Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1956, p. 2

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s q k artim jfrrr 9bb z publicity ike sdjr pancr ever pambhed in aetna founded in 1875 and published every thurs day at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circulatinos the cw na and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna- advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 400 in the united states six mnoths 175 single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa c pabuahed by the dub prtauinc and pnblishtnf co limited g7a dills editorinchief david r dills production manager james a dills managing editor business and editorial office ph 600 acton thursday december 13th 1956 halton projects with warden stan allen playing host to county dignitaries and municipal representa tives at the annual wardens dinner on tues day of this week perhaps it would not be out of place to look back on some of the activi ties the county has had this year most of which indicate the progress that must ac company a rapidly developing area one of the most recent projects has been an effort to organize some group that could coordinate the various official plans of muni cipalities there has been opposition to the engaging of a county planner and we feel this opposition well taken those con cerned with planning have already engaged consultants to formulate the thinking of local representatives but there is a need for the coordination or integration between border ing municipalities no doubt there will be turfhe activity on the planning committee proiect in 1957 when municipalitiesare asked to appoint their re presentatives a report on the hospital needs has been called for submitted and reviewed by counry council like most reports it didnt please everyone but it does indicate that sooner or later the county will be contribut ing on a grant bass to the hcsptals that may be established under the report the provi sion of health services has always found leadersh in halton and it s net unlikely that halton may agam be gvng leadership in contributing to ne provson c adequate hos pital facilities there have been ran act cities in the county this year a road program that in cludes some hardtoppmg is being continued a dental hygienist has beer added to the health unt program a jail adation is under planning a new registry oftice has been com pleted ind extensive wcrk including con structicm ct a staff house ar halton centennial manor has been completed as in av municipal year in haton tne work or cjn aamfistrar on is exparcng to a degree a no too mav vears ago would seem impossbie warden aien can look bac cv- ar active ear as ccurty cvar- den challenge continues as in any municipal year m hatpn the it is not b zartze that fuiier siov ct a con centrated ype given to the prcson c ad ditional or larger water supples in georgetown ratepayers were od at their norr r-aror- rneetng of the need to find a third source ct wate- sc t wouio be aa i- abie if and a hen reedeo te co ttee chairman said hat he meant ne the s32500c sse s co pieted is adequae for any leecis now or me torseeabe future in aco a e ear seach pr wate as located a scjce ar appears o oe adequate from preliminary testsr cu st awats tie results ct he ccmpete stjo a mi or ga ion reserve r o also oe considered as part of the pro ect tor xrg o h v reqr- ed proviso o- ate in mlton reports vc irernjjjrj water supp co ndicae a gcod tew from the present source as wen as a good potent ial with te ncease ot ccmpng raolies lack of an adequate reservcr s beng in vestigated and airead engneer ng detail is partially completed no doubt this will re ceive further study and action in 157 to maintain an adequate water supply in these days ct suburban developme the need for additional water sources and more adequate distribution systems has been emphasized usually in the summer monhs when a dry spetl occurs t a forecast pn urban requirements from 1956 to wsc indicates the daily demand for water will be 2 billion gallons compareo with today s 1 billion the provision of adequate water supplies will be a continuing challenge for municipal administrations as will be the need for ex panded sewage treatment facilities a new approach to travel publicity and advertising will be tried next year by the federal government the atlantic provinces where the tourist business represents a large share of the economy have been selected for the canadian government travel bureaus first zonal campaign designed to publicize the tourist attractions of a specific area until now the bureaus ads in united states newspapers and magazines have been aimed at attracting tourists to canada ads might containphotographs of tourist spots in various sections of the country but they were not always identified now as a result of a federalprovincial tourist conference the government has de cided to appropriate 300000 to publicize the beauty spots of the four atlantic provinc es thus increasing its annual publicity budget to about 1250000 it is the first time that such a zonal pro gram has been undertaken by the travel bureau hs campaign along with the pro posed expenditures by new brunswick nova scotia prince edward island and new foundland will bring to about 500000 the amount to be spent on atlantic travel pub licity the bureaus campaign will be concentrat ed in newspapers and magazines in states nearest the atlantic provinces because federal surveys show thats where the bulk of atlantic travellers come from they include the new england states new york