Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1956, p. 5

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rtfrtriii the actori free press thursday october 4th 1956 b owl o w enjoy r lunch otolet open bowling thanksoivtno day monday oct 8 bowl for pleasure bowl for health acton bowiing lanes phona 6197 1 10 rfw st band concert aids officers installed r midnight dance stanley park erin october 8th 1205 am aaodernawes orchestra i thanksgiving dinner hilltop lodge october 7 and 8 j 12 to 2 and 4 to 7 oclock for reservations call erin 41r2 upwells ltd it late hiohetohaake good gasoline tofti fmlhy has risen trammlmtly in mm pttt fa yean tw gallotts todays aasellae a the work of three la hie 20s raalaj aea toeaaiaaes to make these aaataalaakju aj aaaj mtmma aw ala tedwieiei to woik hit eott a lot af htaeritl with by far ceaatys mst ejttaasha oil t rtseardi facilities hat sport 20 mlhiaa 4eltan m tha atst ten years on research tjaaa rraerial saeat p5 murm in the save aerioa eirecny em new ietareve asatiae tmihy raj e raapaj aewipj aiaa bpv vwrav vfpw la malm the gesellaes injund hta eferhhtf a sabaaabsfe hjbj aaaeji wf wy rmwe yenma cm wtttruotlumntd student minister ballinafadis new student minlst er alankeclon was the centre of a comnwnitybgndjxincertrccntly when the citizens of chcsley his home townjrgathcrcd in their ar ena to donate 340 to help cover mr rjfielons residential fees at the university of toronto the band of the rcaf traih- ing command appeared under ar rangement by the session and rev w m whidden or st johns un ited church mr whidden spoke briefly of the great need for min isters and mr n colon told ot his career to date he jscrved four churches in the duhnville area while taking lust btx course at mcmostcr he also took part in the service in the united church singing be fore the large congregation for sunday school sunday september so was pro motion sunday at acton pente costal assembly sunday school teachers and officers installed for the new sunday school year be ginning in october were superintendent mrs k reid tarytreasurcr peter binnic teachers mrs r albcrtson be ginners class mrs t mccutchcon primary mrs harvey norton jun ior girls joe spadnfora junior boys mrs e smith intermodlfifet mrs percy barker youth class percy barker adult class arthur cook assistant adult class the sunday school has reached if record attendance of 58 rockwood bible society plans canvass jitney concludes record year at the fall opening of white hardware in toronto mac symon was the winner of a lawn mower i farm fresh ontario turkey especialy grown and dressed for those who want the best i delicious nutritious phone acton 204 lorraine farms acton ild to householders hotels estanrnnts church groups caterers why suffer through coldwater shaves ceta vuotherm phone 16 automatic gas water htatto 0 get plenty of hoi water for shaving showering or sudsing cutewwr kejtmiaabtma baar con at imtollod eiaay typ floor sohny wmtai bafeehj mmmi alrtltk 3 ajiam at yaxer aoaadm yoajr bodaati and m ubemel wotranty and 10 yrmm- protection piatt root hardware rockwooo organized activity on the lawn bowling greens came to an end for this season with the jitney games on tuesday night the club has enjoyed one of- the best years wiui a record membership this year six ladies have joined the club and are keenly interested in the game highlights of the year have been the intercounty league the singles championship for the john hendersoa memorial cup won by bob vincent and the doubles champjqnship for the dave gray cup won by tom hutchinson and ron bsstcll winners at the jitneys on tues day were ron bastcll j wins 1 1 george day 2 wins 10 albert maltby 2 wins 8 fred alton 1 win 4 and goergc perry 1 win 3 the members expect to do some work on the greens th all plans for the annual meeting will be made at the executive meeting this week the executive committee meet ing of the rockwood and everton bible society was held last week in the basement of the presbyter ian church mr charles h harris president of the society conducted devotion al exercises and rev john dllts led jntirayor mr ross gordon secretary read the report of the past years activities during the meeting considerable discussion took place on routine matters and mrs f s hamilton gave the fin- footwear fashions for falls dressup look youll find handsome shoes in falls newest styles for all the family waterproof footwear too for bad weather days ahead i shoe store iljiil bnon prop ancial report appointment of can vassers for the fall collection was made out at the conclusion of the meeting mr c h harris led in prayer the community was saddened last week when word was receiv ed of the sudden death of mr malcolm t mcnabb r r 2 georgetown the late mr mcnabb was a former rockwood man and welt known his wife mary jes sie young is a sister of the late mrs arch mcnabb surviving are his wife and four sous donald of windsor john georgetown an gus guelph and kraser at home a brother j douglas mcnabb rockwood also survives the funeral took place suiiday with service at the mcclurc fun eral home georgetown largely attended interment was in rock wood cemetery numerous floral wreaths bore silent tribute to the liicmory of the deceased following summer schedule of services at st johns church at 3t am the afternoon services were resumed inst sunday ot 23t pm for fall and winter mr leon ayles ot the ro bank staff waterdown was hoim- for a holiday mrs t garstang returned home during the weekend from the west after a visit with her son john of the llcmp mr and mrs maurice hurd of weston were weeketui visitors in lowg mr and mrs douglas black art in kliiura owing to the illness of mrs blacks mother following an operation mr hlack was home for services hero anil kdcll mills commencing next sunday