Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1957, p. 1

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ctn pt ftss acton ontario thursday january 3rd 1957 eight paget seven cents zero weather hampers efforts as weekend fire loss 40 weekenbf contrast for firemen home burns livestock die ten homefess strive to maintain fire protection j atjeden mills ln barn blaze t stores gutted on cobble hill i in barr building n trait uuowb put th window of the berr black at ftm detrroyed th building early monday momtnq m toevy mow storm end frwztftg tmpxerurn fji jt we a wrrk end of iot a1w firemen while ht jut the town slept they wfrt fighting wi fire all might lung for two night in ur from lh uy eold of the street they plunged into the holo ceust utf amok and flame in thrlr attempt not only to rstlngulsh the raging nmn but to aavr nearby building after hour of practice they are faced with both their trurk out of order in on night in their determined effort not to leave ac ion unprotected they encountered ik moat maxkad contrast of all when they want at 1 o clock in the morning to georgetown to arrange to borrow a pumper frtwn their ftrif beside the town halt where they had been laying their ire stiffened coat and waterlogged dirty bnae in the only pe vh ble around the fire true tthv tf reiving warmth from a par haal r they went to the modem efflr ufit georgetown fire hall the neit afternoon they were called to assist in the saving of a at eden mills then late sunday evening the siren undrd fain duslneaaea and apart menu on ulll 81 were ablaie and fire men were up all night for the cond night in a row the jlzx evefunc ntv years jte there was a taattssi while most people were gaily eel ebratlng the arrival of 1997 most of lh firemen were sound asleep exhausted fen nsm sleep ire chief jack newton didn t have a night s sleep from saturday morning until new years er llr snatched four and a half hmin rest in thst time the men of the volunteer brig ade were looking bark over their busiest week end and the coldest of the season quarters i liv z nftfhni couaptto irr one of the grouvtd floor apartments during the fire and is shown hero aftor th fir wet extinguished by local and georgetown firefighters ur s itv tatltjir thelf serif- cmirltncv men urea al ffcr jennings fire sntordnv evening proved again the value ot the mutual aid system first at tons new trm k went out of torn mimi in then the ol 1 truck brought out into the im iom jero wi alhi r eixaitiht front tu unhealed gmran u eloped f rot tr uble tin georgetown brigade wm caled after midnight on hunny 100 ijrear old buildln willctl ha jut vivrd previous fire took fire again and for the fast time its construction its age and its material weiv against ii- in swirling billiard of snow with the thermomitcrs down below ser again the firetoeit aialh put all their training and strength to work to save what they could and pre vent the flames from spreading a few fret to the building next dmir willing helper hefted hose and brought sandwiches during ihr hours long battle against ihr rlnm ents of fire and weather as well ai the two georgetown trucks the hydro truck with lis aerial ladder joined the corps for the night clothes agenched and f reeling stiff the men dashed home to change and back again searching the cause of the third holocaust as they arrived within minutes of the alarm men sought to extinguish the source first without smashing windows and doors causing flame fsnnlng drafts the fire spread too rspidly however water stained files were rescued and water soaked furniture was salvaged the next day ii was dawn it was dawn when the gutted building was safe to jrave thai day bark at the fire hall hrssr had in fee ihtftrd in the lengthy process of drying and fin ally loaded back on the pumpers other equipment was again clean ed and readied that night wsj new year eve its traditional to stay up almost alt night but not when you vr done it the two night before fire ni n slept new year s day soie of the mm were naturally b k at the hid i attain checking thst evi r thing was alright thvy thought it trulr rramped i likely the fire truck would 1 fire hall new repxty for m rvic ui nn by toduy damage slight firemen experienced difficulty in thr location of a fire reported at itll 3 uelph abu i l pm sunday evening souri e of the hl pr vetl to be an unoccupied new h mtr n lot 91 line i nassa gaweya towmhlp at kden ullla the liniiw under construction is ywnrd by ist undsay t4sotlm of the netghbora acton nd rockwoikd firemen saved the building from destruction and nil fire lu to an estimated sao to walls and sheeting the fire was believed caused by a temporary heating installation due o the shortage of fire fighting equipment and the fire men s decision not to leave the ttuwn without adecroat protection tke already weary firemen loaded hose into cars and took a portable pump to thesrene onhi second lire of the week end see 1957 in many acton coo plea saw 1031 in at a most successful dance held in the legion hall the building was crowded as midnight struck manv houic parties were sjao h4d n nawvssr s cve m aeesdenla were reported despite slippery roada new year s day