new jer sey pennsylvania and the great lakes area none of the federal expenditures for the maritimes will b spent in canadian news papers and magazines theres much m canada that canadians havent seen and it is to be hoped this effort will encourage the stay at home attitude one of the immediate benefits could be a better informed people in their own country serious problem onetenth of the funds required by the ymca board of directors have been col lected following a doortodoor canvass the news report on the situation indicates the lack of active interest was a surprise as well as a disappointment to the board members tne campaign objective was set at 5000 the amount raised was 500 fin- ancial difficulty is not a new item on the agenda or m discussions of y boards of the past or present few communities the sie of acton can boast a ymca but this is one of acton s standout features its something none of the neighboring municipalities of comparable size can boast certainly the others have artificial ice arenas which are duly named community centres but no arena can match the true meaning of community centre better than acton s y one of the difficulties that might appear on the surface is the fact that few people are interested m participating in sports while many are interested in watching a few others do all tne work thus the need for seating accommodation becomes greater than the need for gymnasm space the canvass was complete and citizens in formed of the need if the sum collected is ecresentative ct the commynty interest the yboad problem j ecos is lett tac tg a serioos brief comment what are we going to do with me time ve are saving asks the prince albert herald we predict that should ever the fourday weex come there wii be a lot of men trying to wcrk in tvc cbs ust for something to do n er ie sure e there is perr of good work to be done fcjr wiiimg hands points out the sauif ste marie star today there are many outlets for these who wish to serve by working for char ties churches c for their community efforts in all cities there are people who can be he ped tne cid foln and the kiddies all eeo a tie cf cur t me and there is a great sense of achievement in helping others the oregcr suoreme court has upheld a state law banning women wrestlers critics of wresting generally while submitting women should be avowee c adorn tnemselves with cauliflower ears they wish add that if male wresters were banned as well tv mgh- ge co w p vancouver sun viding entertainment a newspaper ector with some soace tc till set up tie ten commandments and ran them without editorial comment the next day he get a eer from a subscriber which said cancel rry subscription ycu re gevng oo pesenal montreal star initial sepanave been taken to interest lanark county council in the establishment of a juvenile court lanark is one of four counties within the provinceahat is without such a valuable service in the prevention of crime and the rehabilitation of wayward childrencarleton place qnt canadian fun in winters snow photo by esther rivu chronicles of ginger farm only cows fully contented by gwendoline i curke if it would do any good i would turn ill the calendars with ihoir faevs to the wall as 1 almost wilt when i think of how few days there are left before christmas and am i ready am i i leave you to guess and i started out with siieh ood intentions oh well you know how it is you feel that way every year and somehow or other when christmas day dawns you find your cards are all away presents bought and wrapped tree twinkling with colored lights and the christmas dinner with all the trimmings appears on the table without undue delay so 1 think ill remember that and forget what comes between now and that final hour it helps to do one job at a time and not to think of the work as a whole if ones intentions are good the re sult is usually satisfactory when 1 teel rushed with what i have to do i begin to think of how much more work i being done on other farms the turkeys chickens and geese that must bo picked and what a cold job that s ac cording t present market reports turkey prices may be a lttle lower ths year they may lx- but i horn not rver though we d have to buy a brd ourselves look at t this w iv supposing hf pr 7e fve cents t pound less that only makes a difference of e than a dollar to each indiv idual buyer but it would moan a loss f s2ov to the farmer more or less according to the size of his flock and that he can ill affoi considering his small margin of profit raising turkeys is a terrific gamble even with the must careful this sundays management they are delicate birds and subject to disease they must bo carefully watched at all t imes and t he cost of feed mg them is hirh and so folks if you are on the buying end dont begrudge the turkey raiser his price you wouldnt if you knew the work in volved believe me the same applies to eggs the price is very low compared with what it was a year ago yet the cst of feed and the work in ear mg for them is just the same we didnt buy any pullets this year but we still have a few yearling hens they laid well until a few weeks ago now they are having quite a time getting over the moult so what happens we dont want a lot of boarders around so if they dont get back to laying with in a reasonable time we eat em partner says if we keep up the present rate we shall soon start cackling but we havent got tired of them yet cooked in the pres sure chker each hen comes to til lable tender and sweet one meal hot two meals cold and the pick tngs make one meal chicken a la king