Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1956, p. 4

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fflblst wv the acfon free prow thursday octorjer 4rh tv56 letter to the editor editorial reader disputes logic 1 c g it w i on monday october i the co lt meeting opened with the wor ship service led by mm career a flannelsraph wan shown by mr greer mrs hansen coiuuietcd the crafts l the business nrt of the meeting was opened by jane melluslran the rules of the clold pin were given to each glrl betty tlemon made a motion that we open a bank account theroll call was 19 jeffrey ave acton october a ims editor acton- free press dear sir i very much dispute your cn- ceptlon- of the moral duties of a newspaper editor in youryraitorial of last week a questioiym taste you included among trjrse duties ihst of censor of nc i you said that thj preclusion read with 15 uirls resent from his newspaper jumns of all i t nwetims closed with tups reports of conduct that do not con form with the communitys ini ii t n other words the editors concepts 5t aldd s 5r of decency is part of the editors r ii r tcsponsibilityincharje in pres- roi hsrvgsi rgstlvd ervins the fabric of friendship i harvest thanksgiving festival that covers his townsmen services in si albans church on and i for one certainly dimit sunday were marked ty fust agree with such sentimental logic i communion for the newly eonfirm- i realire full well that in as- music included the anthem suminc this weighty responsibility sinn to hie mud o harvest and of censor your motive is aomir- rev k jones sermon was oii a able you are trying to protect the thanksgiving compart t small tariweekly from ihe sen- i thursday evening the first sationaluan that has bruulued so service of the harvest festival many of the daily newspapers in heard an address by rev w o this country but where you go straw rector of st patricks wrong i think is in inferring that church m ouelnh even to mention these cases of in- kov straw took as decent conduct is to subscribe to phrasc from stvoml vorso of aeruationaltsm tho u ohu of ltu gospe j iiwftimi to st luke the har vest is grvai but the laborers aro few eehymay lanjlert showered by friends a group of former school friends gathered nt the home of muu niincy lambert tit honor miss bet tymay i jimbert whose marriage to liussell arblc takes place early in october the first of the rvenliig was spent in kamis hnd contests with prises for the winners the guest of honor was seated in a specially decoruted chair where she was presented withtvrckciid with mr uiul mrs h w r personal notes of actonun visiting outoftown points and of vltltora in acton homes kev e jones introduced tlic sensationalism is the distortion and inflation of this sort of news item and to report it without re sorting to hysterics and luriciness is surely the real measure of the responsible editor certauil to arm the horrendous details is per- missible but to oriiit the report m its entirety for fear of scandalising tho sensibilities of few delicite renders is unrealistic and defeatst another important ftor w i seem to overlook is the- fact that in the case of criminal conduct a report of the case giving the movies of eurode fenders name is one of the strong- urea tj5 est puniuve measures we pa j sh knox ladies many lovely sifts from her friend her cousin miss nuncy 1umbert assisted in opening tmd displaying the gifts erved by the hostess assisjtfdbyllvr grandmother aunt tlier mrs miiplesden mrs iirl uunhert ind mrs hector lambert iliebrlde-to-be- lhanke1 all for their many tokens of best wishes for her future happiness mrs e jennings is hostess to wa the womans association of the united church met at the home of mrs k jennings on tuesday mrs h duriis presided the devot ional was taken by mrs s holmes and the roll call on bible charact eristics was dramatized mr and mrs k 1 smith have returned home to acton from lorl arthur and fort william mr unit mrs c o buricrtury ann and gary of toronto sent the i union mi mid mis w ci gamble are eelehratiiig their u3rd wmldlhitan- iilvetsary this week friends ex tend sincere congratulations mr and mrs kenyon of lwums- ville mr and mrs norman wilds of vlneland shnt suudiiy with mr and mrs james wilds mr und mrs stanley whoiton ilamiltoii were guests of mr and mrs lyal meciitcluhin sunday when they sane at the baptist an- niversary his many friends are sorry- u- learn that mr harold wiles is ill and was hospitalized hi toronto he is certainly missed from the bus dcpol kev mid mrs frank svvuck- hainer toronto visited with mr und mrs james adnmson on sun- the former jean kirby wlw tuuirht school here mrs dlckrjul- lun wus buck visltlns frlendi lust week