Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1956, p. 6

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-iemrnta4fv4-lrn- jr the acton free press thursday october 4th 1996 halton bred holstein does well in states iiornabellc dewdrop texal ex ja bred by victor j lawiencc of bronte was reserve grand champion nt the eastern states exposition devdrop is a daugh ter ofhbnt noted iire lonolm tex- al antojvj and wss sold as n thico year old at the 1952 consignmcnt sale of the maple cattle bieedeis association at that time she topped the sale for mr lawrence ueudiop and her young calf bringing 630 we note according to the august issue of the holtein woi id that in her new home at sherman fai m at bloomfiold connecticut she has two new records one of 20 170 lb milk and 655 ida buttcifat as k fie yeai old in 305 das and the other of 20 520 ltv milk and 62 lbs fat as a six ear old it is also mtcieting to note that undo selective registration she is now classified as excellent in short dcwdrop u another of the manv halton holsteins that made the excellent grade after leav ing home soil junior exhibits stand out at milton fall fair youi scribe hns jut returned from n quick inspection of hnll ex hibits nt the milton fan despite the i ival attraction on the gi minds on fi idny evening inst the hnlls ttwe uell filled with an interested thronj and what a dhpla this ear halton fmni folk in ommortwith most other sections of the pu ince have hod the toughest stiuu sle to net then ciops in and off that the ui itei can tecall hoe or one would never think it to see the outstanding exhibits in ti aiious sections of the thiet halls housing exhibits while it is per ha pi foolhaid to single out an section foi ttpccinl mention n ver tholes in oiu opinion tin iet st adame ov ei the tai uas mu1 in thi aits and ci lifts sect ion cei lamh the exhibits in that section leflecls much credit on the night school chivses uhich have been conducted in the count oei the past six enis as usual the women s institutes made an outstanding showing- 17 branches being repieserrted esquesing society fair attracts near 50 calf club entries election date set by eramosa council at a special meeting of ernmos i township council member w ere all present reeve j l oakcs pre siding it was agreed to hold nominal- ions on fridav november 30 and elections on monday dccembei 10 the clerk was instructed to prepare and present the necessarv bylaw at the next regular meet ing a discussion on road conditions and drainage problems followed obituary fifth line resident janet mcdonald dies a lifelong resident of the fifth line of erin township miss janet mcdonald in her a2nd vear died suddenly at the home of bruce lcitch on september 14 she was the onlv- daughter of donald mcdonald and flori fjcitch who also resided on the fifth line of erin township she attended woodside school she was a former president of the bannockhurn women s institute in earlier years she attended the ballinafad united church and later the churchill united church and also was a former mcmbci of the church wa after retiring from her f u m about lo years ago she his resided mostly at the home of bruci lcitch funeral service was held at the rumlcy funeral home acton on monday september 17 conducted by norman russ of hornb inrei ment was at comngsbv remoter coningsb pallbearers were neighbors wil liam butler frank freeman her bert mceachcrn archie kerr da vid russell and alfred saunders flowers were carried by calvin leitch keith lcitch bob kerr lome saunders stewart russell doug mceachcrn and ralph den ny the many beautiful floral tribut es expressed the high esteem in which she was held tlu commercial ealf section it the georgetown r an which is op in in halton 4 11 valf club mini beis and othi i halton vounc people between thi ages of 12 and 20 vears contimus to bi a feature of that outstanding township fm between 40 and 50 voting people paraded their icspective calves for the official judge bruce s beer of peel countv whili the joung people ue all winners under the generous prure list offered b the esquesing agricultural societ here are some of the top awards holstein and ayrshire section dennis sinclair douglas starret ross austin tram hunter marv lou taylor jersey andr guernsey section keith ella ernie alexander el eanor joce louis stull george stull beef section glen jackson george leslie robert merrv jan et hendershot john hepburn showmanship as in former ears the juniors put on an ex cellent demonstration of good showmanship and it wis with dif ficult the official judge selected the w inners of the two w itches donated bv the canadian bank of commerce and barber s gift shop juniois 12 to is years robert merrv glen