road race sees city club first gur ipb lgt i trc k club wl acton mi mtxn won the j uni 1 am pru e at the annual n wnr da y ro sd rate in ham ilt lodge honors two brothers tw i brutht r both pint miitrm of wlkr jodgr a v nad a m wire hunurrd hi the lodje at tlictr t mih ting ttiurwl iv ei ntnk nf list wtik rnnk mcintosh of acton nd that trutk toi m br iiid hv mcintosh of ohnva ixjth niw mir sufftred from the x rttivrd so nr jrwels nt a cere- treme r tld in the run to art n m m f otonini uit- nst illali n of was unable to pump fin iiit wji fff i x r tumingu e m thetr roil l idlihii n ins iiiiiir mn j hnts nikt brtou the fin mi n hi k r hin a i it inlt r- n il up a portible pump to boost v int illim tt lht ni w worship the prvumre from the mains- fti r khlfu all nliht i w ilro vu lliimlev m uli th ttierr wrrr 3 tnxrattti m thf ihrit mile juni r road race when llruie aiidirws i f acton placed fifth oth r auetph runners who lhmtiil their ilubi standing were i n ir r who placed seventh art llmkilt ihth mimi hon nirol itntli lohn hrown of acton aa rloti twhind in the itrgr fit id racers in fimt plice u it jim iron of hijimpton whi te it the record tiy ii i imn with a record time if 14 49 nunulio il crvln f ivll i dub mioml itiullllill l mioldi of fh third wjnd lashed flames mkdx resrie of a taiw amt pigs impossible when the b f n owartl by f jennings went of victoria st on cobble hill was complelely destroyed saturday evening firrmen fijuaht the bias fitr io hoairt in a snw storm when temiieratuiea dropped to six below ero during the night iue to smouldering hay they left their hose lines in readiness to battle rat liter outbreaks until tuesday although a tractor was saved rrnii the blate luas was aatiniateil at about 7fl00 including it tons ol hay a eow sow hog an pig lets there was no insurance nearby homes were threatened as high winds carried heavy billow ing smoke and sparks lo eddies cause of the fire was unknown due to the proximity of homes firemen stayed at the arena of the blase throughout th ntremaly cold night adding to the danger and cold was the break down of lha fire truck ust as the blkxe was being brought under control failure waa due to flaws in the erujine block casting repairs revealed acton a second pumper the old trurk was rushed to the scene from its unhealed garage and developed fruttilinnh in jli pump and brakes and later a broken steer ing wheel a mutual aid call brought a georgetown pumper to- acton but it loo had suffered from frost meanwhile the fire was gaining headway it was finally brought under ctmtrnl through the use of a portable pump boosting the pre mire from the hydrant the three mobile pumpers were rt move to thompsons gsrage f tr lh iwing and repairs arrangements were completed j about sam f r acton to retain a dcurkiuanfuc uui t protect ion hnrr oor has three lru ks in iu heatitl modern firt hall neighbor frightens wouldbe robbers at templet robberr at the tool khed on th slu of the new lljnk of montreil wis iviitisd suiulav when thr intrudtrs wire frithtui i d off bv a nt ighhor ippnhenile turoi that oth charge later iortlv ten people wire fiomelesa and ttit- itokinram- were evlctatd when flames ripped through the llurr butldinai on mill and fjgin hi anting- an estimated 13 000 low luring the prrau a worst sviw torm ritily monday morning dreni hed firenten summoned at lam continued l pour water on lite stjiblmtrn tiuie r three hour as the fire in its early btagva threatened an adjoining building in the business bl k frenng weather snd impaired fire fighting equipment made the battle diffirult a georgetown trurk left on stand by when ac ton s truck was out of operation xa augmented by other municip al trucks including a hydro truck equipped with an aerial ladder the family of hosa robertajin was not at home n the upstair ap artment other tenant of the block mrs olga wilson and child mr and mrs fred stuckey and son all escaped without injury the fire started near the base ment stair chief j newton ug gested after preliminary investig atlnn it was reported s dog wakened the htuckey family when dense smnkr appeared ihmnro premtsei nf ben woodt insurance andy a shoe repair and acton home maintenance stervtre were included in the fire gutted building file cabinets along with soma furniture and other files were saved from mr wood s insurance of fn e suffering only from arooke and water damage during the fire sandwiches and refrtshmcnla were prepared fur the firemen lh y continued to pour water on the flames that con tip i el to tin hk through water wa pumped throiikh sis huae line trt in llmc urt a hydrant and three pumpers t r barr owner of the build ing rspmsaing his praise of the firm n wout fojlowing th fire indicated the future of the build ing was as yettundetermined inirtng the kre fir man ii peel sufft red frost bite in two fingers lut rtivred aalmfaetnetty aitording to actons firly days tin building w in lk year old tnti v ir it w u built in ibm by lurli t hill nnd rrupird by th hill for or a years ft lu i jffu iiulaleun aclun ved in ne side io rtjuipm it w 1 hd whn ii il lik itd lh mould i mptxilmll fin mi n point out thnt some hirn fire in the rmntrv might be