Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1956, p. 2

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t v i eightysecond year no 24 acton ontario thursday december 20lh 1956 twelve pages seven cents greetings at cnis joyous christmas season w extend to everybody our heartfelt wishes lor a happy holiday a prosperous new year jbjbnxtirrjiim5rtsrae32h3 aiiiiikieiiii3 continue zoning bylaw study refuse gas station application acton planning board monday night in its continuing preparat ion of a complete zoning by law discussed the older residential ar eas of town during its regular meeting with planning- consultant p allan deacon staying closely to its expressed wish of rigid adherence to nun imum standards for any given urea presented a list of requirements nocessary for the successful oper ation of a service station he com mented that the area requested mo l all the requirements and was ft1t to he by his firm an ideal location it was pointed out to mr dean by william mattocks chairman of the board that the area desired the board reviewed possible r2 j already been zoned c2 local locations within the town and the structures permissible within such zones gordon dean shell oil comp any representative appeared be fore the board with an application for the establishment of a retail gasoline service station on the southoust corner of queen st and mendowvale rd mr dean oxcunipanied his ap plication with lot d iagrams and shopping center and that the pro posed bylaw states gasoline stat ions will be allowed only in ml or m2 industrial areas the application was refused by the board because it did not con- orm with planning requirements secretary j mcgeachie submit ted his resignation from the plan ning board e ih end of the ytar ys menettes are inducted an induction and charter service was a highlight of the ys mens annual christmas meeting nekl thursday evening o last week in the ymca fourteen wives of ys men were inducted into the newlyformed ys menettes club by malcolm s bowman past int ernational president of the ys mens organization he also ad dressed the group pins were pre sented to the charter members by bill gauld of london international director of the ys men a delicious turkey dinner was served by the ladies auxiliary considerably padded charlie lentherlnnd played santa claus us sifts were exchanged dancing followed special guests included bob glfts wt exchanged by mem morrow opp officer of milton b of ho acton music study and mr and mrs tarrant who koup at their december meeting helped with the swimming lessons old monday evening at the home last summer jlr and mrs bow- of mrs charles heller christmas iiiusil included solos uy mrs kou- transient convicted for monday assault thomas miller 38 of no fixed address was convicted tuesday of being drunk in a public place aria fined 10 and costs and sentenced to 10 days in jail according to police miller enter ed the barber shop of g hollowny acton on monday and received a shave and huricut when it cume time to pay miller was not in a puying mood and proceeded to beat up mr holloway he was arrested by corporal mason of the acton opp detach ment and charged music study group christmas meeting man a mr gauld closed christmas the free press office will be closed of course on tuesday christmas day however the of fice will be open friday saturday morning as usual monday and then wednesday the paper will be published thursday as usual due to the holiday advertisers aiulnevs correspondents are asked lujiavclhcij copy in as early as possible refugee visits cousins enjoys canadian food just recently a resident of buda pest with his life in danger chabu teglas w us last weekend eating special treats at the home of cou sins mr and mrs jo j any here in acton an architect mr toglns has returned to the red cross de pot in toronto where other hung arian refugcos arc located and is seeking a position with nn archit ectural firm there he is picking up his first words of english he will be back to janys for christmas and more abundance of food as he has not seen in years he particularly enjoyed radishes and oranges and could scarcely be lieve the abundance of food for sale in such quantities in acton stores in budapest housewives queue for many articles ip short supply even staples such as stigar are not used freely as here mr teg las escaped possible im prisonment in his homeland with only a knapsack in it were his nust precious possessions his books immediate fines suspensions for holiday drivers dont drive the highway on the roads is the slogan of the ontario provincial police over the holiday weekend und throughout the fes tive season in their regular holiday crack down on drinking drivers special highway squads will patrol every section of the province with all men on duty exits to all towns will be subjected to periodic checks for impaired or drinking motorists there will be no warning tickets issued and suspected drivers will be immediately locked up and subject to fines possible license suspensions and auto confiscations auxiliary present 500 check for fund the legion ladies auxiliary staged their annual banquet at the legion auditorium on monday ev ening a turkey dinner was served to the ladies by the men of the legion und the ladies countered after dinner by presenting the men with a 500 cheque to be used in the building fund following the presentation films of previous banquets at which the ladies had worked ft were shown dancing to a legion trio followed and christmas gifts were exchang- ed 200 school children of the acton public school grades two eluded such favorites as adeste fidelis rudolph flie red noserl three and four presented a program of christmas carols and songs reincteer and many others wednesday night the acton band pie on