Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1956, p. 2

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faobtwo 4t le artmt jtree frrab ike aaty p war founded in 1875 and published every tnura- day at 56 miu st r acton onir member of the audit bureau of circulations the cw 1a and the ontarioquebec division of the cwjta advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 400 in the united states six dtonths175 single copies 7c authorized as second chjss mail post office department ottawa vs putkusaed by the duls priattnr and fvbllsajnr co limited g a dills editorin chief jb david r dills production manager james a dills john black r associate editors business and editorial office ph 000 acton actons finances if you want to study the finances of acton a little booklet is available again this year known as the auditors report there are nor many cop ies available because past experience has shown that not many ratepayers want to go into the de tails the booklet is available to ratepayers who ask for it at the municipal offices weve often wondered why more ratepayers do not use the tacts about their town instead of the loose hear say that is so often handed out a rather interesting we found was the fact that in the past- year the council budgerted for a sur plus of 4649 and the actual surpliis for the year was 6985 some other governments who deal in millions might make note of this when giving out their tax levies the total expenditure for the town last year was 27573354 and of this emount 21313433 was raised from taxation if you are interested in the future you might take a look at the debenture pages and be en couraged to note that the last of the debentures in effect at the end of 1 955 will be cleared away by 1975 this year it will take 87620 for deben ture charges and 49600 of that amount is paid off principal and interest will amount to 38020 in 1975 the principal paid off will be 1900 and the interest down to 8 1 you can find out about the various municipal costs in the public utilities the schools the ceme tery board the free library board citizens band and planning board north halton urban board youll find it an interesting evening look ing over actons finances and we think youll ap preciate the position in which acton is on a fin- ancial basis and gain an even greater apprecia tion of the work of municipal officials balking along the way everyone expresses a desire for tax cuts it can be taken for granted that such a move finds unanimous approval but the method of getting them often meets with widespread disapproval recently a canadian airbase was ordered closed down as being of no further use at pre sent six thousand people were- reported to have signed a petition of protest a few days later manufacture of a certain type of plane was dis continued again a protest against the cut in ex penditure of public funds on this machine this week if was announced that canada had made a gift of several planes to germany must have had more than we needed so perhaps it was just as well to slow down production for a while l its 1 1 years now sjnce the close of hostilities surely its time that the conferences and peace talks that have followed should be showing some ejffects in leading to a world at peace just this week indications are that britain yvill -culitsex- penditures on war materials in order to reduce its taxation load there haye changes in the past 1 years it is to be hoped there will be rriany more in the years ahead and more of therri leading to world peace if the world and the people who populate it are to survive there must be a means other than war to adjust differences of opinion and boundaries its unrealistic to petition and- balk at every point along the way to a lasting peace the vsc free press acton ontario ima- thursday july 18th 19m more concerned about business for the organiza tion they represent but there are ways to great er efficiency than weather and holiday discus sions with casual callers sundayandprolits sunday law is meant to ensure to the people the benefits of sunday and neither its purpose ror its effect is to impose distasteful duties upon anyone the annual report of the lords day alliance just published makes this statement but also goes on to say that without law how ever sunday privileges would rapidly disappear the lords day alliance contends that such a disappearance would come about not because of eny wish of the majority but rather by the lack of concern on the part of a greedy minority their desire to increase financial profits rather than to ian promote human welfare if unrestrained by law would turn sunday into another day of business every time we recall the hot weather of last summe we are thankful for the moderate tem- perat of this year more people in home market up to only a few years ago points out the financial post canada had to have a big export of beef cattle in order to keep the domestic mar ket healthy now we are producing more beef than ever before but we are eating all of it ourselves cat tle are coming on the canadian markets at the rate of around 33000 a week and canadians are consuming them all before the war whenever the weekly run approached the 20000 mark or less than twothirds