morn ing service at the presbyterian church is at 11 am mrs j barlow who suffered serious burns from a gisoline fire wis able to return home from the hospital during the weekend everton community visitors form brertcidwevvrs mr anidurmrstwm bruce and family visited saturday evening with mr and mrs douglas mason acton through the week visitors with mr and mrs john alton and miss jennie tovell were mr e tovcll miss rogers mrs fuller grand valley mrs mogford mrs david tovell and miss lois tovell tor onto mr and mrs t d mccutchcon visited last wednesday with mr smith mccutchcon calf and mr and mrs robert mccutcheon and dinnne kitchener mrs harvey jestin visited on friday with her aunt mrs mc kay guelph mr and mrs harry hortop and family visited saturday evening with mr and mrs clarence hor top rock wood misses kdith and mary robert son cleveland were visiting their brother mr win robertson and mrs robertson last week mrs lloyd cutting and ray mond acton visited with her mother mrs jestin monday ev ening eden mills formmission band ospringe with 20 members tin jam wilson mission band f tlu- prisbylitiari ehutrh mt at lh church on saturday to rvoru- anii will tl fnniut and new members in attciulmce the new leaders are mrs kvelyn harden and mrs heryl wright a lively used car guarantee affects auto market changed selling practices in the used car field are foreseen follow ing buyer acceptance of the rec ently announced universal aut bonders ltd plan for guaranteeing used cars the plan guarantees nearly all a cars moving parts for 12 months j october and la months for used vehicle fornew cars all and labor are covered lineally the plan has been opted by thompson motors ton ltd ami progressive hand is expected i for the comini season the september inetmis of the wm s and iadies aid were held otl tuesday evening in the home of mrs john milne mrs wmino was in charge for the opening of the w m s dcvntituis were con- ducted by mrs w mmo arrange ments were made for tin fall i thankofftririg also for attending the acton thankoffring meeting in october roll call was answered by a gleaning from the glad tid ings mrs ordon stevenson read a letter from mrs dickson mis- i sionary in japan mrs r bar- nett dosed with the glad tidings i prayer the indies aid was in charge of mrs h gillxrtsoii minutes j and reports were given and plans i made for attending the plowing match to tie held at flrooklin in mrs w mclean and mrs remember next week fire prevention week october 7 to 13th matches and careless smoking habits careless discarding of lighted matches and smoking materials was responsible for nearly 30 per cent of all- fires from known causes over a tenyear period a burning match or tobacco debris reckless ly tossed aside may start a disastrous fire taking heavy toll of lives and property this hazard will remain enormous un- t til caution as a national habit replaces carelessness remember one little thoughtless act may take your home even your life here are a few conimon sense precau tions k keep all matches put of the reach of small children matches with easily in flammable heads should be kept in non- combustible containers 2 have plenty of ash trays convenient ly placed and keep them clean 3 anywhere be sure your lighted matches or smokes- are completely snuffed ou before you discard them 4 dont smoke in bed or whore no smoking signs are postod 5 diirit strike matches in closets gar- accs or other places where inflammable materials ist or vapors may be itnited faulty electrical wiring and apparatus one in ten fires of known causes is of electrical origin circuits are designed to carry certain loads the blowingof a fuse is a danger signal that the circuit is over loaded or defective the use of a fuse of larger antpcrage than hat for which the circuit was de signed destroys this protective feature an overload of current may heat the wire to the point of starting a fire be sure your fuses are of correct amperage for your circuits 15 amperes usually are right and dont taniper with this safetyyalvc a few common sense precautions 1 employ a skilled electrician to repair or extend wiring when this is necessary 2 buy electric appliances and cords bearing the seal or label of underwriters laboratories inc 3 don sarins vresunder rues over hooks ir iiiany exposed places wear rav rnakic them dangerous heating and cooking stoves etc one out of every four or five fires is caused by faulty chimneys flues cooking or heating stoves furnaces carelessness with fire places or hot ashes or sparks on roofs etc most frequent causes of des tructive fires in heating plants or ap pliances are substandard equipment in correct installation and construction lack of care in maintenance and unsafe opera tion all heating plants pipes or appliances should be at least 18 inches away from any wall or burnable material heaters including stoves should be on insulated metal cement or other incombustible bases walls and ceilings near stoves should be protected by asbestos sheeting or other insulating material listed by underwriters laboratories inc consult your local fire ordinance or building code your fire chief or insurance agent for adi- vice if needed clean chimnoy every year and repair promptly when cracks or loose mortar ap pear never force a furnace to get more heat consult your heating man about in creasing its efficiency safely empty hot ashes nto metal containers nevcrinto veden boxes r wright sang a duet which was costs of parts im enjoyed the meeting closed 1 with the benediction a social half ad- hiir was spent with mrs h cor- ac- don assisting the hostess mr gorgo anderson of niagara falls is spending some time in the home of his nephew mr john milne and mrs milne mr and mrs a howalt and j family of guelph visited in the iiwrie home on sunday mr