Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1956, p. 9

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thuhsday july 12th mm the acton free press acton ontario page mine pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water scnrth oalt telephone 2048 houoay time is here is your car insurance up to date talk it over now with your friendly insurance agent j bert wood insurance agency phone 585 acton eramosa council oks donations a large deputation headed by r osburn representing the federat ion of agriculture waited on era mosa township council regarding their usual4rant at the meeting of council in rockwood town hall on july 3 after discussion the reeve said council would give the matter further consideration ah members of council were present for the meeting smith griffin representing the acton fair board thanked council for donations received in the past and asked for a grant for the 1956 show albert gray asked for a grant for the wellington county plowmans association c meadows chairman of rock- wood p u board brought up the question of the county making some repairs on harris st to re lieve the flooding conditions wellington county plowmens association was granted 40 for the annual match in pilkington town ship on october 4 councillors benham and mcnabb moved that the following grants be paid acton fall fair 25 fer gus fall fair 25 erin fall fair 20 there was a grant of 300 to the federation of agriculture in first acton bank old safe leaves mill st building monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton shop phone 1410j res 313 rip tom nicol phone brampton 603w when the building at the comer of mill and willow streets was torn down to make way for the new bank of montreal building among the relics of early days in acton was the big old safe it was removed and taken to the highway garage by sandy mclsaac it is a coincidence that this old safe was in the first bank to be established in acton it was a pri vate bank operated by storey christie and co nhd in later years by the late hon david henderson some will recall the banking quar ters just off the millinery parlors in the old store and how impressive was the old safe in which the val uables were kept banking in ac ton in those days was only a part time job for the proprietor and manager goods were paid for in cash or produce mr henderson was haltons member of parliament for many years when he was away banking in acton was suspended until his return he operated acton s only bank until the mireliant s bank es tablished n branch in the building now owned by harry mainprise the old safe hadnt been used in manv vears except foi the purpose of supporting a stairway in the building it was opened with some difficulty and some old papers still reposed m its thick walls thov have brought recollections to some of the folks who lived here before the turn of the century the interior of the old safe u quite interesting the upper section is for the books ledgers etc and a section has carpet laid on the floor it is said these were pieces of carpet left over from the first floor covering mr henderson bought for his home on bower ave the lower strong box is a real piece of craftsmanship the mech- come on in ffio njaferb fine enjoy the healthful outdoor vacation activities at one of a ontarios popular resorts yv l and a restful bus trip there ss w sy an midland 805 collingwood 795 wasaga bch 735 roumd trip by bus see your local agent for au bus travel information harold wiles anism is all there and the steel locking plates operate as smoothly as ever a mechanism for closing the door forces it into position be fore the combination lock can be operated the safe was built by goldic and mcculloch at gait in their safe works the door has at one time been artistically ndoined with scrolls and a scene which gives ex pression to the art of the day the four ton relic is the property of bert hinton who sold the build ing and land to the bank of mont real canadian contracts finance gas pipeline trans canada pipe linos- limited has made enough progress to be able to finance its 2 200 mile line fiom cinadi in markets only n company of fit ml said recently a t ciaig vicepresident in charge of sales told a panel dis i ussion on natural gas at pie loth annual meeting of the cinadian gas assciation that the compiilv now is mrong enough to proceed with its l ins at nme inlying of pipe on the initial 570 mile prairie leg of the alberta to quebec line will start within the iu xt few diys he said the tntire line would be camp leted b the fall of 1958 he predict ed the company had originally planned to export gu from emer son man and niagara falls onl it was awaiting authorization from the united states power comnus sion to do so the deacons seat was a large seat close by the fireplace in a logging camp bunkhouse edward jordan public schools third inspector the announcement that halton county would get its third public school inspector was made this week edward f jordan b a m fd will take his post on septem her 1 it was repotted nearly 400 teach ers aie expected to be conducting classes in halton in september when schools closed at the end of june ii 10h pupils were attending elementary schools bom in