Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1956, p. 2

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dljp arlrn jffrrr prraa tke ataly paper eveirpnbliahed to aetata founded in 1875 and published every thurs day at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circulaunos the cw na and the ontarioquebec division of the c-w-n-a- advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 400 in the united states six mnoths 175 single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa fablisfaed by tke pilb prmung and pablbhmc co limited g a dills editorinchief david r dills production manager james a dills managing editor business and editorial office- pit 600 acton thursday n 29th 1956 area goes on trial acton and district goes ort trial next week the test confrbntihg the community will be that it remain completely free of traffic ac cidents for 168 hours this test is signalled by safe driving week that begins midnight november 30 and continues to midnight december 7 it is being conducted simultaneously in all pro vinces in canada and the united states it is a week to demonstrate that traffic accidents can be reduced materially when all motorists and pedestrians do their part we are all expected to accept full person al responsibility for complete adherence to these basic safety principles 1 walk and drive safely 2 observe the letter and spirit of all traf fic regulations 3 back the attack on traffic accidents 4 study and talk about our canadian highway traffic problems to your friends the challenge is simple until four out of five people in canada are sincerely interested in driving and walking safely we need not look for any material reduction in our driving toll in one year more than 3000 lives are lost on canadian highways and streets this figures to eight deaths every day as a result of traffic accidents or one every three hours officials offer the macabre but moving thought that if motorists and pedestrians made up their minds that one person would die only every four hours instead of every three hours 770 lives would be saved the traffic accident problem is a national one a community one and one that concerns every individual will you and your driving and walking support this community and district in the trial it faces from december 1 to 7 can this area report an accidentfree safe driving week grocers to sell beer theres a fresh battle brewing in ontario to make legal the sale of beer in grocery stores reports the financial post its part of a saveourseives bid by the provinces corner grocers fearing extinction at the hands of chains and supermarkets the first blow will be a petition present ed to premier frost when the first session of the legislature opens in 1957 the way things are shaping the petition will have 250000 names on it it will be launched with a fusillade of telegrams to party leaders behind the campaign is a fivemonthold organization known as the retail grocers association of ontario as most of our editorial readers may gather were not the least bit happy about this suggestion and were especially appal led having just finished reading the cup of c by upton sinclair the author best sums up the theme of the book when he reports i compile a list of the drinking people i have known two score of them went to their doom 1 1 as suicides this is their story one of the chapters that gave the great est picture was in quotations from the yale sponsored survey drinking in college we quote a statement that parents might note when both parents drink 83 per cent of the female students are drinkers compared with a mere 23 per cent when both parents abstain of course drinking is supposed to be the thing to do the survey however re veals that if the student abstains 54 per cent of his fellow students will have feelings of admiration approval and respect for him forty per cent will be indifferent to his posi tion four per cent will feel resentment scorn disapproval or derogation two per cent will feel pity we earnestly hope the provincial govern ment will have the intestinal fortitude to pigeonhole any legislation to allow beer sale tn grocery stores if the comer store has to atly on beer sales instead of cracker barrel philosophy as an attraction its usefulness has been terminated none of our business interest continues among municipalities seeking new industries recently the fergus newsrecord told of aaarkdale securing a new shoe factory local capital it appears provided 15000 to have a building re novated and made suitable for the industry continuing its comments the fergus paper adds this item concerning acton which con cludes with one sound sentence and speaking of new industries going to northern towns last weeks alliston herald had a picture of the steel framework of the new baxter laboratories factory that is going up in alliston this company a branch of a chemical firm in the united states has been in acton for some reason which has never been made public the company decided to pull out of acton and move to alliston maybe it will arrive in zurich eventually the acton council made some attempt to hold the company but to outsiders it seemed weak and ineffectual there was some sug gestion that it was a matter of pure water but that didnt seem to hold water if a tepid pun may be allowed somebody who drove through acton on a midnight ride recently suggested that the air from the chemicals and that from the tannery would not mix oh well it is not the business of anybody up this way anyway the company did make a statement re garding the reason for its removal from ac ton for some reason the fergus paper did not see it although