she and her linsbaild u velerinarlun ure moving to ville sihin plans were made for catering to i j day when mr syvaekhanier was a wedding the biuaar and turkey supper in the near future the ladies are still busy quilting with several quilts on the- so sympnthy is etendetl to the orncd the front iif the church the social stigma resulting from newspaper publicity is often more efficacious a cure and deterrent than a fine or- imprisonment in fact that is surely why the law permits reportage at all but to imitate the proverbial monkey that covers its eyes ears and mouth so it can see hear and speak no evil is to protect the evil doer not the society which soc iety incidentally is i think com posed of maturer people than you give credit for yours truly a r needham speaker and conducted the wor- j f iml friends of mrs j ship the altar was draped mjcheyne toronto mrs j j stew- whito with white mums in golden rev 0 foreman nd mr vises on the altar kaeh window j kranti in their recent bereqve- irii a small vase of fall flowers m u wishes were sent to ri xegetables on the ledse and n m- a dills with the baskets if gladioli and fern ad- 1 hopo f f recovery to health j and return home i one new member mrs v j beany was present mrs jennings served refresh ments with the lunch committee assisting mrs t gordon mrs j fatt mrs v allan and mrs w murray a vote of thanks was giv en to mrs jennings for her home and to the lunch helpers j the anniversary speaker lit the baptist church ailing briefly in acton tues day were mr and mrs kddie j moore of washington dc mr moore was shocked lo hear of the fire in tho old building where he attended school a former minister of the united church llev waller posburymrs josbtiry lulty may sheila kay and lonny were back in acton on the weekend visiting friends as mr kosbury hud arranged for a supply minister in quccnsvillc the family wus able lo attend church here sunday iimnillit llety may foshury who is attending teaehers college ill toronto sang u lovely solo friends from u distance attend ing the funeral of the lute mrs hugli mecutchcon were mrs ninu friek mr and mrs ted solniaii toroiiu7mr und mrs ernie gruy toronto mrs e w mcdowell mrs k j cullnrd mr stewart mcdowell mrs hugh mull toron to mrs helen medonuld toronto mrs george humphries i6ndon mr and mrs harold smart ileum- sville ys men und their wives attend ing the annual regional conference at holleville last weekend were mr and mis hurry arbie mr and mrs klmer smith mr and mrs alf duby mr and mrs j mcgcarhle mr und mrs g w mckenzie mr i with movnig pictures and com mentary mrs a j buchanan shared some of the highlights of her trip to europe this summer with ladies of knox church and other friends the daughters of knox were hostesses to senior groups monday in knox sunday school room dr a j buchanan showed the moving pictures vhtle mrs buch anan pointed out highlights such as mrs schmull wife of a former y secretary here and two of her children whihrwtigbiiabbbs special services music at baptist 114th anniversary alf long showed moving pic tures of his trip to the west coast to an interested croup in the united church last friday collection was for the sunday school aisco aluminum selfstoring doors and windows awnings and railings donl be disappointed we can guarantee at the moment 4 to 6 weeks delivery free demonstration free estiaaates no obligation pay 100 then nothing until jan 1957 j mcmullen acton alscp sales representative phone 66 to invite executive jo me6t in acton at their meettnln the y m ca on mcuulny members of the tuit ion iailles auxiliary decided they would invite the executive of the intirprovlmlul lidles auxiliary to hok their next meeting here the general nieellng is bolii held in guelph this inoiitli with sever al of the ladles pluiinliui to attend a home baking sale was plan- nod for december mrs d uokent presided for tho meeting which concluded with re freshments s and mrs mulisell nellla mr and mrs bill wilson mr und mrs c i uutlkiluiid mr und mm kdgarf lddkea mr clarence llpgnvafdton und mr doug muniiing mrs william mudtlox und mrs giiirge fryer represented aelmi womens institute us delegates to the twoday cunvctittim of the wo mens institutes of the guelph ur ea held in guelph lust wtk mrs wtfiiain bullentine convener of community activities und public helutions for the areu was elected provinciul board memher of the federated womens institutes of ontario for this subdivision mr ft a plant a hldflr okdik no cmimmi um rhivit to mmiv mnjrm00t p6 jttv mtookdaltkingsway nursiriis 3nwtt thanks firemen wish to express thanks to those persons who so kindly as sisted at the acton public school acton fire department j words of the great