Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1956, p. 5

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the acton free press thursday november 22nd 1956 i goes on at the conitroction site of the new sixroom m z bennett school being built nextto the high school workmen are shown here in the process of constructing the brick walls an added feature of the new structure will be a roof composed of plexicore aaaaaaabssamxtc trrint 1 r w r 11 tin m churchmx matt photo a reinforced concrete arrangements are being rushed by the school board to obtain all the necessary approvals to make the building of a 12room school possible following the school fire municipal and tentative department approvals have been received creek rerouted trout stranded fourth line open for traffic the fourth line near the town line is now open the creek wai rerouted and a new drainage ditch was due to carry off excess water when the old creek bed was closed off several large trout which had come up to the source to spawn were left high and dry one meas ured nearly 11 inches the young people took charge of the service aft balllnafad church last sunday night this was we opening of the christian young peoples week the choir made up of the young people were out standing instead of a sermon a film from ryerson college was shown this film showed how soc ial service could change the life of the community a young working girl just taking a walk with a friend found a slum area shr notified her minister and by org anizing the young people they set machinery in motion ihnt cleaned up the deplorable conditions hoi communion was observed at churchill church on sunda rev g adams supervisor for this church took the ser ice little vera marie strokox infant daughter of mr nnd mrs tony strokox was baptized sun at chun hill united church miss marie kerr and two friends miss sheila jones from bermuda and miss anne king from tilbury visited at the home of maries parents mr and mrs a j kerr last sundnj for half days he will not be allow ed a full dux till after christmas mr austin young came home sunday after three and a half weeks in the guelph general has piuil for his broken ankle he can now get out with chutches and is looking forward to getting outside again we are sorry to hear of the pass ing of mr russell johnsons youngest sister mrs e johnson of west lome she was in her mtti year her husband predeceas ed her seven years ago the funer al was held at west lome on tuesday ockwood o v c staffer addresses club the regular monthly meeting of the united church mens club ue held last week in the sundi school room routine business wns gone through guest speaker for the occasion was dr mitchell of the ontario veterinary college at jftiielph t the conclusion of the address refreshments were served and a social time enjoed x number from rockwood u tended the romii winter fair last oek a special feature of the these three young ladies are at tending alma college mrs gordon agnew isited a the home of her sister mrs arch ie kerr this past thiirsriv vis agnew ittrnded the funertl o miss s bennett mrs j miss bennett hid n n life inng the work friends as were tin ir f r in fore them mr tliwd ildit who h us net n ill sime earlx spring hu suffic ientl recovered to si u t bk to school this vek he snrts bii k fair in the dair lane was a rep lica of a mounted policeman in butter which was admired bv a larfie number of people another ittrnction was the vast show of flowers i hr santhemums predom mating hoses were another feat ore one section of tht roses oe- i ulm mg tht st its of a ft rris wheel of eo operating flower icroviis fruits vegetables live stook wert wtll to the fort ebenezer at present topsfc of w i paper the monthlv meeting of dublin womens institute was held on the evening of thursdnv november is at the home of mrs duncan mof fat fifth line nuss igavveva a splendid attendance of members was present as well as several members of the 4 h girls club mrs william mclntvre the prcsid ent was in the chair after opening exercises tht secretarys report was read and ad opted following which correspond ence was read an appeal was made for care and 10 was voted to be donated to that cause the ladies were requested to use their influence in keeping the roadsides clear of garbage and see that c cryonr empties their garbage it the regular garbage dumps the roll call was answered b giving some informative article that would be suitable for the tweedsmuir historv on december 11 the ladies expect to hold a christmas party at the halton centennial manor at milton and plans were made for it plans wcr also made for a booth to be hi id at an auction sale in the nctgh borhood in the near future mrs george robinson gave a short t ilk on khenczcr at present a successful auction sale of minv irtu les of tverv description w is held vv ith mrs j dennis acting ts auctioneer a nice sum of mmii w is added to the treasnrv a bounteous lunch was strved b mis moffat the hostess issist ed bj mrs t a storey mrs wm frank and mrs g r somerville