Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1956, p. 3

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ft artnn jffrre jrrbb a wljf paper ever published la aetan remember seals pounded in 1873 and publtahed every thura- day at so mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of clrculaunoa the cw na and the ontarioquebec division of the cwn a advertising ratea on request sub- acriptlona payable in advance 3 00 in canada 4 00 in the united statea alx mnotha 1 75 single copies 7c aithorlzed aa second class mall tost office department ottawa pablhhed by the- duu printing and putduhtag co united g a bills edltorlnchlef 4e david it dills production manager yibw james a dills managing editor business and editorial office ph 600 acton thursday decewer 20 1956 broad welcome the first of the refugees from hungary are arriving at various points in canada they will be settled at various points in cities towns and countries throughout this broad land of canada public acclaim has strength ened the hands of governments at various levels in assisting refugees to make the jour ney to canada possible these new canadians are drawn from various walks of life in their native lands naturally they are best fitted to continue in the profession trade or calling of their choice as the great christmas day approaches and the flow of christmas cards becomes a little more steady perhaps if would be well to remember those christmas seals that prob ably decorate rnany of the envelopes if you live in halton it is quite likely that you received your two sheets of seals from the halton count tuberculosis and health association but did you mail that envelope back with a contribution large or small in side as the accompanying letter points out a chest xray survey of the county is planned for april in an effort to find all the cases of tuberculosis that need attention listed as some of the other services that the christmas seal contribution supports we note tuberculin testing of all elementary school children monthly chest clinics health education program and services and comforts for tuberculosis patients and their families this year 27 halton county residentswere admitted to sanatoria and 21 of them are still there to say there is a great deal of tuber culosis work still to be done in the county should be adequate reason for prompt atten tion to that contribution to the halton county tuberculosis and health association slip it in the mail today ontarios doctors have on paper a plan for excluding european doctors from practis ing in their province reports the financial post ontario college of physicians and sur geons has notified its members that after june 30 1959 it will require proof of british or canadian citizenship before an unqualified full license to practise in the province will be issued since five years residence is required for canadian citizenship this will practically cut off the supply of european doctors no matter what qualifications they can produce present restrictions are based on principle that immi grant doctors training be equal to canadian training large numbers have been admit ted without british or canadian citizenship the new plan appears to introduce a new principle the closed shop if such a closed shop plan is adopted by every profession or group throughout the dominion perhaps right now we ought to re assess our policy of immigration and the depth of our welcome canada can not play the role of the open door with one hand and the closed shop with the other these refug ees come here for a new chance to play their port in life not to become public charges for a waiting period of five years merry christmas there are as many kinds of merry christ mas as there are people let s leave out what merry christmas means to those in other lands and confine our analysis to ust cana da to the little tots who are having their first christmas this year it may matter little given a few years and the christmas spirit takes on new oy that is perhaps the greatest of the whole span of life to the teen age group christmas means other things than revelling in the mysteries of santa claus and hanging up stockings to the young married couples on their first christmas comes a different meaning to the familiar greeting that rings out from every corner as the family grows and all the