Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1956, p. 6

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the acton free preis thursday december 20th 1956 the week at ottawa conservatives plan big bid by don attfield caaadlaa preaa stall writer ottawa cp fortified with a new leader and new policy the progressive conservative party is getting ready to make its big bid against the 21 year old liberal regime in next years election john diefenbaker a rangy 61 year old commons member and lawyer from prince albert saslc was the winner on the first ballot as the party convention elected a new leader to succeed hon george drew who retired from the post because of poor health besides electing its new chief tain the party did a major rewrit ing of its eight year old platform to bring in many new specific points while holding basically to the partys fundamental tenets a federal general election is expected around june the new conservative leader expressed hope of his partys first victory since 1930 after he had won com fortably over two opponents be sides ovorcomtfigan anti-diefen- bakcr quebec move mr diefenbaker the progressive conservatives leading spokesmin on foreign affairs polled 774 votes against 393 for donald fleming 61 of toronto and 117 for davie fulton 40 a member for kamloops bc on his third tr at the leader ship he uon with 131 votes to spare he h id needed 43 to w in religion and o minorities as guar anteed by the constitution the conservative party will be the national party he said it is the party which founded confed eration and the party that will save confederation it is my intention to unite all canadians from the atlantic to the pacific under the banner of patriotism my ideal is justice and equality for all with favor for none i want canada to be a single country i want canada to be a single nation my country my sole wish is for your happiness my sole strength your confidence troops to middle east trade minister howe acting prime minister while mr st laurent holidayed in the southern u s- announced canadian comp liancc with a united nations re quest for additional canadian troops to be sent to the middle east the announcement said 420 housekeeping troops would be sent to augment the almost wholly canadian headquarters staff of on the first h illot in which 1284 votes were cist call for unlit he set ibout lmmedntel to mend his quebec fences in an ac ceptance speech to the delegates partl in laborious french calling for coast to coast unit f before hi hid stirtcd a large proportion of the 342mcmber que- bee delegation had walked out of the convention hall though mr diefenbaker s supporters later j claimed ht had received a more- than expected share of the quebec vote mr diefenbaker himself told a press conference later he got a fair part of the quebec delcgat ions vote despite a thursda night quebec caucus in uhich more than 300 wire reported to have taken an anti diefenbaker stand the balloting wis secret but former national president george hees estimated that mr diefen baker had picked up 102 quebec votes mr hees said quebec sent ment had been shifted b a com bination of factors including mr dicfcnbakcrs nomination accept ance speech in which he displayed a broad viewpoint at all events mr diefenbaker lost no time in trwng to heal what ever rift might have developed be tween french and englishspeak ing elements over his prospective leadership he quickli appealed to all frenchspeaking delegates and voters to get behind him as they may have done for mr fleming and mr fulton during the leader ship campaign his two opponents in the ballot ing had made the move even before that moving and seconding that the election be made unanimous and rushing across the convention speakers platform to shake the westerners hand national progressive conservat ive president leon balcer a major figure in the quebec delegation and a supporter of mr fleming told a reporter i congratulate mr diefenbaker there is no doubt the bes mnn won n after a warm debate the dele gates defeated b about 25 to one a proposal to shorten the part name by deleting the progressive revised platform the progressive conservative partys new platform is topped b the declaration that the partx stands for freedom of opportuntti in a competitive economy the statement of basu principles more of a change in words than in substance is a declaration for freedom of worship speech md assembb loalt to the queen of canada and the rule of law and says vigilance over parhamentarv institutions is the best guarantee of such freedoms i we believe the state should be the servant of the people and that our national progress depends on a competitive economv which accepting its social responsibilities i allows to everv individual freedom of opportumtv and initiative and the peaceful enjovment of the fruits of his labors