Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1956, p. 2

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hsbfcv5tflii j ip arton jffrpp tfttbb tfce ear paper ever aab la aetaa chang es in this issue founded in 1875 and published every thurs day at 58 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circulations the cw aa and the ontarioquebec division of the cwjta advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 4300 in canada 400 in the united states sbc saonths 175 single copies c authorized as seco class mail post office department attawa famaaujayta disa printing sad rabushlat c uaute4 g a dills editorla chief david r dills production manager james a dps john black associate editors fiioct and editorial office ph soo acton thursday september 27 1956 the need for leaders like the children in a family group youngsters at large in the family that is the community must have coaching and leader ship organized sports and other recreational pursuits are essential for the formation of any healthy and happy child and acton is for tunate that there ere adults in the community whpwiji not let the constant need for coach es and leaders go unfilled a few weeks ago with school back in and youth and adult groups reorganizing for autumn there were worrisome vacancies in the scout cub girl guide and brownie leadership posts an appeal was made through the news columns of this newspaper and the appeal brought results last week it was announced that a full complement ol leaders for all four of these organizations has been realized but last week also brought another ap peal from the y and from the legion minor sports association to look after some 10 hockeyminded boys this winter the legion needs managers and executive members for the teams and association the y dearth of leaders is just as acute with adult assistance required to conduct badminton basketball gymnastics woodworking hobby club and grav club programs the response to the scout cub guide and brownie appeal is heartening those citizens who volunteered their leadership are evincing a sense of belonging and responsi bility to the community that speaks louder tfian any words we sincerely hope there are others who will recognize a similar responsi bility and volunteer their time and talent for the v and sports association leadership vac- ancie fiom time to time we hear the criticism that theiown is overorganized or that i ithi fetai theretare too many activities for the youth of acton this is a strange criticism and one that hardly holds validity in the face of the tact that youngsters kept busy kept active in competitive sports kept encouraged in worth while recreational programs and hobbies seldom have time to cause themselves their parens or their community any serious trouble i a question of taste it is the liberty of any newspaper to pub lish matter which is of news interest or in the public domain but it is also the license of a newspaper not to publish matter at the edi tors discretion from time to time questionable cases over the border of public decency come to the attention of every editor these cases may involve suicide morals harges or juvenileprcsecution here the license of an editor not to publish becomes a professional responsibility no purpose is served fof the newspaper pr the reader if this responsibility s neglect ed or disregarded newspapers arid weekly newspapers especially asprre to inform edu cate or amuse through their news columns aiktaftwithin the bounds of public decency it is the debatable place of the garish tab- loich tp lure readers those who will be lured over these bounds of public decency and into the mire of sensationalized social conduct no weekly newspaper is ready to or needs to trade its editor s sense of response bility and readers faith for lurid headlines a great american newspaper with a worldwide reputation for its thoroughness and vigor has carried on its name plate far years the statement all the news thats fit to print this is no excuse for prudishness hs a committed trust the publishers hold to their readers sense of dignity and decency this same trust is the basis of a weekly editors responsibility to hi i readers in a wffl cywmynity rufiplo rf rlnu- thniw- this weeks issue introduces several changes were sure readers will have noted by now our page size has had an extra column tacked on and each column is one inch long er this has given us an opportunity to effect several changes in the layout of the weekly edition perhaps they arent all for the better but we hope so when a paper is undergoing change the fullimpact of each alteration cant be fully anticipated for that reason further changes may be made as the weeks progress well welcome comments from our read ers because even though contest judges can reflect some of the papers qualities the read ers are more to be considered behind the papers alterations are a niulti- tude of intheplant changes new rectangu lar metal frames were designed new styles were studied new headings designed and new production schedules mapped out to the reader the 12page paper in the new size will contain just as much material as the 14page paper in the older size to be completely accurate the larger size allows the present 1 2page paper to carry the equivalent to the older 14 page paper plus 56 inches the new size is a fairly standard metro politan paper size and in keeping with the growing community and expanding size it was felt the larger size would be more in keeping as we promised earlier the staff and edi tors of the