Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1956, p. 12

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r- is- r jpmskjswjslyb the acton free press agixmilqnta ntario thursday july- ipth 196d free press iocal h bvs some farmers have had to dis card crops turned had during this rainy season the fust leadership training course of the summer began nt blue springs scout reserve on sunday first class honors in grade one piano was awarded to young miss linda braida she is a pupil of miss dcnisc coles smith griffon attended the rotnry club mcet inn this week to talk over plans for fall fair ticket- taking with them rntnrians usual ly handle that job vacation time golf swimming tennis and canoeing these are just a few of the outdoor attrac tions to befound this summer at canadian pacific hotels across the nation upper left a slick ap proach shot is made to the green at st andrews nb upper right d young miss iries her hand at some tengis at banff springs hotel banff alta lower left the clear waters of lake louise alta make for smooth canoe ng lower right a young couple bask in the sunlight and scenery found at th- banff springs hotel these and numerous other outdoor activities are typical of the summertime attractions at canadian pacific hotels throughout canada i xmwvw iu oldtime stores offered bargains to right voters hull que opa copy of a march 1b70 oltnwa citizen re veals that some merchants used to offer goods at reduced prices to customers supporting certain elect ion candidates the paper was one of two dis covered by mrs j a rcmillard on the back of an old mirror the other was printed in 1891 both papers yellow and crisp with age featured long local re ports and the briefest notes on im portant international affairs interesting were accounts of a murder in ottawi and strange ad vertising ways as well as the elect ion day oddities one merchant of fered 12 rolls of parlor paper for 125 to voters supporting certain election candidates a wine merchant advised voters who had a case or two at stake on the elections to provide the neces sary requirements not later than wednesday in the week so as to be prompt in settlement and en able the victors to properly rejoice and the vunquished to drown their sorrows then there was n description of a murder in the capital the reporter described the scene j of the crime thus he the victim was found dying in his b his lifeblood oozing from ghastly wounds in the head and the heavy iron bai with which they were in flicted lying bloodspattered at his side tourists drawn to ns houses halifax cptwo historic nova scotia houses opened their doors to j the public june 1 they are tjn- 1 iacke house at mount uniacke and the haliburton memorial museum at windsor the houses interesting examples of colonial architecture in canada were acquired by the provincial government for preservation as his- toric sites i uniacke house was built in ibis- is ahd was the country home of richard john uniacke colorful irishborn attorney general of nova scotia from v787 to 1830 the origi- nal 19th century furnishings have been preserved clifton was the home of judge thomas chandler haliburton auth or of the sam slick stories ha was known as the father of ameri can humor people buy the free press to read and read the free press to buy u 1 brampton keeps dental service brampton public school board has taken a step forward towards a permanent solution to what in some quarters has been made a contentious problem the provision of dental services in schools of the town by the board decision kindergar ten pupils and those of grades one and two only will be treated as be fore treatment of course will be given emergency cases in other grades pupils of other grades will re ceive the same examination and notification as is provided in other schools of the county thedental officer will look far defects and notify parents accordingly it will be up to parents to act upon such notification and take their children to their own dentists dr lawrence told the board this restriction of service provided was in line with that adopted by com munities across the country provid ing similar school dental care it is cutting down to those ages where they the communities can do the most good for their dollars spent dr lawrence stated in making the motion dr lawr ence was expresssing a feeling ev idenced by earlier board discuss ion of the problem at the meeting some time ago members of the board had not been in favor of en tirely eliminating the service nowi