Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1956, p. 6

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t- th acton fr pf thurtcuy docrnbr tyh 1 956 ttimwmtwwtt jftas halton county holstein breeders celebrate their 30th anniversary well over 200 holstein hrthstcira i wnciwtth mls hrd recently eele- thoir ladles and friend etlebrttr1 the 30th anniversary at the format ion of the halton club on wednes day evening of last week in the trafalgar memorial hall is past presidents and their ladies graced the head table for the turkey din ner which initiated the happy ev ent the reminiscences on highlight of the past 30 years were handled by victor j lawrence who served is secretary of the organization for 22 years it was interesting to learn that the charter members numbered nine namely the late w o ivnnis v ho was the fust president of the club thomas rild of ocorgetown u ho was the second president and halton debaters win first round hiiltm junior farmers debating quartette won tlie first round in the intercounty debating comp etition for the i 958 57 season pit ted against lincoln county hal- tons affirmative tcsmi if itertha watson and jack uluk jourtuvivl tn smitliville on thursday evening of last week where they met the lincoln negative team of lrwme mini- and diuiglas fret7 the topic under debate was resolved that a reduction in the number iif farm oignniations in ontario would be in the best in- tctpsts of the ontario farmer the haltou team won the unan imous decision of the judging pan el who were walter oilmastei principal of the vmcland high school warren loan principal of the pelham district high school and george e elliott qc of mil- ion by a margin of bo points on the same evening at trafal gar hull the lincoln affirmative team of floyd knck and phyllis wismer met hallons negative team of bill marshall and llowson hud- dell here the members of thr illging panel were bruce tcasdale of port credit hob wilcox ol vineland and kcium hiirrup of milton once again it was a unan mums decision for the affirmative hy a margin of h points oni consequently on a total score basis the halton debating uuai tctte win by a margin of 7 points and will now advance into tin second round bruted their diamond wedding an niversary m j itrowii of norval llll 1 u leslie peer of milton r r 2 k 11 breckon of itronte llr 1 william hlgnet of palermo k o stark f milton the late frank hlnehart of campbellvllle and the late joseph llewjird formerly of palermo in recent years the halton club has annually had a paidup mem bership of over 110 which is some indication of the growth and activ ity over the past 30 years ii k hare iuet speaker the program ably presided over by president it c alexander was highlighted hy an illustrated ad dress by 11 h hare of whitby who quiet club likely o quiotosi orknl7lon at the y mca will be the mvtst tlu ihoss chih ytnmn numlnrs art iiirrtnik t 630 ovory tuesday cvrmiin iiiitt iidulls nufl al 8 oclock canadian shorthorn winner at chicago i honors wtro wrought lo ouiatla in lln stioiihorii hull julin al thr intrrnilumal kxposition in fhicjijii is srolsdalf lupitrr nvvn- ri bvs t hrnnrtt if litiif4 town was stlfttril ts kand ilwiinpinii aid supi-rim- hairryinn shorthorn hipiln icious winner at thr hmal wmlri fair in toronto is tlu- second canadian short horn to achieve a double win as scnlsriule bomikikii- also ouned by mr bennett turned the link in lmh penalties stud milton- acton junior match john willmott s anil rnham iilii leait miltons t 1 in the luiuoi forums potential staggering zone chairman tells fall rally cored three k es tallied two 1 win iivci aetu larnier lioekc wak tho find agricultural rejrs- rntativr fur halton county opening the office tn burlington in june of him me hare who- was introduce by j k whltimock following a few rcmimrnonccson his expei loners while in halton presented one of the most interest tiitf addresses which any halton miduneotms hnd the privilck of hrarmtf n many h day it was entitled krom the ardcn of kdcn to jerusalem as j previously slated it wa illustrated and was based on his two year stay j in lino iran and jordan while workiuk fi unr ra oikanvi ation it was a soul kipp exper iriictulo see and hear of the primit ive agriculture and the deplorable conditions under which a larjje percititae of arab natives exist the lighter part of the program was ably looked after by the one and only jack rennet of carlisle who as always joes over in a bij way with halton rural audiences all in all it was an outstanding event in the history of the hal toil eluh and the committee in charge namely l c alexander john w picket a hunter e k fmd w ii ihiutnr id w k koyu- ire to be eommended on the success of their efforts human nature never changes thls is thr llllr tit an rriitnrial m ji iiirnt issue if th- triwtr hililishrd monlhly hy the ontario fruit mid viijruibfcjuiow