Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1957, p. 2

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u3ffjl tea aaly easae ps4uka4 to aaue appreciation foundad in ltts and published evy thurs day t m u1u st e acton ont umbf of the awtu bwm f cirruution the cw na and lha obunoubfc division of the cwjia a4vbrtuung rate on reqaea sub- aartpuoas payable in advance txdo in canada 4400 in lh united stale al months 11 75 single cuplea tc authorised as seeqftd class ajall poa office department- ottawa ihiuuhad y um dllta rrtnlamg im pwhllafclng co c a detld it jam a nd kdil u 11 14 uu fetllniln chlrf oilli lrhlurlion manager lilla mauagmg editor i10ffic lh uu acu thursday uh tuppi i january 3rd ivi impeding progress we recall well i f tr- day- around the turn qf the crniuiy fairer t atne home chip day and gave tnr vord it at m would ijc uve l fcf ne to learn ihe pintmg tiade a nw machine had been put on ifie maikel to let type and pf inter vs ooui nol be- required to get ihe net v to ihe publu bui the year pasted hd not hevng ieen the complicated equipnent bl fhcly went ahead and learn ed how to set type by hand jen year later we came to work a tide the linotype and five yean later we were struggling with tt ourtelf a couple of year later we operated the fmt one m halton county it diipmked three young men it wai our first initiation 1 into tte field of automation today where n mpn- toiled on two paper to set all type by hand 0 are finding full employment with decreased hours bet jar conditions and 40 times the pay it large ly tftltc afcou by automation m the punting industry this all came to mmd when we read ilt week of the threatened strike on the cpu the company ha detuned to hire more fire men on deel for pos t on m which the re not required men a ready tgij n m on poi iiont w i be transferred to other erv cp it the ame rale ct pay bixl ig the path of pro grc the un on declares mere men myil be hired and no iav ng m com tan lie mide ftcllyiocyi ra lwa an tr r r am les may t ml themselves w thou any free travel accommodation br nnu irn the other day a story was publ shed from windsor tetkng that a factory wheh makes car engines had made its yearly quota in six months to cure this situation the union sug ousted a 30 how r week and guaranteed an nuat pay not a word about reducing the pce of cart or giving a return to the man gernent who had bought therew eipensive equipment to make the job less laborious we repaired the first delude cars that cost us 875 and the last one mat cost over 3 000 anofvas not considered delude a large part of ibe increase is m taxes and certainly a big ger and better car tt came bou largely through automation ii th unions of the pt 50 ears had act d as they are today we would s ii be dig g n d tches by hand us ng hand plos and dong our cooking and heat ng w th wood we owe our present day stanjjrd of liv nq oi h v4stilo tis io o aceparvct and ffhoufagemcnl o ttter methods w are told that n bethlehem shepherds tend the r tocks and peasants t ii the so i m ihry did 1900 eari ago we n canada may well ponder why sonietxxly must hae stood n the way of progress and t mu ase teen a majority group no one group of cnj ans has a speoal right to use the toce ot itself and other groups to ntl it undue hardsh pt on the rest of canad ans unions are not solv ng any problems by their present tactics we need leaders who are broad enough to see the welfare o ti- rather than the setfsh interem of a few gopertion at least the streets asout town could be kept m much better condition if the general public would cooperate ard oot leave cars parked on the ttreert overmght of course there if i law against such practice and cars can be 1 hauled away and you can get up some- ajouny nxrn tng aiid 4nd yvvf mutog jt would be a lol easier f6r all concerned 1f motorists would obey the law and park cars off j he street every night then when the snow plow is clearing the roads