Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1956, p. 1

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eightysecond yearno 5 acton ontario thursday august 9th 1956 twelve pages seven cents blood donors target jot area and town blitz mobilization of scores of peopl acton and vicinity is underway week prior to a blitz monday evening of the town and area to sign up donors for one of the larg est volunteer blood clinics here in years jointly sponsored by the local legion and legion auxiliary with the canadian red cross the canvass monday will see 67 canvassers here make doortodoor calls between 6 and 0 pm in the adjacent rural area canvassers will cover all resi dents only aton area not being cover ed monday evening is glenlea which will be canvassed friday evening august 17 the canvassers will sign up don ors for the clinic to be held here august 30 in the afternoon and evening it will be a mobile clinic from hamilton local captains in charge of can vassers are d tarrent w mat tocks h peel c lindsay t wat son d ryder g beatty g mc- kenzie m holmes f fowke g musselle c hubbell in the rural district captains are a neelon ballinafad and church ill m storey crewsons corners d bexton everton a c patterson limehouse g britton nassaga weya j milne rock wood d spicer 3rd to 7th lines u sprowl junior farmers for the district womens insti tutes participating in the drive are mrs g fryer acton mrs w lin- ham bannockburn mrs a allan busy bees mrs a near dublin mrs m moffat nassagaweya mrs d mcphedran rockalong second minor sports day a success despite drizzle and clipped program aid moffat hall by garden party a festive mood characterized the annual garden party held last week at moffat on the grounds of nassa- gaweyas ss s school where hun dreds gathered to enjoy themselves and swell the proceeds which will be used to renovate and improve moffats recently opened commun ity hall an old church building highlighting the event was enter- tattotnent oy a pusfinch group that included lois wccaig ruth ann maclean donna smith bill court ney betty lou hollis jack hohen- adel joan gilmour don campbell archie macrobbie arnold mac- lean and bill clarke they performed dances sang songs cracked jokes and generally lent a lively tone to the evening on behalf of the moffat com munity club andy frank welcom ed the 350 attendants at the party and especially welcomed 95-year- old l elsley a former resident who now lives in rockwbod chairman of the community group is dr 6 d young while other members of the committee are t c amos del moffat and andy frank the nassagaweya wi operated a refreshment booth earlier at a comic ball game the old timers of moffat drubbed haltonville 226 stmtf photo gas line installation continues in acton as the united suburban gas co extends its lines from the south into the three north helton towns fourinch lines are being quickly laid in actons major streets prior to start of the towns paving program here mayor e tyler and reeve- j hargrave talk with the companys area representative james robertson on church street completed last week lome school party puc buys new truck awfrienofaeighbtrfor sewage department neigh of the community held a miscel laneous shower in lome school saturday evening for mr and mrs gordon flewelling who were mar ried on friday july 27 mrs flewelling is the former joyce allan of rr 3 acton r l davidson was master of ceremonies for the evening a short program included a piano solo by linda swaclchamer read ing by mrs k mcphail and violin solo by bobby denny accompanied by his mother mrs r denny at the piano mrs ross read the address prior to the presentation and the bride and groom replied fittingly mr mrs g fryer given surprise party a pleasant surprise picnic supper was held at waterfalls playground last sunday by the family grand- children and friends of mr arid mrs george fryer on their 35th wedding anniversary aftor a bountiful supper games and baseball were played till dark then all motored over to limehouse to hear the blue valley boys to end a happy day well known to masons in this district vern btatkin of george town has been appointed a grand steward in the grand lodge of ontario af and am active in masons since 1915 he is a member of credit lodge- 150 pupils take final salk shot vaccination of 150 children at the milton headquarters of the halton county health unit recently mark ed the completion of two shots of salk antipblo vaccine for all coun ty school children up to and includ ing grade eight there is no plan for any more clinics said miss grace leavey who is in charge of the units nine- nurse staff those vaccinated in cluded several children from the oakville schools who had missed the second shot in june because of illness all parents of such children had been notified well in advance of the special clinic miss leavey said it wouldnt be feasible to vaccinate individual children as the unit received the vaccine in quantity third shots would depend on if and when more vaccine was made available she ad ded meanwhile dr a e ross secre tary of the oakville medical as sociation said that no vaccine was yet available to town doctors for private patients though doctors in united states had been given some for vaccination of elders and other llian school children though eventually we expect to hav some made available for our patients said dr ross the de partment of health has made it plain that school children must re ceive it free of charge first which is the only fair way he added that oakville doctors felt that even tually they would be supplied with salk vaccine for their patients members of the public utilities commission at a brief meeting last week agreed to purchase another new vehicle for commission use a tender from thompson motors not to exceed 214390 for specified equipment on a -three- ton truck was accepted the truck is to be used by the sewage depart ment which transfers a used truck to the hydro department this truck was formerly used by the waterworks department a total of three tenders were submitted for the truck at the same meeting commission members agreed to go out of the water heater business