Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1956, p. 6

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th acton ft pnn thursday novtmtxw 2th iwd 1 milk producers elect kyle bingham representative on torpnto board the dairy cow hn contributed much to the economy ol this prov ince staled v7 p wntoi tavo- tilock commissioner for ontario whwt nddromlni the nnnum meet las of toronto milk producers of district lf 12 held t stewart town on frtdiy or last week thr cash return from milk or its der ivations in 1953 whs ms million dollars which was the greatest amount derived from n ulnijlc farm enterprise added mr wntsni in his oddre on the oaliy in diutry inetaallty reference was alto made bv the speaker to the lnequnlll in returns belnfe reeelved hv the different branchr of the dim iiulumi thls wide spielll in houcvel lie ink mirrowed due to the fact that neat ly 1 1 pet cent moi e of out milk output is belnfi iitilueu tv fluid milk or human consumption than viis the case in 1911 stutnl mr watson this trend towards fluid milk in likely to continue h added foi the iniile reason that toduv oirr ida is ioniununi iieulv all tlu dairy products brum pi hliieel reference was made tiv the s- ik er to the fnct that ift ven- iio vv were t martini 150 nullum pottm of cheese iinnuiillv way frteea not lllrher in answer to tht qun e to vh prices of dair products uir imi higher in view of the existing i u dltions mr watson muted on crally speaking the price ol dim products in canada i tin- i that dairy products from othei countries can be landed tn uuhii no dalr imports he ddm h como- into canada in the past i j months in this connection it vv is pointed out by the spcakci th prices of diary products hiv e i is en in great britain which count eractcd any tendoncv on t he pui t of other export inn countnes to turn their attention to the canadian market in the eirs that in ahead we are koine to use 01 need more milk stated mr watson adding that in his opinion n would be better to achieve this hv m creaslnfi the production vi o than b increasini the sue of 0111 hen breedtac knowledge in dentine with the subject hreedliik mr walson staled w have learned more about breediiu in the ast 10 yean than i tlr vears previous to 1946 while the fnt factor in milk u a hiuhlv mhei table one we have found that it is not true in the case of milk pio ductlon tn my opinion he added we can increase the production per cow more rapidly b improved reeding in short bill watson delivered another of those outstanding ad dresses for which he has an env iable reputation across canada on the other hand well wjircr it was the smallest mooting that ontario s livestock commissioner has ad fresscdn manv a day frankl we arc puzzled to know why hal ton nulk producers passed up their annual meeting which started ofl with a bang up dinner which was tree plus one of the bcm programs lhe on imzalion has had in nun day hem hill watson somethlnii sei lous must be i oni other kpeakrm othel hpeakeis on this eheellont program included livvlii llaitlev president of the toionto milk pro diners association it i letfemon vircnroaliloot and acllnii secret n v manaiiei of the name organlx- itlon who ably dealt with such contentions piohlems as the set- ttnb of llasen hulk coolcm price etc vrjr ifred nurse againtops in corn competition a leld of km 7 bushels of main coin to the acre on a 1ft pei cent luouture basis in men the lop awuid foi the second year in sue cession to kied nurse of oeiirse town the milton mllllnc company j sold watch will howevei at mi william mccoioiimule cheek nurse requem he awarded to the testei fijv the association also irvond high contestant not man leall with such tiieslloiis as off smith of camphellvill r r 3 flavoi milk nuclei in counts who vto n ttj f huslicls to kop milk eti ami finullx m mai old schmidt lee piesilent if olkamna auction sale of si ilkueil inatiiiilion from the propi tntoi of liunkmn varm to sell by public uiiillim at i bill- kiln kami on no ik hlahway im- fulitnt township 3 miles east of tiafolkmr m hatimnav lkckmflk i imm at 1 ml oelnck the following ukll uikknkky cow8 tm- kiin lttisys kdllb no 71mkw fl wh lun krin 1riniswui rimy no 7hflxi bred feb 17 dun krin rosa llella nellie no 70m06 irel mir 21 dun ktin ronnie no wmm2 brad mar 22 duiikrln iuncess marmot no 4ihmo bred mar ih