leaves are put into the festive table to make the christmas gathering take in its limits comes a different meaning to the yuletide greetings remember its the same old merry christmas the good old days v christmas chronicles of gin farm christmas is what we make it what price v the bidding is getting pretty brisk for ew industries for towns in ontario in lis towel the kinsmen and the rotary clubs oined forces in selling tickets on a cadillac car it was part of a move to rajse 1 0 000 wttrvtltalweneyt they intend to erect an in only you have changed once again a different meaning becomes applicable as the festive board shortens and you start to delete from your list of greetings some who are with us now only in spirit one thing remains constant through all phases of life its the realization that the emphasis is always on others it s a time when self is submerged to give others hap piness it s a time when your pleasure is sup pressed in your desire to bring the cup of happiness to overflowing for those you love and are loved by so as we approach the chnstmastide no matter what your stage in life s span no matter what the customs of another country may mean to you yet we wish for one and all merry christmas in the broadest sense of the familiar greetings brief comment there is a start being made now to line op municipalities into a longer period of day light saving time inquiry body seems to be the railway association let s all ger togetti by gwendoline p clarke a happy chrislnuts to all tin r ill rs if llili iilllltin dustrial plant of some 1 0 0o0 square feet then if an industry came to lislowel looking for a plant they could offer a new building e on a two acre site ready to move into many of us remember the old bonus by laws that used to apply in ontario and the reasons they were outlawed many also re call the plans and public spirit whiih charac terised the bringing of new industry in towns seems the failures of these plans far outnum bet the successes in our recbllections we ve seen manv small plants however start independent and expand beautifully without local public assistance we are won dering too what sort ot factoiy lp000 will build when school room are estimated tc cost 20 000 each but it ou must have a cadillac it one way ot trying to gei one maybe a smaller tpe ot car would fit our circumstnces bettef industry today is not often lured to a community b the offer ot a new building but history has a habit of repeating itself down through the years we have often wondered what our feel ings woujd be after ears of paying business building and land tax and never asking or receiving any special consideration from the town if the townsfolk decided to pjt up and help establish another similar industry nji tue town one would most likely feel at least very frustrated and discouraged that the old was so easily forgotten for the new and un tried how much are we willing to pay fcx the new whistle that is being aggressively sought by every city town and hamlet how profit able will be the investment for a concern that has to be coddled into even making a start yis christinas iiuiin- and if it m ri not foi tin c alrndir it would hi hard to rt itllt that a vcur ha slipper iiwiiv suite i pamd alorif that smut krti tillk before fuh christmas is n milestone along the ro itl of lift during the l lilt r l t nit isnre time hv spe ik nil of i wots as hnppt nintf before or af tt r christmas and ce hive a m of t onip irinj on chrlstm is w ith another reint mbt r th it i is our frst christmas iw iv from tin old hoim ind an other w t itltbriltd c hrlstm is in our nice hoim tti it mir mth the itrandp irents mil our first baby or ikain ri memln r how hap p m c on threi years ajo bi tmsi our littlt kirl who hid teen so ill hid ihiii sp ir d to us ami llu rt in s id memories too tin rt is tin im it ihli fit iiiik of loss ht c mst somi th it m hid iti irl loced in n lonitt r with us th it is ttu p it it rn of lift and ut h in to n 1 1 pt it hut h nit 1 irji christm is is i h it vt m tkt it u t c in ulti to tlu rtituuiblt tomuu rcl lllsm of tht si iiin b tit me too 1 i isli in inn spt luiini foret ttme th it the ei an se wha it l a m a s 1 h lllr i liinu chosen o clock at this time of year not i is mm li pit imtrt as it ss tuiimv pit stnt upon winch loving trtouihl und t are has bun iivtn to thi