em the acton fro ws thundoy january 3rd 9s7 f staff photos record fires a5fjrementave busy weekend an atftlal ladoft of the hydro department w brought into ection enabling firemen to roach i top storey near the roof the stubborn blv continued to break out in wall and roof sacliom surf rhot fcini is shown here as the fire wm in its earl stages estimated total loss was 33 000 including the furniture and equ pment of the three business places and three apartments christmas- meeting of dublin institute has seasonal theme tb christmas rneetln bf dublin womafli v was held on december 17 at the horn of un alts near sixth una nassags- weya with a food attatuunce to open the meeting brighten tb corner where you are waa tuns followed by the institute ode and unxtc prayer ura william ucln- lyre the president waa j in the chair and lira wilms walk in acted s aatcretary and read the nlnutea ruu call was answer by a chrtstimus rt that i have made uenttun was made of the farm feiy show at he end of january the- coliseum toronto arhteve mm i day is being held by the 4 11 giruljw ftbruary 1 tbe training arhuul sandwlchta fur all ccaa ions will tr held on mart h at one of the member s hum tiew m ir ihe- inewhuie were named ti thr 111 clinic mrs wm alliti and mi w urll ton a hank hook will be aett to a ii tern b r nrw baby hstlifactory financial ret was tnnde from a btaofh held at a recent suit jon sale in the neighborhood mrs murctitson gave a reauine of the customs of people in nlhrr landi during the festive seasons whiih waa quite irrtereatlng with mrs hubrrtxtn al the piano froaty the linuwanan was aung chapter 37 if thr study bunk wa rtivnnto twu starts on pioneer present day vhrlstmas in hal ton which were wll taken by mrs will am mr in tyre and mrs r u uavidaon respectively hev erat christmas riruli wrr sung and enjoyod the christmas party which all anticipate with pleasure was tak n over by mrs hen nick and mrs mcphedran the ronveners who conducted several games that wrre enjoyed prise winners were mm van fleet mrs armstrong m gladys davidson mn welkin mrs it i davidson mrs m ffut mrs near mrs dennis mrs mi claughlln and katherlnc mcphrd ran a fine e change of chrlstmaa gifts waa made by santa claua a delicious christinas lunch was wrvil by the hostess assisted bv hrt lurk armstrong mrs ncl on andrraon and mrs george lol rtou thi hurrrwwaa beautl full rittroritlwl with chruimaa decorations and thr traditional chriilmas tru ugnyoufcrn two presentations held for couples happy ni w war lo all our read rrs mr and mra finlay mccollum were tendered a preoentatlon osi friday night in ljgny school dane ing to the jiuaic of joyces orches tra waa enjoyed the earlj part of the evening the newlyweds were presented with a table lamp easy rjialr and liking room table several from this community at tended a euchre and presentation for dr and mr ian gllmore ruth lawsoni recently at quatre bras school thejwere presented with a iwivel tv chair and floor lamp mr and mrs finlay currle and children u ere guests on sunday with mrs currle a aunt and unci dr and mrs sparling brampton mr and mrs ci cation and hralh t rr mrs m may will robertson john hobertson and the misses shortreed mr and mrs fred grant and family and mr and mrs w j wills wt re chrlalmas guests is ith mr and mrs frank gnldrn georgetown with mrs p peddle and ken werejwr and mrs ren dylc and mr and mrs m densmore and fam tly georgetown mr and mrs albert peddle and family had as christinas guests mra peddles parents mr and mrs c miller toronto and mr peddle s later and brother inlaw mr and mrs richard moorr hocht sl r ny mr und mra ro m curru mr and mrs hmtay curnrjind famil spent w ism-a- mr rntni as fina gut iph junction with mr und mra huiry davis and fimil for chrlitinas vi i n mrs dii biiilur mr urid mrs lurxt bran und fumil ornntfivillc ii 1- jit i lr tn ilrumptun md miss inin iluiul milti n mr und mm ite bro t mr uudiw uiuglatlrvllitt ml t u wn with mr and mr cliff brown jnd finulv for christmas with mr jnd mis c t davm pn md martin mu mr and mrs rthur oivinport jim and wthd mr und mrs vtrn cole and dav id gut iph mr und mrs mel zimmer mun and family dundas mrs wil liam cole und mr brian gleesdn mftjon brown and fsmri mr and mr ernie wtison and famib mr and mrs emit gooch and cgth ancastir and mr jwihi