Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1956, p. 2

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v paoctwo fhe acton free press acton ontario thursday august 9th 1956 t i h qttft artnn jffr frpba founded in 1875 and published every thurs day at 56 mill st e acton oat member of tfce audit bureau of circulation the cw cxa and the ontarioquebec division of the cufjxjfi advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 3 00 in canada 400 in the united states six months 175 single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department r pnbliahed by the imua frinttna and pnbushlna c united g a dills editorin chief david r dills production manager james a dills john black associate editors business and editorial office ph 60o acton what did we find if you think the problems of your town or your business are entirely different or peculiar to your locality you are wrong sure it may be the hay crop or wheat or tobacco crop in one town or it might be the summer tourist trade that s been affected by the weather the weather is al ways a factor which registers on the business barometer in every town and you get the read ings at the local newspaper office want to know about the trade orrmain street and what kind of merchants you have o general the summary can usually be deduced arrer a visit with the weekly editors its rarely youll find a pessimist among them what are the features of their town the weekly editor has them at his fingertips want to find someone you knew some place and if the town isnt too large it doesnt matter if there are dozens of mackenzies in the town youll get the right one if you give a sketchy description but w have strayed a bit from our heading common problems are shopping hours with a steady trend to friday open nights the costs of keeping pace with the towns needs and higher and higher education costs and taxes and more parking space downtown printers invariably need more help and cheaper newsprint and more of it if doesn t matter the size of the town or the printing plant these are common problems the itinerary perhaps we should tel ou the towns in which we stopped butwe ii not make any par ticular analysis our first visit was totoufkille andthenceto ba aatdtand where tte- holiday jaunt weve been intrigued by the recent advertis ing of the department of travel and publicity for ontario which is characterized by the slogan know ontario better or commonly by the letters k ob as a native of this province we won dered how well we did know ontario sure weve been north and east and west and visited many of the cities and famed spots but we felt there were many places similar to acton and mil ton that were ust not in our usual travelled part so for three days of our yearly vacation the three members of the company went on a trip and called on 1 7 towns and the newspaper office in each town we know ontario befter of that jaunt but there are many other sections and towns which would occupy many more days and may be the goal of another summer trip the towns we chose for this trip were selected because they had some similarity to acton or milton or because we particularly wanted to see at first hand news paper- plants in towns larger than ours in some of the towns visited we found the newspapers tckinga holiday ust as we were doing that week we found it most interesting and many of the things we found out in the printing plants will be most helpful in serving aailton and acton with a better newspaper and printing service now and in the years ahead we have visions of these towns taking a prominent place in the general expansion of on tario to serve these needs adequately one must look ahead and prepare for the expansion that is taking place at the present time week we found newspaper offices that had from two to 35 employees some of them were located by the sound of a metal cutting saw and some had buildings that you just couldnt miss wednesday evening we headed home be cause every weekly editor knows that publica tion day is no day to visit a weekly newspaper plant earlier in the week we were told by one editor he wished he could have more visits from other editors and on monday we had an editor who said he would like to oin us on the trip by wednesday the tempo had changed and thurs day- we knew better than to stroll into the back shop of a weekly newspaper the simple tower canadian business is in danger of having to carry an increasing proportion of the tax burden from now on writes the ottawa correspondent of the financial post increasing concentration on business taxes is foreseen as a result of the new federalprovincial tax plan now being debated in the house of commons the new legislation may in addition have tese effects according to some close observers to put a floor under corporation income taxes at their present level eliminating the possibility of reduction at least until 1962 to establish a strong probability of higher taxes on company incomes by encouraging pro vinces to get additional revenue from this source to stimulate a search for new ways of taxing business assets the day may soon come when the average man will find being in business for the sake of providing