as- siiriatlnn which c ufr lakmn tin llhrrty of submitting to hie coijii- ty press llri it is tin ontario kruil anil -vcot- ahli growers associaliou exhibit al tlii- hoyal winter kan ccinsists il apples cllltkll fruils ami efl ahles arifl il i- arkaiil eeelalilas mrruim- of an ei ru in i ml vleiiilini a iroleelive linn tin- full irlllh of the evhllnl inalu 1 the apple lisa itll aii llole pi illie i 1 farm forum is a tool wired to many outlets and its potential 1a tajmerlnx mra r kelt church- ill told halton forum members at tholr annual fall rally in yalrvlew school lowvlllc on november 19 mr kell said even with the best soil and efficient farm manage ment tome weeds creep into the ground similarly problems arise in various lines and farm forum is the place to discuss them every one has the opportunity to express their idoas and benefit from oth ers trie future of farm forum de pends on three things people ideas and application mr kell who is farm forum rlmirniun of zone three wns intro- ducecl by william hume every one found her address very help ful the different itrnups represented contributed to the program mr seis introduced jjinet hiiyward who isiive it short tnlk on educnt- lon arlene mcarthur played a piano solo vocal olos by audrey brown ami tom hunter and u du el by jack ioos and paul may were orijoyed mr ritchie of perth scotland played the bagpipe much lo the dclieht of those of scotch ancestry 1 k whitelock spoke briefly strtssuii thij important role farm forum could play in halton coun ly mrs m j brown gave a few uineral ideas front the semian nual mcclink need fuel oil stove or furnace grades call 69 thompson fufelsi acton jack marchment thanked mra kell and all who had holped witn the program mrs coulter and mr specrs conducted a short recreat ion period a hearty lunch follow ed fined 200 costs an acton man was convicted on a careless driving charge and fined 200 and costs in acton police court inst week 200 damage a iny driven by orric lamb of 30 knox ave acton and n truck driven by stanley norrish of llr 1 moffat were in collision ut the intersection of no 2a sidcrojid unci highway 25 icy roads were blnm ed for the incident which euused an estimated rttal dnmtge of 200 plan square dance groups at ymca plans arc being laid to start square dance groups at the ymc a sandy sandtord of toronto has agreed to lead the clubs here as he has done previously at toronto and windsor one of his teams won the canadian championship three years ago and he has directed peja wee square dancers who appeared on tho king gnnum und holiday ranch television snows mr sandford is investigating the possibility of moving here but will come up u lead the clubs in any case he nays there would be dif ferent clubs for age groups includ ing adults have you visited santas toyland in hinton s basement store see the 1957 monarch at thompson motors acton now on display the illspl i imllillc v r triliee ocean i iielpili art at tin w h denny last it ii haiton manor presentation made to infirmary nurse intended for last week a very pleasant social event oc curred at the manor on wednes day evening november 21 when the women residents and married couples of the manor assembled in the living room to spend an ev ening in honor of miss rose white n bridetobe miss white whose marriage to mr w cross of peterborough will take place on december 4 has been one of the nurses on the infirmary staff for several years the first part of the evening was spent in a lively community sinitsonr and in plnying the amus ing game of buzz both under the leadership of mrs eric clarke the matron of the munor the next part of the evening featured the presentation of a gift to miss white the presentation address expressing the gratitude of all present for miss whites kindness and sympathy shown in the performance of her nursing duties was read by miss harriett metcalfe followinu which the pre sentation of a white damask table cloth in the chrysanthemum pat tern was made by miss hilcli marcy after miss white had expressed her thanks in a very feeling fash ion the evening was brought to a close with the serving of light re freshments on sunday afteitmott november la at the regular chinch service in the manor tin- residents had the great pleasure of welcoming to the manor for his first service there rev j i graham newly inducted minister of st pauls in lied church milton before the service began mr graham was welcomed to the man or by mr eric clarke superintend ent at the beginning of ins forceful and convincing sermon mr grah am described an experience he had undergone two years agor when he had been invited by the canadian navy to visit a naval station with in the arctic circle while there he had been asketl by the arch deacon of the anglican cathedral avik todrlivtm i sermon in the cathedral upon learning that his congregation would be comp osed of eskimos