being provided j under the present rapid expahs- j ion of the town the system now being curtailed meant more work than practitioners could handle un der the scheme- a provincial grant of 2c per cent of cost is allowed upder this scheme but a maximum of 2000 is allowed for such grant the sinoot ties rule in town those few yards over the ncwly- pived spick and span new maria st bridge william leslie has token over the managership of both the rosy acton and itoxy georgetown theatres following the resignation of henry devcuu here power was shut off sunday morning by the public utilities commission in some parts of town while work was underway this saturday ivaler will he tiff in cer tain areas kxnrt notification ap pears in an ilvcrliscment youll notice in the 20 years ago column that this district was 35 days without rain everyone wis suffering from the heat this years rain iind moderate temper atures are certainly preferable to those of the good old days in this instance at least completion of the staff at ac ton high school was made recent ly when mrs a orr a former suc cessful teacher in acton high school and mr w willem of tor- onot were engaged for the vacanc ies they will start the fall term in the school here damage was estimated at 750 to two cars involved in a sideswipe on the brow of a hill on the hal- tonwellington county line north of here on saturday drivers of the cars were john ingle of r r 4 rockwood and charles allen of acton do you recall the picture of jean peterson mounted on the front of a locomotive that was published on the farm page of the free press last week she was one of 120 ontario farmers and junior farmers who left on a goodwill trip to eastern canada well wo have discovered since that the huge engine hulked in the background was one of the ones which collided snout to snout on the track at the station here last winer it was the more seriously damaged of the two ads for quick results rates ntr charge for announcements of births mai tinges deaths and engagements in mcinoruini alio plus 10c pur line for verses articles for sale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash 35 box no to thin uffice 15c additional coming events 10c per count line 50c minimum cards of thanks boc billing charge of 15c added to all accounts if not paid until after insertion and added for each blllrcndered latent time for insertion i pm wednesday births marriages deaths efc born maucoux to mr and mrs jean mnrcoux on wednesday june 27 a son kevin james mcdonald vcma and bill rr 1 hillsburph are very luippy to announce the birth of their son barry richard at the nursing home acton on july 4 a bro ther for sandra lee and brad ley all well for sale foh sale oroom norge space heater hnone 250 ufter 530 pm n3 for sale 20 small pigs 6 weeks old john nap phono 2114 j 13 a3 for sale boat 12 foot hydra- plnne with pontoons reasonable phone 3s6r a3 died moci1k1k suddenly at his home in ltrampton tuesday july 17 vthomns llcwelt mochric bolov- ed husband of blanche newton and dear father of margaret jean dorothy diamie and lvin- ald in his 51st year resting at mccluro funeral home wilson suddenly at her home in kdcn mills on sunday jul v l 1 iuella niekell inloved wife of stanley wilson ami tlcn sister of james a nickel of pontine mich funeral service was held tie- itinulcv funeral home on wednes day at 230 p in interment llilen mills cemetery lanofohd suddenly al livk- wood on tuesday inly 17 llwi mary haw beloved wife of ilie late thomas langforti ani tlenr sister of wllhttl haw a ill illv mrs gamble both of hock- wood alwljsua mrs gilbert ictl- ereri of flint mich heslini at the- ttuniley funeiuil home acton where funeral sir vice will he held on fridr- inly 21 at 2 30 pm interment fairvnw cemetery acton meknight on tuesday iiilv 17 i5i at the home of her daughter 20 glen long aviv to ronto ci race mrk night wife of edgar a mckniwht of acton out mother of mrs john ros in- irene of ancaster mrs cor don galloway icioorgmai and mrs john coisley i kathleen i of toronto resting at miles funeral home st clair ave w toronto fo- service at 2 p m friday interment mount pleasant ceoietory in memohiam cemetery caretaker says kids playing jigsaw with bones mike joyce who tends brontes cemetery complained to village i fathers recently that children in j the area were tampering with some of the older graves he said that he had been compli mented recently by visitors to the cemetery and invited council to visit and see improvements that have been made in the old