Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1956, p. 2

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n page two he acton free press acton ontario thuiisday august 16th 198 qhe artoti jtrrr imia tkeanty fouxtaad in ims and published eveisr thui- day at 3 kill st k acton oat itenbwot the audit bureau of circulations the cw wa and the ontarioquebec division at th cwna advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable la advance 9300 in canada 0 in the united states six soontha 175 tingle copies 7c authorized at j3aaa kail pen office department ttankac oa o a dub bdttoriacnlet david h dills protection janata a dills jena black associas editors and editorial office pa ce acton natural gas in north halton there was a rattier significant event for north halton enacted last friday when the flow of natural gas was turned on for the use of industry end the residents of the northern part of this county before the end of the month the pipe lines of united suburban gas will be giving ser vice in milton acton and georgetown we recall when hydro power first came into the district little did we or many others realize the changes which would be brought about by what was then r new public service hydro is hisye5ri fiftiet anniversa in on tario and going ahead steadily the coming of natural gas into more use in ontario will un doubtedly also play an important part in this province in its development many of us who have never had the privilege of using this new seryjcewill wonder how it will affect our industry our homes and our everyday life time alone will tell but indications are that such a service will play an important part in the development of this section many of us too have watched over the years the drilling for gas and oil in these parts we had a letter this past week from a subscriber in mani toba who gave many recollections of the early days of drilling for gas in these parts it is in teresting to note that in the present arrangements local supplies which are available will also be utilized in the present system north halton we are sure welcomes the coming of natural gas and the united suburban gas co to the three northern towns and fully appreciates the signifi cance of the ceremony held last friday to be important it happened in a halton county court the other day and after the accused had been fined on one charge he was tried on another count crown attorney lloyd dingle pointed out to the presiding magistrae that the accused had a con siderable record he proceeded according to the press report to read the record which included convictions for assault in oakville m 1948 skipping bail there in 1956 drunkenness tn denver colorado los an geles and casper wyoming the accused had entered penitentiary in new mexico on a charge of disposing of mortgage property and had been sentenced to six to 23 months for burglary in al leghany county magistrate langdon however did not seem very much impressed the court does not attach too much importance to that record he said jacobs was fined 14 plusll costs or ten days perhaps you are wondering as we are what kind of record do you have to pile up to be of importance in some courts likely jacobs will do better next time who knows we get a tittle vexed many times at the im portance many canadians place on the activities and cheap imitation of those who live in other countries in large department store recently we noted items labelled with signsof interest to our american visitors on the main floor the stars and stripes was almost as prominent as our canadian flag and the british flag well bet that 90 per cent of the folks buying were canadians listen to many of the radio programs on our cbc which is so lavishly supported by the taxes paid by the government and you get ample doses in a dialect you can scarcely understand youll be treated to music composed by folks with names the announcers spend more time on than jhey do in giving a nevys report when on occasions such as saturday or on holidays we could be around home until 830 in the morning we used to like the band music from cbc now we geta program announced by some european and a highbrow cultural program of singing theyre not to be compared with the stirring band music that used to make that one of our halfhours of enjoyment of the day why cant we be canadian we never see canadian flags displayed across the border why should it be we know as we pass every school house there that we are in the united states and we admire them for letting visitors know what country they are touring why do we get lengthy programs from europe and the british isles and never hear of the elora rocks algonquin park luther marsh the rockies the prairies and the wonders of canada have we no tape recorders in canada or do we listen to our radio at the wrong time of day hweilwejcnpvwhere we can still get some good old canadian cheese anclwhere- we can buy bread likemother used to make and see beauty and wonders of canada that are surpassed by no other country in the world but do people in other countries know about all these things photo by esther taylor hay fever time is nearly upon thqse unfortunates who suf fer from the miserable malady annually late summer growths of flowers and weeds like these are the miseryprovoking