ounkrln clara 2nd no m4h bred keb jl lmiikrlu halls joan cite no 7457 bred apr ii duii krin queen no am49 brmi sept 11 dun krin all hose no m4m bri may 15 dun krin shirley no w42s bred jillv dunkiln iviiv noncy no asihm bred july 21 liinknn iaica princess no mm biht july ii dun krin lean no 7m42 bred auk m duii- kun helens prtie no 4mi73 bred dun krin sally 2nd the suiphis milk plant hiotikht tin cnlikhtcnliik and eiioui atmg nievsage in the plants pituiess all these speakers mmle lefei ence t the sei ius shoi tuge f intlk on the toionto mai ket ii 0 j ih seemed lo be the concensus of p- m content alk dun krin sally 2nd no aur47 brett sept 7 dun krin as it is interesting to note fijo 70344 bred sept is dun- aveiage leld of the 10 ki iii princeas janet no 70so8 bred inion that tocmto inn ts would i this n all ih on 0en quota shiitlv aul r that pisent milk shlpp is tvnuht ih wise to avail themselves of the op ivoitimitv othcivvis ni tin nvv shlvcrs will hav to he taken into th nun kel which in the fin il mi alvsis will mean loweid lises ol quoins in m1s7 v elstlon ol iffni icstiltsl as fillows pi cskitllti hail mmm v lee picsiricnt hukh i itutv sc iclaiv liwisiui john m lllii i pi snl itiv e ii toi onto ii ii i kvl nniktium ouhtors icspisiiik iini kil milton riixl stanlev munson i i a k dcvncs k c alevaiuli nassa gaw a 1 f teasdal w i fei k uson llovd stoks nlson j t nll hin 11 middiehiuk imm ptllettciio tiafalgui jack k ath eistine johnson ncclamls kumk peacock ken pvv tress and john w picket south wellington lot don daihv douglas liuv geoi g mcalpine and john rent contestants who completed the con test was 77 9 bushels to the acie the niolstuie content when the mel is weie taken in late octobei was faiilv high langing fiom 32 0 with tin uvcingi f 43 pei cent doubt accounts foi the the bulk of th gt alii coin top in mutton siill i mains unpi kct sept 2a dunerin mai got queen i no mms37 bied sept 24 dun krin i queens pride no 7010 bred nov 1 14 dunrrin kmmie no 70343 op j en dun krin sheila no 84075 oi- i en dun krin claras sharon rfo 7hh07 imii these cow are prac icallv nil young good proitticci s and onlv the ixnt lieni sires used rkk gukrnsky hkifkrs dun ki in daisys qiieen no 74dm hoi n nov 7 1954 dun krin galls golden glow no 77t44 bom mai 28 1055 dunkl in queens jean etlt no 77645 hoin sept id 1055 feel farm management service not required in halton county euchre winners the weeklv mi lue ul blu joa eph s hall again suw atltu live pi lyen awailed to the in kv will nets iif the eviiilng they weie lad leu fit i mis llillowni ml mis llaiiullon mens flial ril krutiiei sei mid mis aihn- iup iii mi low ki ii c iimn caliadlun egg eateis mi capita iii 1055 canadians nte 24 doieu eggs ugulusl 24 4 dojen in 1054 iiiiihi ii i in im if tr- i esssniiiarjsuwvfssac seas milton palermo nab victories in two hardfought encounters aiidthoi sousoii l hhkt hv hal urn n juiikti fm met tonkiin lias ntntlthl it miutm mrita each mn da iiiki aiul lam wink niuval sviimvtl miltu 13 4 lit a urn pen lalfiuui uittleil to a 5 2 win ei t lin tn a haul fought itartit whtth viv a ton pickup nine u niltis 4tn f thent a kame nil melt sat in eoiuutcl xv hilt pa lei m tht im men times in the not al milttin duel noi ni i dae lelie managiml to tu the pill uist milttinn nctmindei six times while the cunninghams roxn j am it and hugh hrenniul haxaids to tu itic tendeis muiaked to tall ftui amoiik thtmii and eai i wtlsim mk kett d two ken i leai n sered tht othei noi mi tal top nto kmtwui ftn milttin was miiin with two and hon kishei cliff waite to address juniors the milton hlkh school audit u urn will undoubtedlv be p ickixi to and chat lie gillies iiim1 l add cipicitv on frilav cvenuik of this mc on eueli lo tin milton si whk it is the ihiision of the an c cillies picked up th num s onlv mini jtinioi awards nikiu p naltv foi ciiiiciiik when halton s 4h nnricultuiil line iiis aie milton ciiham club mcmhcis then parents mil cjillus ilmilu gillies john will their fi lends will ik- on hind to scniotl miiiiav tiskei don johnson the presentation of pi izes and oth- arnold llowdn sam kinnii llii cr special awards clifford k i tusker jamie cimnuikhiin iis waite popular and well known kiiik biadford clem nts mid l puleimo david muiia llarry diouithton goidon grsr rich ardson italph ihmiiii hill orr max liik i lol