it was headlined irnhe free press it did not suggest anything re garding actons water or the smell from the tannery council did make an effort that wasnt feeble to retain the firm here it was backed by the chamber of commerce the negotiations have been going on for some years and acton delegations were met with courteously there were many towns fergus among them that were investigated before alliston was chosen it wouldnt be fair to say that the fergus oversize septic tank used for a disposal system was the reason fergus was not chosen because we have never dis cussed that point with the baxter firm acton has pure water and one of the most modem sewage disposal plants in canada were glad fergus and aaarkdale have secured new industries we are sorry to lose any of actons industries and glad to wel come new ones we would not go into the reasons why the baxter company or any other company came fo acton that is the companys business and while we may dis- agree with their reasoning we have no quar rel in their final decision theres a little booklet issued each year by the bureau of statistics at ottawa it costs about 50 cents and is entitled manufacturing industries of canada out of curiosity we re ferred to it to see where fergus stood indus trially among the towns of canada welling ton county has such villages as clifford elora erin drayton and the city of guelph listed with industrial statistics but no fergus we were disappointed but as the man said its none of our business anyway forward or backward for years in towns and cities the effort to regulate the closing of retail stores or outlets has been a bothersome one in ottawa recently six ottawa stores were fined 2000 each for having broken a city bylaw on closing hours the large retail stores in toronto particularly the two big de partmental stores had very fine hours for the employees one of them started night shop ping to meet other competition and it ap pears now that eatons is about to make night shopping available to its customers the supermarkets and shopping centres have long given the customers an open night out here the switchovermkom saturday to friday nights is just about completed aaany small communities still adhere to the open hours saturday- in preference to friday it seems doubtful if hours satisfactory to all concerned can ever be fixed the field is such a wide one in these days of shorter working hours those who serve can at least expect hours of service comparable with the customers they serve the years have shown that customers like a wide variety of hours to suit their diversified conveniences aaany can recall when merchants in towns kept open three nights a week andon saturdays until midnight deliveries were made at any time orders came in theres been quite a change since those days which has been beneficial to all if more hours are given the cost of service will be reflected in the selling prices just at present some of the progress seems to be endangered for those who serve uni form thinking will never be accomplished in the meantime itomight be well for each side to give some consideration to the other fellows position municipal councils can anticipate for the future the necessity of new or revised regulations to meet the commun itys need brief comment concerned about a general apathy to municipal affairs in kitimat an interested crosssection of residents has formed a non partisan association and are presenting a slate of candidates for the december munici pal council and school board elections kiti mat bci northern sentinel winters bleak patterns chronicles of gin farm le gravity and grey cup by gwendoline p clarke it would seem that early winter finally caught up with us and in no uncertain way gale force winds battered on the doors and windows list week in many cases protected only by screens which until the day before had been necessary to keep the flies out so suddenly docs our weather change one day you couldnt keep the furnace low enough for comfort the next day it was inadequate against the cold winds there was no serious damage done around here except to knock our entire telephone line out of commission it was two days before it was working again which rais es an interesting sidelight the last two or three years there has been a lot of work done on telephone lines in this district the old party lines disappeared we were chang ed over to a dial system which was a great improvement new poles were erected and miles and miles of wires and cables strung we noticed these cables were hung very loosely not taut from pole to pole the way the old single lines had been this was meant to be an improvemnt of course and ap parently is until something goes wrong when that happens the trouble takes longer to find and entails more work as one man put it it was easier to work on 50 miles of the old lines than five miles of this there must be factors in fav or of this new type of wiring but if it takes two days to fix one short line what then whatviill happen in real bad weather in ice storms for instance howlong will it take this sundays to fix lines under such conditions could it be that cables arc not sat isfactory for the wide open spac es naturally this is a matter that concerns everyone telephone being such a vital necessity in this day and age and here is another sidelight on present day problems an old age lady pensioner living alone need- ed new firebricks in her kitchen stove four years ago she had a similar job done and it cost her 12 last week the same job on the same stove cost her 20 in other words half one months pen sion gone to pay for one small job and not a thing she could