from the railway em bankment deputyreeve wilson asked if there was going to be an official opening of the bridge the answer was no councillor cook queried about the discontinued practice of circul ating work sheets at council meet ings this initiated a discussion on pay rates for town employees councillor cook also brought at- bring in a new wage schedule- for council consideration the circulation of work sheets is to be reinstated councillor cook also brought at tention to various spots in town which require drainage c councillor barbcau complained of a buried cable on wallace st also asked tne fuse box in the ar ena be sends greetings acton was sent greetings from across the atlantic monday night the following telegram was read to councillors at their- regular session acton london is happy and proud on the inauguration of commonwealth namesake greet ing day to take this opportunity to express its sincere good wish es tor the future prosperity of its in ontario i n swwsr feieters- i ibir j- bdlzjtfli4 jtiv ov xjji

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