source of heavy heads watering eyes and tender noses and throats fortunately the photographer here is immune to the ill workings of such shrubbery thebiblv rev q p parson district secretary upper canada bible society pause and reflect there is ample evidence on all sides that time buying is getting the brakes applied we are going to pay more for the money used to carry on our every day life the supply of many thwigs which was curtailed during the war years is being replenished there ust aren t the shortages there were a few years ago latest evidence of tighten ing of borrowing is the action of the bank of canada in announcing increased rates for borrow ing municipalities have also found recently that debenture issues are not as eagerly sought by those who have the money to put out at interest interest rates which vsere a few years ago as low as 2 per cent on muncipal bonds are now de manding hxe per cent and bringing prices well below par we dont believe the situation is at all alarryi ing but we do believe it is well to pause and re flect on our spiralling price increases blame them on higher material costs higher wages on higher profits or lower efficiency as you will but soon we must realize that world competition is here and that canadahas not a sufficient population to use up the matenalswhich it is able to produce the past week s rise in interest rates is not the- f irst maybe we can antfcipafetmore if the desir ed effect is not obtained may their steps be guided it appears that some steps are to be taken to keep bingos raffles and such fund raising events within some limits a special committee has made a recommendation to the house of commons that monster bingos be a thing of the past the trouble seems to be that little wrongs have a habit of growing into bigger misdemeanors and the diffi culty comes in defining the size of how big a gambler or game should be permitted to grow bingo prizes have been offered for one nights play in durham amounting to 4 500 where a new car was offered for a door prize the craze has been sweeping ontario centres we were in collmgwood recently and bingo night in the arena there was the attraction for the night in that town it is said that some people play ing in games developed means of beating the game with false cards and by cheating this may have had some bearing in bringing the matter to the attention of authorities certainly with such valuable prizes there would be a great tempta tion to use any means to win them georgetown has had a rather unfortunate ex penence recently when an attempt was started to raffle off a new home for the purpose of raising funds for a proposed hospital such prizes are offered at the c n e quite openly the mistake made in our neighboring town came when the maimwere used for selling such tickets other organizations with smaller proiects may well bear this experience ih mind in disposing of lottery tickets its gottojpe a door to door proposition we trust the comrnittee of the house of com mons will be q c in their recommendation regarding lotteries because it appears up to the present to have been very loosely interpreted we have printed thousands of draw tickets and are always uncertain about our responsibility in the matter it will be a very shrewd and wise group which will regulate how much one may gamble in these days of legalized horse race bet ting and gambles of all sorts from within and without our country brief comment there was a day when squeaky shoes were embarrassing to the wearer but now squealing tires are a deligh to many of the younger folks m i the weekend holiday toll across canada both on highways and in the water brings a lot of un necessary sorrow where pleasure was anticipated i could be changed and much of the sorrow eliminated there are some dirty dogs in town who must come from untidy homes udging by the way garbage cans are upset and the contents strewn around they prpwf at night and not ust occas sional we hope the owners read this since the i dressed only from the waist down except for the sacied cord tied diagonally across his chest from the right shoulder a visitor stood hesitatingly outside the house- of a canadian baptist mis sion eangelist in sampeta india his fice was clean shaven as was his iliad all but a tuft of hol hin at the back according to a long established custom in india the isitor indi idled his presence bv coughing instead of knocking the eangolist could hardly con cml his surprise when he saj be fore him tins voung brahman pi ii st to such a high caste ortho dox hindu contact with a christ ian who had been converted from thi iintouchablt outcast should be unthinkable even more cause for sin prise win the strangers first words greetings sir i have come to s i ou bei nisi i w tnt tn learn about your christian relig ion suryanaraama patro was the mntois name the first part of it meant god is the light of the un he uas the family priest of the rajah of jil intra iillagt fut miles away when not perform ing religious rites in the temple he conducted a small school few months before a book sel ler had called at the school and asked pel mission to sell copies of the christian scriptures to the pupil the priest bought two books thise he showed to his host the wire well worn and indicated