paper continue to seek areas and methods of improvements about highway safety the attorney generals deapartment pro vincial police the department of highways and such organizations as the ontario safety league have been and are continuing to promote the kind of driving that will reduce highway accidents the police have and will continue 16 curb the kind of driving that ends in a death these efforts are making the pro gress noted in provincial highways but what about local traffic fatalities frequently the victim of motor mayhem on local streets is a pedestrian and too often the victim is a child to cope with this local traffic toll ict ontario cities and towns the attorney general has stressed we are par ticularly interested in formation of local safe ty councils and in the maintenance of these local safety councils at a high standard of efficiency they are not only worthwhile tfyey are essential to a fully successful traffic safety drive after ten months campaign to cut the traffic toll in this province attorney general a kelso roberts could report some consider able progress recently fatalities on provinc ial highways were reduced during this period by 14 per cent as compared with the same period in 1955 this is substantial achievement but as the attorney general himself pointed out the death toll is still high nearly two persons are killed every day on provincial highways an other dies on the roadway of a city or town in the same period on the average one able bodied person dies on the roads of ontario by violent means every ejght hour working shift he said ontario has 970 municipalities cities towns and villages where traffic safety is of concern we would get at the root of this safety problem says attorney general roberts if every solitary municipality or ganized a safety council put at its head a responsible citizen aware of the problems and determined to solve them at the local level happy hollering recently m a f o w n rnrt too far east of here and renowned for its lacrosse teams a victorious team of young players returned home late one saturday night with a cham- piohship to their credit toindicate this to the townsfolk however most 01 them might long be asleep the tire siren wat turned on and let waillong and lustily other towns we know do the samewhen a sports victory is tobe hailed others turn out the town band to rejoice with the trump ets or in the case of arvothet lacrosse town north of herethe bagpipes in other places and at other times the triumphant sportsmen and their supporters just tear around the town cheering and hollering about it to everybodys approval so we see it or more properly hear it- time and time again when something good happens something big or important then shout about it make a noise actually the idea has been around for a good long time and it seems to be one of those fadeless shades of human nature that paper is often an adhesive agent to this close- rfessx for theeditor to revoke his responsibil- ftymtrust by printing accounts of conduct out of the communitys concepts of decency he slashes at the fabric of friendship tjihat covers his townsmen make one thinkjhe species isnt such abad apple after all people when enjoying or proud of an accomplishment caftt quite feel it fully unless others know about it whether youre hollering or hearing everybody likes something to shout about tsstvaarai remember- those good old days photo by esther taylor chronicles of gin farm fall around squirrels abound by gwendoline p clarke our geraniums arc still bloom ing thank goodness we had a touch of frost last week not en ough to do any real harm hut en ough to get everyone worried about their gardens just in case now the danger seems to be past and we can prepare ourselves to enjoy indian summer the maple trees already having taken on a reddish hue by present appear ances it looks as if we should have a beautiful colorful fall there is plenty of sap in the trees so the leaves should stay on the trees longer than they did last year we had a decidedly dry fall then if you remember the leaves dropped quickly and there was lit tle of the lovely coloring we as sociate with the fall season this year the story should be different another thing we are noticing squirrels more squirrels than we have sttcn for many years black grey and red squirrels a few days ago a big grey squirrel fell out of the virginia creeper on to our bedroom window for a minute we wondered what on earth was coming as the furry creature shthered downwards we are wandering what can be the meaning of this sudden increase m the number of squirrels where did they come from and where will they winter we know it is supposed to be the sign of a hard winter ahead when squirrels lay up a bit store of nuts but an in crease io the squirrels themselves that has us puzzled still another surprise i this sundays was poking around in the rardcn and what should 1 see but four nice buds on the easter lily that joy and bob rave me inst april and which i set outside after it had finished blooming we seem to have the most erratic plants around here a cactus that blooms at christmas and again at kaster and now it appears we shall have easter lilies at thanksgiving partner is still busy on his redding up campaign and in that connection he told me last tuesday that he had broken up something over which i was liable to raise gain and what was that i in quired the old barrel churn he an swered he was wrong i didnt mind in the least i had no sentimental at tachment for that derelict piece of equipment i was