obituary personals mrs 1 p meniiea of fergus spent the first part of the week here w ith her tl tughter mrs john itlaek convalescing at home aftci in operation for a fiitliirext skull mi hob marshall is doing well lit wis injured in a hockev game in milton last week mr and mrs don mclntvre and mr and mrs norman taylor of collingwood visited mr and mrs garnet mckcnzic saturdav even uig mr and mrs roy arnott peel st spent the week end with mr and mrs ccorge white richmond hill who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary sunday november is mr and mrs s h lindsay sixth line esqucstng will be at home to their friends on sunday december 2 on the occasion of their 6sth wedding anniversary ino gifts please i representing st jsephs church catholic women s league at a meeting of the fergus group of the c w i in st joseph s church guelph 1 m sund i were miss hi ma rrudi mrs lit kennv miss iv m gibbons and mrs kd hef ft man bauinafad address gifts as family moves friends and neighbor of mr and mrs ken r cotton and family gathered at stewarttown hall last wednesday evening to honor them on their departure to their new home near marsvllle after a few games of euchre were played mr jesse mcenery asked them to come to the plat form mrs jesse mcenery read the address expressing the feeling of all on the loss of them in the community but the loss will be an others gain it was signed by ro bert and margaret mcenery floyd and kdna shortiu tom and marg aret gibson jesse and grace mc enery and ernie and llene mchn cry they presented them with two step tables a coffee table ami two beautiful lamps and each of the children a bed lamp elect fleming dow president of gray an election of offtc ra was con ducted nt the weekly melini of the 19ishops gro y cluh fimink lw u as lee ltd u sldent hi ian mc ci 1st all vice resident fthi iv kins yeretar litimiin noun kl hott proam cikuiinui u r n ton piojet t t hau man and hrluii ottc tim in urs t liiimii foi nu mtxm ship than man sih utt aa new inemtm i vwit luh lwl ami ceut tlii t it rocketing to moon bob riishaw gi neral sertti of th y m c a has instituted un meentlvt ttev eloping smtm for the membeis of the junior bovs kiii classes it is basind on a rocket race to the moon with each age group eight nine or t n participating notice the ksquesing confederation agrit ulture of annual meeting wednesday november 2lh 8 30 pin stewarltown hall mr pearson of the planning ai1 development doard has a very in tcreslmg message lunch served b 20 take a good iook i mr and mrs cotton bonnie wayne and nell all replied very fittingly and all sang for they are jollycood fellows lunch was served and the rest of the evening was spent in dancing t wa meets the w a met at the home of mrs lovd marshall the preaid ent mrs robert mcenery presid ing opened thejneetlng with the theme song creed and lairds prayer mrs robert mcenery had charge of the scripture study taken from psalm m perfect trust and ivrlett ivnee mulls plana for victor may be perfett from his point of v lew kcl if he if uvea gotl out of account all his schemes may come to nought the 1ord of hosts is with us and calls on the nations he still and know that he is god god is our refuge vjkut our strength was sung minutes were read and approved items of business weie dint ussed plans wire made for the bjinn vvhith is toinuig up and other bus mess roll tall was aiiswcretl by ii members and thief visitors mis marshall had thaige of the piogriui when the plav the itiiiiunage salt wis given lunch was stivisl l mrs ivirymaii janle iveii and tlie hostess karat union kurhre ihe lahal 1 3h farm tlnion held t tut hi e and dam e m ste wai ttowji li ill on kiltn night high stores iii tiuhlt mere mis solder ulttl liuik i ongstits t mi- tasker and 1 lovd mill in smt ld prizes won tven lutk doi pi lt mrs ii million lutkv wm iiinl stan m la in liukv ihiii mrs llum- illon mt tluitt win it ullfy anil lltttv llltlt longtst man ie toupl mi out mrs holiert mt hnei tt v us t uiie tin farthest mr and mrs km cotton dancing was t ujoyctl to iniisii by the me b nt i v tu tht sua osslstisd by llovl swlndlehurst mrs swindlehurst sang several solos mr black miller at balllnafad donated a bag of hen feed and wuiard sanderson trucker and feed dealer a block of salt as prices floor manager was llowson ruddell vultors with mr and mrs arn old mcenery were mr and mrs stan evans brampton mt and mrs stan edge and danny iuf hamilton bemtdear corsets personalized garment to fit your own personal figure jfor aptointmint hon tr 79244 tot e4 h funeral on monday for mrs c wilson the knox c g i t mooting on j november 19 was opened with a vine onr xl v bottv lemon the j irb wore divided into groups the 1 firm croup betnc for crafts which is aluminum tra maktnfi l the t ntl if 15 minutes the two grouph vrh njed uith the other group h t mn a bible pla j youth for christ st johns united church halt georgetown at 7 45 sharp well known musical messengers with accordion and guitar i solos don t nnss tins saturday nile everybody welcome 30 