mitchell ontai lo mr jordun taught in northern ontm io dufferin countv and at nerval public school from september of 11m1 til june of 11m3 for the past 12 cirs he has taught in ottawa and at the tunc of leaving was piincipil of liivcivicw school he is a gi actuate of the univeisity of western out u lo mr jordan will live with his wife and foui i n old dinghtoi judith amic in icingslcigli coin t milton no paper dills printing and publishing company of acton and milton will halt both printing and publishing for a weeks holiday the whole staff will be on vacation from sat urday july 28 until tuesday aug ust 7 there will be no issue of the paper on thursday august 2 people buy the free press to read and read the free press to buy hockwood church picnic storm bridge bowling are topics of village the annual picnic of the prea- bvtcnan congregation and sundav school wits held last saturday nf tejrnoon hi exhibition pink with a good attendance und favored with fine weather mi d blaik student ministei liad chnige of events as follows races gh in foui years and nu clei- kntliy oshoine boys four mjiis and iinclei james black hi inn death gills five years car olyn gi ay boys jive years george ciabtiee guls sixseven caiol hammond boys six seven biian scott girls eightten barbara culling boys eight ten donald edwin ds girls 1112 betty ham mond boys 11 u glen gray gills 15 and under betty ham mond boys l and under glen giav girls thiee legged race diane jackson dances kelso hoys thiet legged lace gcoigo ham mond bob lowe ball tluow jun lors margin ct ci abtree seniors ki aiu es kelso boys james milne novelty shoe lact mis i hluk mi hay death tie lure mrs al licit gia mi st ott be in guess ing gciliude freeman neaiest imthday dennis death kenneth lohnston found mi mvsteiv man in the pel son of hichaid liaiiis dining the af te i noon some tune was spent kicking the football ovi i the basi ball diamond hollowing the games all sat doven lo well lade n tables with mr d lllk k leading in piayei following siippc i a presentation took plaie for a lecently married couple mi and mrs hobert john ston a prepaicd address was handed to mrs johnston mrs frank kelso and mr j k peuren presented the gifts to the couple robert johnston replied fittingly following by the gathering singing for they are jolly good fellows during the storm of july 1st two other tiees in uic villagefet hie liiuiitof the high winds one of i lie big iiinplts on the grounds of the ftinner presbyterian church manse hitl a section bioken off and anothti tl mi j d mcleans yard woi k on the bi idge over the riv er is iiretgresmg very well the old flooring is taken up the old cement with wiie mesli cut out and i enfmeed metal strips laid on the steel beams with hot road material poured of i unci lollid down mi and mrs arnold maw and childien jf halifax are in town on a visit with mr and mrs george iaveilv and mr and mrs frank kelso at st johns church on sunday moiiung holy communion was ob- sei ved at the tondusion of the service miss nam y waller a hinlctltct of next sduiday was the recipient of a gift from the ccjilgngatloii miss ada waller of hamilton was a week end visitor with dr and mrs k h wallcr mis lttv charles greene und childien of saskate licwun ire with he i pan nts xr and mis waller kellnh im1 a jai of relish was the loot for tin pi ie wmrieis it the- jitney games on the hot k wood howling greens on liuali night the llaers tupping the scon card were itev dills i wini ii jack mclean 1 wins 21 gcoige day 2 wins lu hobert bingham 1 win 17 and al beit maltby 1 win ii in the league schedule- on jujy 4 itockwoexi journe yeeto george town und defeated that team by a margin of thiee points georgetown hh and hoik wood 01 the rock- wood rinks competing were malt- by mclean sim saunders dllts- biughum dayvincent and alton- darou next week july ii rock- wood goes to acton plan further conservation talks a generally acknowledged need was felt for establishment of a conservation authority on the six teen mile creek watershed when municipal officials met in trafalgar hall on friday june 29th to discuss the possibility with a representative of the conservat ion branch of the department of planning and development while no definite action resulted at the meeting it was agreed a second meeting should be held on july 2g when further action might phone 2t7 acton robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly t p head phone guelph 1924 58 st georges square be considered it was noted that nassagaweya and milton were not represented at the meeting repres entatives of oakvillc esqucsing and trafalgar were present- trafalgar reeve marshall intro ducing the subject recalled a meeting in milton last year when officials considered establishment of an authority for the 12 and 16 mile creek watershed he noted the trafalgar planning board had ask ed council to study the possibility of an authority affecting oakvillc mllton nassagaweva kscjuesing and trafalgar a s l barnes of the conserv ation branch department of plan ning and development reviewed the history of conservation and the decision of the provincial govern ment to define areas or authorities on the- basis of watersheds reviewing the procedure for es tablishment of