never the worlds best butter maker probably i nev er had the right touch or some thing i remember i used to en urn and churn for ever so lopg sit ting standing reading or just merely thinking as i worked the handle back and forth sometimes i would hopefully raise the lid expecting to see the cream just- about ready to gather usually it wasnt many times 1 ttaight the cream was bewitched it would get so far and no further sn it was always with a sigh of relief that i finally heard that welcome plopplop that told me there was butter at last and then came the job of washing and working the butter and last but not least taking it dowry town and church calendar united church of canada acton oatarle rev gordon adams m a b d minister parsonage 29 boer avenur phone60 mr george erliott organiit ard choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 8 presbyterian church in canada knox churcn acton rev andrew h mckerizif ba bd sunday september 30 945 am church school 11 00 am morning worship evening worship sit oo sunday september 30 1956 900 am morning- praver 1000 am junior church and church school 11 is a m morning worship thursday 8 pm -choir- practice thi anglican church of canada 31 albans caareh acton ont rev evan m jones ba lth sector baptist church acton rev ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 208 w harvest thanksgiving festival services thursday september 27th 800 pm harvest festival ser vice sermon rev w o straw lth rector st pat- l neks churih cuelpty sunday september 30 1958 trinity xviii 900 am holycommuthottjithe first for the newly confirmed i 945 amchurch school 1100- am beginners class 1100 am festival matins and sermon 700 pm evensong and sermon sunday september 30 156 114th anniversary speaker rev frank swackhamer toronto i services on standard time 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship wednesday 8 pm praver meet ing acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lox hall crewniis comers selling the golden prints at 25c a pound or was it 15 anyway since 1 used to regard butter mak ing as more or less of a necessary vil partner didnt get any black looks from me when he demolish ed the old barrel churn mrs n c may i take this op portunity of thanking you for trying to help fys with our tv- problem that is in regard to channel 6 it was so nice of you to write and to say so many nice things about this column now i am happv to report that we are finally able to get channel fi with out any trouble at all not because of anything we did but because or so we think cblt finally made adjustments so that viewers can now bring in toronto quite clearly this may make you smile some people have trouble with children i have trouble with dogs you know how it is a mother is tak ing little daughter out visiting she gets her all prettied up in a dainty little oufit complete with white sticks and shoes now yui just sit quietly m the harden lor a minute while mummy fixes her self up she is told well nine times out of 10 you know what happens mother comes nut and there is little daughter with her shoes and dress all mussed up well last friday i took hiblm- out visiting to a subdivision house in a nearby town the streets were not marked and i visn sure where 1 was i parked the cir and got out to inquire l fitunately two things happened i was parked near a deep and dity mud puddle and i didn t close the rirrlou piopcrly robbie jumped out of the car slap bang into the muldle of tin mud puddle of olirst i couldnt take him into aiiv ones hie after that and u htt the mslio of niy car was like 1 will leave you to imagine kohhic didnt like it my heller than 1 did a- he is a dunly little rig and hates to get his feet wet he was also very hurt rucausc he wasnt allowed to visit in the tmum so ii see wtiat i mean l can gt into misehief just as easily as children when they tuoild in- on their bom behavir they never are isnt that right i s p s of siberian wallflower finie 1 mean hygiene school to visit halton th itrh annual visit of the un ivvrsity f toronto schikil of hyu- itnt to thi halton county health unit wiliybemade october 12 it was an 6ydr d f da mude county veterinarian he said the school of hygiene made up iif doctors dentists n- kirteers and veterinarians will vis it oakyjlle and trafalgar to see tre health unit in operation stud ents will visit the oakviue and milton mf ices a rural school and a modern dairy farm back in 1936 taken from the lttufe off the free press thursday october j 1956 the annual field day of both acton public and high school was held last friday it was a beauti ful fall day and these was a good attendance murray bauer was the junior boy champion and irma watson the junior girl champion in the intermediate class gordon bilton was boy champion and myrna rawson and ethel pargeter were tied for the girls championship jim jones was the senior boys champion and kay chapman car ried off the honors for senior girls a very pretty september wed ding was solemnized at st jos ephs church acton on wednes day when one of actons popular young ladies lillian winifred only daughter of mr and mrs t j byrne off acton was united in marriage to mr clifford james- bradshaw younftest son of the late capt and mrs william henry bradshnw of bracobridge the bride was prettily gowned in white satin and carried a bouquet of white gladioli hor veil was held in place by a coronet of or- anfie blossoms in a shower of con fetti and the best wishes of the uiiests the bride and groom ft for a trip to bracebridge and the muskoka lakes the