during the night or early morning if- would not need to leave a wide swath of un plowed street thejasi days of 1056 in acton were mar red by some of the worst fire losses of the whole year and fought the coldest days of winter when one read of losses sustained tteomere in canada c here ttder themselves fortorrate that the total loss was confined to the building in which the fires originated difficulties under which the firemen fought on the weekend were not confined to the fire the efficiency of twer- pumper from actoart and one from georgetown was cut considerably by the below zero weather on saturday night to give acton protect ion until repairs were made another pumper was loaned from georgetown lo staiui by until re pans were made a repaired pumper aruijilier georgetown machine were available when the sunday night blaze broke out tlianks tollte hillon mutual aid more equipment from george own and mltorf could quiet ty have been called in if it had ixtn npcetvary a word of praise is not only due our own die brigade tnjt lso to our good neightxjrs and lo throne ifclio have w oiled over a period ol ycflfl q hrmtj ttus futual aid to its splendid eltective nc ss a word is also well deserved for the io operation of thos who worked log i to make speedy repairs to damaged equip menl ftie efiegeiuy created during thewek end also focussrd attention on lfe neeii for epeditfig be erfrticjn cif atlo s prtposrd new fire ivall it is to le hopeil the way will be cleared immedistely for a slart on the building any pne connected with municipal affairs knows full well the delays that are encountered in any undertaking the need has been known for a long tinwi tt s no lime ip fiddle while rome burns the imped i men is of procedure should be cleared and a start made as soon as weather will permit demanding field the removal of twoniationally known magazines colliers nd woman s home companion from the f tefd firings to attention the fact the publishing field is getting a bd overcrowded both had gamed in circulation recently but m these days of- high production cost the gam was nol large enough to meet the rising costs n recently a very prom nent television per lonihf hiinouihcii ii nltnlion ot wittidrsw n no from the t eld mcause of loss of sortie n j 90 000 from three shows ho hid recently put on television sirrxus with the amount of bids for the leisure w rnitjf fftvrthese das lomp of thp medts of mass tommumcation is having quite a struq gle messages which are designed at big costs must prove themselves acceptable and prcxluce results to the advcrtiier to get their share of the advertising dollar many of them do not give adequate proof of their reader ship interest advertisers demand tacts well substantiated that is the reason why several years ago this newspaper omed a growing group known stheaud it bureau of circulations to t the s prog give locapand national advertisers the proof that the local paper js paid for and wanted by he readers in its field the bureau covers this continent and is made up of advertisers and publishers its figures are accepted m all circles and its rules are very rigid this year the growing nunw of weekly news papers has recoived recognition by having a representative appointed to the board not all media can ve proot ot p d circulation nawaeuattuppv laoliv 1 o umis ol ths newspipers colunnis past cind future we would be rem 4s ndeed f at imt- coie of l56 we d i not take t me to pause and express our apprec atton of the many good thngs which featured 156 as we look back over the dosing 305 days wo lke lo ponder on the many fine th ngs that came from so many f rie people with whom we have been associated and hove made the year sb good it would not be wisdom to attempt to en umerate or to classify them since a common ry newspaper touches on so many mtbedis tnt1tt serves and beyond tven being an editor of a weevly newspaper ts a role we cherish since it allows one to serve and