do about it it wouldnt have been safe not to have the stove fixed she naturally couldnt do it herself and there was no hope of getting it done cheaper elsewhere doesnt it make you wonder how people with small incomes ever get along at all well i suppose we all have our problems wherever we live on some farms for instance it is lack of water on our farm we now have too much that is be cause we have one overflowing well without a pump the water flowing by natural gravity through a pipe to a tank in the stable and then to another tank in the barn yard and from thence through an overflow pipe to the outside when we had 25 head of cattle the odds were even now we have more water than our few head of cattle can use however partner thinks he has thought of a way of dealing with the situation to pre vent the formation of a lake at the back of the barn well do i re member what happened some church calendar unllbd church of canada acton ontarta rev gordon adams ma bd minister arsonage 29 bower avenut phone 6 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 8 j k3ss5i sunday december 2nd 1956 900 am morning prayer 1000 un junior church and church school 1115 am morning worship the anglican church of canada 8t aldans chare aetata oat rev evan h jones ba lth sunday december 2nd 1956 1st sunday in advent 830 m corporate communion and breakf for men and boys of the parish bishops advent address will be heard by radio htsbrtcrian church in canada knox rhtrch acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd manse 39 willow st n- phone 43 organist and choirmaster mr e a hansen sunday december 2nd 1956 1100 am christmas white gift service children and adults please note regular church school session cancelled 700 pm evening worship 815 pm senior high fellow ship at the manse baptist church cton rev ray h costerus pastor 115 bower avt phop 30aw i sunday december 2nd 1956 1000 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn moraine worship 700 pm evening service 815 pjn byjmj wednesday pjtn prayer meet- ins acton kntkostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewsons corners puor rev k j reid j cook st telephone 49w the good old days i at ii miinii wtni di im irr mari sasassw 7 v- back in 1906 back in 1936 years ago when the outlet pipe froze solid and partner was crawl ing around on the ice on his hands and knees until he had the pipe thawed out one problem we didnt have last week was how to get tickets for the grey cup game you dont need tickets to follow the game on radio or television but it was reillv funny i wis busy making pyjamis and partner was puuinu on storm windows when i turned on the tv partner would come in go down cellar for a window bring it up set it against a wall and then sit down and wateh the game until there was another score that would keep him satisfied for a little while so away he would go put on his window come back and repeat the proceedings i too was dodging back and forth from the sewing machine to the living room that is until the last quarter then we stayed with it i dont understand a thing about football but it didnt take long to catch the spirit of the game bob and joy got here in the middle of the play no one said hullo how are you the salutation was hullo whats the score and in how many homes stores farms and of fices was the same thing happen ing to say nothing of the 27000 who actually attended the game and now to close here is a hint for those who do their own scw- ign as i said i was making pyj amas for a man who falls through the jacket long before the rest of the garment is worn out so here is what someone told me to do and j am passing the tip along to you make the back with double mater ial from the neck to the waist it makes a neat job and should surely prolong the life of the jacket and much less work than patching afterwards st josephs bazaar has christmas theme baking candy and fancy goods were soiling briskly saturday af- ternoon in st josephs church hall when the parish bazaar was held under the auspices of the catholic womens league christmas was the theme w the attractive decor ations which had been arranged by mrs hartley coles arid mrs jean marcoux assisted by miss katherfne kenny mrs coles and mrs marcoux were also in charge of the baking table mrs pat kenny was in charge of the candy and miss ken ny of the touch and take table knitting aprons and specialty art icles such as clolls cribs were sold at the fancy goods table mrs ar chie papillon and mrs w duval st were conveners delicious tea was served to the shoppers under the direction of mrs john smith and mrs colin mccoll winner of a hostess chair was mrs ed laronde of the blanket mrs john turkosx and of the cake mrs jennie savers the annual event was again corr- sidered most successful taken from the iasne of the free press thursday november 29 ims local municipal elections arc in a quiescent state so for it is rum ored that reeve swackhamer is already pursuing a quiet canvas for support for a second term the free press has ndtctiowever been enlightened as to his intentions other names mentioned for the chief magistracy are councillor warren dr gray and ex reeve williams as to the council noth ing has been said the joint committee of the prcs- bytcrian methodist and congregat ional churches will meet in toron to to consider church union the streetcar strike in hamilton assumed an aggravated form last week mob rule prevailed on fri day and the militia was called out and the riot act read a number of heads were broken by police bat ons several boys have been amusing themselves recently with removing the cellar window grating in the pavement