Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1956, p. 7

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vv hanon county liberal association convention town hail milton friday october 12 1956 at 830 pm to choose a federal candidate honorable walter harris mp miniatar of hnwti will everybody welcome i i i wki 9 mill street acton shop arif friday nights vwtou i till 9 pm f r e e 5000 prize contest simply fill in th contstst blank at your n grand union store nomina else to do nothing to buy enter today you may win i sugar granulated lb bag 79 pineapple grapefruit 4 ox can del monte juice 33c 0 s lb bar f i our 35c members of circle hear of trip abroad the friendly circleof- acton united church held their first meeting of the season wednesday september 19 at the home of mrs jean johnston the president mrs shirley armstrong presided dur campbolvhue two boys break arms at school two boy of ss no 10 school campbellvale have broken arms harvey jackson and douglas tag the businessperiod it was delarkcr both accidents happened cided to have a halloween party at the next meeting in october group one under mrs annettn van fleet and mrs- irene masters were in charge of the program mrs eleanor mckcown read the scripture and mrs edna nellcs the prayer roll call was answered and each member mentioned where she spent her holidays after musical numbers by mrs robertson mrs joyce buchanan talked about her trip to england this summer mrs pauline symon thanked mrs buchanan for her in teresting talk on her trip a lovely lunch was nerved by the group in charge memmst buns available at ledgers last week at the school here mrs ross carbert presided over st johns guild meeting held in the ss room prayer from the litany was repeated in unison mrs amos mathles gave the secretarys report and mrs jack blncklock gave the report of the treasurur a letter of thanks was read from aldand mrs william deforest the monthly bulletin was read by mr jjetfares plans were made for a congregational supper october 26 to be held in the ss room plans were also made for the next meet ing on september 28 rev jeffarea closed with prayer and a social half hour followed mr and mrs edward polrnl of detroit were recent guests of mr and mrs frank bill st davids girls group recom menced meetings last week when lois lnglis presided nnd opened with a call to worship- glorin lur- dy led in prayer and gave secre tarys report joyce chester gave treasurers report anita smith had charge of the devotional criod and mrs a t moore gave the topic plans werv made for a while sale and a hike in october 1ois grceli- lees was pianist and eondiicted games the boys group held i irll roast on tuesday evening at the home of nlil martin all reported a good lime iikkin r granbv que icvt ttly council has ordered stricter -n- forrement of a bylaw requiring all new public buildings to be fireproof local expansion program by bell extends phone service facilities the acton free prett thursday 5epterriuai2z telephtbie service is now avail- anywhere hi acton huge expansion of facilities here c bell telephone manager region said this week xpansloi work os carried was it its out recently ouyfaiilltics serving the- north and east sections of ac ton it consisted of the laving of 1750 feel of small imdergroiuid feeder cable connecting 435 cable pairs each representing a telephone number with the exchange mid constructing 2550 feet ot aerial cable along pole lines in addition u 600 foot extension was added to the conduit system on main st the work not only mnile it pos sible to provide service for persons waiting for telephones but will al so enable the company to provide for future applicants for some time to come mr keith pointed out that persons desiring addition al telephones in frcuuctttly used rooms throughout their homes had merely to apply for them the construction job was the second major one curried out were within the last nine months and the third since the common bat tery exchange opened in i94l at the end or 1955 bell crews mm- plctcd an extension of facilities ihroiikhoiil tin exchange area aiul also added two adt lltional ositioii to the switchboard in the ex change they hail added u switch- board msitlon in llla3 ml keith said these