commission as of i the father has sent me so send acton baptist church was observ ed guest speaker for the day was rev frank swackhamer of temple baptist church toronto mr and mrs stanley whorton king st baptist church hamilton added much to the morning ser vice with their message in song they sang the voice of jesus and the savior for me mr swackhamer read tho scripture john 20 1931 and rev ray costenis led in the pastoral prayer mr swackhamer expressed bis pleasure in worshipping with the acton congregation and renewing acquaintances with relatives and friends the speaker has the rare gift of making words come to life and he took his listeners back to the room where the disciples were meeting following the resurrect ion one could almost aee the nailpierced hands and feel his yety presence as he spoke the i you the congregations of the local churches joined in the evening services with hillsburgh baptist church and churchill united rev a h mckenzie read the scripture lesson john 19 2337 and rev gordon adams led in prayer wayne stratton sang i heard the voice of jesus say and art thou the christ and the girls trio sang when 1 survey the wondrous cross taking his audience back to the crucifixion the speaker unfolded the story of the cross and made particular reference to what he termed the picture phrases jes us used comparing the old and new testament and emphasizing the fulfillment of the scriptures rev ray h costerus jwas in charge of both services with charles landsborough at the org an and miss helen landsborough accompanying the singers 4 m just arrived another big shipment of imported dutch bulbs come in now while best varieties are available of julips daffodils hyacinths paperwhite narcissus madonna lilies crocus snowdrops scilla siberica scilla campanu- lefa english blue bells muscari grape hyacinth nar cissus poetaz etc super skcialour golden box of selected tulips hyacinths daffodils or crocus top grade bulbs regular 98c box now priced lower than ordinary varieties special 69c box 6c we are the store in acton which buys bulbs direct from holland in bulk muv eliminating extra profits we imprt yearly thousands of bulos thus we can offer you much higher grades at even lower prices by visual comparison you can see the difference in the bulbs clearly but the greatest difference will be seen when the dower blooms you will get finer flowers and more of them only at muttons can you get- the best named varieties and colors of your choice with no extra cost we have many satisfied customers who come from the south of the county and other places every year to take advantage of our selection and low prices taapertaakfor forcing bulbs indoors you must have the best grade to get satis factory mats 5c to 1 s tor e see it now at your switson gas heating dealer m coxe plumbing heating water tanks glass lined full 10- year warranty 100 per cent safety control anod rod included temperature and pressure relief valve supplied stom hqum open ttja exrrpt fridays nwn k ss9 tthnkttmng jreats for your feast stokleys fancy pumpkin 15ox tins 221 combination offer htl vs rmvuukite charity with betty crocker dollars for box tops betty crocker cake 20 oz r9- 31 mix devils food hooey spice or white heinz fancy tomato juke 20oz tins 2 for 25c maple leaf lard maple leaf mincemeat both for 2lb 59 predressed no waste turkeys vsi heavier weights alto available in most markets c lb ham sausage meat swift premium ready to eat yi ham vacuum wrapped swift premium g if this tank leaks or is defective in any way under 10 years you get a complete new tank you get a warranty with your tank for a hot water tank get the best get switson farm ff fresh fruits first ol the season from new brunswick pbtatoesrl15r33 white and fluffy thompson sweet and juicy seedless grapes 2 lb 29c california good size green firm 2 heads 29c for the holiday baked or candied sweet potatoes 3 lbs 23c 1 ib bag iga sweet mixed pickles it 27c 5c off regular price ingersoll cheese spread monarch pie crust 1c ib 73c 39c ie01 pkgj- m coxe igaf0ilwrap 25ft roll aluminum iga fruit cocktail fancy 20oz tin 25c 29c green giant peas l 17c now on display the 1957 meteor the lowest longest and most powerful to be ol since meteor was introduced there are 24 models in five series shown is the twodoor victoria in the rideau 500 series meteor for 19 is out of this world sec it today i 1 toth motors phone 52 mercury lincoln meteor features 12oz pka 19c 15oz pvgu 39c ii iga cash register tapes with them ywtan ebiam fkee boms gifts note all prem ium redemptions must be baaed an the valor listed in aer new 4talogles onev ag foe ro wczta c at a l o g u e s ig t

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