of today prices began to sag there are two reasons why we are eating more beef more prosperity and more people with moderate prices people are eating beef freely and regularly not just occasionally but more important is the fact that we have more people almost 16 millions compared with less than 12 millions prewar and all that increase and more has been in urban population in food con sumers not food producers it is that growth in population that growth in the domestic market that is solving many of our former farm marketing problems and popula- tiongrowth will continue to solve these prob lems provided we are sensible and let prices and prduction follow their natural courses aside from wheat in which canada is a major world producer practically everything the farmer will be growing 25 years from now will be absorbed by the domestic market brief comment we dont like the man who has his secretary call yon and then keep you waiting presumably so he wont lose any time himself but overlook ing the fact that he is taking up your time summerside pei journal leisure time is a costly gain as the work week shortens governments on all levels are obliged to provide more recreational facilities the situation is startlingly reminiscent of ancient rome farmers advocate glad to note that ontarios minister of educa tion has turned thumbs down on adding an auto driving course to the already overcrowded school program better to have more proficiency in the present course than a smattering of miscellaneous knowledge before any person- makes an agreement or parts with any cash to outside concerns he should first assure himself that he is going to get what he pays fbr and that the price charged is in reason with the work and materials supplied huntingcjon que gleaner no country ever can teach its people thrift and industry by a national bond lottery such as adapted in britain thj urn british ryiv- ernment should be impressing on the people is that money saved and invested can be made to add to the wealth of the whole country and the prosperity of all people something that gambling can never dojcings county nb record almost everybody sometime or other receives subsidy points out the peterborough examiner in our- semisocialist way of living and of gov ernment today babies and families are being subsidized and so is everybody who uses hos pitals and public institutions even if they pay the highest price for private rooms most skilled in dustrial labor in canada gets a form of subsidy through tariff protection paid for by the consum er motorists get it in the form of costly high ways in many instances the recipient is unaware of the handout r- not what it used to be we can readily recall the days when the sales man who called on us could tell us about new products give news of the trade and were gener ally quite familiar with your requirements nowadays they come in and remark on the weather with which we are already familiar from there on they are apt t as when you are going on holidays and with a down- at the heel expression tell you they will do their utmost to struggle with life- until they get theirs or they may confide they are just recovering from infec tion secured at the beach last weekend and hope to go back for more next weekend if you havent by this time told them you dont want anything today you may get a run down on their general health and why they mis sed calling on you last month persevere long enough and you may be ask ed if you have any requirements frorn their in- situation some of them have left the order book in the car and may have to be supplied with a piece of paper to make a notation no need any more to show samples or quote prices they are all uniform or tell of something special coming along maybe weve met the wrong kind lately and the bunch that call in the next few weeks will be- out on the water for summer fun holidayers weekenders or just relaxation seekers often findjr as crowded at the beach as boats big and small water skis surf boards and swimmers vie for room here a small cruiser glides through the st lawrence islands national park canadian travel bureau photo e rl remember thos e the bible rev o f rakson district secretary affllfrtasf upper ucanada bible o letter to the editor mark special days on dutch line ship rjts naasdam hollandamerica line july 6 1956 dear arlof we are cruising along tonight oft the southern coast of england and will dock tomorrow morning to dis embark the southampton passeng ers today the atlantic is just like a pond and has been for most of the way over it did rain one day but otherwise we have been able to be out in the sunshine all day the temperature rose sharp ly when we entered the gulf stream and water temperature changed from 44 degrees to 60 de grees in a two hours period you and mrs dills are in for a thrilling trip especially if you sail the trip down the st lawrence is beyond any words to describe we are carrying beyond capacity with nearly 1000 passengers and nearly all tourists with only 39 first class the meals have been above par excellence at all times we haven t missed one and they dont forget the special days on domin ion day our canadian ensign was alongside the dutch flag our group which is mostly