be familiar with so many people won 1 you all who read thrs accept this note of apprecia tion atbeig directed to you personally in the same broad sense we would like ou pood wishes to apply to all who read we promise jhat the yir 1957 w have our the good old days baoc1n1907 tata from tha bm ik fro rr tliarmear i ttse nomination dajr haj come and con and as the frea itrva prrdlet- 94 eounrll acau have gone a be llnf four eandiaalej were out p tor the rrvveahip and elnraw- eounrll ptuiun at nine o clock fan nrw yrara nim it wai found that uttrtr swackhamrr liad be rlrrtd by vcumallon and that on y hirer f hr isjultdalrs for rmin cil had put in ihrlr rvrlarallon of ituihriruii v all it and n w llliat tlui latux w dla qiuillflxl iwlna 1 the fart llil i lm amibimm maiii r t iru frrp brl kdi artd llnrfrr iid mrvil f ll fiiinirtiimi v mibkta frum i arindrll wrid or aultvri lirti d by atlmbtim to hit pumii m hinl imhiki al 11 jtl iiiitlii ltv swrktunur w llu titi1 cujlo iimii lli vnm iimuil lo tx aliu to xt lll i lwllojlryt nimvy ih iiihtun tin m un it bli i ikw i i r tuiii i- hvti it wool i i- of in ii fit loaulohu ftiiiljdly th hydro iw i f on nlmioti ir uimy t- in vl it loi krowinc imt it- fll oulil oon null 4 0l oiiiii illoi iik y i hi jack in 1937 takae fraaa tka lata f tka fraa fraaa mt tharsrfar jutrnmry t imt one of the irsuat widely known rurjymrii in thli wet urn of ontario lirv john littlr of lutckwood who lvr up a tvirthjniruirwa a a mftkutthh to enlr th mlnutry d- al hi twm un nrw yaar a y mr mttlr svtwjvu us hu wmt 7r tok a heart auack yar ago and tad tfen in falling l alth iuwi r ho prarhd on tl iraatria durirttf th- ium- tn r fir wai born in mlvs nrar fclflat tin lmt ium pulilir u ikhi month ly ffrtb wr unl rii- starwl- lk fj 1 the dff fill grad wiir kta r ui katlilin wdg r v n llrahl jark mdlnprin tt irn ifiime jrk ttwan sfatir- n ckltourk armatid hrukla juiim liiim ard lurtra n ixu tin tjilum mr mia m 1w mil tl pnrimml ll rolli m on i an rlia4i a w m- miuo m yoim i ilu iit r h ii i mr ii t in 11 iii u- mi ii i ivi r i jid i r am n m 1 i f the ilta 1 bail k wn ktvr iiiuiiiifartiiri ii in un ixiiiiim n bh hi ha l ih d u mi t firiam shadows of winter talo j atalhvr tar at awjjiaacai chronicles of gin farm christmas at our place th rrim tk kal1h uimlmi il ui biiih of rjiaj unit pr m to in k m i h mpl lo mill u m w tiurili n l anrn mtr tti january tliaw ramr a dny in udvuiiir of tin iwjntli sit lulling wit jfopunlltil itgialrar nnti that ih r wrrc nglaurr1 in artn luat y t 3 blrtha 77 d alha and tnarrlagt mraars jann mriiiloh and sm dlsiwrd of lb ir finr piar1y at the corner of john and mill hi to mfutr joli mnrw and 1 o for if mm iii hr uitrnlion of lh pur to nmiovk it prfm nl bouai irit t li p thurmlay mt rl th lk 111 ml lv ttatn nl tt ii tin whole ntnr itorv i f clirimmi ii 1 tonkin t lm ton 1m is lli it 1 i it tluln t ipin cairn i i mm hi n it nit uoiim u iktma lxty i i im f yimi lupin ui uil lh id txilli p irtlrtilmlv tv i ii hif- iinpardon iblr noon u ring ixii llirintt it fill imhihfc i imk ll wall rn t tut ii i irt fuinilum tor- tn imismblv lkj illir ton i ovirin tl lltll fi nt hi i m f tl ol marnid in gtuifca sotuni in 1w1i for 11 yart lln fadufy tavr uui il mi 1 n idi nia of artnn naiu i air m ml this yrr rrach rd a ii w high hhirlry t inpli rornt a to dm fgory thtatn ihu wn k in th4 lior illllr ujrh cjirl a good crowd rnjoyrd thr aoclal tening and dancr in thr town hall on nkw year a night undrr th aui piia of ihr l albana a y 1a mr it n urown h hat urn mip r nti nd rt of km sunday axli f uvul yaia nunpli trd i t ri of jfrui ll th li f th r and i luiniid from hia poit ion nllii t i im i h ks lmfllt kuinl umak il llu- minilij lie llirilltii kro u i i i im llu professional directory and travellers guide ii i i tu for ihii you c iq u unit w iti hil t rv r in no mcijlcit thu i he hiut been cxpkh1 m ilhnut biking them built up full but th ihird lin in mfi- linn o it