Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1956, p. 1

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ht n sttt bftzz eightysecnd year no 4 acton ontario thursday july 26th i56 ten pages seven cents start gas lines installation of natural gas mains in acton started yesterday on chnrehlu road crews working for the united suburban gas company ui laid nearly naif a mile of pipe from the town boundary line to- the highway in one day work will continue this week in the eastern section of town a company spokesman aald gas will be piped here in the very near future meanwhile work continues on the trunk feeder line which di vides below umehouse from the mpton-jo- g line this line wbl connect at churchill boad just south of denies acton y athletes win track firsts at oac meet last night at the ontario agricul tural college track in guelph the acton ymca track club placed fourth in the third annual junior olympiad sponsored by the five counties track association acton athletes placed as follows junior 220 yard relayr acton team of peter gibbons don price keith mattocks and wayne wilson placed fifth ruth landsborough and ann daintith placed second and third in the junior girls 75 yard dash and the girls relay team of lynda lov- ell valene varey margaret sunter and marilyn young won the junior girls 220 yard relay in the same race the acton team of ann dain tith carol bradley diane ewing and ruth landsborough placed sec- ond but were disqualified for breaking lane at the last turn in intermediate competition ed molody placed fourth in the shot putt and fifth in the broad jump frank cooper and wayne arbic placed first ahd third respectively in the senior 100 yard dash and sec ond and first respectively in the 220 yard dash maurice van hem- men won the 440 yard dash with a very fast pace which none of the other runners in the race could keep maurice also placed third tii the broad jump wayne arbic plac ed fifth in the broad jump and frank cooper took fifth place in the discus throw actons senior relay team of frank cooper ed molody maurice van hemmen and wayne arbic won the senior 880 yard relay in the last event of the evening the next meet for the acton club will be august 4 when they will take to the track in the glengarry highland gaines in maxwell this wjll be the first of six meets which tlie team will enter during the first 18 days of august these six meets will include the eastern canadian track championships and the nia gara falls police games as well as the toronto lions club junior meet the fourth junior olympiad and the fergus highland games lawn bowlers defeat georgetown 90 to 85 last wednesday evening july 18 acton lawn bowling team travelled to georgetown to play in the inter- county league the greens were in fine shape and everybody enjoyed their games acton w woodburn h rogers 20 georgetown w h kentner mrs g woods 22 acton a white mrs v ingles 15 georgetown b mcdonald mrs e mcgibbon 17 acton w near mrs m bell 11 georgetown g woods mrs a lindsay 23 acton b veldhuis mrs o cairns k georgetown i richardson miss e leslie 10 acton j fleming miss b woods 25 georgetown a kentner mrs b leslie 13 total acton 90 georgetown 85 in the intercountv gam between guelph and rockwood both teams had a hard tussle but guelph eami out on top ith ascore of 93 to m0 p w l tot hts pts guelph 7 5 2 820 624 10 rockwood 7 4 3 634 609 s acton 7 4 3 620 587 s georgetown 7 1 6 526637 2- this week schedule guelph at acton georgetown at rockwood safe driving stressed nine acton people hurt in three auto accidents injuries and property losses spoil ed the weekend for three acton families as three separate accidents underscored the growing hazards facing drivers in this community as in all the provinces communi ties who take to the highways dur ing the holiday season warnings by the ontario depart ment of highways and the opp for extra caution and safety sense were endorsed this week by mayor el tyler and police chief r mason here these warnings follow weekend crashes that caused injury to nine local people friday evening james porty was taken to hamilton hos pital following a crash north of mil ton sunday morning four members of the gordon family were hurt when their car was smashed near port colborne monday tom ken nedy his wife and two children were riding in a car which collided with another in nassagaweya special care demanded highway travel these weekends demands special care mayor tyler commented after council was in formed tuesday night of the on tario safety bureaus campaign to stress driving care to violate safety rules is to invite disaster progress stopped at georgetown high school as tenders refused summers sun shines on this week as some of the seasons best weather to dathas brought mild stunnv days after many more days of rain at actons muchused park both the wading pool and the lake swimming area are activated with the splashing and squealing of young actonians rosea lee higgins left and jean lidkea taketime out of the water to enoy a chew of gum and tan awhile se2 vssftfssryislju3 ssss county accepts 92 acre coulson farm plan 10 year reforestation program halton county council in regular session tuesdav afternoon accepted the 92 acres of farm land in esques- mg township bequeathed to the county by the late john coulson of hornby members endorsed the recommendation of the agricultural and reforestation committee which was requested to study the terms of the will at the last meeting of council while some members believed the matter of acceptance should be postponed until more information is forthcoming others felt the county should accept the land without fur ther delay it was pointed out the farm contaluied some eight or ten acres of wooded land the county would then have to embark on a re- forestauon program of the property as outlined in the will members felt the program would take ten j ears to complete requests for more office space were made by the halton health i unit