teachers sang o canada at dinner and everyone at dinner stood to attention on july 4 the stars and stripes flag took its place beside the dutch flag and at dinner the americans sang their national anthem and everyone stood again on sunday we attended divine service in the lounge when rev harold rusted of plaint ield n j 1st baptist church was the speaker he was most inspired when he spoke on canadians- and americans being ambassadors of good will when re turning to the land of our fore fathers whether the british isles or europe a group of teen age girls from birmingham michigan usa assisted as a choir for the services we have just passed bourne mouth so will soon be at our first port of call southampton where i hope to mail this letter kindest re gards to everyone in acton and we hope your anticipation of your trip bring out your soy beans sesame rice and eggs let us help you mar ket your produce such words as these are chal lenging farmers today in out of the way places of korea and incident ally challenging the economic and transportation problems left over from the recent tragic war thus with imagination inflation and difficulties with distribution of goods are alike attacked by rev young bin im the man behind the recent work of translating the bible into the common script or hankul as the general secretary of the korean bible society mr im has decided that bibles must be taken to the people if he reasoned people could not afford bibles be cause they could not dispose of their produce this itself could be come the barter with which they might secure- them the korean bible society is associated with the british and foreign bible society this is the policy of the latter al so his method is to load trucks with bibles testaments and gospels as these are unloaded along the way the same means of transport ation returns almost filled with bushels of rice baskets of eggs peas soybeans and sesame mr im feels he is providing a double service by meeting the farmers desire for bibles and their lack of opportunity for dispos al of their crops mr ims activity shows the strik ing contrast between the situation today and the time in 1882 when the first korean translation of the bible was made then it meant death for anyone to possess or cir culate the scriptures suggested readings for the week sunday psa 127 15 monday psa 128 16 tuesday psa 140 113 wednesday mark 12 117 thurs day mark 12 1844 friday mark 14 142 saturday mark 14 4372 is as well realized as ours has start ed out to be sincerely the buchanans editors note dr and mrs a j buchanan are on a trip to europe we knew this letter would be of interest to their many friends man learned to make paper from wood by watching the wasp at tht united church of canada adam marts rev gordon adams ma b d minister parsonage v 9rwer avenue phone 0 mr george elliott organist and choir leader ib bower ave- acton phone sunday jtjly 22nd ims sgqo am morning prayer church and 1105 anv lofniiig worship 8t ajaa rev xvan h jones ba- lth sunday july 22nd 1956 mummr vnn 1100 am matins and sermon airport sites dawson creek rc cp two new sites south qf here are being studied as pos locations for a new 40000 municipal air port presbyterian church in canada knox church acton minister dr david h marshall sunday july 22nd 1956 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 700 pun evening worship a warm welcome awaits you baptist church acton rev ray h cotteru paitor- paraonage 113 bower avy sunday july 22nd ism 1000 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn morning worship 700 pjn evening worship acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewsons i corners i ptor rev k j reid 81 cook- su telephone 49w sunday july 22nd 1956 1000 ajh sunday school 1100 ant morning worship 730 pjn evangelistic service wednesday pnvcotiage prayer 1 tcpttage meeting and bible study back hs 1936 taken from the tarae of the free press of thursday july 23 1936 a provincial department has mode its report on the garbage dis- posalsituation for acton and rec ommends a municipal dumping ground a municipal collection by a contractor who has a contract with the municipality control of dump ing and burning acton has now no regular garbage collection there is a contractor who does this work under individual contracts a dumping ground has been provided for the town by beardmorcs at the end of the crescent a b root and his daughter were slightly injured when their car ov erturned in a ditch east of brcslau judging by the large attendance and the conduct throughout the first open air community church service on sunday evening was a marked success a wedding of deep local interest was solemnized on saturday when miss meryl eileen grindcll young er daughter of mrs w lyle grin dcll becamejhe bride of mr charl es leonard kirkness son of mr and mrs peter kirkness rev h j bcnnie officiated the bride was becomingly attired in a white linen suit with white hat and shoes and navy blue accessories she carried a bouquet of roses and babys breath a hay field on the gillies farm on jhe third line caused quite a blaze and several men from acton went down to help fight it the fascinating adventures of a little waif and her two grizzled sea- salt friends