murshall hill pins hill mai shall and goalie j hilm n perennial debate didnt quite start gkohgrtown wa tei met ers ar- a liabtlilv at present said cl alfred svk at cillllcii lllttt mi uuiibiiii kmnun jeanette no 7bbt2 ixiin tict ii 1055 dim kim atoies janice no 70013 born vt ih ims dunki 111 dairy girl no 70014 bom dec 0 1055 dun run colleen no k0400 bom dec 10 1055 dun krin heifer bom in apr 10s0 papers to come herd si is- arawana culpoinln majoi 2 no 7iiw5 bred by j i chlsholm milton hoin april 3 iu53 and has proved himself lo lie an a i sire daiky kquilmknt 1 ii c 4 unit mllkei pump and piping for 50 cows j unit milking palls woods milk coolei is can capac ity mtlk washing sink elect mpuil lid small tlair tpilpment kaitm implkmknts karuiil m tiutoi i ii ci 3 fin row plow on rubber i ii c cuttliik imix and dislubiitoi piixs i ii c humni i mill bells ana bcltuik i lit ihivv sr takeoft h ft binlei on lib ihi i iic tolil hllidei and sleif clcvatoi 13 hoe i iic filil i seed drill i ii c 7 ft ruli i ii c slil dcllviv lik 3 se lion druc ciiltivitn 4 sevtlin limrow i uhher tlil larm wukoii st i i tinil fu in wiiin unl llit it rack horse truiler iii ft dump rake scuff li and other sm ill farm uti i 2 walking plows i sufflci terms cash settlement clerk div of sale ni leslte is ftim is sol notbiiik to ih- iemove1 slllcd fu sale to im- held can j s welsinni proprietor hentlev hros farm munukcrs 1 hindi ky anl kllioit kltank petcii aiietloiuera currie cleik b 20 2 in illsciioolliu loim nimllusiinent on monday novkiiiiixi 3 ttallnn kami koioius agiend nnsiilniihisly tlnil w litiv m veiy nffulellt d liutllllelll of agll illtllle in our unly a the llinllllyof till- hi mlfw veil lllol tolllllo ll7lhll llrlglllmllhlmml did mil iniie a faun inuiiahenient a iv lis ih iilv imily wi vll en of lh ilioiiiii lepieaniallve and the ll lph llac aie always available ln- giiup fell mote imiiefll isildd im- calut in ibis way it farmers wiuld make mole use- uf llitse fae llltles atlolllel mlllip fllldh the es ihinme of reliable faimeis help fid iii iiirus wheie on il b i vlbb might be needed lie glouls lel shiuld ih- uiiilei lhe siiiei vislihi of the i k pai tiur41l of agileultuie will ii would im- flnaii lully iomin llil foi ii robt r hamilton fred a hoffman opiomiiwists ikoimeily lu p head phone gueiph 1924 58 st oorgt squar w h denny with until under it may be that the sudden out break of winter caught a lot of people unprepared or it may be that the six months struggle ag ainst adverse weather conditions haa really got our farm operators down or it could be that haltons land speculation boom has had an even greater effect on farming m eentlvc than we had realized in any event wticn onl 30 milk producers out of 350 turn out lo speaker of lovvville is to ik- un gues speaker runioi has it that the members of halton s two champion provincinl teams debit ing and livestock judglngi are to be the recipients of special recog nition on this occasion haltons debaters to meet lincoln friday thursda night of this imk will sth haltons junior farmer dcbit ink quartette meet the lincoln ciimt foursome in the fust i mind of the provincial junior fanner debating league the lopu under disission is roolxcd that a reduction m the number of farm organizations m ontario would be in the best m tetests of the ontario farmer bertha watson of acton and jack black of moffat will uphold the af- firmawe side of the argument ag ainst lincoln negative team at the smtthviue high school at the j same time haltons negative team of bill marshall of milton and how son ruddetl of georgetown j will be meeting lincoln s affirmat ive team on the mime topic in the traf ilgii memorial hall mccunn norval dav leslu kn beams hugh cunhingham rvs cunning ham jamts cunningham rill wil son fred barnes pete pomeroy eir 1 w i lsun dn sm 1 1 h gsorge smith and j d cumt nm guil lu id mui rax and max lang of palermo sparked their win oei ac ton m the setond game w ith two goals as wll as an avast each bill pi ice was tlie othei marksinaii ac ton sctin rs wer wilbert peai i and mi r n hunter who wert as sisted on gnals by ron sincuur b ii snmt i die of acton received a 10 muuiu misconduct it0 a game mtsi niuiuct if ti i a tw o mimiu holding p niltv othei atmans p nali7eti win john cunningham bob coon rm situ lair wilbert ivivin geoi gt gibson hon sin