hampshire and miss jantt hampshtrt mr and mra john mitchell spent a few l davs at chrlsjniaw ith their claukhttr and on in law mr and mrs samtllo boumanville c rtie nvtmber meeting of the seen seuers uqs hetd atalwritll jnowells isfmcwiui aeven glrl present ftqii cnu wax record book uphadatti aitambusinessthe- g rlaj- tirorfced on their accessories a dej acton skaters tn ice review last saturday december the ho members of the guelph cullege- flgure skating club staged their christmas tunc ice show holiday lea review in ouslph memorial gardens the following acton skaters par ticipated tn the show donna led ger pianne dedala brenda ue keown mmla beelda peter mich ael paul and stephan wolfe linats and karen damra susan and sally wilson jo ann force jtlisabcta force mary jsne force and and rew drnters there were two complete shftws in both the matinee at 130 ssn and the evening performance at a i ft pin the first was thr lit adapts ion of the wirard of of with huth f kuibrjon atarring si fxirolhy andrt w drrtiti r lie ilubs most impruvhl skntrr ainte laat year mv at let i the part uf the tin wood litmii miki nuibarn rhulc skatetpas the kad witrli 1 ynne hit phni mm mo ti a gran fill tmllerlua in thl pavppv field somrlhltik vei y inlrreating aikd new hu ytar waa the erfoririatir- of ildlv hiddell frmn ht aiharin s riguie skating tub he thilll ed the audit lire when he akated i he role nf marrtruw on ib inch lltt the aettmd ire adaptutioti was aken from orge trnhwini an american in paris atarring mary jane fotte and jilti hutchinson this was a non atop is minute produdi u uung the intermediate and aetiior ntendmrs t uia tlub an eatillint story with teautlful mua lc and ry accomplished figure skating j innnr markham was the bailer inn nf ltujevuusutfl girir bal let many eople will reinemler the tiny nine year old girl llron wvn lliutln r who agmii waa a lerrlfic little crowd ririiter hi her aolu filnth th win rt amithrr young accomplished akater- per fornud a fruitful s lo john wild k ittil a vi rv difficult program in iniim tilive protfr ine hi will uae when h repnat nli he club in i he iluffril iiil rmitiumil igure skiitink ompetitinna this wick ftulim ltichnrda rmnr frcm th tormili jk illng lub ngnln thlj ir t i thrill vi rvone with her fihulmia and lm ompnr tide akatini shlhlllurib jin hiih rt n a id nut iliflt und prnfehiin d frum almu pcrforottml an intricate i it inre routine 1 uh thr caiielph clul i r- feanlnnnl nnd director f hi how itnaa smith i a nrw kuiat harlr- snrll in three tlim senior men hnmpmn cf canada from tha jgranil tlub in toronto he left repbrt recommends xa action following hearing on dismissal at a special meeting of acton december 17 recommended that no public utilities coenmisalon on frj- cton be taken by the minister day members reviewed a coenmls th dsnw by sioner r report forwarded by the department of lasbor cojrering an set ton against the commission by the interns lionet brotherhood of flecuksl workers local i7 public utilities commission of wayne kelly in october purpose of the hearing was defined as to inquire into the matter and to ascer tain if he was diacarged for bet a member of the union or fr any tlie rtpurt by tupper biglow j union activities which are rantrsr- magistrate comrhlu loner dated to the proviaigna of the awbnorre to itrenda tun vi ihifid wan a with mr und mra murah and children murah part n is mr lftrk milton for litchinif lunth willum n hrmiman k jack froat mr and mi were with mr und mra i j chriktmua mr and mrs j j kt nn dy miss pearl and mias maru krnmdy mil ton uitryfttr anil mrs idkar how dt u iniwnmlly in c hmlmas dnv 7tid mis it w drrdgi vm re wfsf and mra itobi rt kirby and famiiv rnnduli on christmas day mr fn ih i irk dn dii norqway sik h ii inm isitink his cousin mr md mm it w iredk during l he hrimnian hoi id iv tltr md mm tdn il and fnm il mrantfi rd mr nd mrs arnold srvne toronii mr and mra art wilmn mlv j nnd mu marion wiimiii milton w n christmas uiitstji with mr und mrs jack lr ing and funuh e trbuchnert optometrist in acton closed dec 26th but open january 2nd office at 4s mill st e acton hours 1 30 6 00 evenings by appointment fon teiephoni iis r initrurtmf ihr hydro norval walksover milton 91 fim a inrtkraph in the re- rt dtiilta with r lafw in betweeh lations act and to make