the- steps of the yaaca thursday morning arranged and senled a special program of christmas melodies at the same lo a directed by miss goodwin school music teacher the program in- lion the sieps of the y toronto man mails christmas cards here a tot onto man came all the way to aclon it mail some of his christ mas aids the iiirun lie was sending them hack to his foiimi home in acton intltfml tii he knew his friends and tamils uould enjoy seeing the acton uiada postmark oil them norman join h liiiiil into the elite iles lifllrr yrstrldliy to coiii- paie tii lit wspapci heie with hlh home tuvmi pipti hack lit england aeton in initially a tioinuh of lon don hhi hiis i miii h higher popula tion than this at ton he recalled reading items of news in the paper there ailitllt tin i epondence- he t ween tin- i wii rent i es l- has tiiifiiim to send a copy of i in- arlon mug land mwspaper and it will he on display in the front v i lido w of tie li e- il esa when it iul ivin this is the week that acton 11 hi chant and businessmen day mi i v in istmas through the columns of the free press tu uieir man y customci s council asks retraction on radio plea 14 for po of r- i i r i i while christmas rush at peak in final meeting conclude activities acton council at its last regular meeting f htafi tuesday evening demanded a retraction from a brampton radio station following a recent appeal broadcast over that station concerning an acton welfare case the action was taken follow ing a review of the situation in its review council learned the appeal had slated an acton resi dent ami his sister ages 72 and 12 respectively were in dire need of assistance the appeal churned un couple were starving to death and had been living on oatmeal for the past week and that a hed for the invalid sister was urgently needed acton cleric treasurer j mc cleachie in reporting to council noied the brother a resident of ac ton for four to six months had made a request for assistance from a don as well as from many other organizations in the area mr mc gcachie declared he had contacted some organizations in regard to the couples plight the societies enn tacted had agreed to investigate the situation and it was reported groc eries were delivered to the couple last weekend prior to the broad cast investigation had also shown the man had recently purchased a house in acton after selling his house in esujuesing he is also the owner of a car members regretted that it had been inferred the town had refused assistance town hull roof councillor bar beau reported fol lowing receipt of a letter from the contractor engaged fur the roofing of the town hull the contractor in formed council that since partners of the concern do all the work there is no need for compensation cover age and regretted council was not agreeable to their sub letting of the contract 5000 as it would cost the town only an estimated 20 additional council approved the measure a request from j mccallum fur the lehate of ml pel cell of business tax was reviewed and approved by council a town lot in sallfleet township acquired from an indigent patient was to he placid in the hands of a hamilton real esuite firm for sale i reason for the action was receipt of a final tax noiiee due on the lot and it was decided to lake the sale ac- i lion v a request from the hungarian i kvacuees association was read to the council asking for the rstnb- hshment of a committee to provide housing and jobs for refugees i council filed the request pending further discussion mem tiers approved the payment of id2a3a due to the gaffney con slruelion company for work done on the maria street bridge the amount made up twothirds of a to tal holdback of ttt3hh 03 with the remaining amount due in septcrn her 1957 review salaries a report on the town salary schedule was submitted as request ed at the last meeting members reviewed responsibilities of various positions and noted a need to cen tralize operations in the town of fice as it is customary for the finance committee to conduct a similar review at the beginning of each year it was decided not to take any action at this lime and to leave the matter for the new financial committee council approved the recom mendations of planning board for new appointees to the board e footilt was appointed for one year t jones twoyears and f salt for three years w h oon and j 11 creighton however mi ten y expects to he caught up with the tush by friday of this week with the regular staff plus the addition of four temporary membets working the extra hours the mountains n jcllcis curds and packages aie quickly melting and i weve been win king kl and 11 hours a day lately said frank tei reviewing the magistrates month- v local postmaster as he surveyed ly summary it was noted fines j the mounds of mail sla us yet to h amounting to 3 1 ft were assessed of processed at the aeton post office which the town receives im 17 m week winter uperutions of the arena were discussed and it was agreed to leave the matter in the hands of the arena committee a staff of two one to make ice and the other to manage the building wits to be con sidered before moving for adjournment mayor tyler congiatulated the new members of council h kit we f watts and j coy he expressed his regret at seeing some of rile pre sent council leaving commenting if you gain you have to lose also it n hi own also retiring com men led on his enjoyment of the past year and asked the new coun cil to turn a portion of its attention to the light situation on churchill road in wishing the council con tinned success in the future mr hi own cautioned them on the ad visabllity of keeping a sharp eye on finances 11 l dismpated by the end of si the week the htdf in ill each ii puntinaiite appreciation to ol mall ai iv was