itniki as if he has wnu- kind of immunity the ni xt prublt in m as our tv i think i mentioned before it cnt out of kilter bound but no picture j u i when e wore looking for- qf cuime no one had time lo fix it then ttoh came along unrked on il tun npirho dn and got it go tng acain v ithotit nnv new tub or ptrt but lit imill riixn t know hou or vhv tl rk th n iujuai th tor of ihe vtllffitij i biim unking ihe turki dievmnfc had tin onnm ind tlir fr me m bulti r iind ilm t dmt when i min c ime to lh d oi i dutihm in winling in pltjmtl 111 til 11 mill n p ill rxtlamatioiu of ob look jui hat 1 wantetl partner a pr m nt in me caused a gtmitl deal of aniuu nirnl it wai a copjter bottom fring pan ap pirrntly he n tired of hrarlng cnmplninta atmhit my old aluminum frying pan to which very dung tuck cium r thin a broth r so that waa imr time hen th squeaking wheel got some greiuie altogether it a a mot enjoy able chriflma particularly ax ih uetltnefwjutpi rrccrtir travelling n we hod no worrits about uiom on ihe highway another thing there wai such a happy fantilv feeling no bickering no petty j iimimi v no on thinking hi or fvhc w a h f i ored tttn mni on ilx and w h it diff r n tint makt x infirtiiniu l thin in finiihii w in re such i h ippv rel itionhp d us n l xist kn w hi r lived iu ih 1 dulihm in n im p ill n id ili ul ulul 1u w kivin him uirctioiw hi un lirt k1 tl i ii i wni burnt t i tilt i ii nl vim t tin th r ti ind m i tn 1 it rx p units if tin otlur t1 nisi iii t w ivi hihikiiii u rni- tin i in in tinpti i nt sit hi moth r inl th r niit rs wir it iv i ii a j rt liv if out i m il pit iv foigiv 1 wuuld bku txx uiiuk llu- lcmpu r lib will t i httl kimwi r i hi ll qui i r in ih ni w y r ih in it wis tn fori hrimmim hut i mippom ihut l t futile hop hut ml wi art minulimii cornjh lied to f1ow up wheth i wi want lo t not i viw an inline of thi m i rday driving jinme from tnwn i had to stop for red light al a milwiry crossing a very long freight train was pulling into the station so long thnt when the first section was in thu station the middle sect iun blocked the crocking and ihrrr it stayed the lime was 12 08 and emp hi ee of an industrial plant urn on ihi ir uiv home fit lunrh the line up of ears got longer and long it and i could imnginc the driver mi thing at thi wheel th trim vi ntunllv went on its wa after mm or ti n minute but judging h 1hrpriivi fact- of mom of thi driv n it mint h iv t setmed i ki h if m hour a ten minute w nl i n miniili nl of 24 liut toulu n jtauxhjivc niadi v t v minh itift i in draw winners dr w g c kenney rhyolrlan nd hurgron offirr in symon lllock a mill st e acton orflrc phn 71 sumldncc 111 chore h ml e pkan isa dr d a garrett rhyalcua svit hr curnlf otwuluu and river sts oitk r ntrnnce kiver street acton ontario rhmn 13 dr robert d bucknfh rhslrlan and hnrgraa 3 s lliriklon st rtm ont rhonf m of it ii urs t il p tn ti lephm mr juji rstvti ni inslrnf e i ftuchner do optom irim 4h mill st t 1hne us office hours vt ilrusoays 130 6 00 pm rvenings by appo ntment c f leatherland qc jurrlitrr a hnllrttar naurjrakua iffice llnuri inno am 1200 am im pm voo pm stturdavi bv appointment only offu 2j phone iua 1si aitoht lever hoskin f hartrrrtt bfoununu 11 unn st n 312 king si w hr miplon toronto 2 ill m v ji7h l 4j alljt mikit wj ron this sundays 1 1 lli a ii ii in ul mlnl in v ir up oh n jt i i ii u nun r i tin lm hr t ml vt k ihil lli in church calendar represent teachers at assembly in cify united kr chuich of canada arlaa oatarla cordon adm ma ll d mir irt parminakr 28 iviwrr actno crminr m mr ororgr crltoll onanist and choir lradrr 76 ikimrr ave acluu phone t kesbvtfrlan church in canada knox oilmen acton 11 v andrew 11 mckcnzlr 11 a do p m sunday january lh 1b57 aoo am holy comtnumon beneodaaaca bara a ih fra p 10 1000 am junior church and bive the folkt of acron and dimrict tlweeit homatown paper vn pombly can there muit alwaya be a forward look there can be