chimaini chrwlmas is turn of happiness fliid kkklwth htit o wi hn h and ixm unirl if wt bcim involved in a mul iiish of hrist mas shopping wt hi unt the thiltlitn jw mint irritating and hoistt rous if w oursclvts cannot takt turn to talk with them tpiu t- ly to i ntt r into tht ir lltth- sit rt t pi ins for hrislin u giving how m my itiltlrt n ir ivtn i doll ir or two it tht i ist mimilt and told to litjosi somt thin for tht kr uulp irt nts what shall you k t oh i don i know look tround tht stort s you ii likely find soint thin if ttiit is our attiludt t in mi hi urn tht i ititdr n if tht y jriw up tikiui littl thought in tithtr livink or n t ivinn don t we sometitm s lost mht of tht rt ison fot i xhall4llu kill the thrt t wist mi n brought jifts to tht christ child hi caus tht v u uitt d t honor him md to w tht ir mi a jov it tht st lor s birth i th it sunt tnkt n it ts iriuiiiillv hit t ustom to iv kifts to thost we lovt to show our iffittioti ttiil to in iki nil om h 1 how ki id wi ut to hii him with us if ut hofrl tu print iple w in nt w i j f ir ront in niir n m it u ilfl th it i nut 1 hut t ounhl 1m hind it 1 h i nimiik i krmw hut it is dso ir trut th it v r isn l th a tht same attempt at mmplu ily miifht wt ii apply to oui yult tide fan of c oiirse it wouldn t ht hristmas w th ti aditimi tl tl i mi r hut why p id olii rn and ourst lvt with in uum is sary mipply of mil indict stibh futkl iiul th n stiff i for it ttft r wards otht i things h sidi s food in tkt hrislm is i wondt i ful turn 1 u inklmit olort d lights r h t th di ihiu ss of tht stittts oiilv trimmtd c hrislm is tuts di i itll t both yoiirik and old cutting i trds airiv by tht store brmin willi tht in nit ss ii s from nt ir aj far do uu n id thosi urt t tiiis dti u top to thifik th it tht vt rst insult ditln t tonu to ytm by itiidr t of mom th in hkt ly your frit nd or rt 1 itut t host a nd ith th it p irtit ill ir vt rst just t spt t i 11 for ou a litth st ntirnt nt il pt ih ips but tht n hrislm is is i tout for stiitimtnt sti uont ju t ikt tirm to rt illv rt id our hrislm is irds tiid t nj ill tht nut htth iimv hristm is ilthmih i 1 t ly fiviii his its di iwhiiks at kiim irid ihr id in tht sin is md lit tht st m ttlt i t is hoi llld xi ill mi nt i t inn it i im it nlirt h nor umilil vm u mt to hut tnu mui h i t o miu h wt m i to pi m i littl iimt for i st uid pin tut ss h if h mi pt i h ips inl tin niiiuiti s t ht t timph it iv 7tonn hni o r r back in 1906 taken from the imtfe of the pree rrees thurmday december imt count ii chimllmin ut the town hall were pmked to tupftt ily w taiuie of thu imptlidhik dehite nt tween councillor warrtn and iteeve swuekhunier count illoi wurrtii inaulttl uw keeve let i ml a htateinent baying in wai i en uureetl to every ihhlh lorttinintf the main st hrultfe lht trantiptretl at the previous tountll mectlnu iteeve swat khitmer rt fusttl mid the ih hute i aed until late in the evenhu alao taken up waa the ipieulttm of newly hiatal hit liyht nut era it appeared bomta real dent a hud not paid fr mcura und the cutthig off of their powu waa tltrt atentd woik tin the u rluk la about t umplt tett and tht committee ex pet t to open uii the t ntl of the wtek with ood itt complaint wir made hy nuin eroua titutmi in the euat end be tanae the street llghttj were not turned tin on two lircuita suturduy niht i he ley strtels wt re reully duniferouu to pfdeatriuna nn tlu durk the oh niuy of rerrtatiop roorm for men evidtntly lout hed u pop ular chord juduinn fiom current tommtnt deep kutlafat lion will 1m ft it ut the privileges thus uf forded for otitis und for olhera to whuin the htittlb huvt he to about tht only availahlt lurnink in plate on win it r t veninb jolly ft llowh ht t klnt it ltxalitai fiom daily toll ure urtf d to m ptii from tht bur rttom i h se nt w 1 1 realion rooma art a powt i ful illy to am h pt isu islotia to ht told thu i somi tiling bt lit i is uv tllahh sic jaint s stwyt r an liuiubh phyinan in ftrrmulaunt ruha for prooiiiti lid to uht ytais liu hid 1 t lht boui s sit- p ah epiuif tin tht i lb t sidt do not tuivt tht ht dstt 4id tainbl hit wll for utl nils to i void dunking milk luml ambitions and kt t p tht u mwr i ht inmatt a of tht huron county houm of itt f tic toat the t ounty last yuir 11 vj rt ribs tach pt r day for inuuiunantt acton a rm rclmnta wert nevtr