the broth goes into a pot of chicken noodle soup mitchie- white has the lungs and neck rusty the bones and the rendered fat makvs he grandest oatmeal eeokies the rest oh thats strictly for the birds of course if the family drops ui for a meal our bidd dots n t last s long in fact it dis appears at one sitting you know it is possible to get twvt a lo fun ii nf hfitm the high cost of living the other day f instance i was looking ov er a dress ar i a smock that were church calendar long past praying for although parts of both were still god so i ripped them to pieces the dress made two aprons the smock on using the sleeves for making the band and ticstrings as i worked on them i won dend if tin art of makingover has become almost lost i wondered still more when babs and the children were here as one dav they came back from town with a new drcs for carols doll it wa just blown together and it cost tse shades of the depression what would have happened if we hail bought dresses for dolls in the grim thirties thank gimxiness the weather is at last a little more like winter- clear frosty hut not ux cold much nicer for working and get ting around than in the mild muggy weather perhaps if thi keeps up we might even have a white christmas but not too white let us hop we have to think of the young folk driving miome to spent christmas with mo ther and dad who may live on i back concession where roads fill tit and are the last to be cleared b now bucking plows but we wont anticipate trouble it so often happens that although storms may threaten they usually hold off until after christmas da between christmas and nru years seems to be a favorite storm peruki with the weatherman we are beginning to wonder how our late visitors will make out on thetr long trip north they- are still in the london district butdaddy i supposed to be coming down dec- rmb an taking t to elliot lake imagine stepping intov a new house the- week before c hnstmas it is my guess they will change their plans and stay with the grandparents until the holidays are over we were trying t talk them into going by train far easier for mother tnd the children but i mippose they will travel by eu and think nothing of it oh well united church of canada aetm ontari rev gcrdor adams ma bd mriser parsonage 29 bowr avenue phone 60 mr george elliot orjranist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday december 16th id56 9 00 am morning prayer 1000 am junior church and church school 11 15 a m morning worship 630 pir- white gift scrvc fav ine church school the anglican church of canada st albans chmrck actoa ont rev evan h jones bv lth sector presbyterian church in canada knox chotchtaxtor rev andrew h mckenzie b a bd four assistants at postoffica the good old days sj karsu r jis- back in 1906 taken from the fame of the rree press december 13 ima a special mcettntf of the imin- tetpal conned wiw called for thur mlay evenmtf t coiwiiler hreve swaclclimnerh report of the met- mi he attended at berlin on nlak arn power uiulcr the auspice of the hydro klectrh power commit ion the hctve xifalietl the mat t i as preened by hun mr lleck and spoke tiiuiiallf ledly lit favor of the pi omimtuni iu was mile that it wa 111 alton iliteim to hiv- the proposed municipal mwir line pass through the town the commlmon nutte that thy ran deliver power at aeton froin niagara kail at 2 12 to 23 22 per h p per annum for eoiitinuoui power je the power wdl bo av ailable every hour of the 24 hours of the day tills in about ao or 00 per cent of the present ctt acton is on the list for boo hoise power of current of this the messrs bean in hi re and co will take 60o h p for their works and the remaininu 200 hp will be used for the electric plant and otlni works when power is umd a entraet is to ih- intreit int it is con on record that sleijjh iiik cnnneiuetl this winter on ikceinbcr 6 present indications are that the seats for 1007 council will go a- bcijinf aspiring caiulidates are fi w indeed the public mi hih sehtmtl tea chcrs and principal extend a vn v cordial invitation to citizens ye net illy ut attend the closing exam in it ions on friday 21st inst the annual report of the pst master general indicates that post l revenue at actttn fr the year was s2k9933 mttney orders issued 5iir6 pst masters salary com mission etc 1067 71 jaeoh masales and ann kyder pent 55 years together in wed 1 tick tid when the faithful ind telovcd wif wis callett houu last wednes day the lonely lueihand lingered tfterwnrd but five days when his spirit took its fliglil and today he will sleep lmside her in the family plt in fair view cemetery j p worden who has returned f roni t he west has opened a ba r imt shop in the secord block cheap fares to the winter fair at guelph this week back in 1936 taken from the lour of tne wee ireaa thursday ierrmberll 13t ttie rilletttiuil tlliit the mcr chants place chrltttmah tree is front of their- imilneiui placra and have them lltuiiilnuud secifui to haye taken hold v new lighted treih are being added tt the utrect each diiy the united fhtireh mlmlon band has a npeeial tnat on tuislny af ttrthhtii when mrs caldwell wh will th uest speaker hroight with hi man v interesting articles from china she told stme of the ex er fences of hei daughter whn for some yeat n has been a mis hionury in hlna the fiance of miiry pickford imtite canadian born sweetheart of america who is in her screen heyday is orchestra leadea chart im buddy lingers appiirently kdward 4lreforretl letting gmrge dt if when he ab dicated last week those new red lieense plates sm