burial j grounds j the kids play there and they are not helping things reported mr joyce some of the raves arc caving in and the kids arc pulling out the bones and- playing with them- i thin its disgraceful theyre playing jigsaw puzzle with the bones thats no way to run a cem etery something sot to be done to stop it what am i supposed to do he asked council council agreed that the situation at the cemetery was not good how would aou like it if some one started playing jigsaw puzzle with jw bones he asked the councillors council was sure that such a sit uation would be deplorable indeed and promised to assist mr jovce in his efforts to correct the condit ion the exposed graves are close to lake ontario and erosion has caus ed trie situation some of those graves are 123 years blatif my memory serves me right coun charles living stone stated y- looking for a good job with travel good pay thtc roval canadian 1 offers the opportunity to visit new places and serve your country while you do it you can earn good wages while you learn a good trade- there are immediate openings in the engineering naval air and communications branches aeie 17 to 25 129 with certain trade qualifications education grade 8 or better see vour naval recruiting officer every tuesday at the guelph ar mouries guelph ont 12 noon- 7 p m or clip this coupon and mail to v the rcn recruiting office h5ics star catharine st n hamilton ontario please send me full information regarding a career in the uavy name street city phone 13 7aiac in loving memory of jos eph zajac who died july 28 1947 your presence is ever near us your love remains with us yet you were the kind of a father your loved ones would never for get ever remembered by the family gilmour in memory of our uncle jimmie mr james k gilmour who passed awny july 23 1954 nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear fond memories linger every day remembrance keeps him near sadlv missed by gordon and is- abellc mills lynn and murnie elmvale ont cards of thanks we wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their help and kindness in our time of sorrow mrs gwen andrews and boys b92 coming events dont forget acton minor sports day monday august 6 acton park a514 baking sale saturday july 21 united church sunday school room 35 pm auspices acton tennis club a enrol now for day fall term where at the robinson business college milton why for two rea sons firstly individual attention is given everv studentr secondly tuition only 2350 per month b95 notice to creditors and others in the estate of annie lane late of the township of esqnejlng in the county of ilalum widow de ceased all parties having claims against the aforementioned estate of an nie lane who died on or about the twentysecond day of june 1956 are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned solicitor for the executrix on or before the thirtyfirst day of july 1958 after which date the estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the claims theri filed dated at acton ontario this eleventh dav of julv 1956 c f leatherland qc a23 solicitor for the executrix notice jo creditors an others n the estate of melissa jane john ston late of the town of acton in the county of halton spin ster deceased all parties having claims against the aforementioned estate of mel issa jane johnston viho died oh or about the nineteenth dav of may 1956 are required to file proof thereof with th undersigned sol icitor for the executors on or be fore the thirtyfirst day of july 1956 after which date the estate will be distributed having- regaru only to the claims- then filed dated at acton ontario this sbfth day of july j95flfcr g f leathtsland qc acton ontario az3 solicitor for the executors frigidaihe new 105o b cu ft for as low as 205 a week man ning electric j ntf for sale 5 little pigs well stinted charles cutis itlt 4 ac ton phone 1 111 w 14 a3 for sale 1h52 ferguson trai tor and plow uood condition also llnrnei saw phone 2hllw ai for sale used washers re- rigerntors nuifjeltes reasonable manning klectrie atf for sale approximately 1 allll new run- faced hi irk contact k ljaviim no il young st ilox it alton a i for sale irooiii sliueo house with sun iinrrh i piece bath full cenieiil basement apply 2 maui st n ai for sale 1 wrought iron 1c 1 1 i lien suite i kinchin led setter 2 arm chairs coffee talle 17 it a victor console tv llionr tiim ai for sale dodge 4iitmr sedan in good mechanical condition with icrently new tires and battery ciniiil fuinisliiuus and