Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1956, p. 7

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the acton free press thursday october 4h 1956 agnew report snufes acton county told three hos areas needed a division of three hospital ar eas within the county of halton was felt to be necessary halton county council was informed by the agnew hospital report which was presented during a special session last week dr harvey agnew and his associate robert b ferguson gave a verbal report of the bulky 85 page printed document it stressed the three areas which each include over 20000 persons which would require a rood divis ion of hospital needs dr agnew did not think it was advisable to have two hospitals in the northern area but as growth demanded a second could be constructed at georgetown the report did not bv intn a- study of hospjtal needs in acton and immediate area analysis of the study provided tho following recommendations by dr agnew recommendations that the county be divided for hospital purposes into districts comparable to the division dcvel- oped following the 1946 report on education 1 the oakville-trafnl- gar hospital district 2 burling tonnelson hospital ditttrict 3 central and north halton hospitnl district the latter district to in dude the whole of the county from u point one and a quarter miles north of the dundas highway that the provision of only one hospital be undertaken in the con trol and north hnlton district at the present time that the county council ap prove the construction of a gen- wifll hospital at milton subject to theworifirmation of adequate finr ancingk before construction be started and thnt it be planned and organized to serve the central and north halton hospital district that the hospital constructed be at least 50 beds capacity but not over 60 beds for the present this should be the first half of an in tegrated 100 bed unit the hospital being planned for an ultimate 100 bed capacity a defer georgetown while a hospital in the georgetown aren would be advan tageous to the people and doctors of thnt area the building of such a hospital should be deferred for the present and until such time as the population and finances of the area would poimit construction and adequate use of a hospiuil of sufficient size to make it feasible to provide modern facilities and adequate nursing and technical staff the county council upprovl in principle the construction of a 100 bed hospital to serve the bur lingtonnelson nreo the initial 100 beds to form half of an integrated 200 bed hospital the necessary space for services for this 200 bed hospital to be provided in the or iginal institution the entire unit should be planned for an ultimate expansion to 400 beds that the location of this hospit al be recommended after further conferences now being arranged and these recommendations be fin ished in a supplementary report as steering group that the council council do not endorse construction of a pub lic hospital lit georgetown until i there is indication of a need for u 50 bed hospital there in ad dition to the one at milton 2 the committee in charge can give definite evidence that they can finance a hospital of that size aiid 3 the towns industry and pop ulation have grown considerably the county council approve the georgetown hospital association as n responsible steering group to continue to explore hospital needs in that area and that the assoc- j iation conduct only preliminary organizing and fundraising net- j ivitics as are necessary to finance research pud refrain from premat ure general campaigns or appeals to municipalities and government until the financing outlined in this report is feasible larger hospital better at this point dr agnew stress- j cd it was better to build and- have i one larger hospital than two small yopes it would provide better ser vice to the patients arid commun- ity it served it is generally recognized thu wherever possible hospitals should be of at least 50 beds in or der to make it possible to provide the equipment and staff which cannot be afforded financially in the smaller hospitals it is better to travel a few more miles in order to have available more adequate facilities a that all practicing doctors in the central and northern sections of halton county including acton and georgetown should be eligible for membership on the active or attending staff of the hospital at milton and not be restricted to courtesy membership only the county council suggests to the board of governors 6f mil ton general hospital that the site just acquired should be disposed of titkl trre new hospital be lucatvd on a suitable site immediately ad jacent to the halton centennial manor on highway 25 include other facilities that suitable public health offices and a chronic wing of 40- 50 beds financed by the county be constructed ftd operated in conjunction with the 50 bed milton hospital the acute chronic geriatric units be directed by and share on an equitable basis and the cost of qualified key personnel namely administrator nursirfc director business manager dietitian and chief engineer for the purposes of working out the joint arrangements and dealing with prsbtems as they arise there be set up a joint committee representing the milton general hospital angfc the county that the oakvillctrafalgar jvlomorial hospital set an ultimate objective of some 475500 beds capacity the county council request the board of governors of the oak- villctrafalgar memorial hospital to forward a brief schematic plan indicating how the hospital may be enlarged the first to 275300 beds and the second 475500 beds county continue interest the county council request the board of- governors of the oakvillctrafalgar memorial hos pital to advise if it contemplates the establishment of a school for nurses before any further expans ion takes place and if so the type and extent of such training pro gram that county council continue to exercise an interest in the con struction and operation of hospit als within the county this can be achieved by tl influencing the implementation of such recom mendations within this