irft to smoulder llowear houses were nerb and the flumes con tinurd to break out miking it nee essary f r the chief nnd his men to arrange a system of shifts to wntrh the ruined smoking barn nil through siturdav ihkht tiny leflmfce line tsk xff r ut until tuesday vhilr some men watched the birn others went with the thre disabled trucks two of actons und uno of gioretiwn to thompson s jctarilc where work on replies nnd thtiwiirg begin at unc about 2 am group of f ircnu n set nut fr gormt mn to nrranui for borrowing one of the trmk to enluri the town protection nnt 1 j pond th repair wre rushed through i heap frwaa twm autrhen after thev picked up pointers on thr operation- 4 the georgetown truck ind received steaming bdwls utaapttm the bneadev nwrrkit p chen the mm brought thcjiumpcr l back to acton s garage and went j back ip to see how the jcnninbfv fire was rt then it vai morning all day long the tedious process i of drving soaked hose in all mail able space began it snaked through i the unhealed corridor of jhe toun bwj hall and all around the truck xr drenched clothes were dried out the siren wailed again at 3 15 i j in the afternoon hose was hustl into car- and the portable pumper n nt p t preni tlhe bjaxe as frwiucntly happcruvl directions v not clear and the men hadlo search foe the fire at eden mills athome the1rt george upwn pumper was on call for any h town emerkency w ith t regular u stand by crew t mart cleajtlmr ti the liockwood brigadewas eau ed m to make aurtu there wif plenty of opposition to the possibly to bl in eden mill artnrt prt m nt ition of i 0 vi n p it miviru iw to rrink mi intvh ind ii w w in muti r innsiin i jewel to ro mcintosh both nrt p u m isttrs uf tin lodr nnd have been acttm in the work of tht iodi during the pnst hnlf century thi brothers pn rented n ilibli -u-ua- u ewluoh waa aeeepied ajakemrtneetinjr nnvmrnirst bv mr patterson a master and i j m john h keeli- torn plncclhn tfir altar by rt wor a bro jjohn mnrr of ctuelph district r diput grind ffl tstt r of billing ton district a number of brt thrrn wire prt sent from gut iph nn georgt t tun 1 i onto jij i ind car misses curve smashes into wall at aax engineering iniured in accrdent in toronto tuesday elmn whtr andv s shoe hotoiir iph g ilb ry a pns nki r was slightly injurvd nd nn i vtim ited 1 00o damagt im done to a hnck wall and stmt umlnw msh ji mujidiy when a ir truelling west mused thr mid rr ished into the wall of mm t nous himpitil nccident ins mrs no accidents n i town on tl t irs holt n th cir drin bv he huhband suffiril t might lacerat i in to hi r hi ad whitt the drivn i i craped uninjured ma mabel symon were both re it md from hospital after treat ment and arc still with relatives in toronto the most seriously hur of the three mr j symon required mr kent hid police he applied jimhvs lo her face and is badly i hrilrr t titn ik- ei bruised friends here hope for a peedy rrcoerv for mrs symon whn is ocr ho a car from ahjcija uu in col rim to th lla3 chevnlit lision with the smon i tktimatixl at 1500 uloor st west nu wen n pirtel in n th week nd or the new symon is still in fairly i ir s holtd iy police were keeping ondition in st joseph j a h trp took mil f r impaired toronto following car i drui rs but none wire stopped there on tuesday even manrurrttr tajlor and j brakes to turn the corner the ok hold suddi nl and he car into the building pumtr sidr of the nad sstt ci w mx hou unbt-fxhsejd- wafmr on the ubboftlhrfor marmkttlhrwhouncrwhli pofvon th rahllloonevitherxocitlnoa jt first license number 859001 shining black license pis tee he ring white numbers and letters went on sale fur the first time eterdav witfi them operator nd hauffrurx driving license went n lt at the office of lha dealer k j margrave mr hjtar vc took the flret license plate himself number bv 041 and put it right on his car orvule duffield was along soon to take thr second m 003 te tizil truck licrnsas waoito gordon gray of rock wood ml hagrave repi rted sal a u avvr 0 the jirst day the date for purchasing new uc9vea and car markers has bwao set at january 31 no extension have been announced yet as la other year men returned the dama halted mustaiwayibe left reatty for an other call i and it came w- w e m wee i iliuisu 1frentlhe1eft am sjght worthipfv brother john marr of guelph diilrlct deputy grand matter of iwellinjton diurlctlv wor bro frank melntoih of acton and vwor bro roy mclnfoth of qihawa land w firo vic rumley who made the preentatlona both are past matferi of the lodg n post office reports biggest mail ever more chriitmu car thaw ever befui w mnfllmour- lh buar poat of at during the annual chrutmaa rush kerr draplte the frml influx of mall handling and aorting were done promptly the atamp cancelling machine helped apeed the procesa for the regular ancrapecial tteft sllgnttr highrr than lait year wee the number of twu cent atampa aold rnrooo st houbtthe sunday eventnat fire- in mill 81 ator and apart- menu wire ihovm tin kitchener ulaatwwhrlday ti taiitof thtneed7ara new mre hall waa general following the dlf- fleultlaa encountered by the flrex men on th weekend s

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