board and the halton child rens aid society the childrens aid society communication stated it was costing 135 a month for rent heat light and caretaking and they were cramped for space the mat ter uas turned over to the building committee for consideration after members suggested there could be space provided in the old registry office when it is vacated deputv reeve fred atkinson burlington urged a new building to house both organizations while reeve service favored using the registry office reeve robert mar shall thought the registry office would provide a permanent council room and familv court it is ex pected a report from the committee will be forthcoming in the next month or two council also approved a recom mendation of the building commit tee to engage t allan sage archi tect to draw plans and specifica tions for a new kitchen to adjoin the jail air conditioning units to need inspection here tried breakin end up in jail two acton youths who tried to break into a downtown food market early sunday morning are in jail today awaiting sentence after be ing convicted on charges of at tempted breaking and entering gerald rogers 21 and harold oaudey is both of acton were wit nessed at the rear of ledgers i g a early sunday morning working on a window the witness called the police and arrests were later made by constable m harness and r moreau a pane of glass had been broken and part of a wire window guard cut away the pair appeared in court here tuesday morning and following convicition were remanded a week in custody by magistrate langdon wallace leitch of erin told dis trict police he fell asleep while driving on no 7 highway at the silvercreek hill saturday his car went off onto the south side of the road and hit some guard rails dam- j age to the car was estimated at 300 standard regulations to govern the installation and inspection of air conditioning units in acton j were put into effect last week at a regular meeting of the public utili ties commission the regulations applv to motor unit and w iring pow enng the air conditioners the conditions of ser- v ice w ere recommended bv the association of municipal electrical utilities standards committee for general adoption bv member muni cipalities in adopting the regulations to enforcement through the hepc inspection stmon the plc he t was indefinite about the status of in conditioners alreadinstalled in tow n la members decided an air conditioner might be an improve ment fov the plc office and agreed to have one installed on approval cost it was noted is about 350 to 40o question and complaint considerable discussion was rais ed v hen a commissioner memoer questioned the need for additional help charged from time to time to the waterworks department it was also complained by another com missioner that time sheets and in voice duplicates are apparently not submitted regularly from this de partment out of this two motions were passed one stipulated that weekl pav cheques to the departments will be held up each week until time sheets are in pays are figur ed up to wednesday at five pm and tune sheets the motion added must be in the office by each thursday noon including all time sheets for salaried employees the other motion required sup erintendents to turn in daily dup licate invoices on all purchases made it w as reported at the outset of the meeting that members had agreed at a special session to run a six- inch water main into he old beverley property which has a plan for a private subdivision e m schroeder was credited a total of 6 tb consumer deposit on his account by a recommendation from coun cil the commission agreed to sup- plv- free for the balance of the summer the water used in the park wading pool five complimentarv tickets were received from the ontario munici pal electrical association to a lun cheon in toronto august 15 com memorating the golden jubilee of rivdro the commission agreed t fcii three more tickets for this event commissioner j j stivvirt re pii led no used trucks ar prestni i available following a suggestion continued on page three a request for a slooo grant to assist the lowville park committee to install toilet facilities wis ap proved by members roy coulter secretary of the board was spokes man of the delegation consisting of lloyd crawford and william hume mr coulter said he thought this was the first request made to the ounty and as the work had been completed the grant would be of great assistance reeve harold adkins nelson said his township endorsed the re quest after mr coulter said the park was used by a great many organizations in the county as well as some from hamilton and bur lington reeve robert shannon burling ton said as other municipalities in halton had provided park facilities at their own expense nelson shbulo bear a larger portion of the cost than the county deputy reeve fred walker hum orously injected that burlington would not have to worry about parks after september when nelson would be taking them over reeve j hargrave acton re minded members they had given the park board assistance in 1952 when they installed the water sys tem insurance road report robert cumberland oakv llle presented a report on the insurance coverage of county buildings and equipment the report was tabled for the consideration of the finance committee reeve marshall in presenting the road report said some 81 000 was being spent this year on asphalt treatment of 10 miles of count roads seventeen miles of roads wirt being treated with a double treatment of oil and chips as well the department approved our pians and program for permanent ivpe roads he said maintenance costs are getting too high and the continued on page five tenders were opened monday night for the new eight room addi tion at georgetown high school and were so completely out of line with the amount of money available for the purpose that they were discard ed the district high school board moved to hold the whole matter in abeyance for