mspoi icgins wi ining at tei i y i o ihe ji nk on the 7 a m xpi essed hia jple of acton ivmg post office advice to iv and declared such uctlon ihle for keeping the rush at a minimum the i jo i office department has is sued special woikmg houis for eeinhei 24 with employees this year having pail of the afternoon free t church christmas celebrations as scheduled for the weekend dinner meeting concludes year for area board chairman ross carbert of camp- boltviuo host at dinner on monday evening at hawthorne lodge for the filial meeting of the north halton high school district board year the financial statement for the year showed a small balance oil the j ert buckner delicious served refreshments 1 tomorrow is the of the year and the winter shortest day first day of i music and movement display proceeds aid retarded children tin- importance of rhythm in cut kiwanis musu- festival in music is iuknowu1itd by every guelph buddini yoimc band play- onc but the liruigmk of it into the er jon hurst also played a clarinet lives of children is equally im- solo their accompanist was miss portant this accomplishment was helen landsboroukh demonstrated on wednesday night the following accounts were up- proved for payment w kdwardn trucking t 3s00 1 newton mutual aid 5 m liikcvuw greenhouse- 600 the telejjram adv 2890 bell telephone co 47 45 acton puc 58fl 12 lawrence motors 1240 acton woodcrafts 133 02 tulirs motors 4 00 symon hdwe 4 59 k bralda posts 17 50 brantford coach body ltd repairs to truck 0 b3 whlthams fiarajji- 108h m nellis loader truck 751 50 acton free tress w 00 c e ilickey a sons ltd 125 00 slfto salt ltd 450 00 h v anderson to assoc 5138 4b c overland 139 ho were appointed to the north halton hikh school district board irov treasurer insulin toronto star adv 3rar of last week in the acton parish credit side this will be improved hill b mrs eileen buckner il when debenture money due from ram lvmdon england and her georgetown for construction of the young followers with mrs rob- new school there is made available erti mnran at the piano to the board jlithout restraint and with pre- the session was consumed with cision the children told stories to other routine matters in his re- music sometimes singing some- view of the boards activities of the times acting all with fhe serious year the chairman praised the end m view- that of feeling the service to the board of g a dills rhvthnue pulse or beat of music who has been a member since the inception of the district and this year has found it necessary to re tire minor sports have 14 teams for hockey loop there will bo 14 teams in the minor sports hockey league this season teams coaches and manag ers were decided on at a meeting of the executive on the weekend winch is its very essence it was fascinating to see and hear iiltlc miss muffe1 come to life played by 30 lively girl and boys to see jack in the box jump m landsborough by from the make behove box of sur rounding nretty urrle girls to feel the thrill of a ball tossed from student to teacher and back ill in rh thin xot without its serious side were the application of time naihes in music and actual reading of notes and the development of natural graceful movements in the child ren s21 was cleared and with this money percussion instruments and a record albumlof rhythmic activ ities have been presented as a christmas present to the pupils of the sunshine school for retarded children in milton representatives of the association came over to acton for the display and peter mc williams spoke briefly on the progress of the school christmas gifts were presented to mrs moranby the tw- youimet members of the daes paulihc costerus and mark wolfe and to angela ross jill hurst presented a gift to mrs buckner from the ladies of the afterrootv and evening rh th in ic relaxation classes a if long was busy with his movie camera and mrs bill wil- m and charlie leat norland with the tape iccrdor children taking part in the dis play were dougio allan helen and jeanie bulmer the nucleus of a band complete bernie benton with drums tamborines cymbals robbie buckner ruthie and paul- triangles and bells with the older me costerus karen gervas billy ganiescviir be played every children reading their scores hansen jill hurst dine and tuesday and thursday evening af- placed on music stands kindly lent laurie ironside joanne and billy ter the new year assistance is by the acton town bandv gave the landsborough ruthanri leather 9tul needed and anyone interested final showing i land eddie long billy mckcown is asked to contact president gord song were sung hy ruthann alan mcnabb hilary pope angela james or secretary treasurer roy leatherland and sally wilson ross gail ross riky schroeder kir ess j while robbie buckner and jon lists of the members of the 14 hurst sang the numbers with teams will be published next week j which they competed in ihe rec- jeanie sproston anne symon sally wilson paul stephen mich ael and john mark wolfe i council agreed to asking the i maple leaf roofers of hamilton to complete work at the same price i it was also agreed to withhold pay ment until a written guarantee und pi tint of compensation is submitted and the town engineers approva given on the work a report from the internationa water supply ltd staled the hard ness of the water at the new well sue to be around 1300 hardness a the present source is about 350 members agreed to reserve dis cussiun until a report from the ije pa rim out of health is available a which time further consideration will be given the new tit foot cable fence at crfurehtll road was reported by keee hargrave to be quite satis factory the town engineer was instructed by council to fence off the gap be- tween the maria street bridge and the property line fence he was