the actoeitrpfu thursdeyjanuary 3rd 157 v soil crop improvement association elects officers mc beaty president campuuvius united states parity price and their effect ml canadian agricult ure was the subject of the ejulsjht- aninc sddrasa dattvarad by dr h i patanon director rf the tarni somubnic branch of the ontario department of acrtcultunrat the annual oiewttng of the hhon soil and crop improvement asoctt ion held in hilton on friday of last witv tfotwtthiunawt the tact thai the united slate farm populati m re praarnu onlytt4r 13 per cent uf lha toul us political partlr ire very much concerned about the agricultural fconomy a w intel prvtnf pi tttrt on rommmli it would appear ambujance service ends january 31 ororarrown a problem which wfti far neat years georgetown council at ita first meeting cum to round i a stlemt ion on monday whan lha 9 town father held their final session a letter from harold c mcclur notified council that ambulance service which haa been operated by hit firm for mm yean will terminate on january 31 mr mcclure in hla letter ex plained that lomi local funeral director hava decided in drop op eratlon of ambulance from their buiinraa for a variety of reason that the urban dweller of the us take a keener interest in the wcl fare of trlr apiculture than i apparent by their comparable gect ion in canada the parity formula eapreaae a desire to keep the us- na pointed out that the 19 economy on an even keel originally it a ted dr patterson 110 to 10j4 waa takm aj the ba period and the parity formula waa calculated on the price index of the things farmer buy while this worked reasonably well on wmt produtu it was found he stated that it did not worloo wetl n livestock for that frtmin the par ily furmuu for irveet k products 1- r ir n haiton manor t ovfc1 arilall knox carollers tour the manor intended for laat weekj the religious aijtmficanre of the christmas season and the spirit of generosity and friendliness that i part f h wrre exemplified on lwi occam ni at the manor recently tarlv in the evenjnf of satur day december z2 the iwrrt atrar of v ill known and much christmas carol were hea through the manor when af group uf uun man and women belong ing to the young people a society of kiiik presbyterian rhur h ml tan ramc to the manor to sing carols for the realalenu the rca idrnu made a tour of the manor singlng arveral carola in each v ing thr singer were led by mr stewart locklr and the musical accompaniment were played on the aaxaphftnc by david lockle they sane very harmoniously and eanresalvrly and their singing was enjoyed by all at the cloae of their singing lour they left a treat of tokay grapes and home made candy for each resident a treat which like their sweet singing was much appreciated the second occasion came on christmas sundaj december 2s when rev j l graham minister of st pauls united church milton came to conduct the regular aer vice in the chapel the chapel waa decorated with a christmas tree and other christmas decorations for the occasion mr graham brought with him ten co it girls from hla church and thir leader mr f johnson the president of the cgit glrta anne g rvais was among the vis lion the girls led the singing of the familiar carols rung bv the visitor and rimrttnla in unison the girls thennrlvrn annc thr rarol while shepherds iitrlird in ery pleas ing miinmr mr graham placed the pliino in compjininit nu for nit thi niumiii number wr triliiim dcliv rod ati im press i nnd nppropnntc sermon on the rtotds cilr to god in the highcut and in curth ntnee and g hkih ill to nu n pointuik out that this until lire nmoiii tin nwut popular words hiard dunn- th christmas usioii mr ciahim xpt lined that eeriil tint i n tudtnl uf u riptun have studied cu rrt v thrsr uont- in itu orifcinul 1li bit w f xu l llbad at tnr motncfit on ifie per tod ima tu iftu the coat uf hold tng or atnring their surplus prod ucts staled dr jsttt rton runs irr- tn bllhuna of dollar in referring to the effect of th united state parity program on canadian agrkulturr he stated as long a their surplus products kaht off lit marke program did not make too much difference to canada however with the setting up of a depart ment of fxporl sale the u s hai rut canada out nf a number of her markets slure the fall of i0s4 the us haa sold 13m million dollars worth of farm products for foreign cur rency mraxi for example was giv en a bonui of 1 00 000 bushels of wheat for a