j mr diefenbaker in his poitel- ection statement pledged himself to uphold the righk of lutguage christmas task take tips on with the housewife spending so much valuable time in the prepnr ation of the christrms dinner es pecinllv the turkev it would tx to bad to see it ruined in the cir ing fowl must be carved in the cor root manner to get an assortment of white and dirk meat and for ec onomtcil reasons it prevents waste in the small shavings thit lr liable to come off in i ireless handling of the bird fter the bird is done illow it to stand in the roasting pan for 15 to 30 minutes so that the juices mav be absorbed remove all truss mjg equipment such as skewers and cord place the bird on a wnrm lirge platter use a simple garnish but don t ov erdo it carve at the table so that everv bod can enjov the full glamor of the turkev carve w ith a verv sharp thin bladed knife ind fork with a gu ird carve enough meat at one time to serve all the guests there arc tw o stv les of carving technique the standard stvlc and the side stv le w hichl is used for half and quarter turkeys these methods are also for chickens remove leg thigh or second joint and drumstick hold the drumstick firmlv with fingers pulling gcntlv away from turkey body l the same time cut through skin between leg and bodv continue as follows press leg away from body with flat side of knife then cut through the joint joining leg to backbone and skin on the back if the ovstcr a choice oystershap ed piece- lying in the spoon shaped section of the backbone was not removed with the thigh remove it at this point hold leg on service plate with drumstick nt a conven ient angle to plate separate drum stick and thigh by cutting down through the joint to the plate slice drumstick meat hold maj gen e l m burns of ot tawa commander of the united nations emergency force seeking to enforce peace in egypt the army said later however that between 500 and 600 troops would sail aboard the aircraft car rier magnificent for middle east duty an air force official said an additional number of rc a j per sonnel likelv would be aboard the carrier when she leavesl halifax about december 28 but the 950man 1st battalion queens own rifles which had cagcrlv awaited a un assignment was to be returned from halifax to its base in calgarv mr howe said the un found it could not fit the canadian combatant troops in to the emergencj force the new dispatch of troops would bring to about 1200 the number of canadian army and air force personnel serv ing the u n ef the aircraft originallv res tricted to ferr ing men and equip merit from naples to egpt will provide lommunicitions and ob servers over the egvptiih isrneli lines now near carving fowl i di umstick upright i i lonvenient iuki to pinto nd cut down turn j iiir diumstick to got uniform shc i s oh liken drummick nnd thighs rv umi ul si r od w ithout slicing hold thigh firml with fork cut slices pnrnllel to the bone cut in to white nit it pnrnlu 1 to wing beginning nt front stnrtmg hnlf fta up bront cut thin slices of whitt nit it down to cut nude par allel to wing remove individual ser ings of stuffing for cut in side of turkex when leg wn removed remove wing tip nnd first joint remove drumstick grnsp end and lift it awnv from the bodv hold drumstick upright at conven ient angle and cut down tow ird the plate parallt 1 bone turning the drumstick to mnkc un iform slices anchoring the fork w here it is most convenient to steadv the bird cut slices of thigh mi nt parnllel to the bod until the bone i reached begin at the front end of the tur kev nnd slice until the wing socket is exposed remove the second joint of the wing continue slicing white meat until enough slices hae been provided tree is symbol origin legend as the cradle is to italy the yule log to england the christ mas tree is a symbol of the holy day in canada norway sweden and germany in canada and in the united states as well christ mas isnt christmas without a tree preferably an evergreen with straight trunk and fragrant branches thick with needles there are several legends on how a tree first came to be a sym bol of christmas maybe the egyptians started it by taking palm branches into their homes at yule- tidc a beautiful storv relating to the first use of evergreens in the annual celebration dates back to the ninth centurv a certain st winfried went to preach christian ity to the scandinavian countries denmark ind north german one christmas eve he found the people gathered around a giant oak to which was bound a human being for sacrifice an old druid custom st winfried released the victim and hewed down the great tree when it fell all the trees in its path except one were crushed standing imong the brinches of the fallen oak was a slender fir tree this von shill use hereifter in vour christmis ceremonies st winfiuxi wnt to pr uh christi