by resolut ion it was voted to sell no more water heaters after the present supply is sold considerable discussion was held on the difficulty of scheduling new- water and sewer lateral line in stallations to the satisfaction of the commission and the homeown er as a result a motion was pass ed urging prospective new home owners particularly in view of pro posed street paving to contact the puc as soon as possible regard ing laying of water and sewer lines to their property at the outset of the meeting it was agreed to purchase sets of 24 key chains for puc employees as mementoes of the golden jubilee of hydro hydro superintendent d mason reported 18 light standards installed in the rear section of glenlea with 12 more to go in this area of the 200 lot subdivision authorization was given to install signal lights on the used truck recently acquired by the hydro department and for the same vehicle to get a coat of red paint the commission also auth orized signal lights put on another truck used by the waterworks de partment the hydro superintendent also discussed some pole installation work at the lakeview subdivision waterworks superintendent j lambert initiated an extensive dis cussion on water feeder lines in various sections of town many of these lines it was noted are to be renewed or redirected four hydrants have been raised the superintendent continued and there are three more yet to be raised brief discussion was held on reported damage to valve boxes on the third line where gas lines were recently laid this is to be looked into further it was also noted some control valves in town need re placement- sewage superintendent a duby reported briefly on progress on the lakeview sewer system work the second annual calithumpiah parade and sports day sponsored by the acton legion minor sports as sociation overcame uncooperative weather and a clipped program monday to better last years attend ance and financial marks according to association officials the event delayed nearly two hours by a midday drizzle wound up better than was expected and added a substantial increase to the fund administered by the legion for pro motion of winter and summer sports among young actonians when the parade did get under way at about 2 pm mill street was lined for the colorful string of bands floats decorated bicycles tricycles wagons and trucks be decked youngsters and older young sters acton citizens band and the guelph pipe band provided the musical carriage for the parade as jt moved from the station to acton park led by clowns highstepping drum majorettes and prancing children in costume the throng moved west in the centre local merchants added to the color with decorated trucks and carts while at the rear actons senior fire pumper manned by a cavorting crew spraying water in every dir ection made a comic tail for the troupe array of attractions once in the park estimated at one time to have drawn nearly 800 people the throng of youngsters broke away to the array of attrac tions bingo and games of chance operated by legion members were held in the arena while outside the weston merrygoround proved a popular magnet for the young no less popular were the ponies which bore a steady herd of youth ful riders all afternoon although wet ground forced cancellation of 5the scheduled races and sports events two of the six ball teams contacted to play a six- team tourney did tatar to the damp diamond about 4 pm for a softball contest eden mills was bettered 20 by hamilton in this event draw priie winners prizes were awarded to young sters entering the parade dressed in comic and orginal costumes with baby buggys tricycles and wagons judges had a difficult time sorting the categories in the mass of be decked children making up the par ade winners of the lucky draws for 100 and 50 bonds were bob hum es georgetown and emmerson baxter of acton through the day the energetic thirst and hunger of the crowd par ticularly those of lesser years was tended to by the ladies of the le gion auxiliary at their refreshment booth over iso attended a dance in the legion auditorium monday evening when music was provided by the debonnaires orchestra shooting follows scuffle at farm near ballinafad charles norton 23 who former ly worked out of acton is in cus tody in guelph this week following a scuffle at a farm two miles north of ballinafad saturday when jack dc forest 29 was struck in the chest with a 32 calibre bullet de forest whose condition js re ported satisfactory was taken to toronto hospital following the in cident which took place at the farm of harry hitchcock where norton was boarding norton has been charged with wounding after provincial pol ice from gueph investigated the incident he was taken to wel lington county jail and was sched uled to appear in court this week norton and de forest reportedly worked together in a quarry the ballinafad correspondent for this newspaper reported an argument preceded the scuffle and shooting following the investigation of ficers seized a 32 calibre revolver from which three shots are alleged to have been fired even lemonade has given way to modern trends this week a i group of youngsters set up a booth south of here on no 25 highway to sell not lemonade squeezed the good oldfashioned way but freshie easily mixed with water and sugar club hears speech by rotary governor tuesday evening was a signified ant meeting date for the local rot ary club the governor of district 246 walter de goer was the guest speaker mr dc geer who comes from bowmanville spoke in general terms of the aims and current act ive policy of rotary international and at the local level new car wreck driver charged a toronto man was charged with impaired driving following an ac cident which nearly demolished his sew buick hardtop on the 4th line f esqucsing sunday evening ivan stachiw 29 was driving south on the 4th line toward no t highway when the big car hit the ditch rolled over and stopped up side down provincial policerom the district detachment in milton investigated and estimated damaie a approxim ately 1500 2bm acton lawn bowlers make jaunts to guelph rockwood for play more