unbusinesslike legislators with funds is not attractive 1957 prediction cars of 1957 says the financial post will be longer lower and flashier and may be piore diffi cult to fit closer in the old garage the variety of color chrome treatment and body style will be even greater than in the past the long low look is more in vogue than ever prices probably will be a little higher the buyer trend to more extras and slightly more ex pensive cars will continue so will the boom in four door hardtops black will continue its comeback as a popular color more cars will have gold grilles most 57 s will have 14 in tires instead of 15 the new tires will be slightly wider take lower air pressure they ii lower a cars centre of gravity adding to sofety and lending themselves to the low look at least one car is expected to offer a fuel in lection system involving direct delivery of fuel into the cylinder eliminating the carburetor photo her ta lor the horse laugh whoever is unfortunate enough to be at the receiving end of one is an embarrassing experience at any time but in this case the laugh was on dobbin as the photo grapher got the better of the moment and snapped the picture while the mare was in a melancholy mood the bible rev g p parson district secretary upper canada bible society brief comment the week after a holiday seems more diffi cult to get back in the groove than any other period of the year m next month the rural fairs will be the centre of community interest in ontario and udging by the crops in the fields there should be some fine agricultural exhibits on display v its good to have money and the things mon ty can buy but it is good too to check up once in a while and make sure you havent lost the things money cannot buy canadaink magistrates be they amateur or professional will never be perfect there is no reason to be lieve that administration of ustice would be bet ter served if as lawyers suggest they should all be professionals kelowna b c courier after centuries of expressed sympathy or condemnation for people who are known as chronic worriers psychologists have come up with the verdict that it isjiorrna to worry just fhmk how much corrfforf it would be to the wor- rers to have had this information years ago estevan sask mercury its strange how some motorists who wouldn r think of violating other laws will wan tonly disregard the highway traffic act those qualities that characterize men arivj women as lidies and gentlemen are often tossed aside iljben they place themselves behind the steering wheel of a motor vehicle markdale ont sandard the first bible sundaj to be ob- served in borneo was held a few weeks ago special service in the murut church at law as marked the occasion a feature of the ser ice was lic reading of john 3 16 in varum languages when the pissige w is read in french no one undei stood in thing a gleam of understanding came otr the faces of a feu ad vaneed students w hen it whs rend in english rciding in iban a neighbeii ing language followed and unh a fev showed an understand ing of the meaning when mil i was ustd more men mi few wo men recognized the tet a glow of apprecntion on the parj of most people present w is ip parent onlv vhcii the mm lit maim script w is ustd then the word of god in the linguae e of tin natives w as ieconid the pri icher of the di pointed out from this t vpcriment the nects sit of an people hning the bihli in i formthcs could understand in tin u mother tongue this lie continued is the basic work and requirement of mivmnar endeax orb a member of the borneo evan gelical mission commenting on the observ anct w rote none of the muruts hns verv much monev but that da thev save the whole of their small collection to the bible societv in singapore to help pro vide some bibkiess tribe with some part of the bible in their language this spirit of sharing is notiwortln especiallv when it is reali7ed thit the muruts have onlv nine books of the bible in their own language so fir until leeentlv even these wire circulated onlv in mimeographed form suggested readings for the week sundav mark is t 28 mondav mark 15 2947 tuesd iv mark lb 120 wednesday rom j 132 i thursdav rom 2 129 fndav rom 5 1 21 saturdav horn 6 1- 23 it is 625 miles bv boat from hal ifax ns to st johns nfld the mar who released this information ywwwhwwwtm remember those food old 3beufl c the search for bridfy murpiiv by morej bernstein one of the newest books m cton librirv the se ireh for bude iurph is on best seller lists ill icross the lountrv it tlls th stoi of how an amateur hypnotist ds- oviied thit he ind appuentlv brought his subject riht back to l previous existence his subjeit w is i noinnl loimc mtrican woman who submitted vei easily to bt mg hvpnolied then quite unaware of whit slu was s iv mg she told ill ibout her life in inland minv niinv iir ago in one session th v oung hvpnrtt 1st heard tier s how she liked to dinci lie mentioned to her thil she would feel like dincing hei fivorite jig after she woke up sure enough to th ami7ement of uitntssis she woki up seemed quite hirslf again until she stid denlv jumped to her feet and began to prance around the room in a jig since the book his been