ill points to thi sk you sh ill i ill it i tret of th chi ist child or christmas trei nd so it h is been known down through the ci ntui les b 1800 th- ti ec hid conic into gt nei il usi to our many friends thompson fuel service another legend told how on christmis eve the lpple tree pro duced fruit onl i fiw gi ner it ion- ago pples were fastened to the christnis tree todav we ci r on theycustom bv h inging orn anient on the tree some of them rtembnng fruit and this christmas eve in pne ticilk emi home in cu idi tin christmas tree will stind in ill its thrilling splendour its wonder reflected in the wide eves of boys and girls ind ill whose he irts ire voung pollock and campbell m lnufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving tflephone sow 62 water st north gait alsco aluminum selfstoring doors and windows awnings and railings dont be disappointed we can guarantee at the moment 4 to 6 weeks delivery free demonstration ffcee estimates no obligation pay 100 then nothing until march 1957 j mcmullen acton alsco sales representative phone 66 seasons greetings andts shoe repair say most christian village in world a pair of ancient church bells that were brought to frankenmuth mich from bavaria shortly after frankenmuth was founded as an indian mission has been calling the congregation of st lorcnz to christmas eve services for more than a hundred years ninety five per cent of the res idents of me small community are members of the church earning the village the title of the most christian community in the united states frankenmuth has never had a crime of violence and as far as residents can remember no one has been jailed over a period of 25 vears the onl visitors to the lock up were transients given a nights lodging holiday dessert the yule lor for a holida des sert as eas to mike and serve as falling off the proverbial log start v ith a lemon chocolate cream or jell cake roll fresh from our baker or foot market wrap roll in a moist towel for a few seconds cotr with powdered sufiir is thick as the snow on the window pine drizzle melted chocolate oef the siirir until it resembles a birch log when she ed garnish each t r infi w ith whipped reim or ice cr im ind thqcolate chips seives 6 to 8 avintfr trkvt int r wonderland toast ics a tre it jor s int i s little d tilings spread tonfciliomi s ring on slices of ht to ist cut into bite si7c strips ind spi inkle with coe omit brow n lightlv imdt 1 hioih i ind serv immedntek always a favourite fresh quality cakes always fresh available at ledgers drop tree seeds from helicopter nanaimo bc cp the modern forester faced with the problem of planting trees in an in accessible region is licking that problem by spreading seeds like rain from the air newspaper reporters watched ihesceding of a steep valley near there recently ja helicopter was equipped with a hopper on each side filled with iso pounds of fir seed which was fed through two aluminum pipes to a rotor beneath the machine the seed was then scattered as the hehcoperflew up and down the vallev spaced at a rate of seven pounds a minute a helicopter may hover like a bird but when it comes down to roost on a roof it weighs plenty and sets up guile a strain so engineers have devised a gim mick the whirlybird lands on an aluminum raft floating in a shallow pool of water the ma chines weight is spread over the area of the raft instead of just that covered by the landing gear no doubt they figured out too how passengers can get ashore certainly men who work with aluminum are mighty resourceful in fact they keep us busy supplying them with this versatile modern metal at borne and in foreign markets aluminum company of canada ltd alcan ss the manager and staff the bank of nova scotia in acton wish ail residents of acton and area a very merry christmas and a prosperous new year mwiinn merry i chris 1 bob ridsdale w quality clothes for dad and the lad sf this store closes 7 oo p m christmas eve tig wmoiiammiiisiii op the season our very licit wiilici loi m wrn tyoii clin ilmaa to our mttny jevotcj friend an j neighbor h w baxter druggist jf for holiday hospitality llfcxsi nm no f l wright kwkaml to all our friends and customers don s bexto v turn turkey into a nextday wonder turkey burgertsuch a super way to serve leftovers broiled or sauteed turkey burgers sitting on a alice of cranberry jelly right inside a burger bun make em as you would a meatloaf with beaten egg breadcrumbs seasoning then shape into fenerous patties know how the zest of coke pep up a hamburger well just wait till you try that great tasie with turkey for sparkling holidays bring home the coke cofcv a fwqmiwwd trodo work orangeville bottling works orangeville ontario phone 137w v i authorized bottter of cocacola under contract with cococolo ltd i i fr

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