extensions to telephone facilities were reijun ed to keep pace with the rapid res idential and industrial growth of acton this growth is indicated by the fact that there are now more than 1150 telephones in service here tftmpared with h20 just five years mro and 430 in 1m5 when the mkst-wai- expansion ci iimi got un derway couple well known throughout county mort than 100 guest calleri iil the homo of mrs a j mylrtii toronto tin september ttt at it reception in honor of the bolli wedding imnivcrxitry of her par ents mf antl mrs jftmes malcolm denyra mr and mm peiiyts former milton residents hnve many friends throughout the county mr dcnyes in well known in educnt- ional circles hiivinit been principal of sctmoln at newburgh whitby and onkvllle and for 23 years pub lie school inspeetrir in llnllon county lie was honored recently when the new public school in milton wus namctl tht j m dony es nchool he was a member of tte over seas boartl of missions of the un ited church of canada for over 2a years lie is a ketn chess player mrs ivnyes is the daughter of the inu- or w w momhum pro kresslvt conservativi mt tif the legislature for lenntix for niiiny years then lliio datihtrs mrw m vl en mrs w w kni niul mi dtirotlty ltnyes wn r present a sou wtit killeti in tin- fust win id war antony rlttke who called t offii eourat illations v-r- mr iiiui mi i skuf and mr and mrs m tlttntiits of ml lion mokk moohk ukcina ct the saskat- rhewati katne hraueh may tmab- hnh uvti new hunting nm fn iikmtse tins year because of a sharp iiiereast in the mo- io ulalion in frontier ureas iteardmare sept l7i jthe benrdmore boys got their league hurler way anil when peace and quietness descend ed on the lanes it wns found tluit uihr laiither gave ciltsole llu business for all games k paplllnn ioooi and s townsley ams wen- lops in this go chriunes f jlli- bona hit for n 010 to provide tlu- snark for a 52 win from ileani- biiuse curry put the whnuiiny an llollinn itikini in the first two canthfl but the ruck and ihill hoys turncii on the heat u grill the inst one and totals top trunill- ers in this episode were w allen 0uh ci03i g mosaics ml i 1- suiur 031 ii ijimbiit 032 and j llobson 6ud lngue htiinding upcr lathik- 7 clirome llolllnu koom i ilemiilionse 3 ciltsole ledgers ltla sept 17 kings made every game a winiiliij onefroin the dukes mid are in the exalted pohitiim of first place as a result no scores in tiic hiltiei lrackets the howling heiiif of tin- rhltcli variety i ieaklle htaildlng kings t ilukim ft lclon ladle sept 17 kll iflles fixd tin- ii lll lanks if the dun wits wilri the evil eye and picked up all lh- iilits doodle hugs snared th- i lust spasm f ri mi the half wits but j llie witty ones iralilmd off hie ul i two and lolals with dot kowk- liilnoi a vmi ti mount i llrml i shaw- hit the deeks for a iimi ttlpli- wllh llu siuiles it was inez iuly lll1 and ihyl annell ml league malldltm klreflles 1 half wits iii doodle lliijjh 4 dun i wits 2 five factoy hawaiian tld biu t os cans dole pineapple 29c 1 lb bag coffee 85 early mom caattmere pkgs of 7 serviettes 2 29c 11 os bu catsup 19 grand tnlon fab save 10c iant pkg 69 vegetable soup lav 43 je milk orec criap oh henry sweet marie candy bars 3 25c cool cool produce valencia oranges 29 8aaikib9md cauraraiaa c slse loade di w jalee washed spinach you just cant beat fjm quiet clean carefree constant ikpendable and economical 2cexxo bags jlkw aa4y jf- ckulo oaik daaav bags qacca vlctarte pay oy youfr qaq bll united suburban gas co ltd acton uhitedzs 27 mill east phone 695 united gas maaaa kam sept 18 heebie jeebles hooked up with tile- jauy janes and wjlh g llullord 8s4irrtyler leading therihnarade anared 7 henllhy txiliils bounrera bounced the krnzy kntz into the ihofrt end of n 52 go nnd lucky strlkea did likewise to dead beats jmc- creiis b12 tiyid m warea 60s were the tois in this making with the singles were a rocher vm s owen ms k williams 211 r coikiwiii 221 ami j howling 229 league stnnding heebie jeeb- ies 7 bouncers s iucky strikes sc dead bents 2 krnzy katz 2 jnizy junes 0 industrial caauaarelal sept 19 micro tliutles took tlio popular two and totals when they met iju with oiys a p green made li two from ridsdales but dropped the odd point for