tt have mi ff icier tt attraction to get the fee just before christ mas estimates ftn relief municipalities will be lower this yeat due tt improvement in turmr- ions ir franz sargas of hungary maintains his honor was impugnefl by enemies who asserted he married for money arid not for love hi challenged 11 opponents to duels heavy cavali v abres ar- the weapons hither he or his op ponents mijjct die teeording to th strict llungai tan duelling eode haixlolph huichill son of tl- british statesman ih t lnes tha charlie chaplin and iojette h dard have iwen seeretly married for over a year they maintain their silence in the math r half a dozen eitins ha- inen summiinnl to polue ur t for fail ure to secure a radio lm ri5e a group ot men ai e it work cmpleting the i oidw a that join- the second line with the road a dublin remotely and filling in part of the swamp on th mxcmri line an amateur contst sponsored b ospringe iadies ant wlv held m the presbyterian church there lav welnesday the loads aie vei y slipht rough v jsj in man somewhat a general rondit- budspestt professional directory and travellers guide medical rvifioi optical dr w g c kenney physician and sarieron office in symon rick i3a mill st e acton office phone 7s residence 115 church st e phanr iso e l buchner r o optnniitnst 4k mill st f phun iis officv hours wednesdays 1 30 6 00 p m evrnincs by appointment dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner tf willow and river sts fntrance rtvrr street acton ontario phone 231 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon w welhnkton st acton ont phone 679 office hours 6tj p m lkcal c f leatherland qc barrister a solicitor notary poblle office hours 11 do am 1200 am i on p m 5 no p m saturdays by appointment only office 22 ihore hs lsi acton iever hoskin chartered accountants dental -v- st main st n brampton phones 247k 12 k w toronto i km 49131 dr a j buchanan oenlal surteon office irishman rlock mill st office hours 9 am to 6 p m xray telephone 148 or h ieib dental surgeon office- corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 p m telephonic 19 acton real estate and insurance si i sreixtveottft rumiey funeral home phoni 6m nlkht or day bruce e shoemaker mrr olive m iampard atcm umt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave cueijh phone 296 sunday december 16th 19 9 45 am church school 100 am morning worship tx prr c g i t national christmas vesper senice s 5 p m seniorhigh chntrra mcetinc at the manse baptist church acton rev ray h costerus pastor psrsorafie 113 bower ave phore 208w 5 ard sunday december 6h advent iii 9 00 a rr holy communion 9 45 am church school bible class 1100 am beginners class 1100 am choral communion 700 prr evening prayer friday december 14 7 p m qhurch schojol christmas partv beginners and primarv de partments monday december 17 7 p m church school christmas parv jtirjor and senior depart ments sunday december 16th 19- 10 00 am- sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 p m evening scmce 8 15 pm bypu wednesday 8 pm praver meet ing acton- pentecostal assembly meetng in loi hall cewson s v corners ptor rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone s49w with more and inore christmas cods and christmas parcels cmj mi m t the post office each d this week the regular staff of nr is now being assisted hy four extrt holiday assistants postrvisi i frank terry and staff mn r mrs john chapman mrs chrl- britton gordon mckeovn imi cyril ryan vire joined by mr jterfy mrs mckeown mrs bet bray shaw and cam leishman mr terry says that a few chris tas plirccls arc still being mailed to go it of the country if they reach their destinations in time he points out it will bo due to the many people who mailed before the deadlines christmas cards art- ouniri in steadily increasing flow not a great many twocent stamps have brvn sold here yet but by the enl f the mintn thousands will hiv been bough official deadline for local diiiv- ery that means right here t towr is december 17 f i wright 20 wilbur st actnn ontario rtione j5 appraiser real estate and insurance sunday december 16th 19t 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic senice wednesday 8 pm cottage praver meeting ami bible study employing leisure theres a lot of livmc in th life and the application of a little more leisure could very well mean a fuller and more purposeful ex istencearmstrong ibci adu-i- wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill street phnhe 26 lies s55r general insurance j bert wood insurance agency life and general insurance phone 585 77 mftl st after hours ta 4j950 guleph veterinary f g oakes bv sc vrlerinarlan office and pesidence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b d young bv sc c li young dvan veterinary snrceom office brookvllf ontario phone milton tr 19177 travellers guide gray coach lines to aches leave acton standard time easthound 6 33 am daily except sun ans hoi i 838 am 1133 am 2 pm 5 08 pm 633pm 833 p m 10 oft pm sun and hoi i wenthourid k27 am 1252 pm 257 pm 5 27- pm 7 27 pm 9 12 p fn ii 32 pm 1 12 am fnsatsun and hoi i canadian national railways standard time eaathound daily 6 40 am daily except sun days 1000 am 713 pm sunday only 8 01 pm daily except sun- rtav flyer at georgetown b02 am 6 37 pm daily flyer at george town 1011 pm wettboand daily 1144 pm daily except sunday 830 am 655 pm fla- stop 749 pm saturday onlyxzz pm sunday only m3 am fak- slopi sunday only flyer at guelph 7 05 pm daily except sat and sun 6jl0 p m

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