bttlt r aupphetl with goods und hrlbtmaa turktya are ht llini for iifht t tnts pt r jiound lew than at lhaiikhivuii lomoriow is th shorlit day in xhi yi u back in 1936 taken from iks bsim af f lraa thuraday oaeaaabw m iim cointycoiiiill wt on record lib faviirlnk the litltllllou of tlm utiontt line iktwwn milton olid at ton to the provincial hlfhwa system und that hie roud rommll teo was npimlnted to act with olh ei represeiitatlvra of the county and interview tho department of lljichwuyb in that connectlim the kurm woniena cluli waa ad iliased by mlaa nellie anderson inialonui y on furliiiikh from korea miss anderatm tulked on her wtirk und tlm people she worked with c ontlutlllis with a solo holy nlht which she aong in hie fcor- eun lannuuue actons liockfivl two week end names from preaton by dcorra of t2 anil s2 they were the first names of the year for ac ton und the need fir more practice was noted untie tobe miss kitty savatfe was feted at a social nutherlnu of friends at the home of miss dora lumhert i he annuul at home of acton llltjli imhool proved to be a htitfe autcess aa a stklul event for tho teut hers pupils and tttpiv friends i he evening featured the present ullim of uwarila for yacholusllc at hlevi merits f llu christina tree at the t timer of mill und mum slreela is cum of tin finest ever eret it d well light ed it adda moth to the christmas apirlt a apltlldld crowd attended tile kt no and dance in the town hull miller tlu uillor hot key lub ana picea 13 pruts were distributed for gamt a ploa additional door prizes 1 he new bridge over the 14 mile trft k at oakvllle was completed nd the hronte bridge ulso was nt irly fimalied many at ton friends regretted to learn of the serious illness of miss lh y ii la c larke und hoe she mould lie aoon restored to good health warning was given to all de- lintpjcnt taxpayers that all arrears of taxes not paid by the 31st would m publiahed 111 the annual auditor s report for the yvar alton timet rl ort healra led in a rout t rt of christmas music in the tori hill intl a pit iaur ible even nil u a hil by ill pnaiiil ijt- professional directory and travellers guide mhih a i optu a i or w g c kfnney ihynlrlan and surgeon offin in symon dint k 4 1a mill si f attn office ihonr 7s kraldrnre iis hureh st f phone iso dr d a garrftt l and surgeon tilur ot willi ve intl kim r sis hntr uitt r stit i t at ton out trio ihonr im dr robfrt d bjrknfr lhlelan and suriron il u hi- tt s t n onl ihonr b7s olflo 1 ir s i j r i t- lihro if f i buchnfr r o optomt trlst mill si r ihone 13 riff in llfiurs w tin stlaya i jl h sj p m icirunjta by appointment ih a i the bright christinas greetings have been rollincl in these days if ours are delayed don t pulthe blame all on the postal service they told us to do it early 9 a well dressed window depicting the christmas scene can do much to attract atten tion at this season of the year and incident ally can induce business jlhrislmas is that time of year when the feeling of good will should permeate in all directions hunting don que gleaner actually it doesn t take too much effort to make a newcomer at home in a commun ity a friendly smile as you pass on the stieet cr a pause to say hello with words ot welcome davidson sask leader a newspaper editor with some space to fill set up the ten commandments and ran ttiem witnout editorial comment the next day he got a letter from a subscriber which said cancel my subscription you re getting too personal montreal star some methods of farm marketing are better than others but even with the best system yet devised by man the price in the long runis determined by the ageold law of supply and demand the farmers advocate the main thing is to ensure that the side walks are to the greatest possible extent kept clear of snow it is better that some careless or thoughtless ciuzen should be fin ed than that some person should suffer ser ious and possibly permanent injury trerfton ont couneradvocate s v this sundays church calendar acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hal crevison s corners plor rt k j riid 81 cook st telephone 649v sunday dfcember 23rd 1856 10 oh uir sundi school 1 1 00 l m morning worship 7 30 pm evangelistic serice wednesday 8 p m cottase praver meeting and bible study the anglican church of canada st tlbans church acton ont he evan