totals orfiina versus ink spots should huve been a good ki but the ink spots fnlhil to toe the foul line after much parliamentary debnlei orfuns allowed as how they would bciwl anil ink spots or whatever munr they show up under could trundle uguinst their the orfunsl ixisted sitire tops in triples were a lloiieh m3 i wilds 630 o chapman fwo j chapman 2t stout men these chains oh broth- eri it iapillon 002 j creasey bio we ilon t know whether its ten- wir or jimotr inaytm theyll liotli lalio hi d deforest i3 h de- koiest kit ii kinrad hu2 and the irls himsir ii dii ml leaiu- standing sulijeit to i hangei mhio a a i green t ifldsalali 1 joys cartuge 2 i tint oiit ink spots who knows actnn lsdlea sept iii dale ievils and tel iieis wei evenly matched in llii- firsl name a tie imiiig the result i ul tin- devils grililetl off tin- last two ftii a ii point win high uolleis wtie rollitiu and sliuffleil if two and totals from sloppy spans itidleicttes hok u uge from tlt high itolhrs hook anil ioppid two ami totals from iucky stukes ant seen nny triples so w- ii delve into the sulkies j masads uli m anthony 212 s hi mi lie 2l k glbbolih 222 ii lit i ihiii 212 i crelghloii 2vj j dies itto j barr 207 i liallentnie 2h ii jslieur 2112 holmes 212 and i mellon 202 league standliig dare devils ii itollcrettes k hollers iiirkv stukes 2 sliipy siuri 2 terrll 1 arton majsr sept 2tj cnulil tx- tunes have cliaiikeil itivhow the revainpeit vagabonds i ante up with the lug end of a 5 j k with firemen tig er cats wie plowed under but good in the first spasm by the youth iiifued jranil union lint ohl pros tallied to snare the last two and totals combines took two from then- ancient rivals the do minion hotel hut couldnt over come the first jtairic li lead and llad to le eontent with two gairics and no lolals youth must lie served aiid mokie oakes showed the hoys how with a 713 tricount ii iawson fhascd him to the wire with a 708 13201 other fair triples were 3 ltobson 881 c irishman 616 m jordan 627 ii earle 604 w williams 621 i grein 643 k hul- ford u54 b gervuis 60s and v masters 661 leicue standing vagabonds 5 tiger cats 5 combines 4 domin ion hotel a grand union 2 fire men 2 j baxter ljb sipi 2li indians versus yankees and the result 52 for indians hravis versus attiletlcs with the latter taking two and totals iteg lloare loriowed our copy of thta last go so were at a loss for the highlights hut hh- the- first she- umzlc it 1 1 skllhngs 700 stood out like the traffic lijtht at main and mill m mclntyre and k lands- boroiigh had singles of 213 and 222 respectively my apologies to the indians arid yankees for not re- liwting n their- individual efforts blaine heg i league standing indians 5 athletics 5 yankees 2 braves 2 1 glenleaiue siit 2 snapping a aided and abetted by h mortons 626 clobbered jngtttirs for the works puddle jumpers jumped the iucky six fur twrj and totals frogs tin- lakeview heights del egation picked up 7 poitits the easy when when eskimos gut their dales signals or something cross ed and marred in their own pro duction of the man wtionever was hthnmsori posted a 632 tricount with singles it was b martm 2ie f buchanan 214 j callari 252 f clarke 254 g booth 226 d dantith 208 and c robart 221 league standinjj snapping a 7 frogs 7 puddle jumpers 5 lucky six 2 g6-gettcrs-r-eski- mos 0 head4a hlrajighla with the actonhigh and teen agers it was a case of practice and shufrie the players to balance up the teams a ml next week will sec them embarked on theirreg- ular schedule somewhere els in this great family journal there is a blowbyb1ow description of the first executive meeting of the haltonpeel intercounty jague wont be the fault of the execst if the league doesnt boom acton hopes to repeat its triumph of last season with the award winners bud webster clicking ot the gord mccutcheon with a 7m triple dot fowke picking up th tops cleaners voucher dbtm tricount helen laurie ttundlinf a neat 301 single for the ledgera x ga foodstuffs popping up far uk pops- cocacola reinhwts were sally lougheed margie sun ter joe dut field and the wtfaa flash- butch oedenv thitrg u soadios arnigos atsisiateikiianv rfjgvabajkaiaafeiigm sa5t3cvjlw iti ihxis i

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