Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1956, p. 7

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out page six the acton free press acton ontario thunsd k september is im6 roports and article from hatlons farmland and farm organization county juniors capture awards at exhibition a wednesday of labt week was farmers day or agricultural day nt the c n e this i the di vv hen the junior farmers of central ami westorn ontauo paitiupate in the special judging competitions in livestock gram and toots fruit and egetable etc htrxest condition preventid some halton entrtnts front lontpit inc nevcrtln lovs t godlv nuittbei of hiltott jnnioiis vtu ible to t the dav off md made trt ulum showing u the following i ttjs will militate stiuois m ich titalh are those is to jt ir- f 111 w hilt juniors ir tltoo between the its of it md 17 s ill- si mot- 1st i i lira i ul ter 10th ftill pi it jtiniot s 1st lm grit iu os ith bull 1 c ik m dun c ittle si mors 11th doiic sluiitt ju11101 7th rout lislu 1mb ted nighting lie beef vault seitiois iid john willmotl juiuois old don moffat tr it tor ife dri hv eotvpeuuon 2nd don tivlor 6th geo humt fruit ind veet ibls juriurs tilt mirv lou tilor 8th 11 i i ilm grain and 1 oots seniors 1 ith lvnne coulter lath tom huntir juniors 3rd geo grot nit is 10th dav id hume harvesting 1 under way again on haltons fields bad year again for stem rust certamlv weather conditions and the late seiun are conducive to grain rust here agiin there are conflicting reports rt girding the susceptibilit of the inous ar leties of oats to rust personillv vith the exception of gurr and kodne we have seen practicallv all other varieties literalk plastered w ith stent rust on the other hand w e t ud w k far september sees harvesting oper ations under wnj once again on mum halton fauns and what a discouraging job it is fields of grain winch looked so pmimsing two oi tluee weeks ago are now for the most put l ing rint to tho ground those alieudv cut b the bindei an icuoittd to be sprouting budlv vvhothtr stook ed or iving on the giound nttdkss to idd the i un is bidl disudoi tti ilowttti it is am nini bow tle ml nukt halton opeiatois inn bull ubli to lilt tilt ii ltslttlt mips whctlui using i tonibiiii in i buulti v luiinht i of tlit usiim tin oiiibuit nt finding it idv is iblt lt i i tin n gi un o i tilt finnuiu null in ouki to it move lilt 1 1 ri mittti md lluis picvent hi itmg m tin bin lltii it is tbilisi i niijlil old sonit ot the fit ids ait still oft and t iking i lot of punishment from truttus tombuits md hinii- iis hovvivoi pioxiding tin gi un dot siit lu it too nun li in tin min u at will still in our opinion m ikt good fioti this turning wintu mom of the gi un we hivt smi is reason ibl plump time ue i tot of conflicting repoits legiuinvg thontv iiittus of oits gurv nd rodmv peiionillv we quest ion if we c in ieasoniblv dew i mini tin u rtspeitim mints in 1 mi nth as 195b this morning wo hid i phom t ill fumi johnson nteluids will know n hornbv f u mer he repoi ted his g irrv tvits molding 70 bus per ure while he quistioned his own judgment when hi was sowing his 2 50 o at omul th end of miv ho has no regrets now unless it ls- t he didnt buv more of them finhkly we dont knowvhat thp picture will bo bv the time this ap peals in punt if the present wea ther holds f oi another jo days oi so 11 huge peicentage of the fields vv ill be eleaiud off if it doesn t w ell our guess is as good lis mine financial aid for oac course lack of cosh need no longer be a fence between prospective students and the tw o vear course at the o i that to the best of thtir knowledge p of i number of mdniduils their sinicoes or beivers are not i in companies a fund has been rusted perhaps officials of the established to assist vvorthv stud field crops branch ire right whin onu enrolled in the diplomi course thev mite that rusted oats are an indication that common birberrv halton girl is extairy queen l ist toik mis lit i doii kim ot o ik lilt r k w is t iow in 1 1 nit quttn of hi 1lilv in nil in n iliuual jhahihiliun in in impiiss i i ititinon ln mil i lislu liost tlffl llttd 111 till uuvviimlk tin in in w tilth also tin ludiil a sluul iililnss fumi hon win tiiiodftllovv ontiiiti muustii of giiiiihuii oiii tin pi i ions it nights so miuiig lidits five oath night nun pt tid foi tin tit li wtdiusdiv night in ought togtthti tin fivi fin ilists the bisl all louiid duimiiaid of t