Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1956, p. 1

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eightysecond year no 3 acton ontario thursday july 19th 1956 twelve pages seven cents council gives first heading to bylaw for 120000 sixroom public school canadian market poor americans may buy acton bonds coordination of many professions skills and rrades is necessary in laying the sixinch trans mission line which will serve georgetown acton and milion with natural gas the latest progress report indicates natural gas will be distributed in trie milton and georgetown districts august 1 district manager jim robertson said this week line installation at acton will likely start before the end of july above photo shows crews laying pips for the trunk line to the three municipalities area spotlight brides june brides and july brides nnd grooms too have provided plenty of news for the free press this week pares three and four are specializing in weddings with descriptions of the ceremonies articles on showers and presenta tions and pictures of two of the appy young couples calithumpian parade plans include races floats games draw between a dozen and 15 floats and scores of individual entries arc expected to be entered in the sec ond annual calithumpian parade the legion committee in pharge of the event reports this will be the second year in succession acton legion minor sports has sponsored uie civic holiday entertainment in the parade shortly after noon on monday august 6 will be the guelph pipe band as well as the acton citizens band officials have learned events at the park- during the afternoon will include a softball tournament with six teams games novelty booths bingo races pony- rides and a merrygpround a lucky iiruw is another highlight a dance in the legion auditorium will conclude the fundraising holi day program the dbonnaire orchestra will be playing former newsman on free press staff henry deveau has this wreck joined the business office staff in acton of the dills printing ahrt publishing company limited mr deveau is wellknown to the citiz ens of acton since he has been manager lor the past six years of the roxy theatre here fwspaperfnan ol some experience and was for several years employed by the halifax herald and mail before going into the motion picture industry narrow margin for acton win i by the narrow margin of one point acton defeated rockwood in j an intercounty lawn bowling league i game in acton on wednesday evening of last week it was i a hard fought game with all five i sets of doubles playing at their best having two wins two losses and one tie it had to take the team of rogers and bell against simjns and j maltby to give acton the total points when they won 2514 chisholm and holmes 12 landers and alton 28 veldhuis and inglis 14 perry and gray 14 drysdale and woodburn 22 diltz and mattox 24 woodburn and cairns 20 hutchin son and gray 12 rogers and bell 25 maltby and simms 14 totals acton 93 rockwood 92 this put acton on an even keel with guelph at six points each for three wins this was changed on saturday evening when george- town at guelph game had been postponed till that night a guelph victory gave them an extra two points to put them in a tie with rockwood that game with both i teams evenly matched finished 88- 86 last thursday evening four trav elled from acton mrs m bell miss b woods president h rogers and secretary jim fleming were in a play on the guelph greens mr fleming and his lead mrs bell went for a return game against fin weaver with mrs gladys fenwick as lead although the guelph pair j won both games the friendly duel is to be continued the other acton pair were on the winning side in doubles this wednesday shows acton at georgetown rockwood at guelph lracne schedale p w l f a pts rockwood 6 4 2 554 516 8 guelph 6 4 2 527 545 8 acton 6 3 3 530 502 6 georgetown 6 1 5 44 547 2 ingbiredat the nowvacant lot on the corner of mill and willow sts prepirt- ory to beginning founjjajioiii for the new bank no polio miss g j leavey supervisor of nursing for the llalton county 1 health 1nit yesterday told this newspaper that no cases of polio myelitis hsve been reported in the county this year 1 in this particular case it might be well to assume the old saying that no news is good news urban bd holds a short session j a short meeting of the urban j board was held in acton last night i when representatives of the host town and milton georgetown members did not appear found little summer business to occupy themselves an informal discussion on natural gas was held with members touch ing on cost against oil for install ation and consumption relative heating qualities and other aspects of the utility new to this area insurance premiums totalling 2380 were ordered paid to cover engineering equipment also a mileage account with the engineer of 55448 actons mayor e tyler asked if milton held any control over taxi fare rates milton mayor r pearen replied no a short discussion fol lowed on taxi rates in the two loivns x members agreed to dispense with the regular august meeting record 22 new cases of measles in week measles were the most prevalent of all communicable diseases in the county during the week end ing june 30 the halton county health unit reports there were two cases in burlington one in nelson two in oakville five in milton one in esquesingj one in bnms andlo in georgetown there were actually no outbreaks of any of the common communic able diseases in acton during that week the possibilty that american capital may make a direct reach into the rnunicipal economy of