Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1956, p. 1

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ht jvicimt sftt bttz eightysecond year no 2f acton ontarip thursday november 29th 1954 eight pagesseven cents john a mume was acclaimed reeve of nassagaweya township monday when his opponent withdrew from the race george currie was acclaimed the 1957 reeve of esquesing township this week to replace walter linham largest gas well yet struck claimed by anthony gas co termed by officials as the best yet anthony gas and oil comp any explorations ltd acton at a depth of 2000 feet on the j g gil lies farm have reported their 12th natural gas well in accordance with a confirmed agreement with the united sub urban gas company of hamilton the dow will be piped to the hamilton company lines and dis tributed throughout the three northern towns of acton milton and georgetown company officials report in reviewing the past two years activities j g ruddick secretary- treasurer of the local concern not d anthony gas company has at present a confirmed contract with council hears drilling report engages theron jones assessor the united suburban gas company of hamilton to seh a stipulated amount of gas but which may be changed in the near future to sup- j plv all gas found in the area while original contract called for a september 1 deadline through inabilitx to secure nccessarx hook up equipment the anthony comp any gas has not been turned in yet but bv telephone conversation with mr sutton united suburban engineer arrangements are being made to finalize a turning in date it was also reported by mr ruddick the connection between the anthony company well and the united suburban gas line will be made some time this weekend and consumers will be using locally produced natural gas shortly mayon tyler reported to acton council toesday evening follow ing a visit that day to the site of the new well he noted drilling had proceeded to a depth of 176 feet and weve got a well 4t was reviewed that the town had asked the drilling firm for a min imum of 500 gallons a minute and the well was being tested at over 000 which would produce almost a million gallons a day members expressed their hope that tests would prove the source a satisfactory one on recommendation of the fin ance committee theron jones was engaged as municipal assessor at a salary of 4000 following review of the twoapplications received councillor lindsay pointed out mr jones was familiar with the assess ing in halton having been a mem ber of the county court of revis ion since equalized assessment was introduced to the county in 1951 the second applicant max d tenhagen senior assessor with the city of kitchener asked a salary of 4400 the resignation of g a dills from the north halton high school district board was received and accepted members expressed their appreciation for mr dills service on the board since its inception and recalled that many difficulties had been overcome in the early stages when he was the only ac ton representative by resolution council instructed its delegates to county council to submit the name of e s force to fill the vacancy since the appoint ment is one of county council s members agreed by resolution to- continue municipal policing through the ontario provincial police and renewed the contract with that group sk5es3tew acclamations keynote of nominations election monday for deputy- reeve with the exception of the dep- rates in this section of ontario be utyrceveship all the civic posts cause of the north halton urban in acton were filled b acclamat- board negotiations it is also tr mi ion at the annual nominations for increased police protection and meeting held fridn evening of i extended telephone sen ice last week in the legion auditor- 1 under the heading of things hi nun there were 14 positions to be decided and 26 nominees for those positions but due to withdrawals nil but the deput reeveship were decided voters will choose the holder of that seat on december 3 that seat on december 3 ted tyler will continue as mav or with j hargrave serving as reeve william wilson and r n brown will contest the position of deputyreeve selected to servo on the town council were g barbeau j h goy s brunelle f watts h lowe and w cook comprising the public utilities commission are w kelly and j j sti art and the successful nominees for the school board were w mittik ks c bi ad lex and c heard john gox chiutd tlu business meeting which folloxxed th close of nominations dining xxhiih the 1956 groups reported on tlu n xeai s activities mayor tvler espiessed his ap precialion to the legion for the use of their auditorium and then proceeded with his report there as a 400 person incicusc in the population in the last ear and building permits to the amount of 1275500 were issued he said total assessment for the toxxn noxx stands at 4 300000 concerning the mai i i st bridge the street itself xx as xx idened and the total cost of construction to acton was 10500 xxith giants pax ing the balance of the east considerable saving mr tviofnotod that thi pax ing i of theatdjexvalks xxas done bx local enterprise with iiconsidei able sax ing also all the pax mg north of the tracks on mam st xxas paid bx the countx there was an 1800 deficit for the budget with the contributing factors being tin garbage dispjsil and additional xxork inclined bx the puc through the pax ing oio gram steady progrvss com mux s a welldrilling site foi xxater at thi fourth line of esuucsing town- r ship mavor txlor commented that the prospects foi the successful completion of the lob art fax or able at present the drillers are doxxn 1t0 feet and axeragmg 10 feet per day over the hist thi ex xeirs the library has shoxxn an increase in its distribution of books from 10000 in 1954 to close to 30 000 in 1956 