nil of tin f iv t bittds upiesenttd mshiu uu il pm pose shoil limn ciiieinsiv holstein and jor si v mis kiiik li id piiviouslv hoi n dt i lined n vvumet ovei foiu othti girls on fudav oviiiing of tin pit v ions v ot k notlur hiilton gnl jem pi lei son of lloinbv had won a similai iw nd on opining night nt the c n b bo out of the five finalists two wtit fiom halton ind molding to itpints it was i ding dung batfli bttuien the two 11 iltointis with doloiis kin vvi the top ontario gruulturil col or buckfjorn are in tht area cer tamls it is an accepted fict thit these two shrubs in thi host plants whith cirrv the rust sport- ou tite winter consequentlv those w hose oats are badlv rusted w ould be well advised once the rush is of to ascertain if thev have some buckhorn in their fence rows or in the bush lot or perhips thev are grow mg some common barberrv as an ornamental tround their home if not check on vour neighbors in some communities bees have been organized to eradicate these shrubs perhaps there are areas in halton where similar action would be justified true ev er one is too but at present but there should be an opportunity before next spring people buy the free press to read and read the free press to buy at the logi establishment of tht fund is a recognition of the fiit that farm ers in this ige of lipid change must h iv t a bro id know ledge of a wide vtriotv of subjects tlitir need for improved truning in creases with overt passing veir there is also recosnition of the fact that no v oimg man v ho w ints to ret that training should be prevent ed from doing so because of lack of monev as we understind the picture ac cording to indiv idual need funds mav be made available to cover costs of tuition fees room and board true the recipient of such financial assistance will be expect ed to repaj the money loaned however the monev is repaid with out interest further details may be secured from the agricultural of fice in milton iw ud mong the awards won by mrs king w is the dairv queen tiophv and i sterling silvtr triv don ited b the ontario milk dis- ti ibutori association intidentallv mrs king repres cnttd the guernsev breed so she also had her chone of five puie bred heifers lone of each of the five breeds concerned these latter awards wore donated by the laura ind psecord canclv shop netdtossto add she selected the guernsev as a fitting climix dolores won a fea- tuit spot on the grandstand per fornnnce for tho last three nights of tin btg- smw in 1945 tht u was one uitomobile for iverv 10 4 canadi ins the 19a5 propoi tion is one for every 5 3 persons shortill sheet metal ptumbing heating gar wood furnaces eavestroughing 1 14 churchill road phono 464 cxkak1no auction sale 33 registered and tirade fulry ac credited aynhlre and hereford cowa and llehera 40 ke8 horn- ea tractor baler grain thrwhcr auloniobllfi hay oraln and a full line of farm equipment cteani announcing a yaarround ruo cleaning service clean rugs malt your horn rtra atrrractivo axtra invmng owrwaajily pickop service assure you of prompt attention why not wish our modern factory and see for yourself our complete equipment and c staff bring a rufl along for cleaning or repair ing youll bo pleased with the fin quality of work your rugs receive camel rug cleaning and repairing co factory and office 42 forsythe st s oakville vi 44151 tho undersigned huvo leeulved lnatructiimn fiotn the exeiutilx of he estate of the latt fax ball to sell bv public million nt lot 1 ton 1 township of nelson nl8 i mile hoi th ot no a lilnhwiiy un town line between tilirnlgui and nelson townships count v of hal ion on tuesday skitkimhkk 18 coiiuiieih lug lit 1 ml ncloi k tin fiklliiwlng cows and youno catii k i leg avishne cons fush tune of salt 1 ug avishlii titw fiitli i month nut linil i leg avmhlie tows in full flow not in til i it it avislnit iow in h in linn nut in nl 1 iii tishnt i i 1 1 1 1 1 it i i bttil lu ii 1 hi avislnit invt niilltint iiitil 1 in it ml i hi- avi l ii in it i la i il api 11 i it k vvisluii iii i ft i m ai h old lilltll t m lilt v i iii i lows iii full rliu i u i in i 1 1 it v i a i ii iii id it anil lit 1 it i s i sli 1 1 c a u i hi i i t a il iin- i t tins to ii m mills i ill i i inn ii 111 111 i i fill 1 1 i i nss i ijllvt llllilll i iniinllis isliiit jiml lit it ft i tl i i nss ill tnuni t tiilt mill must uf iius win iniil diim m ipli unit hulls ija1r iquiimini sing u n it j mill iiiulm iiipuii