publish td there is another one out telling just how this one is wrong how the hvpnotist didn t do this or that cor rictlv well never mind it s an out standinglv good storv and when venire finished verv hard not to believe this one ept riment has staxtiidi a whole new vogue for tr insnuji rition of souls theories to mr bernstein his experiments have shown that one person lives manj lives read the book to see if this one case w ill make vou agree with him back in 1936 from tie brae of the free press of thursday august 13 1936 mr e j hassard and mr f s blow spent a day fishing at mea- ford and mr hassard landed the biggest lake trout we have ever seen and the longest captured there this year it measured 40 inches and tipped the scale at 21 lbs 10 oz mr c w mosaics has completed a splendid new dairy building on his premises on main street north and now is occupying the building it is modern in everyrespect thousands of visitors arc watch ing the quints in their pool at cal lander king edward has unveiled the memorial at vimy ridge when the government of spain decided to issue arms to the loyal citizens it was the youth who re sponded shop girls and jounr workers rushed to the defence of the peoples government against the fascist rebellion girls joined the government army which attacked rebel troops a friend enquired recently if the garbage proposal plan for acton had gone on a summer vacation the annual picnic of the womens institute was held at the home of mrs h mccutcheon on thursda afternoon knox church acton was the scene of a charming wedding on saturday afternoon when isobel christine the daughter of mr and mrs g h lmt7 acton became the bride of ravmond austin gordon of toronto the bride was lovely in a white satin and chantillv lace gown she was attended bv her sister miss grace lantz shirlcy sutcliffe detroit niece of the bride was a charming little flower girl frocked in babv blue printed or gandy with a dutch bonnet in the all star benefit game last week in georgetown flint terrv bus and norm morton and minute walters of acton were on the line up against the guelph maple leafs the allstars won bv 76 acton juveniles were eliminated on saturday w hen the droppexi a game to oakville bv the score of 8 2 sir malcolm campbell s bluebird the mammoth raemg car that at tained speed- of 30 ttviles per hour on the salt flats of utah will be seen in the automotive- buildings at the can idian nation il exhibition ospnnge- women s institute held i picnic wednesday afternoon at the- lo ek home of mr and mis geoi ge cooke second 1 ine- ov i i m enjoved jhc progi nn of riees sports elc thrilling his bigun hut vie ids do not mom to be- promising 1906 back in from the bane of the free preat of thursday august 9 196 william howard nnssagaweya unlodacd a very fine threshing out fit at the g t r station here mon day purchased from the amcrican- abell co in toronto through wil liam hemstreol the agent here it is a traction engine with separator cyclone blower and stacker combin ed and is a very fine outfit a number of local anglers arc in vestigating the fcasablllty of block ing fairy lake with bass a few thousand fry deposited njjw w6uld i assure good fishing in four or five years the threshers have cothmenccd their activity the first to thresh in this mcinity was robert sprovl of the third line fred maud did hia threshing tuesdav of last week his wheat turned out well and will ave rage 25 bushels to the acre r n brown threshed a fine crop on tuesdav and had a splendid ield jecl leslie has one of the finest crops in this section one field will aveiage 40 bushels to the aeie j the open-an- concert given by acton cornet band from then new stand at the town hall last frictiv eveiung w as one of the best of the season the delightful moonlight evening was taken advantage of and creiwds of citizens and visitors were thtie to enjov the music and incidentally to promenade bovver avenue- and willow street pave ments in the vicinity the bowling semifinals and final games were played off on monday evening and were faieiied with a large gallerv the jjreens were in prime condition and the plavcrs en tered the contest in fine fettle the keenest competition in the semifin als was between w j gould and a a secord who have been ack nowledged as among the best play ers of the club however the final was between gould and w mcnabb and mcnabb won out he was pre sented with a pair of scotch bowls with inscriptions in silver rev t albert moore writes the free press from bruce mines to sav i think there is no pirt of canada that is developing more rapidlv than algumn on every iiund there am evidences of prospent and wealth the- growth and develeipment through the whole cejiintry is won derful a row- of a most r pieht lisible chancier took place on mill st last friday night the tngiv voices foul oaths and obscenity wire a dis grue the chief was iint for but w is not available until n hour lat r professional and trave al directory llers guide mfdical savs thev had to figure it out bv boat as thev didnt know anv crows who could fly that far each vcar the forests of canada i create more jobs and pa cheques than ever before keeping the for ests alive keep these