jackson ernest alex ander dorecn sinclair dennis sinclau keith ella marv 1 ou taj lor allen brovvnridse seniors 16 to 20 tom hunter ross aus tin george leslie janet hender shot lvnne coulter douglas starret george greenlees elcan or jovce the flower section while not pei haps as laige as it has been someears was a ciedit to the county of halton the cooking classes well just to look at them made one s mouth w ater in shoit the ladies work in geneial left nothing to be desued in the purch agi icullural sect ions we have seen linger and bet lei qualftv exhibits in some class es but considoi ing the yeai the too weie excellent junior farmer section tin inteiclub educational dis plavs weie at least up to the stun dud of foimei veais and thut is saving n gieat deal in some les pects perhaps thev weie the best vet in anv event wi ipiestion if theie is a better junior farmer section in the piovincc of ontai in heie aie the awaids junior in stites a giade milton noivnl and palermo b giade acton junior farmers a gtapvmilton b grade paleimo and acton 4 h lloracmnkers clothing clubs a grade hornbv nelson and omagh b grade ashgrove and iowville food cltrbs- aj gi adc hornbv nelson and omagh b made ashgrove and palei mo c ginde dublin 4 h agi icultural t lubs a gi ade rust v ear giun club holstein c 1 1 f club leisev ind ciuernsej calf club second vear gi un tub beef and dull im pose c ilf club b glide halton swine club and halton potato club the aw ird foi the giind champ ion exhibit was won bv the hilton 4 h first yeai giain club one- had nnh to take a very cursor look at the 25 club exhibits to le alue that a lei rif if amount of planning and work was involved to the club incumbers concerned and their respective leaders go our heartiest congratulations on a job well done in short the entire section was in keeping with the 4 h hub slogan learn to do by doing mrs william ballentine named to provincial board of fwio total of persons emploved in the federal civil service exclusive of crown corporations and other special ngencies of the government increased from 51 107 in 1938 to 138 702 in 1945 to 181 913 in 1115 attention farmers for yur tractor gas and fuel needs groat and lubricat ing oil contact thompson fuels ltd phone 69 acton prompt delivery from meter pump yes we have tanks available w h denny see state farm agent firstfor a three auto life fire cjui w h denny actojt 39 brock st phone 455 canadia r cheese is a most valuable food and would you believe itrthere are more than 40 kinds of cheese made in canada october is cheese festival month and what a wonderful variety awaits you right now ar your food store 00hornfy anada v afrttshpfma aantr cheese recipe booklets hydmnom asking- writ today dairy tahrt1rts of canada mis william ballentine of ac ton convener of community act ivities and public relations for the gueljjh aien of the women s in ititutcs attended the twoday con vention at the o a c guclph last week and was elected piovinciil boaid member of the federated womens institutes of ontario for this subdivision dr maclnchlan president of the o a c welcomed the delegates tuesday he appealed to the wo men out rural life needs the tunned man and woman we need he good brains of our young people and we depend on mu to talk to om oung people about this need di miugaiet mccicadv icitei itcd ui mud uhlan s plea di mecieiily expressed hei nppiec uiliop to the women for the scbo laiuupv offurod lj the women s institute to students cutcilng the household science course she said that they had not so many students fiom either lands as the a c but nt ptesent had a student fiom h ac taking post graduate woik also i missionaiv from india who was hoping to gt t something practical in the way of knowlexige of food and nutrition to take back to use in hei mission work guelph area women made a piaticularlv good showing in the pi avmthjl tonlests contest vtlimen- s for the tvveesdsniuir liistoi v hook budge port teiok fust lionois aid of the ten who uceiveel lion oi ible mention two uctc fiom tlu citlc iph aiea fdeo crest south wellington and tiveiton biancb at the area level the v innei s of the hope chest collies were first west end south wellington sec ond millbank north perth and third dublin halton the afternoon session openedj vyilh ml ralph kidd at the organ and mis kidd at the piano fol lowed bv community singing led bv padie w young foi two yeai s a leccssion in meivibosjitp jad been noted and it was with concern that the boaici had disiusscd the matte i and ai lived at a decision icgmdinl the euuse last autumn mis mi phattei said 1 did a wise thing i placed the pioblcm befoie you and aksed vou to piiiduco a use in mcmbctslup of evqii one epi u tc i mi