also instructed to investigate possi bilities of a step on the new side walk at frederick and mill streets and the low sidewalk m front of the w coles house oiuchurch street shocking condition councillor cook declared the roads m the gleniea subdivision are in a shocking condition and it is go n tos the town a terrific i or money to put he roads m ii acceptable state of repair mayor tyler blamed the unccrt an weather for the condition of thv leads and councl agreed to the fill iii of any potholes the load committee was instruct ed to review the drainage ditch sit nation in gleniea it was reported the ditches in the area were too deep to permit the safe passage of an automobile and too shallow for the installation of culverts it was decided to have the road committee meet with the town engineer and investigate the situation the amount of compensation covijjjngarian refugee chaba teglas arrived at acton lastsatur- erige oh the members of the acton iday after his flighrfrom riottorn budapest mr teglas an archi- volunteer firemens association tect was met by mrs joseph janypicufred here with him he was raised from 4000 per man to visited the janys for fhe weekend and w return for christmas churches throughout aeton will eommeiiiorale the birth of the christ child with special devotion al services to be held commencing sunday and ending tin christmas day all churches have been dec orated in keeping with the christ inas rehgioiis spirit and services will be exceptionally beautiful au paying homage to the little babe born so far away so long ago st albans anglican church will present its ahnual cande lighting and carol service on sunday evening us part of its christmas celebration the service sung by the senior and junior choirs will present the christinas story in words and song against a background of soft candle light on christmas kve a choral com munion will be celebrated and on christmas morning parishioners will partake of holy communion the annual christmas supper will be held at the acton baptist church tonight featuring entertain inenl presented by the sunday school classes- kach class will present a different phase of the christmas pageant and the evening will im- climaxed by a visit from santa claus children s service of carols and christmas stories will be presented followed by communion the acton pentecostal assembly will present a combined sunday school and congregational meeting featuring christmas recitations at the lo i hall crewsons corners on next sunday kecilalions by on sunday stltol classes interspersed with special singing will form the service a christmus message will be deliv ered by the pastor first crosscountry race produces medal in his first cross country race bruce andrews placed second in a field of hi to win a medal the two mile event was run in waterdown next scheduled rani promising young athlete years hay road race for this the new in hamilton bannoclcburn school filled for concert sunday evening a program of uannockburn school wa crowd- ftirol singing is scheduled for the tuesday evening for the an- nrn trial school concert santa claus the singing regular service following the gram a choir group will visit sick and shut ins midnight high mass will be cele brated m st josephs catholic church on christmas kve with five low masses to be ftlchrated on christmas morning in preparation for ihe christmas season contismons will be heard on the saturday sahda and monday preceding the ctiristina period at the knox lvesbvteran church on sunday evening a cantata ac companied by a film strip meinor ies of the manger will be sung by the chufch choir on the morning of christmas kve a special christina- worship will be presented the united church of acton will observe the christmas season by present ng on christina eve an organ recital by crge kluoit choirmaster followed by the jun- lor and- senior rhoirs singing car ols by candlelight on christrrra xed the evening iwoted visit chin long clarence coles progiam which ir eriwms a drill with his introduced the luded choir mi recitations by iriung specie surprise serenade wednesday evening hopnra enjoyed a murpriw an impromp tu concert at the y mca by the acton itiiem band carols and popular christmas songs were featured hnan ihejps annie duenk and ituth coles duet by dorothy ann and shipn okourke plan solos by lmdi md carol swa k harrier tuitir number by oon aid swack- 1 harrier when the choir sang o little town of bethlehem jo anne hurd tok the solo part kobert i erri vf narrator for the nat- i t y pigerit aiith ruth coles and aiiiihj uuenk singing a duet mrs luella schroeder was accompanist for thv rurrrhrs advance christmas pnesents at draws an early christmas giftto mrs j j stwai t wis her 114 in rnt- cha fits iuchis won at last satur day afternoons a pprt t jation day draw the regular a award went to mrs h mclntre for the iaiaciks fore christ mas riiirchanls hfe e given gifts vvuh are drawn for at the popular pot offui tcaiib eight special items were given last saturday bjr manning electric kidsdales mild- rd fieli ledaersina acton home furnishings hex ton jeweller gor- rtor hardware and watsons music store this saturday there will be a dozen more advance christmas gifts as well as the usual voucher draws toboggan party held insideno snow out novelty gray held its annual thristmas party at the ym ca late saturday afternoon origin ally scheduled as a toboggan party i 03ies it was held inside due to the lacky christmas tree sales are booming at the ys mens lot behind th ymca the number of tree sold rang ing in price from fl to 4 is ap proaching the 900 mark sales soar of snow verna crvurchill directed the games and refreshments were served by elaine daintith and jill morton

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