the priest s sincere in- tiiisi 11 the gospel stor he was anxious to itirn more on a following visit the priest met ki di g p barrs a can adian baptist missionary dr bans ae him a copj of the corn- pit te bible after reading john 3- 16 lie exclaimed how differ- mt this is fiom the vague specula tions tu hinduism iatro eventually forsook the worsiiip of hindu idols and res pite terrible consequences and sew re persecution he became a smire christian worker the sub lime truths of the sacred word had proven their power once more suggested readings foi the week sundayacts 28 131 monday psalms 148 1m tuesday psalms h 19 wednesday psalms 86 120 thursday psalms 71 1 24 friday psalm 72 120 saturday psalms 92 115 burlington starts lake rescue service in line with what seems to be laki short policy this siinmur bur- linmon inaiiguiatfd then own lake icsme seixiee itceiitlv win u the llui lingtui uui nt kon power bujl assot latum s m foot outboard iiinsti st t nut ftom hit lamp at the foot of sptirtr park i lie boat xv ith a 10 lioist power motor belonging to atlolph posi vda was launched in the morn ing when chief iee j smith of builinglun polite and chief jhur vii hunt of nelson township wtnl foi tht first ride also in the triil patrol was george seaton presid ent of the burlington safety coun cil and sgt ken scott the boat had been built bv mr posavad the patrol will normally extend from the canal to the pig and whistle inn with the exception of the first week end xxtien the boon daries were from the guelph line to the canal 1 his shorter tlisttnct wis introduced in ordtr to tover the v highly tongtsttti areas mhimi remem ber those 3 immvmtx back in 1936 taken from tne issue oi the pre lreaaet thursday angus mm when the fourth annual black- lock picnic wan billed to be bigger and better than ever thin year it wu scarcely to be visualized how this could be but such was the case it was estlmuted that there was an audience of between five and six thousand t a blacklock mpp wai the host and premier m p hepbucti wa one of the guests george footitt 18yearold son of mr and mrs walter rootitt had the misfortune to have his hand caught in a wringing machine at the beardmore co tannery satur day morning he has lost four fin gers but is taking the misfortune cheerfully and many friends hare are pulling with him and hoping for a prompt recovery a special meeting of the public utilities commission was held on friday evening with commissioner c hansen and reeve harrison at tending with chairman b g arn old presiding it was decided to have all water services metred and the necessary metres repaired to al low for this new metres are to be purchased council is to be recommended for repairs at the town hall it is a buildinti that has been much used and has had little expended on it the old balcony over the entrance has been torn down and the brick work is being repaired king edward and his brother the duke of york the heir apparent both flew in the same airplane during a royal air force review it was remarked at the time that a disastrous crash would have made 10 year old princess elizabeth queen a fumily gathering was held at the home of mr and mrs wm landsboi ough lake ave on sat urday afternoon it is 31 years since some of these relatives have met eden mills won the champion ship of the frumosii softball league when they defeated ever ton nrrtvvorctose grmies they have entered the playdowns of the ont ario rural softball association for the trophy donated by premier hepburn acton his won two games from milton and ha just out more to go to the championship morton broth ers and telfer pitched winning ball for acton and ltcal butlers piled up a large store m each ramr the biggtsl crowd of the year- saw ac ton win last night at ton plajtrs were terry walters j water- house lands ix tyler woods an- dfison w wnterhrtuse iclftr n moiton and it motion back in 1906 taken from the issue of the pre press of thursday august is mm the town fathers convened at one or their very frequent special meetings on thursday evening and out of the muze of municipal fin ances gathered together the re ceipts and expenditures for the cur rent year the rate u 10 mills the much discussed question of the continuation of the new cement walk to the cemetery entrance was brought forward with the present ation of a petition signed by iso citizens for a time all dignity seemed to flee parliamentary pro cedure never too wall observed by this years council was entirely ab sent during this passage the whole discussion gave no result civle holiday was the day set apart by st albans sunday school for their annual picnic at erin in stanley park the group gathered at the church at nine oclock and it took some eight large vehicles and several small ones to convey them to their destination outside four supplied by the local liveries the rigs were provided by donald matln stanley mcgregor wm sny der and t statham all had arrived in erin in two hours for the days activities very peacefully james mclam one of our most esteemed residents passed lawuy saturday evening he was born in 1852 and moved to ac ton as a lad in his teens latterly he had charge of the blacksmith shops at beardmore and co he wus a superior workman and at tracted customers from a distance