tube i pei c apita you res ponded nobly foi out meicisc in membeiship has begun to the e tent of one sixth of a new mi in be i pel capita mis mi rkhiiaaid that she would not lecounl the successful money ptojetls that had been eiriied thiough in the last thiee eus as the women were familial with them but she did wish to thank them foi their generous t c sponse to the l equest foi funds foi expensi s for the delegates to c v ion in novembei 7 0h had luui contnhutcsd in the blanch menibei s one other monev matlei she xvistit d to mcmltlon was the i losing out of the trictoi fund seveial vc us ago money was i used to buv a tiaotoi foi the people of messovouno gieecc in llns v ill iia the men had been killed ind the women sent to coiicenli ill ion camps on their ju- tiiin tuime thev had nothing to iviikwlth nml the ontario wom en s institutes had sent them a tinctoi kind seed grain as well as i epair parjui theie was 900 left and the vil- lageis said tjlul thev would like to use it to buy n trailei this was done and a letter hnd beeji leioiv- cil telling that the tuiilei was of frreat use a foi mill leltei of tluinkn had been lecelved februaiy 18 1957 will mark llu 60th annrversary of he f w i o and plana will have o be nuule foi cclchi tiling the eent the fust national xunvciition of women s institutes in the wot id will be held n ottawa in the coining vcai i he kwio plowing match nctiviu will be earned through ns iitaitil and theie will be a booth at the hcrval wintei fan me inbeis of the institutes at tending the convention d believe that milk istin unpoitant pu f of the eveivday diet but don t favoi it as a sole bcvoiugc at instituti ineetuigs they also believe th it sex pi i veils should be heated in hospitals and not confiiud to jul monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton shop phone 1410j res 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 437 best health habit acton jersey dairy phone 242 don timminos prop s i are you getiing bank of nova scotia service its here a new kind of car ralrtant 510 toon victoria new whole erst ahead of the field vs s wis vvsvs look at all thats h n the 57 ford 2 aanv tupttitmt fmirlanm amd fairion 5o0 modmh now over 17 imi foog custom and custom 300 snoawfs ow onr 16 ft long l s breathtaking models including 5 brand new station ticjenn tho longer tthcelhascs far greater length s amnrvc and ntiirmne v entireh ncv stuns throughout ne sculptured bod mouldings v file tronlhingin hood far greatir sitftt easur serncittg g jvf thinner rotflines icpthack windshields ja p ne h tuperthinvntre posts on sedans for a true s hardtop look p new safetycurved instrument panel ith recessed controls dramatic ne canted tail fins avk lifeguard safety features avh automatic doorman a helping hand in opening and closing rear doors new co i lenttlalion for fresher cleaner air 3 ne silver anniversary v8 engines ne more powerful mileage maker six new superfilter air cleaner disposable oil filter p revolutionary new frame over a foot wider p new evenkeer rear suspension and 4way angle- poised front suspension for a softer safer ride p plus many other new finecar features two new super sizes far longer lower than ever beforv with all fords famous headroom retained its here now in your fordmonarch dealers showroom the finest ford of all tunc with the most sweeping changes in all ford history it look a revolution in design to make possible fords new iowlohcground styling for 57 these lithe and lovely 57 lords are actually up to 9 inches longer han in 5i the biggest cars in their ficlttiongcr than many mediumpriced models they re up to 4 inches loner too- yet there s just as much head room and legroom as ever the new kind of magic voull discover when vou drive the new kind of i ord for 57 starts with the new inner i out prmd in action at its vcrv fonni1it iorj is a new and rcvrvlutionarv kind of chissis a new contoured frame that s buill j lull j il wider nudw iv 57 ford first in the field to offer 2 bigcar wheelbases lift 0nralrunc faiblaht 90s n on custom i q custom 390 that s this is tbc25th anniversary of fordvv8 leader- ship and the nvv kind of i ord for 57 brings you even more of the kind of performance that made lord the leader now ford offers three brandnew v-hs- the ivollp i onlv8 the 212- up thundcrbird v8 and he mighly new 245hp thundcrbird special v8 and f anadas newest six the 57 mileage maker is available in all custom and t ustcim vk models and in throe popular station wagons ft a wsytu net trt tianmrtf 4m mom wmtitt mjttm ial l txirm emu m ttra see the new 57 ford at your fordmonarch dealers phone 69 thompson motors acton limited acton ontario r

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