htiiter ap ply kev i poole ll bower ave a3 thactojt tihfs new and used hcv price- urand new 11x24 rmlv tt l1 iu2ji tlafit 11x21 s7t also repairs anil recapping calcium filled in tractor tires mil ton tire service mi mill st th ii- 2llll pick up ami tlehver a23 new anil rebuilt surisc milkers and vacuum pumps iiiiinc milk ers and milking parlors lnw down payments with easy terms avail able hornet- tornhnsori sitrjie dealer 9 mclaughlin ilione nram- pton hi72 atf for sale massey harris t ft 1wav disc practicallv new l or best offer also 00 board fet red arid white oak and 30iki hoard feet of while pine tut 111 oneinch boards a bargain call carli ttic- calino bronte 221 w after i hl for sale 50 chev halfton pickup in very good conditiun with new tires must be sold to highest offer cash or terms truck can le seen and demonstrated at hill earners one and a half miles north of crcwsons corners it h 4 hockwntid or phone ikirfi htick- wond sale to be closed july 24 h1 itancil style ntlncjalcjw s23mi down for this iroom beauti ful solid brick ranch style home with nha mortgage no age limit or income requirements sit uated on lovely landscaped corner lot this home has large bright l- shaped livingdming room combin ation with builtin book case well planned family size kitchen- with lots of cupboards 3 large bedrooms and 4piece ceramic tiled bathroom basement is fully divided with completely finished recreation room steel beam construction and air condition oil furnace owner leaving town for further inform ation call acton 611 a3 wanted wanted woman to care for 2 children 15 week live in or out phone up to 630 pm phone 201 r a3 wanted male and female em ployees apply in person lo bax ter laboratories of canada limited acton n3 halton poultry prod ucts poultry and egu wanted poultry custom picked cleaned and cut up phone milton tr 84401 wanted to rent house or ground floor apartment in or near actoit or rockwood 2 or 3 bed rooms and heavy wiring ilione 3121 n3 real estate farm wanted ry private party from the west can wait rea- soiiiiblc period for possess inn please send details of size huill- ings water price etc to mox 111 free press a3 wantkij heliiilli- woman to helt with housework arid cliihlnn in home weekends and linliivs free live in preferreil but not nec essary apply poelty masale phone iij a3 how to make it possible lo po- vide txlifts that make life more en ovalile mecollie our ialt in vour locality and su 1 rounding write for free catalogue itiwl sales plan familkx ixpt 3 station montreal htl dead animals 200 2m each for dead or disabled cows and horses old iioksih 4c lb one of our trucks passes your district dully call llelwood 2rll guelph 466w or fergus 23wl2 collect 24 hour service george cjibson tf chkkiiy imckinc we lmpeet to start monday julv 311 lic per ii ql bask-et- llring our ovnli qt baskets to pick in no one 12 rears iii under unless accompanied by a parent ti ilc poi tat 1011 piuiid from corntl llroik and main sis i in 1 k llaitlcv it it i miltnn til hilh 3 opportunity full or used cars 1955 ford tudor 1953 chev bel air sedan 1953 hillman station wagon 1952 chev tudor 1948 ford tudor thompson motors acton ltd 15 main st n phone b9 twilight clearing auction sale in acton of furniture and house hold effects the undersigned have received instructions from s ram to sell by public auction at their home 32 guelph st acton on sa4urday evening july 21st starting at 730 pm trie follow ing dining room furniture- dark oak dining room suite con sisting of extension table 6 chairs bmetsnjall round table china cabinet clock to match coffee table mirror pictures cabirietta- dio antique clocks rugs- floor lamp wall lamps glassware pitch er cups and saucers bedroom furnishings 2 dark finished beds with springs and mattresses day bed 3 small rugs wash stands toilet set 4 1 chairs clothes racks and hangers mirrors alarm clock cuckoo clock j kitchen utensils hotplate electric toaster electric tea kettle flower table and stands wash tubs pails pot pans spoons all kinds of kitchen utensils kitchen chairs balance of all groceries and food supplies on hand garden tools el- ectric soldering iron window screens terms cash the proprietor is leaving immed iately for holland in case of rairtl sale will be held in baptist church sheds hindley- and elliott auctioneers v- coles cleric a2z part time canadian corpoitation has exceptional opening for reliable man or woman in this area work consists of delivery and re plenishing stocks of the worlds leading cosmetic line