contract which per miu mraiil making payment in llraiijian rurrrncy ami in the fin j during the meeting it was an nl annlykia thi us hna the wheat i nnunied tluit art llennrtt who mirktl if llriiijl for 70 y ars u j be n thr ixipular akutti i nu th mm ktl fn- v ht t fii f ai it ullural ii pit m nlatlvi for tin itv m 1 iiill i artioitina nnd i lullon and in 1 1 countifs ainre tli n fort ii tt ii mill if us nit juni 1 1u2 hi i ixin prtmnoted lo m n aiirilina i- now uhlipt ting he id ffi of th ontario ihr kiinl in in f r thi r in u ki 1 p ulnii nt 1 akiultiitt in tor ohuli f irnn rl tmide th hutk f mr hi tin tt npfmiintrmnt a thtir vhcdt puictimm fivin n aittanl dm lor of i hi xtrrulon it ct a i lir uich tinik tffttt n januiry 1 the soil i wink proui nn uf the in tin new work thr rcnhl arl umtid slitdk m hkily to 1ikr 4jmiii fr the turn i in nt lent million urn out of pi ilurtion b it ulnih up ihi junior i irmt r illn i ripial i all tr fjtm i uia piornm throughout ont irio while george swann to norman smith af campballvula who had yield of m bushels per acr in the hal ton 1d buihel grain corn competition in nakmg thereserrtaiwd mr compelltora had an average yield of 7k bushels to the acre put yialdjnj otbrc graincrops n4 in addition was much higher in nut ruive value jacidentajly lha lop yield in the competition was sec urvd by fred nurse of ashgrave with 108 bushels per acre mr nurtr therrby duplicated hts achievement uf iw3 mrs john inglis is sadly missed intaftaad for last wmic mrs john infill daughter omh lata- mr and un william howard of campbelwuie paaaad away at the home of her son charles after an illness which caused her to be bedridden tor uh rwi hex husband pradeceasad her 31 year ago ji mem pj st david i hat- byteriao chufovl k caenpwh villa her cheery smile love of friends and admiration of other will b sadjy mlaaed by all who linew and art bennett promoted t lmr in t uuidnl it thnr plans nrc nirtud through tn n surcrviful ronrlum n ihi ir lii ted staler tiled the upcikrr prwasictj n in thr un ill onlj luual their lonuiiiti i ii urn dr pntttr in u inn n tl it iftcr thr m st two or thn i miii nn nt i not tiki y t nffirlixl b the u s lrit prog ram art u lilt of frit nil in king thi jt ni l n st niois a iki in lnl to a 111 tx mcldt ncd nt llnltoni loi thej n rthrlt ns uill n join in h y 11 mi nird pr m tion and h hin ill in hi nc fl 11 n lom k arl hi nn et itallon surviving are four sons and thee daughter mrs feank small margaret moffat mr charles fatt charlotu hit i campbell vill mrs llosa alllauu clara quelph the december meeting of st held in the sunday school room mr ii carbcrt reildln mmti- ing with pryer and th litany from the j wing message mr amoa math ics gave the secretary a report and mr f black lock gave th treasurer s report the cheer and cart ea pond enc wu read and a aortal half heur followed the close of the meeting the chrlslmaa pageant will be held in 8l john a church tonight after which sunday school awards gifts and candy will be distributed in the sunday school room prlxe winner at the laat pro frees ve euchre party until after the holiday at ht j6hn a assembly room were mr hamilton mr q thompson mr j 8bb waj tape king henry davenport and mr frank hadlry mrs cdfar cairns entertained al an afternoon tea on tueatfuy uf latl week in honor of her mothi r mrs alfred stevt nson on the ikcaslon uf htr 83rd birthday sht reielv ed many gifts tards and good lihea nnd ttijoyd her blrlhda enke mlth candha mr stven on rnfu fair in alth mrs a t moon was hostess t it dccrmber mtetlug of st dnv id guu ruup uhin liia iiiglla prriidetl and opened with a christ msi miem gloria inirdy gavt the sicrelirya itkirt und anltn smith trcalurtrs report the christ mas tarvicr out tif the glad tid was taken those taking- part e joan lllixk margaret mr lhail anila smith and gloria pur dy vlrs a t moore gave the topic and gink and m i ml ti invl iti t off itl his 01omtog h1 in hijjutt i nnd orii irlh pi t to nun of hi gooduill mi til ih im ttimilbthl tin mil ajiuatum now t xititik in r urop nnd in tlu middu ist vthu nan rt fitfct t nr fli mg i rom their nidm hinds to find pt ict and freedom m n nrvi countrv our text inplits thut nun are brother u ovur thn mprlt- ngirdleaj of race color or creed everyone can ptay u p irt in bringing about the brotherhood of maft evoti f we ftel wi can htlp in noother uav our prncrs can htlp to accomplish this brotherhood we can all pfav for