the approp rtabr recom mends uons to the mlsdg- 4er- memhers of the puhflc utilluas commission at the special meetinsj also agreed that due to the public try received in the matter the eom- miaaion ahould publish the entire brjef tit the magistrate jo the frmm niajjri intcrapi in ine re- palermo acton fight to 33 tie rrr rjxzz n rvala junior karnia wnlkeds ti t it mi i n dnctd ttiat it ml in ii i tat 0 i miie milt at m lh n iftk nigr in lite ew4rrid gam 11 nui uimi aruo iattl1 it oot lo a thr all tie kin ftlilwiilsim notched three iala 1v jefil wuxkaij line lldcrt win followed by pete porneroy with two other marksmen were eorge hmlth fred uarnea rnsw t unningham and dave leslie iea lie and ken flearrts picked up a tnaliyearh for the wjnners wplle murray tkrr ion johnson and jolui wiljuiill spent time in the sin i m for the losers the only milton tally waa by murray tasker unss slated ii oon acored two and g mc- arthur picked up one goal for ac on in ihe lied tangle which fullew ed the fir at gam iajjrmo s sror i rs wrre ma laang d murray asad ii irr hir ih ur mo irilin dmr plrk 1 up iwo imnalloa ami l murray lid n ihfirns lfik iimki utxf llrih mu i ith dl haudid out threi irnchi tu wiiihm i v y for at ton a wi ii us in to m llunti r mid i or 1 ik f m it i vi rv yi ir fun idl in candy linkers u intin than 17 2s0 0h onda f nulk wholr aklm con 4leitmd nd powdered yortti loitii 2rtrjmju t- ji- et- 1 jina principal reelected rintindt nt lo hav to governors board at the recent provincial asaamblr met ling of ihe ontario iubllc ftehot men rvaitiers fivtrritinn r a mpkixii pfitwripal of tha- itrunta p ihlic flml waa rr rrtd to a a jd trrm rm thr ltt -cv- ern a of the ontario tearhers felerati n the parent tdy o f garrick of ihr hot rt i und sehoj blaff in hrinllo waa elated chair man f th klorato n wtrk om nutlit foiftjtr naulng year the aaaa inhly was in araaion in toronto for three days complrajng ma tfiiailiias laal sail 11 day iwrm u r 2t ii was attended by 140 dele galea ripnaenling the i7u0 public arhool mi 11 teacht ra of all parts of the provinre tliat mow the dyefor new year wtould havfi len more wel 1 mi a wok narller nrrr nroiirr t ifan wash the hroller of your rook niir r inge lifter each use so grcau nt colli rt and c uiae the pun to m ki p ur off gn as while ftiirru whin cimii aoak pan and brnilir grills in rich frm soapsuds comi to thf kaye shoppe foe your knittino niidj fteehlve u a baji haw ain 11 ealerm ue a baji mj iu xv a ball 4 fr ft m advantf pattrjins i n stot k k roszell 0 willow t mrniti with a miff trush dry uisjlli net hreathleaa iltrulnr pcrf rmance with 111 ing thi compli te ice show itu very profession illy presented above and lwy nit um usuul mnateor farn d it was n rreilt imleed to trte producer itou smith the skatera and nil the rlub helpera the aiid ii nn waa in nt appreciative though too amall in numlwra to prop rly support ihis high type endeavor ftienda nnd relnlives nf the acton aknters were among those who en joyed the how a keys juuoi whilf you wait hintons 5c1 store iatfht httlf raiuvifw alia pi tills t wn of xitout 1200 peranns in the ivuk hivir araa of norlhern al lert 1 1 in the swing of tlunga lla intent orgnnurd gr up la a roek n itll cluh with mrmrx rkhip t re than 20 fresh uked for tasty eatmg m coxfct ptumsino hiatmo tavistiouohino feaia oaa s oil niraacea oaa water tank free eatimatea phone 25 acton dsp winer buns always nlsh available el ledgers j bert w insurance agency announces that allrecords in the office ere saved fromfire or clamager anyone desiring information please call 38 5 j until further notice wjihmr and mrs s j br vi and mrs john bioa t phone 128 acton l and bi suie of tni bist e v c i u a i v e ufihuul lunch wasfvfd bymur i lei i the december mectins woa at r v pbota j brenda kardya with aeven flrut hismtwlirtodhmjnaieablrierinw at the fire preient mra boreitrom ahowad atimlded enough to allow fireman inside ihe ground floor office water and imoke damage wat great i the ulrlk now tb db italian hem slwitone free pwiopabd i hi tops phone j2o acton ahappy and prosperous new year can be yours with an al used car guaranteed thompson motors acton j ltd several real bum in stock riout now ewamtdrwejthe 1957-modeis- in yy mr v ford monarch consul tops for performance i tops for ervice i t