clair and don deforest sitting out two nunutt dincts for j palei mo were bill price two max uing g riciiardson tuoi ralph booth and g greer lmtups ait acton jack mar shall ko il coi gc ciibson john cunningham hon smclau wilbert peao g mcarthui don deforest bill sim lui bob coon bill som er ilu mt i n hunter and hoss shtrhiw mi k s said thai the 16 eikst of a no tt i phis tlu iksl tf reading it does mil kilani ilh the few evli i dollars itsjiixl in extra wa- lei sales and hi t u mot sm the till of im lets 1 hope we areit t going to g t into this p ri nnial di l it tonight i plieil m i n ai insirong who has lnt ti i mi mi piopon nt of met ill to ioi mid melt rs ait no lit it v uit installed t realt i x unit hot tin im oilskii rst to nv old valei w astag statistic s sllow ih saul ih it whiri a community ii i im ii iv then is i io m r cent di t reas in watei consuniptiou see state farm agent frstfcral three your bit mink health habit acton jersey dairy fhonr 242 don timminoi dirtct drivt chain saw is amazingly suphorl auto life fire off w h denny 39 brock st acton phone 455 cvta f attar llhtrl wllit cvala t mltla lasts unr tlio tlmplkily of silver king dlrl dlvo meant greater eate of operation fatter cullina fewer woiklno parli let maht lenance cott longer life and lett operator fatigue come in for a demonttration bill garner masseyharmsfergusqn sale and service rockwood phona 229r3 1 miles north crowsons comers mackenzie news phone 128 acton and be sure of the best exclusive sanitone ft pick- and delivery phone 1 2jj acton a garage protects the value of your car and an overhead door makes it easy to open see us for both budget terms arranqed you can have a winter of com fort by installinq a berry allsteel garage door on your garage door on your present garage it comes complete with hardware attached and painted for 7000 easy to install yourself and easy to operate cau 48 48 arkenzie a com- lumbers building supplies its a mirror of main street ikiify manafr atlitn flriini fi ifank of wttnlmil inn linn- i rinl tint- of in lianliv umtiiul rtmrl i am riniiiiilril f thr la wlifii i uu a junior uilli llir hank in a town ry imirb likr tliin i in- liruiifli munarrr imil llial wn4lrrill knurk if tiiik lllirk from lliort- titan our point of viw l a onlil takt- i in- lltinkn annual report mill hiiou how il liril in wild llic latlar liiikiiirnn tif our own liranali anil of our ioniinunitj k oihiiiioiik lii rt on 1iiii tn t im vvoiihl tj in- rilli lt in lli o rail pit lnr of llit oiintry irompril im him jft r ill nail mil flfint i siiiij tin- kiiiiiioiji of liimilriil of mam street lik- llim thr folkn who lu ami nhi on main slrrt anil that inrlutlrn all of uh in thin bank rr lire hamr kind if hrplr- rnultiplird uvrr and over who mt thr paltmik of our prmrmn rltar mrrtmm thr lullly so it willi the bank of montreal lhhh annual report for tin- yiar mlil ortohrr tint iftft lt a mirror of main strirt u liilr tlw riorl ilralu wflk liillioiii of ilollarn rfl line omlition in tlu- rountry an a vhl- ilf ficunn inirror thr procrrmi of it of m itranrlim juit likr mini- ml llir iruprritv nf tbr tohnn thry mtvi from oji lo iujl gift for the whole family an automatic my dank the facts behind the figures in the b of ms 1 39th annual leport united suburban gas company limited acton 27 mill east phone 695 j deposits amount tzt91tl vrll orr half of wutrk m lhe periuil mvtni of canadian in all walk af life tkr re maimlcr i money ispoalrd by bnainarai fmnt iniilutina and oominirnta the balk f thi maary bard al work in aw form of loan to proplr and baaiaxme of all tjp- loans at fljs3ttvos3 rtfablth a an rrrard thr b of m loan in lanada tbr highest in iu biator are brlntna eoery hranrh of the andian rrsnomy to prooprr irgr and atl rbey have been made to buoaru and rhdoilrial ratrrpriaca of all kinda lo farmer fihennen oilmen miarr inmrfiaab and ranrben lo ritiren of every rafljne tn proviarial aad muniripal avvrrnment and 4h00i ditlnct investments in hihrle nov i bomb am o4 mt3xu thu money helped lo ananre many imeo4tnjm novemmrnl prujeeu demcned for everyone betaeas o eerttie bcld by the bank vdurh tarlade a obvcraiacd um af hicnqnality vborllrnn indnvlrial j branahl total iawaav l914iuit ban it of montreal wockh4c with canaotans in evist watt or im uji7 i

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