h jone ba lth rector 1956 and slndw dfcfmbfr 2rd idvevt iv i 9 00 in hole communion 9 4i m churi h school bible ci i ll 00 a m beginner- class 11 00 im morning pricer too pm nul c ndle lighting and crol service the chrimni u stor m vopd and song amid soft and glowing c indlckght christmas eve mondit december 24 1956 1130 pm choral commun ion christmas day tuesxiav december 25 1956 9 30am holy communion every communicant member of the church should make christmas one of the times in the year when he makes his communion let us all kneel at the lords table on his birth- day presbyterian church in canada knox iiiki ii atton iu c andrew h mikcnk 13 b i j suny dkfmbfh ird llio 9 4i i m chiki schnl 1100 im morning woiship too p m i int i i nd film stup b tht clior mi moms of tht m uit r baptist church acton ri rn h toti rn- pisor pir- ijit la b t r acf phre 206 sundi okfmbfiijrd lhn 10 00 am sunda school 1 00 am morning worship too pm ictning st it 8 it p m bvpu thurvdic t m nru il churci sur d i ckii s ippt r nd tn tc i i i n united church of canada arloti ontario riv g rdo- aiit v bd m t parwnage 29 boer avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist aid choir leader 76 boner ave acton phone 6 ml l i l il llll til it l ii t till 1 tlli ii ii ou i i if c i im n villi ills ippt ii tin tin mill cm w h 11 i uri i m i p prt iilhn of hi k f 1k i uii u mi i 11 finti our k r ti hi il 1 1 lc t ioi w iiin r 1 ilk i pi ii ii f i llll i ii i if f 1 lull ml li id m ilkil milh c ii p iih hi oi in irl u it m i tl ui l hun for tin mir ii it of 11 s i birth ii r 1 mi i u ilin to i t iiikful t r t tnm l t 1 rh th k itt it f ill m ii b th it kid t i ourii in i t 1 r p nod in mluch to b ismluti lv 1 in t i c bui i i ij ir iii d im in ri knom a n nijt but d to lu mc iourtcii m gift r m ind t n rv iii iii il r r t mi- be tin ti yi ir i u h btiimt iimti lt lfnl h ibr and mi frit nd- i k t u i i mh mi ill i ur h iip chi i ii i h i ii i hi c r place cards 1 1 cmg i ii li r iki i nu c i i r 1 i u iklii il it die 1 1 v m i ir i k in p i ing iid bi u r cirj i d i md 1 ipt r d c r i ib ft iu r il i r t u l i n t uh to ku unii t i t f iiirinni sprnk i i 1 i i lvcic noit i- n i lu ir t n i i i i i a t tir i 1 r id b r ut innlt n i m 1 titd t t ich cociku c m uith i d ib f kirg then lighed juat as gudtsor famili are eited c f lfatheriand qc karrutrr a nollrllor soury publla tiff ho i- linn i ijrjo am 1 on r 1 no pm s ii i i n r p nt only ii- ii it 151 i hi if jis hoskim hjrlrrrd tcruanlult mtin mt n m ki- st w tororilo i y m 4 ju1 hi i i i l sunday december 23rd 1956 9 00 a m morning pra er 1000 am jum6r church and church school 111s am morning worship guards windows windsor ont icpi- cud de fence coordinator harrv bird haa recommended that metallic venet ian blinds be installed at basement windows at prince of wales school to protect children from flying glass in any bombing attack llrntal surgrtin i f ii mill i i r i d in r si i f ii 11 l t i i tt i r phosr i e id kt t istt mllnslkvt f l vright ii ui ir st i i lilt ii i ii ii i pprkrr krai liuir and insuranrr wm r bracken insurance agency a mhs ri t phom 26 i id 5jir crnfkm inslrncl j bert wood insurance agency life and general insurance hrntai dr a j buchanan llrnui loriron oif ci i i ihn jr bi ik ml st ti ci h um i i t b p m it a ph r 185 t mil st fir h in t 4 mt guh miikiwki f g oakes b v sc n etrnnarian ofct and ptsidmct 24 knox ace acton phone 130 mint i i tttl rfl r- funepal home i 1 ik hi jh r sliocnjkir ir g2vf a tawpard 1 m kmt teacher uf itaoo c ros stujio i 11 t hi- i jdir t hark wl lh fll il hi 29b travellers guide b d young b v sc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton tr h9177 gray coach lines t ills i i- r tton standard time labound 6 33 am da except sua and hoi 5d it 11 jj am i tu d trwpt s t jn hoi i mrsthound j u 2 7pm 1 12 k iii 1 2 i 1r sat sua 1 h i i canadian national railways sundard time laithound u lie 6 40 a it dail except sun- cui 10 j i in 7 1 i p in sunday n mo p m diilv except sun- eijc imr j ci rgitoan s u2 axn 6 17 pm uili rler at george- toven 10 11 p in uesttwaad ddiu im pm pailv except sundae 830 am 6 55 pm i flag stop i w pmi saturday only la pm sunday only m3 am oaav stbp sunday only flyer at guelph 7 os p m daily except sat and sun 810 pm

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