provides the story for captain january tuneful shirley temple picture coming to the greg ory monday guy kibbee is a light house keeper who fished her from the sea after an illness of many months edward tyler sr passed away on friday at his home on queen st he came to canada with his wife in 191 0 me has been a citizen high ly esteemed final inspection of d company was given by retiring lieut col cousens at the acton armouries last week sergt major alger pre sented him with a set of military brushes and an address by major barber eulogized his worth angus kennedy brother of john of acton passed away at the home of his sister mrs j j gibbons mill st for years he lived in toronto babe ruth is holidaying in nova scotia and attending the pictou lobster festival a new allmetal lowwing mono plane made by vickers ltd is said to be the fastest military airplane in the world back in 1906 taken from the lame of the free press of thnnday july 19 195 a crowd of happy youngsters with teachers and friends uo- members of the presbyterian sun day school headed by acton cornet band marched to the io am train on tuesday and embarked for wat erloo where the schools annual picnic was held in that towns beautiful park during the day cricket match was played which was bailed a draw although the ac ton team was in a position to win acton citizens to the number of 325 took advantage of the excursion and of these about 156 were mem bers of the school mr franklin ramshaw or fcnatchbull raised a fine bank barn on friday 6th inst the sides were captained by messrs colin kitch- ing and el wood wilson and every thing went without a hitch the lat ter won the race with the plates by about three minutes councillor j r nickell of rock- wood cut afield of wheat on july 17 his is the first in this vicinity for eight sundays in succession rain has fallen somewhere during the day t the acton bowling clu is rep resented at the ontario bowling associations tournament at niag- araonthclake this week by one rink consisting of w s chishqlm a j mckinnon h p moore and w j gould skip in the second round they went down rather bad ly the score being 319 acton lol never looked better than it did when it turned out on thursday morning the day of the glorious twelfth to go to the stat ion en route to the demonstration at guelph everyone had a good time apparently all enjoyed them selves within moderate bounds the tendency of orange celebrations seems happily toward the combin ation of sanity and enthusiasm that has been marked out as the ideal by the orders leaders the police made no arrests at mondays council meeting the humane societys diploma was pre sented to master melvin williams who pluckily pulled winston grace a lad of his own age and size out of a hole in the ice on corporation pond february last exhibiting extraordinary bravery and presence of mind master wil liams in a neat sailor suit and with eyes shining like two miniat ure electric lamps trotted up to the council table and joyfully received his diploma master grace the lat ter a sturdy little chap with pink cheeks walked up and shook hands with reeve swackhamer looking anything but as if he had been res cued from a watery grave professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a miu st e acton ocftee rkmw n residence 115 chareh st e im dr o a garrett physician aa4 sargeaa corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario 2 dr robert d bucknpr physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone tt office hours 08 pm dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone i 148 optical e ro l buchner optometrist 48 mill st e phone 1 office hours wednesdays 130 8 00 pjn evenings by appointment is legal c f leatherlano qc banister a solicitor notary office hours 1000 am120u anv 100 pm- sod saturdays by appointment office 22 phone res 131 acton lever hoskin chartered acceuntaata 51 main st n brampton phones 2478 44 victoria st toronto em 4s131 miscellaneous dr h leib dental surgeon office corner miu and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton real estate and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser baal w r bracken 1 estate hnn phone m acton list your rartot fcuajpeai ojr bons with ua we iftvll you v out faculties p securing a jiuaija for your property heated ambulance ruvuey funeral home phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years travellers guide ray coach lines coachewteaveacton daylight lavtag kastboaad l33 am daily except sun and hoi 848 am ll aim- 2c8 pjn 308 pm 048 pjn ms pjn 1008 prh sun and hal waatboaaa j bert wood 4 mm p 77 miu st veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b jt young bv sc c l young dvaa veterinary sargeana office brookvole ontario phone m 1037 am ixi pjn 527 pjn 7j7 pjn 8li 11 j2 ptn i 12 anv4 sat and alol canadian national atlwavs daily 840 am daily day 10 00 am 7 ii pjn only 801 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown mb 837 pm daily flyer at georga- town 1011 pm daily 1144 pjv daily sunday 848 ajn m prn flag- rtop 749 pjn saturdayonly lit pjn sunday only x am flao- stop sunday only flyer guelph 7jos pm daily except and sun to detrain weat i 31 4m y3ii 1

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