than half the members of the acton lawn bowling club of acton went to guelph last thurs day night in a motor caravan for the evenings rnixed jitney on the greens of the guelph club individ ual prizes were awarded in accord ance with highest scores of two game winners the play comprised of two 12- end games 44 players were engaged in the games before a large crowd i top honors went to b veldhuis of the acton club also in the prize i list from acton were imrs w j woodburn and dave drysdale presentation of the prizes preced ed the serving of refreshments in i the clubhouse by members of the womens section of the guelph club harry rogers president of- theh acton club thankedthe hosts and invited the guelph club to attend at an early date a similar event at the greens and club house here intercounty game in rockwood the previous evening acton tra velled to rockwood to play in the weekly intercounty league three teams are deadlocked for first place and the evenings play was exciting in the five sets of doubles acton had two sets winning their games b veldhuis and mrs h hclwig j by a score of 1714 and a white and mrs v woodburn by a score of 1714 one other set of doubles j fleming and miss b woods had j u tight struggle- with their game against g day and r vincent the score ended in a 12all tie i two other sets lost by a big mar- kin which gave rockwood the- two points the overall score was 94- 67 guelph travelled to georgetown and beat the trundlers there bv a score of 10670 this leaves a two- way tic between guelph and rock- wood league standing total p v l pts pts rockwood 9 6 3 845 750 13 guelph 9 6 3 821 791 12 acton 9 5 4 784 776 10 georgetown 9 18 670 861 2 this weeks schedule has george town at acton and guelph at rock wood hoop p canvass will cover acton and rural area next monday night as- the local legion sponsors one of the largest drives since war years in cooperation with the hamilton mobile red cross clinic with legion president vic patrick left mayor je tyler is signed up first for the clinic day to be held august 30 monday nights canvass will seek to sign a record number of donors shower m fountain prior to marriage showers were held in honor of marjorie fountain recent bride at the home of mrs lyle cripps an aunt of the bride and at the home of mrs dobbte lappin many beautiful gifts were received at these showers also at several oth- rer miscellaneous showers force electricwherethc jr ide- torbe had been employed gave her a trilight table lamp while her fellow employees gave her a wall mirror little over four weeks left un til school bells ring asaln staff paolo most merrygorounds never fail to stir memories of circuses carnivals orgarhes days in the minds of old and young for a merrygoround seems the perenial favorite of all rides at mondays callthumpian parade and sports day sponsored by the legion minor sports association this merry-go- round may have been small but the enthusiasm displayed by youngsters all afterrtoon was as big as the waiting line to ride it this photograph shows a ha young group taking its turn on the ride see conservation authority possible as five municipalities study need a sixteen mile creek conservat- for the minister to set the date for said and so an appeal board was ion authority will take shape if trafalgar nassaraweya and es- quesing have their way while mil ton and oakville representatives at a meeting recently wanted to ask their councils for instructions the other three municipalities in dicated their intention to try for a body to govern development of the creek watershed reeve robert marshall who pre sided and gerald lctoumcau de partment of planning and develop ment official assured the 23 county residents who showed up at the township hajl meeting that though the sevenmember authority would have authority to expropriate land it was seldom done and then only to create needed dams i think too many fear exprop riation said reeve marshall but that method is used only as a last a meeting of representatives of att hot necessary usually a satisfact- five interested municipalities oak- ory agreement is worked out n a ville and trafalgar would be en- result of bargaining he added titled tottwon members saving ove thp department official warned 10000 population and thefsmarlir ln no conservation project could trio one each i comprise a park for recreation on- mr letournoau said there was ly it could however include a i no compulsion on the part of the park with the dual purpose of pro- department to have rccornmendat- viding recreation ara say refor- ions of a detailed report following estation or dams for the preserv- a survey of the creek watershed at ion of fishing spots carried out he added that the i theres a rumor said reeve government paid 50 per cent of i marshall that no building i 1- costs including administration ex- i m the area does thoauth- penses after the work is done j or j compensate the owner when he estimated a survey which i u designated that it can be would be done- in the summer use f conservation only months would result in a detailed l report in about a year which i would be completely financed by the- government has the authority power to acquire land asked trafalgar resort such as when storage darns deputyreeve donald bath are required would set meeunc if and when trafalgar nassaga weya and esquesing councils ask the planning minister to start the ball rolling to create a conservat ion authority the next step will be expropriations not used yes replied letournenu who emphasized that the power of ex propriation had never been used except when major dams were re quired all meetings of the auth ority are open to the public he replied the department spokes man i believe the municipal board insists that within a reason able time the authority must buy such land you couldnt expect the owner to be forced to hold such property indefinitely he added the department paid half the cost of acquiring such land he added that councils must authorize any purchase of land with the authority recommending fcowrtiwdp p sfa a t j jbxit w- kiit tj u- kli

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