on mill st at stovcls shoe store and then watching the predicament of the unfortunate cit izens who have fallen into the win dow area below shouldnt we apply for incor poration as a town sometime soon was a query made of his fellow councillors at monday even ing meeting by dr gray the suggestion seemed to be very fav orably considered but no action was taken acton has the populat ion to warrant the taking of the status but would it be advantage or not who sayeth it does not improve the reputat ion of the hotels to have drunken men prowling about the streets and disturbing the peaceful citizens long after midnight as they have been doing with much frequency the members of the young mens association elected their of ficers hon president rev g w barker president harold s nick- lin vicepresident g p hayman secretary chas a matthews treasurer a t brown executive h p moore dr hore and w hol- den they have about 50 members the new smoke stack at the sole leather tannery has exceeded the 100 foot mark it will contain about 14000 bricks taken from the- issue of the free press thnraday december 3 193 acton will have no municipal el eetion for 1937 when the time for filing qualifications papers had el apsed on saturday evening all the offices were filled with just suf ficient members the following are those who will fill the positions reeve f mccutcheon council a mason j e mcmullen thos gib bons and e jones public utilities commission r j kerr school board w k graham h i g fra- scr f s blow you can mark it in your diary that the first skating in acton ar ena for the season was on novem ber 30 this seems early but it is not a record in 1933 skating was available on november 23 mr and mrs james macintosh are to observe their 60th wedding anniversary they recall that three score years ago december brought no such snowdrifts as we have seen this year the ground was frozen and rang to the beat of horses hoofs they have lived in acton for the past 50 years and have two sons frank and roy frank king clancy dynamic defense veteran of the national hockey league who was bought by the maple leafs for 50000 start ed the pro ranks by suddenly an nouncing his retirement he will continue in a nonactive capacity with the leafs at the gregory theatre swinn time presents fred astaire and ginger rogers in the sixth of their series of pictures that have estab lished an alltime record for star team success at at a meeting last thursday of the ymca board mr jack reid tendered his resignation from the board he left the following day for south porcupine where he has secured a position mr albert mills was elected to the board for the unexpired part of the time the annual meeting of acton citizens band on monday evening was well attended officers were elected as follows hon president a mason president r spiclvogel first vicepresident j alger sec ond vicepresident r agncw sec retary- treasurer n gibson librar ian g simpson caretaker and properties g r agnew -iiv- mv professional directory and travellers guide mefmcal ijws optical dr w g c k physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 7 residence 115 church st e phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 23 c l buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays 130 tfoo pm evenings by appointment legal dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 68 pm dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office lcishman block mill st office hours 9am to 6 p m xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office coiner mill and frederick streets off re hours i am to ti p n telephone 19 acton real estate and insurance f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate and insurance 51 main si flri i un phonest 2478 n 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 miscellaneous heated ambulance x mley funeral home phone 6s night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill street phone 28 res 555r general insurance 945 am church school senior bible class 1100 am beginners class uoo vm choral communion 700 pm evensong and sunday december 2nd 1956 1000 am sunday school uoo am morning worship 730 pjn evangelistic service wednesday 8 pmcottage prayer meeting ami bible study for a century cotton manufact ure has been an industry of major importance in canada and tody is still the largest segment of the canadian primary textiles inis ry j bert wood general and ufa luinin phone 585 77 mill st veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and pesldenc knox ave acton phone 130 b d young bv st c l young dvm veterinary 8nrgeons office brookvule ontario phone milton tr a9177 oftlve m lampard atcm rmt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish halt 14 park ave guelph phone 296 travellers guide gray coach lines i coaches leave acton standard time kaatbbund 833 am daily except ditor and hoi 858 am 1133 ajn 2 i p in 5uh pm 033 pm 833 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pmj 527 p in 727 pm 912 pjn 1132 pm 112 am fri sat sun canadian national railways i standard tim daily 640 am daily exe days 0u0 am 713 pjn oniy i01 pjn daily except sub- day flyer a george 9m 837 pjn daily town 1011 pjn v c f leatherland qc barrister a solicitor notary fnamn office hours 1000 am 1200 am too pm- 500 pm saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 15j acton vr hoskin chartered accountants iyer ai george- dailv sunday westbound 4 pm daily 30 amj 55 pjo flag- dyjjj pjn sunday only 943 am 1 ii a only flyer at 0elp 7t om daily except sat and stin 810 pm stop j4s pm saturday onlyua u i jjgjiiiiivaftte v

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