deluxe gas range tut 27500 natural gas or propane gas we accept tradeins root hardware phone 16 rockwood j itu mt phodr in tho president ijw nttl tho business part of 1io jks ospringe silver anniversary marked with dinner in uu iliiiui of mrv inhn kmnnn ors inint the prcbm i on in t liurrh sund n morninc mr i divi binh lm f tin inild huri h i kindl snpphtd hi miisicnl iluht i u- rro mm h npprfciuud i j kocont ind hk vnd visitors mr and mr- r h rottmon and j minib r of finulv of toronto mr ro da of toronto mr and mrs maurice hurd of weston mr and mrs fred dav and familv of an- caster a rosidt nl of guelph for more than 60 ears mrs sarah ann wilkin died at her home fnda ift r i short illness nin tmc mr d d i idon re id a rom n ir mount kon si slu ltttr inlm he mrls to port u is tin d iiiklit r of tin ljte mr credit for a da it the church ind mrs pc t r mi kcnzie she was there a utter mis received from yes sir take a good look at the sound examples of our work then let our experts work for you when you want to improve your home for efficiency beauty or economy call us for expert workmanship mr and mrs robert ellis had a familv dinner on sunday at their home on the first line in honor of the lattcrs parents mi and mrs david uatt s silver vod mlss dean giodons din anniversary guests prtsent w1 ya vfr included mr and mrs dav id u new c w l oil icer att muss helen uatt and m- no- mlss dean gibbons of acton was man flemmin mr jack uatt elected re president of the armstrong pen fergus proup of the catholic wo- a and miss shirlev nv nnd jimm lntt ill of clark- ion keith and bi r- sinclair had en tries in thi 4 h calf club com petinc for the vjueens guinea a the ko il last v t k mr and mrs h hunter and daughter of gnvh v isued on sund iv with tx latter s parent mr and mrs e sinclair mr and mrs t h fineav ompanied hv m- and mr rdss ferguson and mr and mrs jnk ferjuson attendoti the rov al win tr fair on thurdav coruiratulatuns to mr and mrs meek stewart mre dorothy gold mg who uerc married in tor onto on saturdas mrs e ftxhcr vvas hostess on thursday evening for the month ly meeting of the ladies aid mr george ferguson erin spent sundav uh ho son and duaghter inlaw mr and mrs ross ferguson and family mr and mrs vernon stewart and family were in toronto on sunday for the christening of the latter s niece carole ann banss1 duaghter of mr and mrs carl banas mrs p g robertson and brian accompanied mr and mrs douslas kobertson and children of guelph so rcxdale on thursday to visii with mr and mrs ken robertson and daughters in their new hotre mr and mrs george grundy and george allar attended a ban- i ouet on wednesday evening at clarkson lor the vegetable grow ers association miss joyce robertson of kit chener was a weekend visitor with her parents mr and mrs- george d robertson mens league which includes ac ton milton and georgetown at a meeting sundav m st lost ph s church guelph miss gibbon was the first president of tho c w l vvhon t was organized n acton i in in r juith mui b fort living in guelph mrs wilson 1 iv sil m if fd n mills whin sht w is mirrusd in 1896 to corntlius icil wilson who pre deceased her in 1920 surv iv ing are four daughters mrs robert kingsbtirv i florence rockwood mrs ro barclay eth el i saskatoon mrs william mor- wick audrey ottawa and corn elia at home a son charles and i daughter thclma predeceased her also surviving are two sisters mrs george humphries and miss margaret mckenzie both of gut lph th re are 1 1 grandchildren and 12 grcitgrandchildnm funeral service was held mon dav in guelph followed bv inter metit in kdm mills cemcterv ii can id i iji 19vs teenagers madt up om ou lrti r of the total numb r of bndts thi sanitinum it kitchentr th inking the group for gifts ev trvom githi rtxl in i circle and the milling closed w itb taps j y phone m9 ysntlxy acton 1 l ontario the best in iumbeu rui10ing materials b o enjoy oar lunch coaster open tar tear contcnience make it a date for saturday night go bowling i bowl for pleasure bowl for health acton bowling lanes phone 697 10 meke st cinemascope and wide screen presentations fri sat your appreciation day continues bigger and better than ever total amount won by citizens to date 268000 continue to support the following merchants ledgers igx super market acton home furnishings mildred bellladies childrens wear symon hardware braidas shoe store eisens clothing store hintotts 5c to 100 store coopers drug store h watsons dairy w baxters drug store gordon hardware loveu brothers meats grand union carrore custom cleaners bradleys meat market bentons clover fanea manning electric appliances acton farm supples watsons music store the clansmann restaurant gordon mccutcheons mens wear bob rlbsdale mens and boys wear don s bexton jeweller i thesbre the merchanh supporting the appreciation day program by so doing they promote the town and district in this weeks draw you could win 17000 mnsjmro nov 2223 sat 2 pm matint the douglas bader story mon tues wed nov 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