ac ton was raised at a special session of council last night clerk j mcgeachie describing the canadian money market ms poor reminded councillors that acton still has some 200000 in un sold debentures on its hands a twoyear limit hangs over towns with unsold bonds from the date o approval a block of these debent ures has lutmi around for nearly a year now the clerk said iihinries have been made the clerk indicated by representatives of an anioricna investment house interested in canadian municipal bonds council was told that more information is to be learned later this week- on anorhcr matter mayor tyler read a letter from central mortgage and housing corporation to ileii- lea builders bradley and houghton the letter claimed that final re lease of loans on houses built is being held up pending corrective action oil the nearby town dump council setting the letter aside began a runbling talk on proposed new dump sites on town property near the disposal plant several other giilys in this area ami neg otiations with a private landowner to use waste land on ins property for dtmipi nn unauthorised dumping and thf sanitary linri fill method of garbago disposal also came into the talks ll ws suggested a final decision will he made on the dump situat ion at next weeks regular meeting merchants plar change in draws with a tn per cent coupon mrs harold ell iott won 40 in the ap preciation day draw last saturday and she knew the name of tho merchant if the week and so an other 3 was added to her unex pected shopping money the snm system of drawing for winners w ill continue next satur day but after that a new plan has been arranged by participating merchants the box of ballots from one merchants store will be kept separate secretly and one drawfor the extra ss will be made from it- then the main draw for the per centage of the total pot will be made with all the coupons in the large container the new system of draws will start a wepk from next saturday speculates all rats in dump may not all befour legged a few weeks ago the town had built seven feeding stations loaded them with warafin and located the boxes around the dump in an offensive against the rat population according to intermittent re- ports the rats were taking the deceptive meal and thus sharply boosting tlieir mortality rate early this week council learn ed somebody stole the feeding stations all seven of them one councillor after it was agreed to replace the trays sug gested the rats in the dump werent al 1 fourlegged its lots of fun for the young first reading for a bylaw which would provide actons public school board wjtjj some 1200qo- tor a nc sixroom school wail heard last night at a special meet ing of council the meeting was called expressly for this purpose as trustees hurry efforts to comp lete legal formalities prior to a hopedfor start on the new build ing this summer at a school board session tutpi- day night preliminary sketches if the proposed structure were sutt- iintted by the architect consider- ahle disrussun centred on structur al feature and characteristics tlie building which is being d signed for expansion as the heed mav arise yesterday five members of the hoard trustees yv wolf- t wit son c hi iclley w rttocks and c heard made a lour of sevci il schools in halton county tiles new schools were either recently completed are tinlcr construct ion the hvlav will gi ario munieipal hoard pioval stamp infore lie railed liipirt incut appruval has other lieeeoir inspector ami local c to the out for an at tenders cin of education been griiiuxl as have y approvals from ti nncil stall photo actoms popular park magnetizes more youngsters these sun ny days than a doren cameras could picture this happy sextet got in front of the staff camera while doing a train on the playground slide from bottom lo top theyre leonard van d polder john mc- gilioway wilma van de polder billie cripps bruce lambert part ly hidden and mike rogers billie cripps holds a white kitten jxw iiivrsssbssws3aejtaas attendance certificates given to vacation school students parents and friends watched with pride as young pupils of the daily vacation bible school received their graduation certificates in knux church friday evening those who were given the awards had attended four or five classes of the weeklong school sessions were held in st al- bans parish hall the united church and knox church during the annual school farewell gift given by circle members the baptist womens mission circle held their julyaugust mect- nig at mrs d r hutcheons home main st north members gathered at 630 pm for a picni- supper served on the lawn tea hostesses were mrs n dunk rmd mrs e gordon a contest sponsored by mrs hel- wig added a bit of merriment the regular meet ing folio wed and was opened with prayer by the presid ent mrs j chapman the scrror ary mrs c landsborough read the minutes of the june meeting and business arising out of these was discussed roll call was an swered by each member naming a favorite bible character mrs c landsborough gave the devotional basing her talk on 2nd peter grow in grace after a prayer mrs h hclwig read an address and mrs cj landsborough presented on behalf of the circle members a lovely gift to mtrs l garner who is soon i to leave acton with her husband and family to reside in arizona i there was rain every day last week supervisor rev gordon adams was chairman for the closing pro gram the nursery group under mrs evan jones sang led by mrs robert buckner the kindergarten and grade one group formed a rhythm band and sang along as they played they also recited their