he said the volunteer fire brigadi v is also praised by the max or citing their efforts at the school fire he said that outof toxxn industrial- ists were amazed at the speed and ability- of the firefighters and com pared them favorably to paid bri gades mr tyler also said that the parks board is hoping to erect a new grandstand this venr lowest kate tn ontario acton has the lowest natural gas ell in completing the paving pro gr im a question on the expend iture of s32 0oq on roads prior to tht prognm xx as answered in dc tail bv the clerk dr oakes chairman of tlio p u c reported on the hydro xxater xxorks and sewer operations he mayor ted tyler was acclaim ed to the position again for 1957 at the annual nomination meet ing on friday evening r stati d thathxdro xxork in the glcnlca and lakexiexx subdixisions is computed xxith the exception of beaver residential light standards in tin crett likt x it xx are l howexer xxork continued on page eight j sji yagtaissbrwiaatctx council accepted the recom mendation of the acton planning board regarding the zoning of lands immediately south of no 7 highway and extending east to the town limits a resolution from county coun cil that this council go on record as being opposed to pe in dustries to become established ad jacent to residential surveys with out complete protection to the res idences was reviewed reeve hargrave pointed out that shell oil have land on the lakefront at the limits of trafalgar next to a highly rated residential subdivision in nelson cities ser vice are interested in building in the same region and members of county council felt it was a detri ment to have refineries next to residential areas mayor tyler noted acton could be in a similar position with its residential surveys at the town boundaries and unable to plan be- xond into township areas no action was taken on the res olution councillor lindsay pointed to a need for installation of a number of stop signs and foreman kirk ness reported a review of the town after halloween when all the signs were installed he pointed out a group was evidently interest ed in pulling signs out or break ing them off the posts are worth about 2 35 he emphasized members agreed the committee should rex lexx the town and pro cure the necessary signs of the new type recommended by the ontario department of highwas councillor barbeau suggested the need for a storm sewer on ar thur st since the paving had in creased the height of the road which would cause a flooding con dition the difficulty of installing a storm sewer because of the lack of fall to the main dram was pointed out and some action was to be planned clearance of several other storm drains around town was also to be investigated by the town foreman i councillor barbeau reported the t oof ing of the toxxn hall had been about 10 per cent completed and an effort to telephone the con tractor at the number given prov j cd a false lead a registered letter xas duected to the contractor iskinn an immediate reply on lompktion date and proof of pro tection to employees ret x e hargrave reported he had gixen authorization to have the road leading to the nexx m z bennett school graxelled in prepar ation for the spring use of the building a b laxx amending the hours of the g irage closing b laxv xvis ap- proxed the amendment makes the open night on friday in line xx ith othtr local stores rather than the suurelix night the action folloxx cd submission of i petition signtd bx 80 pci cent of the loci gar ig opt r itors maor txler noted incorrect in formition in a ratcpixei- bullet in on the maria st bridge and ag leed to draxx it to the attention of the pu sident of that issociation tht folloxx ing accounts xxere ap pi ox id for pament approve accounts cj- s dcrtrix transport diavcing fill gravel s1s7 25 can legion re wreath 14 00 safctx suppl co mdse 99 65 c e smith fencing 91 77 eastern sucl ltd pump 224 40 cnr crossing mntce 121 70 acton free press mdse 38 06 m nelhs loader scraper 7a840 read mix con pump over 600 gallons minute in test town water well looks promising n ii x i stan photo test drilling in the search for an additional water supply reached the 176 foot level and the water flow is now being tested a 24 hour test was applied this photo shows the scene of operations while fmal reports and official figures have not been eeati at the present time municipal officials feel the five year scare fir additional water may have been completed following the testing of recent drilling at between 641 and 683 gallons a minute if tbfc amount of water is available it would more than doable the tows supply drilling operations now under way by the international water supply co have reached a 176 foot depth at the recently purchased one acre site on the fourth line of esquesing a 24 hour pumping test began at 11 mm tuesday and waa aw continuing wednesday afternoon water pumped from the wb woo at the rate of 683 gallons a minute being lowered to the ml matt only because the pump motor became heated the pump mounted on the mineh casing was operating at mm capacity and drillers explained no larger pump would be im u i j for further testing since data compiled would give officials the in formation necessary to determine the wells potential drilling at the site has been underway since novemb 8 fal lowing councils approval of testing not to exceed s3wo maaleipa officials having realised the need for an additional water supply have been searching for about five years in an effort to develop a bflr source a preliminary report recommended a 1m00m gallon reservoir as an addition to the system if a new water source could be de ed although no location has been considered pending loc of supply slightly over three miles of pipe would be required to pipe the water to the town system it has been estimated present