the present time the representatives of the archi tects john b parkin associates were present and were instructed to return the bid bonds or certified cheques which accompanied the bid the total amount available to the board for purchase of land build ing fees and equipment is 175000 which has been approved by the five municipalities concerned some 15000 has already been spent for additional land at the site of this amount the department has agreed to share an expenditure up to 160000 the secretary re ported approval had been received on this amount enrage acton teachers the north halton board gave ap proval of engagements of two teach ers at acton school mrs alex orr has been engaged at a salary of 4200 and mrs w williams a spec ialist in commercial will receive 4300 for the next term supplemental accounts for june amounted to 1901 14 and july ac- this latter amount includesgeneral building accounts which will be re coverable when debenture are sold applications for students to at tend technical schools elsewhere were received the secretary re ported that only grade eight public school students at milton would be taking shop and home economics there this year in acton the pub- he added and this will be espec ially true during the civic holiday weekend common sense conduct car in good condition allowance for de lays avoidance of fatigue while driving and adherence to the speed limits was stressed in the safety bureau release and endorsed by the mayor police chief mason noting that last month alone saw 74 deaths and 984 injuries on the highways of o p p district 3 which includes halton urged drivers to take no chances and where possible to keep off the heavily travelled routes on the weekends last year on civic holiday weekend 23 people died in automobile fatalities this year the chief added there arc even more cars on the road acton people suffer two of the three accidents last weekend involving acton people occurred on the highways the porty accident was on no 25 highway where the driver accord ing to police attempted to pass an other car lost control and crashed into a tree fractured ribs shock and a crushed chest were suffered by james porty and his car was caused over k00o damage district 0 p p investigated morns gordon his two brothers harry and albert and his son al lan were holidaybound for fred- ericton n b sunday when their car was in collision with another ve hicle coming off a sideroad own er and driver of the car was allan gordon under the impact all were thrown out of the smashed car morris and albert cordon were taken to hos pital in toronto for treatment of more serious injuries while the other two members of the well- known acton family were treated at th scene two youngsters hurt tom kennedy who lives out of town but works h re in a local but- ch r shop was travi lling south on the fifth line of nassagaweya with i his wife and two young children i hi n his car collided with another i driven by two camplx llvi lie youths iivirn blacklock and leroy wood mr kinnidy viiffi red cuts bruis- yis to the head and serious back lightfingered artist was a brasnns while his wifi suffered a in this case he must hruisi rl kn and arm rnts wendy 1 and th ir thru year old son stif fen h acl abrasions bruisi s and suffered by the oc- no newspaper this paper will skip one isaac next thursday when the entire staff will take a weeks vaca tion business will resume on tuesday morning august 7 after civic holiday since writers and printers will have a very short week corres pondents and advertisers are ask ed to send in their copy as soon as possible even during the week the office la closed for the issue of thursday august 9 kssxigls3 1 st josephs picnic held sunday in park all the usual features of a suc cessful picnic were in evidence when st josephs parish picnic was held sunday in the park there were races baseball games and of course picnic lunchs let cream and prizes wore handed out to the many youngsters the event was under the auspices of the catholic women s ieaguc a hefty hiest if the- loni worker have had heavy muscles district provincial police reported this week that a 1300pound stretch shock wen of railroad was stolen recently from tupiils of th a stock pile of spare rails at the o i i offieir first line of esquesmg near here m conei car district iijwjrd gunn stl- there will not be an open season for deer in halton this fall mitd the total damage- at ov r 2 000 the injured in this accident were triated at a nearby arm home scr c xijs lie school board has made arrange- 1 f nl i r zwiclcnool 8hop course fa first clinic tor blood donors the july meeting of the north halton high school board was held in stewarttown on monday night trustees present were forgrave goodlet anderson coon dills coles and brown and chairman ross carbert presided fete acton couple in park before trip a reunion of the immediate fam ilv and relatives of mr and mrs geo gibbons was held in the park sundav afternoon prior to their trip to england a happy time was had bv the adults and 11 grandchildren mr and mrs gibbons arc leav ing acton shortlv for a twomonth trip to the old country the first in 32 vears those attending weie mr and mrs neil mcibb and familv guelph mr and mrs gor don gibbons and familv m and mrs hugh graham and family mr and mrs colin mccall and familv mrs theo papillon and jrandcnilel- ren all from town and mr j in gib bons from penetang since war to be held in august for the first time since the war i well as others the lifesaving acton citizens will be able to don- blood is given free of charge to ate to the red cross something the ill in the area this district that is worth more to them than will replace blood used in trans- money blood sponsored by the fusions to patients outside the area acton legion and the legion lad- i in a toronto hospital for ln- ies auxiliary a blood donor chnic stance will be held in the lcgibn on since blood is so easily and thurs au 30 painlessly given by