in ex isting retail store accounts absolutely no selling or soliciting as all selling is handled by our head office staff age education or past experience is not important as full training is provided can be handled in 3 to 5 hours a week without interfering with present employment ifull time if desired with up to 10000 a week to start enquiries are invited from per sons able to post 109800 for bond ed products covered by a repur chase agreement and backed by a multimillion dollar advertising program persons available immediately that have the necessary capital and desire a steady dependable in come should send name address and telephone number for details to personnel manager namerco canada limited fine acton residence 12000- full price for solid brick oroom home uood residential section central 25 ft living room with fireplace large reception hull dining room kitchen full basement with oil heating 3 bed rooms reuutifiilly landscaped gro 11 litis contact john l kingshott iirokkr harris st hock wood phone 177 or 4i1j real estate iiihiii mtone house 4 rooms bath cupboards coal furnace and ioel biiseinent garage anil workshop larg- garden lot wimio cai 2x itougli east b rtioma bath cup hoards good basement kooi floors garage 1 acre of i uid hi 1 house small barn iim ftotli on populio utictt oilier houses soiiu- hi ick i vhei and on highway modi 11 viii sc vll 1 i pll ink d a russell act 11 klllwlt itrrnurill anil vlalhcwh itrokrrs we have buyers we need mcjrje properties houses farms small holdings list now with our local representative john watkins acton oril phoijie 3i1j12 free farm catalogue hundreds of properties for salt write head office j a willoughby sons limited realtor 40 kg in ton ave e toronto atf 392 bay street toronto 1 ontario b92 i lost and found lost in acton park pair childs prescription sun glasses reward if returned to free press office a3 for rent for rent 2 or 3 rooms or boarders write box 80 free press a3 real estate 2 new 4room home 1 grey brick 1 red brick tile floors oil furn ace builtin cupboards 4 piece bath ample closet space laundry tubs low taxes solid brick bungalow close to small lake near acton good fishing pressure system 3 piece bath fireplace oil space neat gar age many extras stay with the property carries for 40 monthly including taxes 2000 down sroom insul brick wellcared for home large cor- eer lot 80x132 one of actons est beautifully landscaped with shade trees shrubbery flowers and- a nice lawn taxes only 76 full price 8000 balance at s per cent very quick possession 2000 down new 5room ranch style home tile and wall to wall carpeting 4 piece bath oil heat insulated picture window land scaped within walking distance to fishing and swimming full price 9890 immediate possess ion 2100 down full price 11009 new 5room brick ranch style landscaped and modern conven iences recreation room 5 per cent j nha mortgage very quick possession john r holmes real estate broker 84 church st e phohe 308 a3 miscellaneous painting decorating shingling gardening post holes dug and any miscellaneous work done reason able rates john bryan 438m a20 floor rwinishino we now have a modern sander and edfer we will refinlsh your floors or rent you the equipment to do th job yourself j b frank phone 377 w 17 main st 8 acton aeow if room and board availabl for 2 gentlemen lot 22 lakeview subdivision acton a3 for rent large room and kit chenette heated hydro and liht hot and culd water all convenienc es 53 willow st a2 for rent 3 roomed selfcon tained apartment hardwood fltxir- and builtin cupboards heated in apartment building phone 365m a3 for rent large living room 2 bedrooms kitchen doctors office 1 and walling room centrally locat ed available august 15 phone 573j a48eiw commercial and domest ic upholstering add fookj and comfort with ikilledi restyling your furniture can be handsome as now again low cost call us on week service phone 88 actoo at wfvr jftsbstflmlisftwlk tiwjxntads deadstock removed tour farm promptly for sanitarr disposal telephone collect georgetown tr 72741 or cmlra mohawk 95584 gordon tocno lpaatrp h kitclfener upholstery have your chesterfield suite retj holstered for ai little as 09 he- finishing also rugs cleaned and re- roired for prompt- nd efficient service call on cord mccutcheons mens wear one week service atf dkad8tock service 100 each for dead or disabled horse or cows 0u bdises 4e lb for prompt service phonec freettoa sms or hannon sms steve peconi 1

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