the united nations and its representatives from canada without vrhwm wis dopn there uould be a terrible war raging in the middleeast today at the close of the sermon mr graham explained that the cgit girl wished to present ghrlatma economic production another of the many highlight of the outstanding dn promm was a panel discussion the panel members ik ing j m frnscr of streeuville dr n h itlchard head of the soils department ont arlo agricultural college h c al exander he ford gardhouse and fred nurse all of fqueslng town ship with j e whitelock as mod rrator the discussion hinged around incrcajmd production mint mm depth of plowing and tillage icrtiliintion and seed mixture the concensus of opinion of th group indicated thtt despiterxut ing surpluses the firm operator a justified in inrn ning product ton pinivided eoatw perunit tf pro tlurtion wn kipt it the minimum point all memh rs of the pinct wrtrr nl agreed thnl norm illv nun ditua should not ik lift down lone ir than thr tr in f tct thnt n meidow hould be plowed down whtli it wii till nt ita pcik j m r liter rum it with what w n a new tdrn n imnv mmrlv tlwi wnds c mid ih kt pi undt r control 1m tli r if thi fold w i- mi don with thi third trop irtt r pi w inn down sod tht m uldlwmrd plow nnd plmtv f upp rtti tin rik tin pun i nu ium rs 1 rh ip tht sur prisiiik thiiik w htch ime out of the ifintipnl mi on pi mm wn tin tin pin tit il firm i h r hon fiv ortd plowtnj it kii iter llrpth thin tht nil nil nil m iihiu in i oik in irppit m i with tht thim mii ii fill f inn hic niggeatcil p rntur nil f it i i lmli r p r mr gnham n id if ilfilfi uul other ic j tiir w nkiirr- r wjun it i ii u tu thu u of cum luitliil fniil i ri ttitm puitor wtti in ikrunuiit th it loaipural ivil lihht ipplu itioiui h23 t 171 itis pi i it h i v ill thiiwwe jimitu d on yirint taini tin in but i ftw of tht ukjilifhta whhli ittnit out of thi one hour i pintl discuxaion which mitn in tlu audit nee stated w the ih st pin i difccusm m towhnh tht hid i imt had tht prlmlege of listening lo 1 mr lii nn tl i tht former j in 1ittirnon of ilronti i who is one uf the many n ung h pie in hilton whi in ren nl years has contributed much to ninklng hal tons juni ir r nrmer program be come recognirid one uf the topi icrosjt ontario elect officers now for he election of the of fleer who v til head up matron actuc soil and crop improvement association in 1917 past preildent e hoss segiworth president manco c lleaty vicepresident ilrnck harris secretary treasurer j larl whitelock director fred nure t j rrownrldge john m bird mac sprow 1 j h wlllmott jnhnmw neelands c h awrence w f llndmn k a iturren a k ser ic m tteolm muff it nnd cnl vin sprow i wanted maple logs will pay top price for top quality hard maple log or trees fiione murray crawford ud camwolviai tt vm57 h s holden optometrist eves examined qiasses htieo 7 oougut st guelph phone taylor 7150 cke to the minor u tre lor poru werv a t omuea gordon the realdcnb tticic pako had johnson tiibjt wereprwjrjedtd mr airvttiynne qorvajj the jifmldcnt mr clarke expreiwd the appreciation of all the realdertta tor thu fine gift the cakeawere nrved forjupper aadpninacihced dellclom by everydne local cooperators t the morning sesion w h u h tot uw i tharp at 10 30 o clock under the able thmrmnnship of e ittia sswtirth president of tht italian association some rnnc loc al cu operators presented brief but interesting rtports on pro j ecu car- ried on on their respective farms or oh matter of timelv inttrest among those presenting such re flhcr hon ella howard henry joinlemluwuaedmr mn f johnson neeland brockrkaw vhbifigarw norman smith s dreckonand smith wins walch the milton mlllna campawya- gold watch wtu presented by sales and service oh myers water systems nu istuutts uv m0ntniy tnms include pipe and installation if you with roe hintt or want nihtt or raiuuet mow btiyers buy mvers myips puntps ard water softeners ttm0um frank carney k sons everyone knows thnt women are keen shop pers and that they jre jvvjs on the look out for j real bargain that i why so many tws pasonyers are vroiiei wicy know a travel bargain when they see one jound trip fares chicago 2415 los anoeies 10215 boston 2895 ottawa 1535 richmond 3165 ticksts and bus travh information at harold wiles pmonr 207 baptism ec st albans recfor adminisfers bapti the 5acrament of holy baptism was administered by the rector of sl alban s anglican churoto tin rev e