storage ranaritv of the town system is 25twm gallons ha various locations xx ith the output at the spring of iso gallons a ssha- ute and at the well on north main st 80 gallons a minute rtoayasgisbeagggiismabibiiiimiwi mi ksraraaakg v3sm save two- yearold from drowning rrv vv tisufs wws tragedy xxas narrowly averted late this morning when two yearold rosalyn hall 217 mc donald bi vd xx as discovered floating fare doxxn in a creek back of wallace ave houses the child xxas reported recov ering satisfactorily when trans ferred to guelph general hos pltal by ambulance neighbors noticed something red floating in about 18 inches of icy creek water and rapid tn vestigation proved it to he the hall child daughter of mr and mrs hall of the mcdonald brd address screams for help brought as sistance and the child was taken to the home of mrs g bar- grave i firemen and medical i ance were summoned an i brought firemen with the citator and the child ported out of danger the arrival of i esquesing to vote on board deputyreeve george currie replaces w linham as reeve george qurrie was acclaimed reeve of esquesing township at the annual nominations meeting held mondiv exening he will succeed walter linham xxho is re tiring as reeve due to poor health mr linham will serve on township council as will wilfred bird and george leslie all three councillors were elected by ac clamation nominated for the deputy reeve- auditor s report according to this rrpoit there was a si 4fi3 surplus in the sehool board account thus making in accumulated surplus of si 2000 mr lindsav noted that the ix tht i rate xx as increasing and that the outstanding tax total was too great the ri port outlined the reason far this total suggesting that the class of ratepayer had changed with more taxpayers on small holdings ship xxere campbell sinclair and j ind more delinquent accounts al spencer wilson making an elect- i so at present there is no penalty ion a necessitv nominated for the on imp ud taxes in an effort to txxo positions open on the schon i alleviate this condition the tax board xxere g i roxal ci ntm- p lvmi nt ditc has been nvved for- taxlor jim glxnn and jamc- xx ird to october i5 kirkxx ood k c linds ix chaired the bu iness muling xxhieli folio cod tin nominations mil present d the 1j the r suits of such a move are cxident claimed mr lindsay es quesmg toxxnship has paid off a 1 i in s i mg 900 in interest fee nassagawea township will hold t the ratepayers nomination no municipal election this year as meeting monday afternoon attend reeve john a milne deputyreve ed bx about 45 20 names were sub- i milted for the seven positions but i 71136 2246 59 charles thomson councillors ar chie r serx ice b d young and arthur e padbur and school ar ea trustees dr clifford young and rttour h gibson vxere all acclaim ed to fill the vacant positions xx hen the hour of qualification closed tuesday evening only en ough to fill the empty seats had qualified at the nomination meeting sit ting reeve archie service decared xxould like to sec in aeton mr txler listed a program of nexx sti eot lighting installation of street signs and more catch basins and storm sexxers he cautioned the audience to keep a close xxatch on the countx hospital plan and the countx planning committee in the next xear c lindsax re tiling this xear as councillor piesented the finance committee report the committee this jiar hired an assistant clcik treisiircr loxxired the mill rate bx i nine nulls installed a nexx roof on the town hill it the cost of 1000 i he repeirtid that the council is atumpttng to steure an additional policeman next t ir md that the sucjistion to rtispensi xxith the ontii in provincial police in favoi ol i local force is impractical fin am i illx both the ii end and the toxxn hill ate in a bad state of repur and the loxxer mill rate was res ponsiblc for the toxxn lacking funds to do the job he presdicted that tlu mill rate xxill be under 60 rjet xe ir the brighten side of the picture xx is the cut in half of the relief pax incuts and the excellent pro gi ss of the pax ing program mi lindsax c losed xx ith the re mat k that he xx ill not be standing for council next xear but that he enjoved his time spent xxith it and uigesd others to gixe it a tr r n broxxn former councillor noxx standing for the deputx-eexe- ship and chairman of the roads committee stated that the pax ing program is noxx finished except foi dnxexxaxs he had xxoras of pi use for contributions of tile cit- l c ns and the excellent effdrts of the conti utors the cost of the pioitct to the toxxn xx is 59000 but nionex xx lu be saxed ein mainten inn costs j ssessmrnts higher there xxas a 15 pet cent inerjpisc in isscssments this xear and mr broxxn asked the next council to keep t ivts in proportion otherxx ise the t ix tost xx ill mount councillor elect s brunellc pre sented the report of the sewer com- mittex and public buildings he reported th it all the sexxer xxork in glenlea is completed and that 80 pei ocnt is finished in the lake xiexx subdixision there xxas a sav ing on the sexxers bcoausc the toxxn did its oxxn xxork mr brunelle noted as did others that the toxxn hall and arena are in poor repair and that something should be done as was noted bx mr broxxn it is easier and cheaper to repair than rebuild questioned on the need soon for a partiallv paid fire brigade chief nexx ton notesd no consideration should be given such a move until fc staff ptiotn taxes too high j the population reaches seven to very promising is the description applied to le tef drilling carried on by the international j robertson who was also 10000 water supply co for the town at the one acre sue re iks from acon at a depth of 176 feel a nominated for the reeves position b d rachlin pud tribute to 24 hour pumpjng test was applied indicating alms