an authority the speaker noted that two or mure municipalities cither wholly or partly in a watershed may petition the minister to coll a meeting to consider the establishment of in authority the minister sets the time and location notifying each for powerful pull you cant beat husky fargo trucks from the h tort express with its economical 6 to the 220h p v8 that powers the mighty fargo tractor at 65000 lbs g cw you get big power for every job for example the fargo k8 illustrated gives you more power in the 21000lb g- v w class than any competing make its new engine design is the most efficient in the industry lets you use regular gas jjives you maximum gasoline econ omy see your fargo dealer soon- council affected to send representat ives on a population basis twothirds of the representatives will constitute a quorum at the meeting and twothirds of those present must pass a resolution fav oring establishment of the author ity before any action can be taken it was emphasized however thut when an authority is established all municipalities are members of it on the basis of population of- the area within the authority the di partment representative pointed out the first action is us ually lo request the minister to make a survey of the irid on the basis of hydraulics forestry land use- wildlife and run iliein ilns work is done at no cost to the authority it was explained the extension of grants on var lous sch mi s was outlined includ ing reforestation and other activit ies that might be entered by un es tablished authority discussing rcasons for establish menl of an minority it was sug gi sled the in nri valu s were flood control maintenance of summmer wate r flow arid improvement of farm lands it was explained that sewage is controlled by tile dcpartment of health but the use of water taki n from the stream would likely be controlled by n authority on the division of costs to opt r ile the authority it was suggested this was up lo the municipalities to work out on the basis of either population or assessment or a com bination hcivi marshall ixplnnid hi tould s e grcit advintigcs in tin eonseivation of recreational areas i we re in one of the fastest grow ing ureas in the north american continent and the planning board feels we have to act now before the door is closed on some of these natural beauty spots we ve seen for so many years w elmer wright secretary treasurer of the credit conservot- lon authority outlined the activit ies of that group and suggested it might be possible if the sixteen authority was established that the two could have a field man jointly questioned on whether the mun icipalities might be premature in establishing an authority dr c a mai tin indicated it was not too previous it was noted the sur vey would take a year and there should e rtainly be some control ov r the creeks ksqucsintj councillor w bird suggeslcd it was his personal opin ion that it should be proceeded with since it takes some time to get an authority into action town mmagcr k needham of oakvillc suggested the town would probably be interested for its rec reational value although they h idn t be in iroubh d willi flooding kccve marshall pointed out uiat if devclopers start putting storm sewers in north of the dundas highway trie sie of the creek could change quite noticeably and m ike flooding a possibility it was summed up that there would be a lot of people in the ar e a in the next 20 yc irs and some tiling should be left for the m rath er than having all the suitable ar- fenced off as eslates furthir meeting is planned consider ition of tin sub- ttatt a for more ject qut not olid price ant thai m wtve 0- thciw6s rlfat brooks roll call response ls flower exchange w ii mnru kbtjiri women institute held their r mil ir meinthiv me eting in the v hool i he meeting ocned with tin irwittit- ode md the lords irivc r lvn minutes sile n e w is fib- i ve ci in rile moi ejf the lite- mrs m fjordon the roll ctell a is insvee re d bv ui exchirige of flower slips ihe rnot t invest ur time 1iscid of spending it was given t mrs a in power payload and body styles fargo gives you a big choice- select the right truck for your job fiom 28 separate models 19 different wheel- bases for instance fargo express models offer you 3 body sizes 14ton 109whelbat model hat 7hlata 49wjde body mton hwheelbao model hat 90iob 54wwe body 1ton 1 26whebqe model hat 107len 54wile body choose the one you need ckrptur corporation af canada ltmiud 252qtmotis v built to fit your job 5000 lbs gvw to 46000 lbs gvw grants motors ag ton up to 65000 lbs gcw ehojmjtszi watch climaxshower of stas weekly on tv check vour mbwspaper for date and time- t mrs w j mcdonald gave a re port frejrn the binquet at cree iman hall oac guelph in honor of mrs a m berry of australia pres ident of acww four members from bannookburn attended mrs s mrrriion gave a paper on canadian industries a hundred years in rubber final arrange ments were made for the bus trip to be shared with greenock instit ute a delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge frank carney sons plumbing hardware hmting electricr phone 135 ttockwood 0s always rtssh available at ledgers i g a

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