memory work singing and memory work also comprised the section of the pro gram given by the primary section the juniors sang and recited the books of the bible the financial report showed a deficit this year handiwork was on display fol- the parents to sec after the short prograrn which was well attended the drinking fountain at the public utilities office is working again and the kids are finding out you can do other things with it as well as drink bicycle races judged on rules speed safety luondav was the big day f m evrlists at the ymca at tw oclock tin- lucvele races got under way wild lhe seniors heading mil 1 into tin- ceiirtrv and the junior i tiding the hack streets in towia traffic safety rules were standmi i orders for both juniors and senior j and racers were warned before starting thit they would be dlm- ualified for failing to stop at stp streets or failing to signal a turn the senir course started at john and mill sts and proceeds down john to church and up to victoria st from victoria the racers pro- ccedid to mill st and out mill to queen at this intersection they headed back for town oh queen st turned on to victoria then down hrock to agnes along agnes to maria and out maria to church then back to the finish line at the corner of john and church keith mattocks was the winner in ten minutes and 30 seconds and dale woodburn came in 22 seconds later to finish second the junior race started at mill and john sts and followed church st to maria then around the crescent and back down church st to the finish in this race the boys rode over the course one at a time and the winner was determin ed by the fastest time for the dis tance andrew tarrant won the race in six minutes and three sec onds while andrew knox was sec ond in a time of six minutes 31 seconds council approval next actons official land use map tabled the completed draft of actons official land use map was accepted tfranoyejjpuruj at a meeting of the j planniriit board the nap now goes to council where formal approval willbe stamped however notl until tie towns new zoning bylaw comes into ef- trd will the map legally govern areas of residential commercial and industrial development here a joiiit meeting of council and plannuig board last month gave first approval oh the original draft the board secretary reported the compiled plan which establishes boundaries and monuments from a towtwidesurvey is likely to be il i within two weeks three land traixsfers were re ported by the secretary as having taken place without the knowlcie of the bvard h was noted the properties are net presently b el by the subdivision control byiw in liich of this the board a eeri the bylaw should be redrafted whcithc completed plan is avail able the rww subdivision control bylaw would have jurisdiction ov er all v acant lands town planner p a deacon in formed the board trie minister of planning and development is hes itant to withdraw a proposed plan of resubdivision on the queen st lands formerly known as the wool i combine subdivision unless good and valid reasons are given at a recent meeting tfae board trpxeed to ask for withdrawal of the plan by the minister since no de velopment has taken place in three sears during that time the land t changed hands three times since an agreement for services was first made by council a monday rights meeting mem bers questioned whether the plan would conform to zoninu bylaw cumics with regard lo lot sizes- ll does not tall- under the subdiv ision centrol bylaw at present- out of the discussion tlie lec-ot- ary was asked to write to the pres ent owner of the lands e coles of malton for information of his in tcntions for tfae subdivided prop erty jis a brief pajtade prior to the local loyal orange lodge motoring to arthur for the annual dstrict walk was staged on aajll street last saturday morning with about 3oofthe local lodge band arid membership taking part nearly 80 lodges rrtet in arthur to celebrate the battle of the boyfte in- k eluding representative from milrcirv w wtau ti olympic stars y track club at city meet saturday afternoon acton vii ca track club travelled to tor onto for the fourth annual runninft of the emile begley track mee this meet is sponsored by the gladstone athletic club in honor of emile begley the founder of the club among the athletes compet ing were many of the stars from canadas last olympic team and many who will have a berth on canadas team for next year acton runners placed as follows 1o0 yard dash wayne arbie fourth 440 yards maurice van hemmen fourth wayne arbic fifth 80 yards delmnr watson fifth 220 yards frank cooper third running broad jump maur ice van rcmmen fourth in thei one mile relay race the acton team of frank cooper maurice van hemmen dclmar watson and wayne arbic came second the other track clubs represented were toronto east york toronto olympi club toront athletic ctub richmond hilh hamilton athletic ctub michigan state un iversity and the buffalo down town ymca saturday had greater significance for acton and especially fipfcur of actons runners for on satur day mornink before the boys left for the emile bagley meet the mailman brought invitations for four of the acton runners to enter the canadian track and field ofrm- pic trials at hamilton in august none hurt as bus and car in collision a gray coach bus driven by- john troopish of toronto and s car 4driven by arthur holland loo were involved in a rear collision on highway no 7 weft of acton one evyntng t 6 no injuries were stiffens police reported overall 1137 vw yl

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