joseph i ashy of toronto spent sunday with his father sir w a lasby guelph road i several from this district joined j with the presbyterian church at hock wood on sunday on the occas ion of their 95th anniversary when rev ross adams of fergus was the guest speaker the sympathy of a host of friends is extended to the mcnabb family in their sad bereavement i septerfther tea guest speaker mrs alan vair the annual september tea sminsorcd by the lndics aid of tin local presbyterian church wn held winincsday afternoon bos kets of multicolored gladioli grac ed the frorl or the church in the nhsence of the president mrs ward bruce presided and intro- durid the kurst speaker mrs al an vair of preston wife of for mer minister in the course of her remarks she said in times when wc hear so much of budgeting of time money and materials do wo forget spiritual hudketink are we spir itually unbalanced the speaker continued do we take time to be kind and friendly u takes so lit tle but il means suclih world 6f difference to someone in closing she urned ill to take time for all things especially the works of the chureh a pleasing duet whispering hope was sun by mrs norris sinclair and mrs inrne ljavid- sin accompanied hy mrs donald kirkwimkl krm united church mrs ceorue scott of kriti pres- hyteriun church read an excellent paper preparcdm padre young of the oa c on souls and spils mrs hi yon hi uc4iioved a vote of thanks in the speaker ancl others who had taken part aftcrnihiti tea was served in the basement mrs c suiiter presided at tlie tea tahle covered with a white cluth and centred withalow howl of yellow and bioiize mums sandwiches relishes and were seivcd hv the niem- the i j idles aid s tahle convened hy mrs b anev conk ics hers of a salt ccoike riindy did a brisk busin ess in biknii plants vegetables sewmu and jams and jellies mr and mrs david stewart mrs vcm stewart and children and mis kd stewart spent a day recently with mr and mrs s baldwin and son and mr george hcnn irk at ancisler mrs martha jackson spent the weekend with her niece and fam ily mr and mrs wm nevills orton mrs k jnhnston is visit inr with mrs ilertha nelhs and mr and mrs mansell nell is and family actn mr and mrs rnss mcewan sandra and carolyn were guests on saturday at the welding of thve wilson to oorothy gemmill at lweedsmuir presbyterian chuith orange vdle mrs mcewan was a bridesmaid for her sister and sandra was soloist friends of miss emma baldic will be sorry to learn she is ill and corifimd t hr home but wish for her a speedy recovery mr and mrs james currie of drumheller alhcrta spent several days with their cousins mr er- rett and miss ada currie life savers project life savers for world service is the newest projecf being planned by the bishops gray club at the y and other two gray clubs will be helping them during the last week of october the youngsters will be selling life savers to all their friends kerosene and carelessness one in ton fires is caused by incautious use of kerosene kasoline or other inflammable fluids and by carelessness in handling candles open lights lamps- open gas jets torches etc sloshing or potirinc kerosene on wood or coal fires is an ex- ample of recklessness using kasoline benzine naptha and other inflammable liquids in the house for cleaning or similar purposes causes many tragedies each year they vaporize when exposed to air and may quickly produce an explosive mixture that is readily ignited by a match pilot light sparking motor or even a static spark developed from rubbing textiles together or the quick ly spreading vapor may be exploded by a smoker or a lire in another room you can nevyrbe safe using inflammable explosive fluids in your house or in filling kerosene or gasoline stoves- or lamps while they are lighted if your clothing catches fire do not run running fans the flames and increases them life down on the floor androll a ru if you cal eknt wear y filmy inflammable clothing that might catch fire around a- stove prrangp i lets grow up not burn up 90 per cent of all fires are preventable if you inspect property regularly detect fire hazards promptly build safely and well jr correct fire hazars completely limit what there isio burn safeguard all sources orignition remember that clean property seldom burns know what to do if fire breaks out 1 ufs malt every wmii fire prevention week six pieces of pie a bowl of potatoes left after dinner churchill united church observ ed its 119th anniversary with spe- i rial sunday services guest speaker anil quartette and the traditional i turkey dinner -f- ahthcfeclon thenew hirnlsterv took the face of god as his topic 8 the morning service the hills- burgh quartette sang two numbers the dioir two numbers and mr neelort and mrs bud anderson a duet the quartette and choir again added to the music in the evening when mr noel on sang a solo and a duet with the guest speaker j bennett of carlisle addreand the congregation on flying on the beam attendance was excellent in spite of bsa weather the largest crowd ever between 400 and 500 sat down to the tur- i key supper provided by the ladles of thc congregation in the base- rncnt of the church tuesday mitny from acton and georgetown joined the local people in filling their plates to overflowing faced with the record crowd the ladies ran short by the time they were eating themselves and were left at the end of the evening with half a dozen pieces of pic and one bowl nf potatoes the program afterwards includ ed selections by the churchill or- rhestra- comet solos by charles iandsborough readings by mrs william ballcntinc fire department in case of fire call acton 300 give directions distinctly j thompson motors salts frank carney sonjf hardware phone 135 rockwood j e

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