jobs alive bo vcrv careful with fire in the wood lands dr w g c kcnney physician and surgeon office in svmon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river stre et acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d bucknbr phsician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 79 office hours 68 p m dental optica l ro buchner optometrist i mill st e thone 115 office hours wi dm sday s 1 30 6 00 p m fvenings by appointment legal c f leatherland q c barrister a solicitor salary public office hours 10 00 arn12 00 ana 1 00 p rn 5 00 p to saturdays bv appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton sssakessit ajcjtsskssj ckedfctis lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 main si n 44 victoria st brampton v toronto phones 2478 em 49131 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leis b mill st office houts 9 am to xray telephone to 6 p m 148 united church of canada aetata ontart rev gordon adams ma b d rdon adams m a minister parsonage 29 boer avenue phone 60 mr george efliott organist ar d choir leader 76 bow o vv ai awe 0 a w pttesbytfrian cxutch in canada knox church acton minister er david h marshall sunday august 12th 9 45 am church school 1 1 00 am morning worship 1956 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 p m telephone 19 acton miscellaneous c real estate and insurance arm welcome aw aits you newspapers are published three times or twice weekly we made collingvood for the night but newspaper inspection had to be deferred until tre following morning meaford owen sound southampton port elgin kincardine and godench came on the itin erary of our second da we found that gode nch farm land has had a lyre for several folks m newspaper connection and that evening visited with one of these good friends they liad ust arrived to spend the month at their farm home reforestation and trees are to be the specialty en these acres with of course ajrout pond clinton exeter strathroy ingersoll tillson- burg delhi and simcoe were crowded into the third da and this was of course possible be- that three of the plants were having tjjeir holiday we need more people and we need them quickly argues the vancouver sun top few people are trying to do too much nearly 58 bil i or will be invested in the country this year ac cord ng to mr h6we but its doubtful if it all ton get spent m 1956 because too few hands are available to do the work it represents three cheers are due ontario s minister of education declares the ottawa journal for flatly reiectmg the proposal to teach car driving in the schools for if we begin taking the advice of some amonfeus the first thing we know we shall have jjiir schoojs trying to teach so many things they will ettd up by teaching nothingreaching the point they have come to in some areas of the slndw august 2th 36 1000 am junior church and church school 11 15 am miirmir worh c a f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 9i and insurance the anglican church of canada st albans chnrch acton ont rev ev an h jones b a lth ractar baptist church acton rev rn 11 coiterti pastor parsonage 115 rower ave phone 206 slndw august 12th 1956 10 00 am sundav sehool 1 1 00 am morning worship 7lk p m evening worship sunday august 12th 1956 itnnitv xii 1 1 00 a m matins and serrp n acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lo l hall corners 1 ptor- rev k j reid 81 cool sl telephone mw crewsons c cause the fron windows g the infprrnatjojl uls where one university a fw years ago was civing credit marks for papers on dating new blildinq alma que icp the federal government twiii build a 300000 sundav august 12thi 1956 post office in this northeastern 1o00 a m sunday school quebec centre next jevu land 11q0 ajn morning worship has already teen acquired and 7 30 p m evangelistic service work is expected u rt next wednesday 8 pjncottak prayer meeting and bible study ww r bracken insurance agemcy 8 mill stnet phone 26 res 555r general insurance heated ambulance rumley funeral home phone 699 night or day serving the community for 6 years travellers cuide orav coach unes coaches leave acton daylight saving ttaaa eaatboondt 6 33 am daily except sun andl hoi 858 am 1133 am 2 08 pm 5 0h p m 6 33 pm s3 p m 10 08 p m sun and hoi westbound 10 27 a m 12 52 pm 5 27 p m 7 27 p m 1132 pm 1 12 am frl and hoi i 2 57 9 12 i sat pm pm sun j general phone 589 bert wood and life 77 veteblnvakr f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and pesidenc 2f knox ave acton phone 130 standard tiane milt-st-i- eartboaad daily j 40 am dally except sun days 10 00 am 7 13 pm sunday only 8 01 p m daily except sun- day flyer at georgetown 902 am 637 pm daily flyer at george town 10 1 1 p jn spring n b d young b v sc c l young dvm veterinary sa ofhce brookvole ontario phon milton tjr 89177 canadian national railways daily 11 44 pjn daily except sunday 84j am 655 pmt flag- stop 749 pjn saturday only m pm sunday only 90s aun flag- stop sunday only flyer at guelph 700 pm dally except sal- and sun to detrain p from west toronto and beyond 5j1 njn dally except sat and sunu flyer at guelph auv putl t fr ltjhm jaa

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