report and any other recommendations coun cil decides to make 21 by the puyment of a grant matching the amount paid by the provincial government to new hospital con struction commencing in 1957 pro- revised 50 bed hospital at vidihgthe construction is approved by county council and the hos pital commission of ontario pay grant that the county council should require representation on the board of governors of any hospital to which the county mak es a grant that the cpunty council commencing in 1957 pay a build ing grant for approved new hos pital construction which would be equal to the grant paid by the province at a rate of 1000 per general netiyetrbatment bed and 333 per square foot of approved auxiliary clinical service space al so 1000 for each three nursery bassinets providing that such construction projects meet with county co appr 7 1 a that council endorse a re quest to nassagaweya township to pay a construction grant of 15000 combined grant of 3000 per bed free ride until 1949 paying noth ing directly toward the construct ion of hospital facilities with the 1955 population of over 63000 per sons would require the service of 300 public general hospital beds but only onefifth of these were provided within the county at oakville financing revised the report included financing for milton general canvass 250000 federal and provincial grants 11o0o0 townslupgrants 130000 town of milton grant 100000 county of halton grant 55000 645000 if s wing for chronically tit were set up each government would contribute 1500 per ed or 000 if a hospital were erected in georgetown unless the difference could he obtained from the town itself the sum of 250000 is itself considered a substantial target for either of the towns and indeed 175000 to 200000 is a more real istic amount to expect to raise in either town in conclusion the report stated county support of hospital prp- granis does not help a township or town provide facilities used by residents of other parts of the county and is a fair course of act ion y health unit plans grade eight shots against small pox hnlton countys grade eight pupils can expect n needle shortly for the halton county health unit plans to vaccinate them all against raallpox accord inn to supervisor miss g leavey the vaccinations will be made this fall during thi regular health unit inspections offers services cuelph oht cp a man- in madrid spain has written n book seller hereuxxich his services as n spanish translator the writer said he would like to spend a long season in canada to study the methods used in yoiirfrbrm- rcs- suk- stiii separate yinnlhecs ci iiitlt pome has leen receivid to gestious that the four wrsurn provinces should srt up r single film censor tmn 1 said utilities minister c i xhuitlcwurlh in charge of the manitoba rrnsur board niijfbr pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving p2 water st north gait ione 2048 always a favourite to the proposed milton hospital the 1957 council of nassagaweya township tjeinr requested to pass the necessary bylaw to sell deb entures if this cannot bo done county council recommends to nassagaweya council that an an nual capital firant of 3000 per year rjc paid in the years 1957 throiikh 1961 the county council recom mend to the council of esquesinr township that it pass a construct ion krant of 25000 to the propos ed hospital at milton reviews growth the speaker reviewed in detail each of the recommendations oliv ine reasons for his conclusions he outlined the growth of the county during the last five years adding the assessment had shown an increase of almost 300 per cent he was sure the prospects cf in creased growth was very bright in summarizing the growth of the five northern municipalities the report states it is recognized that significant population growth in the central and north halton hospitnl district is dependent on the development of the towns of milton and georgetown and tho predictability of the growth of these two centres is based on new industries he said the county and its com ponent municipalities enjoyed a a major reason for the delay of at least a few years 1n the con struction of a hospital in george town is that of finance compar ing the possible financing with that of the proposed hospital in milum for the same size unit it is evident thnt georgetown lacks the 90000 available to milton from the neighboring townships of traf algar and nelson this would in- crcasicthe public portion of the subscription from 250000 to 34- repairs repairs radio tv and all electrical household appliances repaired estimates free immediate attention reasonable charges phone 885 acton acton radio tv service e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours lboooo jevenings tryiappoiptmenl for appointment telephone 115 lookwe can buy a canada sayings bond for just 250 down at mbantf si down paymb4t of 3 250 for a fsooo 10000 bond ftc- balance in easi hit tomt i0mbs job t for cast r hy mstmlmnts mt jwafymaa 9tm amaet s ssoo row a over a year working with canadians in every walk of iife since 1617 bank of montreal ahimi branch william davey manager this winter in the comfort of your home heated naturally with is fresh quauty cakes available at ledgers c reliable taxi ft 24 hours a day ptlom 430 an extra service 1 is ourlun and confectionery stand always open coffaw antd snacks to talm out we deliver rsh anil chips our specialty 9 main st acton few boy scout guests of canada at the 1435 jamboree had a ohancc to sec the great dams and smelters that make canada a world supplier of aluminum but some uttrsee a canadian ttscctclhc light metal outdoor co6king with aluminum foil one canadian troop showed how they used this handy mat erial for doing potatoes steaks and other foods over he camp- arc how they kept food fresh in summer heat by protecting it with aluminum- 1 this mission ary work carries the idea back to distant lands canada may have to turn ou still more alu minum foil even though last year her output if laid in a 12inch strip would reach 382000 miles aluminum company of canada ltd alcan ivcix-

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