between 40 and so young people from acton spent civic holiday exploring the rocks at rock wood they were accompanied by mr and mrs a b mckean mrs w suyenf und reeve and mrs swuck- liamer as clmperones every pupil from acton high school department who wrote at the recent departmental examinat ions this year was successful to ilhihtrale to our citizens the super ior standing of at ton school it will not be invidious to state that from another school in the county taking up the same work onjy two can didates were sutcesful of the nine w ho wrote dr j j johnstone inspet tor of the klii trie laghllng department of the department of inland revenue intptititl the plant of the corpor ation on the 2nd lust his remrt shows a highly tretl liable standing hie standard voltage for actons plant is 115 in cvt ry cnse the meter showed a lilght r voltage and the av rage was 1 1 u sstrrlttssrasimtizsaamb professional directory and travellers g medical permit border industrial zone the trafalgar nelson jomt plan rung board rettnllv agreed to re sone iiidusti lal a strip thru- tjuur- ters of a mile long along the township borders tins dicision w is the nutiome of cooperation between tht two town ships on border planning it is nelsons intt ntion to devtlop an industrial sate on its skk of th border w g c kenney physician and surgeon off ict in symon hltuk 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon cointr of willow and rivtr sis entrance ri t r stmt acton ontario phane 23 dr robert d bucknpr physician and surgeon 39 wellington st alton ont phone 679 of fit t hours 6 b p in ssm2ausssjb roryl uide i optical e l buchner r o optometrist 411 mill st e phone 1 15 office hours wt dm sdavs 1 30 6 00pm evenings by appointment legal c f leatherland q c barrister a solicitor notary pablls orriti hours loiio am 1200 am mm p m 5 00 p m sitiutlixs liy appointment only offitt 22 phone ids 151 ac on lfver 4 hoskin hartrred accountants n dental ii mam st brampton ihonts 2t7 44 victoria st toronto km 49131 i2st waau siskrmk5s attmc united church of acton ontan rex gt rdon adams i a minster b d parsofiaee 29 bor avenue phone 60 m george elliot ocani- ard choir leader 76 bovxir ave acto phore 6 sundvy august 19th 1956 10 00 am junior church and church school 11 15 am morning worship- speaker dr g s bell rock- wood ont jcmets presbyterian church in canada knox chcrch acton sunday august 19th 1956 9 45 am church school 1100 am morning worship 7 x um extning worship warm welcome inu you dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office uishman block mill st i office hours 9 a in to 6 p m x ray teltphont 148 dr h leib i dental surceon office corni r mill and i krtdirick slrtets off irt hours 9 a m to 6 p m telephone 19 acton j real estate and ins irance f l wright jo wi bur st acton ontaro- ihiine 9 i appraiser real fitale miscellaneous llralrd ambulance hjmiey funeral home phone 699 night or day strving the community for 46 years travellers guide gray coach lines coal iiek leave acton davluht bavins ttasa eautboured 6 33 am daily except sun dogs cannot learn to swim the angucan church of canada st albans church acton ont rev evan h jones ba lth rector baptist church r acto rex rax h costerus pastor parsonage 115 3oer ave phone 26 sunday august 19th 1956 10 ox amr sundav school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 dm exening worship in knox church and insurance wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill strict phone 26 rs 555r generu insurance j bert wood general sad life ii phone 585 77 atill st it f is well worth the time and sunday august 19th 1956 trinitx xii the effort involved if you cannot swim stay out 11 00 am choral communion and of swift water away from spots where the fcot- rmon torn shelves out steeply even if you can swirri dont no in the xvater alone or too soon after a the current average wage pais 1000 am sunday school aon m tne water aione or too soon after a in canadlan lndustrv i 3 37 per u 00 am momrni worship meal a bit or knowledge along this line may week you might clip this and ahon 7 30 p m evangelistic service save someone s life campbellton n b tribune nexrtime ou ask for wednesday 8 pmcottaee prayer i acton pentecostal assemmt meetng in lol hall creons corners ptor rev k j re d 81 cook st telephone 64bw sunday august 19th 1956 vttferixary f g oakes bvsc veterinarian office and pesdence 24 knox axe acton phone iso a raise meet a b rh b d young b v sc c l young dvm veterinary sargessm office brookvole ontario ptinncrmittnn tr t and hoi 8 58 am 1133 am 2 of p rr mm p m 631 pm 6h pin 10 08 pm ison and hoi westbound 10 27 am 12 m pm 2 57 p m 2 p in 7 27 p rn 9 12 p in 1 32 p m i 12 am fri sat sua nd hoi i canadian national railways standard tlsae eastbsd daily 5 40 a m dally except sun- das 10 00 am 7 13 p m sunday only 8 01 p rr daly except sun- cji fler at pcorgetown 902 ajb 6 37 p m daily flyer st georgs- icm n 10 11 pm weatbaasaa daily 1 1 44 p m daily except suridav a4s am 655 pm flag- rtop 749 pm saturday only 1ji pm sunday only 90s am flag- stop i sunday only flyer at guelph 7jos pm daily except sat and sun to detrain ihhiiishib from west toronto and beyond 5j1 pa daily except sat s fly at guelph t p 7 t-

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