fourth annual sectiona meeting of the wms was held on september 30 in knox presbyter ian church acton mrs h u bennie as president of the section presided mrs f blow welcomed the guests the 98th anniversary of church ill united church was a good suc cess the fowl supper and enter tainment of monday night was of the usual high order and greatly enjoyed by over 250 people the farm property of the late stewart robertson at hornby of 50 acres his been sold for 4000 u 1 kerr made the sale todays sad thought from sat urday night 1 television replac es the newspaper what will we wrap the garbage m mr and mrs ernest coles have returned to acton to reside again carl hubbell pitching ace of the new vork giants led his team mates to a k- 1 victory this week back in 1906 from the issue of the free plus of thursday september 27 ims housecleariing and millinery openings are two of the eents most looked forward to by the ladies at this time of year though we cannot say that both are antici pated with equal rapture on fri day and saturday three local firms who show dainty jeminine head- wear announced themselves at home the popular shape this year ap pears to be the vesta tilley with a profusion of sailor and flop shapes coming second for trimmings wings and quills predominate dresden and striped ribbons are much used while flowers of varied hues continue standard messrs henderson and co have a really taking display in their millinery rooms in the second flat of their new store miss gray is at the head of the department h h unsworlh with the assist ance of miss mcmillan has made quite an elaborate parlor with cosy corner and pleasing decoration miss annie smith has a dainty though petite showroom in mrs secords building on main st a football team composed of to ronto imployces of beardmore and co journeyed to town on saturday and played a game of soccer football with a team picked from the local employees of the firm the game was interesting but the violent rainstorm interfered some what and put the ground in rather questionable shape owing to the creasy suitf of the ball accurate shooting was impossible the ac- ion team which won 111 was com posed of holden woods small windmill mcpherson mceachern gardener garrett nicklin mc- auliffe the home of mr george camp- boll victoria villa victoria ave was the scene of a happy event on tuesday afternoon when the daughter of the home miss edith was married to mr edgar gamble the ceremony was performed un der a magnificent floral bell which was part of the quite elaborate floral decorations the bride was gowned in cream lustre and car ried white roses canada is certainly a land of wiinder a plum tree wls in bloom un ih s irkhamer homestead on swackhamer hill professional directory and travellers guide medical optical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton oroce phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 150 e l buchner ro optometrist 4h mill st e phone 1 is office hours wednesdays 130 600 pat evenings by appointment legal dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont g phone 679 office hours 6r p m c f leatherland qc barrister a sol notary p office ilours 1000 am 12 00 am i 00 pia 5 0 pm saturdays by appointment only office s2 phone res 11 acton mental br a j buchanan itental surgeon office leihman block mill st office hours ham to 6 p in xray telephone 1 4r dr h leib drnul surgeon office cm tier mill and frdenck streets offn e hours 9 a in to 6 p m telephone 19 acton real e and isslrance f l wright wilbur st at ton ontario phone 9i appraiser real extate lever hoskin chartered accountants si main st n m victoria st hrampton toronto phones 247r em 40131 miscellaneous heated ambulance rumley funeral home plume fill night or day hruce r shoemaker mgr olive m lampard at cm rmt tencher of piano acton studio st albans parish hal ii park ave guellh phone 296 travellers guidt and insurance wm r bracken insurance agency s mill street phone 26 res 555r general insurance ptor rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone m9w sunday september 30 1956 090 am sunday school 1100 am- morning worship 730 pm evangelistic service wednesday 8 pm cottage- prayer meeting and bible study it rt wrtl br an m nationa group with pupils from various countries talcing part in tpe visit or damudci said he said the stu dents were taking the course through the benefits of federal professional training health grants and will become full time public heath workers on graduation j bert wood general and life imuum phone 363 77 mill st veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian offieendpsidene 24k av gray coach link coaches leave acton- daylight sartag tlaw eastboond 6 33 am daily except sun and hoi i 8j8 am il33 nm im pin ioh pm 6 33 pm 8j pm 10 ok pm i sun and ho4 westbound 10 27 am 1252 pm 2 st pm i 7 p m 7 27 p m 9 it pjn ii 32 pm 1 12 am fri st sua and hoi canadian nationa1 railways standard itrne eaatbonbd daily 340 am daily except sun days 10 00 am 713 pm sunday only 801 pm dally except son- day flyer at georgetown b aja 8 37 pm daily flyer at george town 1011 pm ij acton phone 130 b d young bv sc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario prtonemiltontr 89177 wtrt j daily llm pm daily except sunday 84a arfi 35 pro itt stop 74 pm saturday anl 1 jl i pm sunday only 9j0s ain ffljam stopt sunday only flyer atl guelph 705 pm daily- except smj and sun to detrain t from west toronto and ml pjjri daily except satt sun flyer at guelph 457 pjn 51

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