anil a small mini ber of indians mr graham deci id lo preach a sermon based st john 3 lti which begins with the words for god so loved the world he pointed out to his eskimo and indian listeners that gods love embraces- men of every race color and creed mr graham then poke directly to his manor list eners and reminded them that cv- ery individual is included in gods plan c salvation il league at milton week miltons othei charlie gillies while ville tallied actons l the rough game saw acton re ceive eight penalties four of them by rim sinclair md one match misconduct to wilherl peivoy while miltons charlie gillies was also ejected from the game and four other penalties were received by teammates referees bill boyd and bruce hood hnd nn easier time in the second game when norval defeat ed palermo 54 only penalty was to j cameron of norval dave leslie picked up three o norvals goals and i kobuison scored the other two for palei mo max lang was top marksman with two and hob marshall an i glen itichnrdsnii tallied the uilei two letter to the edito middle east action wrong in many ways 2iw elizabeth dr acton out november 2i 1951 the editor acton free press acton dear sir i i am reluctant to add to w hat you call the many thousands of words already written about the suez canal crisis but your ed- itorial picture certainly confused is a provocation one cannot reason ably resist in the editorial you sav speak tng of the confuswm m the middle fast one thing only is apparent to us and that is that the british and french acted for the best i dont agree and i think if one does tint permit patriotism and filial allegiance to distort ones vision the only fact that is really apparent is that the british french action was wront it was wrong because it was morally un instif labli- it a wrori because it was a lelituin of tin imted nations treaty t was wrong because it was done against the wishes of the world and par ticularly the western allies and tin common wealth it was wrong he cause it could have precipitated a world war it was wrong becausc it damaged irreparably british prestige it was wrong because it made a mockery of british demo cratic pciples and fair play it was wrongjjseausc it widened the gulf between fast md west it was 111 fact wrong morally politically and irrevocably tr till iceduie til isipiieaianc orse nlnw hid the ii1- inal kil- ppe all extension of the fence stop lied the lielpvuurself practice ullt the o f and v g a commit ce ill charge is still irving to solve t lie riddle ul why those in white tie and tails should be looking for something for nothing the ahswer is that human nat ure doesnt change because- of a stiff shut something of the same sort of thing that causes so many people to hop a farmers fence for i free helping of what is available just a queer idea of whit is private property or was it that the apples on display were so attractive that they invited the raids see state farm agent first for all three auto life fire cmii w h denny 39 brock st phone 455 acton christmas baking yes your christmas baking will taste better with quality dairy products from acton jersey dairy phone 242 don timmings prop you could be late mail before dec 17 jfit focal delivery by christmas vvvrmuvr 17 i ilic final lutr fur nitiiliiif lo riiurr iotjii ilrlir by riirulniuh mulc mir mr jirutniiihiiuiil i- tildrrrii rlrarh rorrrrlh ami rtmi ivint atltlrr ami n- luni uilclr lotiholli miunlr and iuirir iirk l ran am i lir jiarcru rrtinh li- iirr lo iffi rorrcrt mi- lap ami mail oftru llinmli tin li send frrhiii rani- l i i it m ii m 1 1- llmrr rliplilr for lranmirl li iir and im ma riiiloc a urillrn inr ar mail early and often- canada post office f9oodtobea to shof akmifitf oltilliiei end other oil produeti art available of hutto fl canada al varying prieot m seoroi of canadian companta arc engaged in hie oil competing for hie eomumara they compete writh each other in bringing out more and better p each year especially improved gasolines for todays more powerful engine they compete vigorously for your business knotting that yon will shop for the quality price and service you like competition among oil companies ensures a wide variety of products and keeps prices low imperial hi umim me it whfe chris oh sir anthonv ecicn lias tried to irsseri britains limit by saini wo cir not it war with ffivpt ve an- iivaxmtd ronflu and li othit similar oircumlvutoxy- jibsurditus but britains scilt is incotrvstabli and 1 thmb is just as diiidlv b an ithii- natih- if britain and france succeed in wrcstinu control of the shot from egypt and that surely is the real motive for their aggression at what a price what profit a man if he jtam the whole world and liisc his soul yours truly alan needham give a modern appliance united suburban gas co ltd ac tom untfdjs 27 mill east phone 695 k f-

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