almost anyone at a meeting with miss hays of you must be between 18 and the- red cross executive members 65 to donate the legion is hoping w ere recently chosen billy middle- for a successful afternoon and ton heads the committee with ernie evening they may hold the clinic barr in charge of the house-to- annually as is done in many other house canvass vic patrick in centres charge of reception and mrs elsie johnston in charge of refreshments the mobile clinic will bring the equipment even the beds the local branch of the legion will supplv nurses aides coffee and perhaps doughnuts and the blood donora the hamilton division of the red cross under whose jurisdic tion the clinic falls supplies blood to hamilton oakville brampton milton and guelph hospitals as ten traffic charges bring fines of 62 ten convictions on charges under th highwav traffc act brought tines jotalling 62 plus costs in magistrate- s court here tuesday morning an assault chargi against a local man as dropped council vetoes beyond limits offer site of towns new dump is confirmed near disposal plant acton s councillors tuesday night turned down a proposition to move the dump out of town in fact rvht out of the couny and un animously agreed to make the new dumping site within the limits near the municipal disposal plant convinced the proposition was site to prevent unauthorized dump- the third line also figures in pay for hardtopping of this sec- lcity councillor g barbeau lng a complaint from esquesuig town- tion when the towns permanent stress the value of discretion in council briefly discussed possible ship over washout damage on their paving program starts treating any contacts made purchase and use of a bulldozer section this was passed on to the deputy reeve w wibon con- councillor e footitt urged some to cwipact the new dumping area portion of the road from the towns tended it would be unfair to rate- 0 the worst holes on town streets t ea k i i rioa road committee payers on this road if the section he unproved until paving starts council considered a request foir were not paved when the rest of he was told the road committee a service extension to some mill l the town is done had viewed the roads monday night street south lots in consultation at present council learned the and started action to fill holes iaea as iv is used but laid the over for later consideration at the outset of the meeting jj u ottr street soutn lots in consultation vi preieni tuumn icaiun ana nanen ku ts s2 sil nnw wat ssh a duby member agreed to i road is getting a double treatment where neceary an offer from a vangils to allow had agreed to supply water for v- nt i from the county the town to use a gully on a farm the wading pool for the balance install these lines before paving of oil from the county oned by him on thesecond lrae of the surnmw starts bu the main trunk several councillors viewed the m erm tashp for dumping i a committee recommendation rk is completed at lakeview aitu as an ninfortunate or- attached to the offer howeve that existing taxi rates controlled council also- proclaimed monday cumitance however deputyreeve fence fmgoer tellmm councillor cook queried progress on i culvert repairs weed cutting en the clenlea commercial site and was a h of obligations the town indirectly by bylaw be held here august civic holiday filed anoth- wilson insisted some approach jhe abo urged i stock pro- to taketut aamage insiiraneer the was endorsed by cdundl after brief er request from the department of should be made to the county to j i2 town fence off t arevthe town i explanation from councillor lind- labor for appointment of a local take care of this strip one mem- i and dfor mvesugauoo o poor compact the land aftevch dump- say excavation inspector noted the ber suggested a special county drainage from the towr i new road l utua uter tjktf uump j i i ui im r ii m h rir into lakeview over the 01 uu i ung and the town pay xztio a year nice proposition for the own- councillor w cook comment- er ed third progress payment of 8471 highways auditors report for 1955 1 meeting might be called to consider into lakeview over the property 90 was ordered paid the maria acknowledged written permission the necessary appropriation for this of t brankiewicz street bridge contractor subject to from the municipal board for dis- road ijttzl i j tv receipt of the report of the engm- pensauon of a vote to issue 50 000 amotion was tabled and passed latter matter prompted avuthoraa- eers debentures for road paving receiv- that the county be asked to de- tion of a letter to the lakeview council quickly voiced its dis- road committee chairman r n ed a 8000 estimate in rough road preciate the cost of the road a contractor to erect a fence as per approval of the proposition and brown reported his committee re- grading costs at lakeview being letter to accompanv explaining a previous agreement betweeuthe tabled a resolution of thanks to j commended j sprawl be paid half done by the subdivider the situation towns road and mr brankiewicz ato to mr vangils for his offer i the cost of replacing some 300 feet a rather lengthy discussion was deputyreeve wilson asked to property it was not stated when refuse of fence on hst property and a held over the fate of the section know specifically what arton was crnciuor barbeau ked if ml m start to fall on the new site culvert be installed by the town of maw street orth in acton doing to attract more sufk ijz5 however it was indicated at an following claims for damages by which is also the county road linkr mayor tyler explained again the- the brackin the park council de- earlier meeting thapstricter regu- mr sprowl as a vesult of town it was pointed out the countyhad measure of effort nemgspent each cidedjo du owunage m k lations will be attached to this new work on the third lane made no provision tius year to year by local o without pib- western end ofth park

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