h jones on gsjunur ije ctmmr 29 to bonnie maureen daughter of mr and mr victor roland brlstow godparents were claude akm noddle and jirlan irene noddle of toronto and beat rice anderson of acton vr jones also sdmlnistere3tnf sacrament of holy juptlgra on stsn day dectojjrr 30 to thomas robert son of hubert matthew and anne tyler godparents for the christen ing were rhylhs tyler of acton p fjoyd convey of ouelph and jsnes c buck uf georgetown raaaaafassssaiaiiis aina a on christmas and wu presented with a up and saucer by mn waltor llanihj lu appreciation for hr au year of service mr hainbly gave instructions on how hardware plumbing haa ring elajctrie rockwootj uutor 69501 wa larvlci jii maui of pump ioia jreenltea and sandra hlark led in prayer hfll a moore o ndurted the el intion of uf iters ttr 1157 prcald ent gluria iurdy vite president beverley hubert se retary iols inglis autatant set retary iletly jwffartia treasurer anita smith pianist suiidra black assistant pianist matgnrrt mtphail lead r mrs w hnibly mrs ii ramshaw mrs m mclhall loia inglis and iois jreenlees conducted christmas games and a social half hour fallowed the campbellville correspondent wuhes rtdi and every one of its reader a happy new ysar norvel iklges actons juniors 1 palermo ousts milton 43 two close game in the halton junior farmer hockey league were sej oy aesmall crowd of fan at milton arena last week as norval edged acton 1 1 in the first gfrn and palermo squeezed out milton 4x w f barae notchedworval first goai assisted by o robinsfon their second tfoaj was scored with only a few minutes remslnlnf in the game and was not matched by acton even when aason pujled goalie jack marshall out of thejrtet for a last mlnutestand acton s marksman earlier in tht game was b coon assisted by john cunningham wjhe1 pesvoy picked up three penalties john cunningham got on and g mc- arthur received another for th tuaer th winner alao picked up five penalties bjr ken juiilmuuoa dutmi utlf4ihjn prte pomeroy kred iturne mimi iiimi upnlng hem in the evtnd event of th night maxjamg and bill price notched two goals and an assist for the winnrrs bob marahall was given mn assist scoring for ih loser were hon tssker john wolmott jid cejaltath jillte with aasttu credited to c mccaftn graham gillie and murray- taaker price picked up th only paler mo penalty fur tripping c mc- caflfi and charlie gillie sat out waluea for the losers referee were bill boyd and ilrure hood i ine up were a follows milton if taaker sam finhie graham gillies charlie gillies john wlllmott b clements l king murray taaker j cunning ham don johnso ro taaker arnold howden and c mccann palermo j dilmen glen rich ardson bob marshall bui marsh all max lain bruce wou3itan codn oreer ken vivian r booth don uurrar bui price and bill orr a marshall john cunningham george gibson o ucarthuf marvin hunter bob cooo rill fiomerville rosa -fthort- hill j brown wllbert pesvoy fforval j d cameron kn xrarns george smith roas cun nmghsm pata pomaroy ren itirhardson dave smith if cun- ninluun dune robinson barne dave ialie rrnj wl d curjnngnam b richardson b wilson monuments lealgn lrttwll brampton submitted cemetery and corner ptwla markers a gd dlaplay in stock wm c auan pra oimn tt w trampftvi bhaa pkavta 1419 j raa ill iip tom nfcol pkaa itr 4xt v you nud fuel oil stovi os wtnaci aiuon call 69 trtomnson fuels w h 0cnnv see stats fotmrgent nrstforal three plf assbassbbbbbbbtababbbbbbbs aaskjhss am w h denny j track tl phen 455 in 104 countries volkswagens sound engineering amd craftsmanship have found enthusiastic acclaim in tril country toe volkswagen hat been wholeheartedly accepted by canadiani who have alwoyt known how to appreciate producli of the flnett quajity but even this car wthvr proved reliability and unique features so particularly suited to canaan conditions could not hbve achieved such amazinct success without vourtwagens constant emphasrtorrhighh efficient service now on the threshold of o n year we of volkswagen canada ltd together with our nationwide dealer organization pledge continuous extension of thiss so that owning a volkswagen will bring even greater satisfaction to our customers in the years ahead volkswagen canada ltd distributor for milton district petes auto body motor sales w rr njs 1 malton ontario pksnesramptenaasws oqldin mill toronto 16 ont dealer for acton s acton motors i ftmain street acton ontario phone 17 mi j 1 v otl -tr-