a million gallons of water a day the water is said that taxes were too high and j xxould have to be more evenly dis- has not borrowd any money since august thereby saving more inter est payments deficit probable the present reeve and council lor elect walter linham then re ported saying that a deficit u probable in the township directly responsible for the situation ac two items one of which is thai the unconditional grant from the provincial government was not forthcoming and secondly that the department of highways reduced road maintenance grants causing the township to exceed the budget on maintenance costs mr linham noted that there was an mere ise in the county s assess ment of 9 000 000 plans for the proposed zoning of the township xxere commented on by mr lin x- wwsi53rihb ham he felt that esquesing as a rural township has no need for zoning at the present but that the township itself should try to en courage and influence proper building sites in explaining his position on the proposed hospital under consider ation in milton the former reeve suggested that if milton shewed initiative and approved the neces sary debenture soon the rsqoesing council should approve the re quested 25000 contribution action to date in the esquesing council concerning the hospital re quest for funds is at a standstill the council has tabled the mqu hospital problem councillor linham said he be lieved two hospitals are not aec continued on page four no vote neededfor nassagaweya ratepayers as council reeve school board acclaimed tributed over the township resid- ents he said people who live in the township but work outside it are making a lot of money but i arent contributing very much of it j to the area j j lloyd chisholm who was board was now making a between two architects and had the approval to go ahead whenever the money was available he told his audience that he was nassagaweyas representative on the hospital board but after the his intention to vacate the reeves nad decn remedied nominated for deputyreeve serv- j township plebiscite in which tht ed the past year on council he i ratepayers who voted decline rl a reported that some ditch problems grant to the hospital he baa re- a councillor wished to new deputy reeve he pointed out that the a councillor 1 chair if step up tax rate had been increased two mills in 1954 to finance the town ship building had dropped a mill in 1955 and was raised one mill this vear to help pa for the toxxn ship s new 16240 road grader he gave a lengthv report on countv council which he attended as the toxxnship s representative we have made a fair and reason able amount of progress he dec lared and pointed to better roads a heating sstcm and renovated outside at the hall and the new grader as evidences of the town ship s progress in the past year he stated he had only two regrets that this was the first year the tng i as they needed a township has had a deputyreeve votc confidence he said if the since the 1890s and that some of pcop continued to acclaim their the surplus accrued over the years councillors they would lose all had been used to help purchase the i ot holding a vote in clos- grader in he declared his intention to i v stand for the position in hopes that l mr service as served three wouid cause election but said years as reeve and three former h hoped he was beaten at the years as councdlor p bec he didn particularly john milne who was later ac- i want the position claimed reeve stated at the met- andrew frank who was nomin- mg that many defects in the town- i ated declared he wouldnt run but ship s roads had been eliminated paused to pay tribute to the 1956 l during the past year he has serv ed five years on council i signed as the township represental charles i ive but stayed on as an individual for five i he said he agreed with the or years noted that council was get- harvey agnew report suggesting ting to be big business he re- the milton hospital as a central ported on ditching gravelling roads hospital to serve the north of the county one ratepayer asked the reeve if the 70 per cent of the total county levy for welfare and social service wasnt a bit high and k the township was paying out more than it got back in this matter be replied that it wouldnt he the xxiik of the maxor and coun ssoxvn re in d scharge from the sixinch pipe w e driuer don bauedrelein looks on and stockpiling sand councillor j stanley norrish said people have something to complain about when they com plain about taxes being too high he suggested cutting down the four- man works staff to econoni- lze and deplored the money being wasted through false fire alarms to pursue the matter any submitted by township residents because the township was new councillor arthur e pad- ln to benefit from the rodaey lor bury said the fact that there had roads whj came in from the been no election in nassagaweya i c for years was not good for the sit- horace blythc school board chairman reported that with rising costs of education there is a lot of criticism but many famimas are moving into the township aad some schools are overcrowded he reported on the boards famamcsal situation and on repairs aad ren ovations at the na schools incumbent stated he wouldnt a hki nation to stand gain duncan moffat for the pant six years on the board s- mg intentions to retire from the boacsl mrs tmia thomas i ated declined the melvin storey said he undecided dr clifford young was absent was later to the position a h gibson sig nified his intention to run council for their good work es pecially on the roads he credited reeve services good leadership hospital qaeried in a question and answer period a ratepayer asked reeve service what stage the hospital in mjton was at and the reeve reported the i t -i- i

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