no pautmg in thu fan growing pan of a rapidly expanding canada thanki fortosa the beat for 19s7 fndt jrfimir i ilir n r icr stjndy jatmuarv th 9 am church hoiil 1100 a in hulv cimmunion 70o pm fininjt worahip 8 13 prn proinr 1ki7 fvtninir worship senior mtuh felluwihii church 5chool 1i1s am holtcommunion aitist church acton nmuytteoarurfa1of laninnafr 119 bowrr avi around your car aboihr might wall be added lorbrief commftnt 1h benefit of padmtriant imalhedrye our aflempt al poetry ian week was a bit very citin lo ahovelthe atdewetk frorhmg fotlherconfutecf whan ihetwrosa line wa the anglican church op canada 81 albaal caarett aeta oni rcvcap h jones ba uttr ftaatar thrtr prup a i g a mry f ken ff one of th w wo an dif be y tojje ll bui thoteswh cou raged and will hereafter tlck to proie to pau htft way thoutd norbe aniea the prlvp evpreu ourlhoughts even at the risk pf hav- l lrtnneti sunday january v 7 1kpiphany 0 flo m holy coirununlon su 4n churoh school and bible class -r- sunday january lh 1957 xaoo am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 pjn evmirjit seryice b15 pm bypu cntfcostal assembly meeting in lol hall crtwton i corn or torrakdkied hi rnnlr st tflrnnrinr mftw it m xi achaala irmcipal gllnwod schixil and m n mmn principal wtlliryttcn square schwil nirliniftnn rrprrsrntctl ttw mrn farhrrs of halton cminly at the pr incml awwrnblv of thr ontario public school men tcachrr fcde- fatinn hrld this year tufonto from dcrninr 7 to 59 ounntl the thr day arsaion 140 diicati from all parts of the prn incc rrprrsented jhe redcrationi s700 mrn teachers in hearing re ports and making dccuiona 6n a wide variety of subjects concerning educalirrart teaenvr welfare der review this year were qualifica tions and duties of principals edu cational finance federation spons ored summer courses teacher edu cation and qualifications salary pol icy and superannuation r i wrk ml n i i si ppraieetral i lte and inmuranrr wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill lrtt hour 3rt 1i wv clnrilm inslhancr j bert wood insurance agency ute and liencraj laaaraaca ihune 5jv 77 will su after hours ta 4 3050 guelph k jvtfy mjnfrai tome ii r i i l n am i i llru 1 shtvmkr mtfr olive m lampard tcx kmt teacher af rtana acton studio si albans ivriah hjii 14 iahk avi ulllll 1hone shj lavelleis oui0e offftv c6ach lines torurm ltavr acton irtai or h ieib hwnla4 tinrgeon office corner mill and rredcrick sireeu i office hour 0 am to pm telephone ib acton jchanan- n daetal wargaa orfice taeishman block uui st office hours 1 am to 6 p m xray telephapa 141 raatbwiid j4 am dally except sua mn hot i 31 am mm am unpin 4w pm 111 pm ij9 pm 10 oh pm sun and hoi i 1027 am 1333 pm im pwli sz7 pm 737 p ni 9 13 bjbvt 1132pm 1 13 atn ifrl sal ava and rlo bio obstacle lonton ont cp other methods havinf failed the works department has called on army eft sincere to blow up a slant rock standing in ihitjjathof aneweit veterinary f g oacts bv sc veterinarian qffice and residence 24 knox ave a- rtnn phpntlw canaaoian natronal tajlwavs hunjavtmase eaatltaam daily j0 a m dally axrept sun day iuuo m 713 pm sundait on a 0l pm daily except sua day flyer at ceprgelown 901 bjn4 fl37pm daily flyer at oaorga town 10 1 pm k lepe they helped pay for the tide walk too irg the same thing happen there sunpajanuaby 0ji 105t 4003 i sunda moi tp o adela st 1100 amrchoral communion too pm evensong 1100 am morning wnrahlp 7 30 pm evangelistic sarviaa wedneaday 8 pm cottage pr meeting ami bible- study ljthczflubrjlcnqfjji jni il ionpol- lars worth of cream u used vvery year in canada by- makers of candy b d vpung bv sc cllyoungpym valarlnam snrfaona office brofllcviueonlarlo phone milton tr o0t7 in zz wwlbaaad pail pmu djiij sunday 140 a m 653 p m ifl iop1 pjj saturday onjjf bmundayonly m3 anv tp sunuay ordy flyaral cuflph im pm dally ecot-st- and sua 10 pbnr- oa i- rv ibts a

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