piinii iwnls sit innis sialts tti mir lp ni ikiksks ii ilm lu ll nss lii tl owis ami tin ii hinili 1 pt 1 1 in inn inn si s igi tl iliniit 1 100 lbs ipiiu hat lit s lulls lull us tti h i 1 nrm may and dhain hm bus of uats a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v of il- falfa stul a iiiautit f tliiiotliv setd a uiiaiitlli of field bulid nil- i it h n a iiianlit of fit id lialtil w lit it sti iw n iiiiinlil of liiost- hi niimd n illinllh of liiiii- powmi lmpixnimis nc wh mo ti ittoi iuw in it luiks and tuns liki now nt w ilull mil bilt l ntw in hi in it hill ki un thiishei 2r by 44 with high tltvatoi stiuw lllltll tlovii k- dtuiti on lubbti nash 4 duui canadian statt sin m automobili with 1 000 miles in show loom ion- dition m l fei i priim drill 13 dist hit 3 fin iuw ti u toi plow m h traetoi disc 1 i it ion draw liiltlvatois et of diamond hinows m d sidi l ake m ii hnv loadii md mower 5 ft root nil loir m h grain binder 6 ft rut high speed farm vv igon and flat hay rack steel tut wagon and flit hay iick steel land lollei creuni hcpiirator cucksliutt gialn gilndfi 12 fun- ning mill hiales a km lbs slew- in t elect i le ilippti huild power ilippiis llornut chain auw tabid tip hiiw tuinliik lutliea utnblu hut watii luatii 2- wheel ear tiall- ei sit of rone hlinga 2 ixtunaiun ladiloih wink lifiicli wagon box with tilielvliiga forgerleg vine nn- vil hittw hick pump juek pipe wifiiiliis blaikamith tools cut- ptiitii tools steel nun drama quan tity of new lumboi und u very liugu asmortmunt uf useful inlscof- laiifous uitiekh tekms cash neltlement with t hi k on hi v of mile the sudden di nth of the pntpriet- iii nei ess itu tort this sale iiinimky an1 kllkvit allttloileelh lhoiit milton tit b0231 111 ot hi clll i li i lei k bltt attention farmers 1 for your tractor gas and fuol needs grease and lubricat ing oil contact thompson fuels ltd phone 69 acton 1ioiiipt dt livery fiom mi ti 1 pump yet we have tanks available b w l o knjoy oar lunch center open ter year convenience take advantage of open bowling to sharpen your game our udvlcu and experience la always at the dioponul of betfliuicra teenagers your league starts sat sept 22 10 am newcomers welcome acton bowling lanes phono 697 10 main if e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st acton e hours 1 306 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 at acton fall fair friday and saturday september 14 15 see our display of gas fired conversion burners appliances and heaters l root hardware phone 16 rockwood wyndham st guelph pne 571 continue clearance of savage co evan d brill with giant silver sale 20 to 40 off a wonderful chance to get the silverware you want at really worthwhile discounts included are 1847 rogers community wm a rogers and 188 rogers and savings range from 20 to 40r all items fully guaranteed all holloware pieces heavily silverplated on copper except salt and peppers extra special 5 piece silverplated tea service beg 125 save 35 50 beautifully designed heavily silverplated on copper set includ es coffee pot tea pot sug ar bowl creamee on large ftiftw 5c fine quality at an b m aap size traj buv inexpensive price extra special 5 pc set extra special 4 piece silverplated tea service reg 4230 saves12 75 heavily silverplated on copper this attractive tta service includes tea- if m av w o sugar bowl on large t m pot creamer familysize tray i extra special special silverplated butter dishes salts and peppers reg 395 btautifully designed butter dihes are complete with glass liner specially priced i special silverplated serving pieces 40 off included arc cocktail shakers flasks waiters serving trays com ports cake plates entree dishes vegetable dishes flower holders candle stick holders special special 1847 rogers bros vour c hue i- of first love donation hrritage re- m1mbrnce eternally yours available in sets or in opt n stock at each set includf antitarnish walnut finish chest 40 off special community plate choice of coronation morn ing str evening sitar available in sets or in opm stock at each set includes antltarnish walnutfinish chest 40 off extra special i silverplated holloware pieces reg 600 save 25 included arc cake plates sandwich trays cheese and cracker dishes comports relish ri ir bj dishes etc extra special each pay weekly our guarantee satisfactory or money refunded 4 t tt foyaigrte raft- tr y mwwagwwttwt

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