Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1957, p. 8

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rrzr u i th acton frew pro thursday janugry 3rd 1 957 pants reach pole minus thir wearer winnipeg cp a pair of pant lott w years age whan x- plorers ware racing against umt ad each other to roach the north pole may have beaten everyone to the target rear admiral donald b mac- uillan u of provtneetown mam survivor of the peary expedition to the north pole la twtold the jtory of louis noreaf pants while vtstunj- wlnbir noroa was ftftw bumbct board the lufated jeenett wfeich attempted to reach north pole with the aid of qaaa the float originate in 81 battatav move toward the polar so the jtanclte itxtiol itself in the ice and waited but lea floes crushed the ship before its ob jertlve had been rrarbed and the crew were forced to jump over board noros threw his belongings over and jumped admiral maculllan aid but in his exodus to the ice he lost his pants which had his uioi hvd tn tbtm years later the pants were found by someone on the other aide of the world admiral maculllan did not reach the pole when robert e peary tret achieved it in ims be cause his feet rroc while leading one of the sleds but admiral uacmulan has mad mora than m trips back to the arctic cape mac millar in canadas far north was named after him and he him self named 1m capes mountain inlets and islands at go he married and his wife tilriua fcu made nine trips with him to the arctic nest june they plan to head lor tht arctic again on utalr ship the bowdola will investigate forming credit union for county about so members of the halton federation of agriculture at the annual meeting which was bald in fslrvlsw school xowvule took steps toward the establishment of a credit union in this area a mo tion that uw federation investigate tha mrftl of sets nil ihmsnt arms carried and the guest speaker bruce mccutcheoa of dundalk pant half an hour explaining tn 4v0kiacf and advantages of such a credit union the speaker explained that in ml one of the flrsj credit unton was formed in his district and one year sfjet lis start a charter was received at the and of the first year there was 00 in the union and about 1x400 iudben loaagl the territory the union covered a jp4pffkt pece was loaned and tn three or four years the company had tloooo in assets after the establishment of a chequ ing service the assets ware doubled total assets now he explained were over 700000 and about s00 new members ware being welcom ed each year mr mcqitcheon ex plained hat about is member can start the organisation which he termed griba that have a common bond who agree to pool their financial resources and give each member two or three times the use of his money jack taylor of rr 2 burlington was named 1mt predent to sue ceed r i davidson of acton who has served in that position for two years- mr davidson takes the posl lion of honorary president first second third and fourth vies presidents are bob laking of moffat mac sprawl of acton ed h of oakvtue and brock harris of muton j e wnltaloak eon- ducted the election of ocfloora several resolutions wore brought forth by a r service chairman of the resolutions commit been suggested from the recent folk school a motion to support the county weed control program and have tha weed inspector apead mora time on the job even if it costs more was carried also carried was a plea for closer inspection of alt premises where dairy product are produced and fhjppril it was suggested closer supervl sloo of labelling and msrktng of meat products be asked to increase the quality and help eticourage the rmnmin trf bofqc buhlucl- 11 was pointed out that this was al ready in rffect two other motion eate regard ing proper labelling of canadian products the other concerning the merging of many farm organise llona into one large club with dlf ferent divisions were tabled tor further consideration two special guests were present for the annua meeting floyd orlesbsch secretary of the nsuon si farm radio forum conducted the discussion period following the rmerablc time studying canadian farming twothird of the nvembops pen- sent favored the present method of presentation to the annual general meeting of tha federation but all favored increasing tha can adian federations budget suffic iently to finance a larger delega tion to tha annual c meeting most favored increaauxg the num ber of delegate from the pres if to 100 members also favored the tug gestlon oott delegate to the cfa convention be chosen by special rtlilf rl t iftne jederations the secretary financial report showed a balance on hand of over 11000 mac h mad e piee fee fin- anrui assurance to thar ontario federation who last year opfgud on a 17 000 deficit lie warned that if th organuetlon keeps on this way the provincial program will hsvc to be geared down little lie reminded members that helton last year came to their aid with 900 over end above the regular 1 lltsft tr member made no dr finite commitment a r service urged members to support the hog producers drive to have 100 per cent of the hogs forum broadcast on the rolewt tnrough in slock yards the delegate he brought with htm wyatt bryce of jamaica as slstant secretary of informauon and publications of the jamaica agriculture society british west indies mr bryce is her on an international co operation admin istratlon fellowship in connection with his work and has spent con instead of direct it was recornmarused that seer tary a r coulter be given a salary boost r u davidson conducted the first half of the meeting after the announcement of new- officers 1007 president jack taylor tool over al the close th ladles arrv ed a light lunch personal notes of actontgn visiting cxrtot town points and of visitors in acton homos mr and mrs w j van norman ouelph visited friends here on new years mr robert mcpheraon and eons jack and oliver of toronto visited mrs savers on sunday mr and mr don orleae of oakvllle visited friends and relat ives over the weekend mrs oeorre graham is spending new years with mr and mrs john mccsw niagara falls n y sunday visitors with mr and mr j c bryan were mr and mr robert roy and family of toronto mr douglas wild of tuua ok lahoma usa and mrs norman wilds of vlneland ipent friday with mr and mrs james wilder mr and mrs g rngnvaldaon and family spent sunday in olh awa with mrs rognvaldaon s father mr c ashton mr and mr ray gordon visited friends her on sunday visitors over the week end with mr and mr jamas oreer wort beverly brown sheila horsfall grieg brown nell murray bar bars cordock peter xowalchuk georglna halls marguerite al mo mr o wesvcr mrs h cor dock mr and mrs j r brown of gait jean macgregor of kitchen er douglas wylle of guslph lnes mrlellan and bill matnprlle of ac ton mr and mrs j m steele acton entertained at a new year a dinner party at the mrglbbon hotel in georgetown their guests included mr and mrs harold dolson and arlrne georgetown mr and mrs rc cunningham milton mr and mrs rycrion nicklln guclph mr and mr j b walklns mr and mrs meb bl iw mr and mrs lome dt brrthlen acton mis diane willlaminn georgetown and mr and mrs c o burn mary miss jean allan milton ftjlow ann and garv and brothrr nor ing the dinner mr and mrslfnr man hlnton were home for the old dolson entertained at their holidays home charles st gtorgrli nrw ear s gursta with mr and mr e le land and family w ere mr and mm g stark and mrs bishop f toronto visiting with mr and mrs david dill during the week was mis elsie k stewart of ton nto a for mcr acton resident free press atit want ads for quick results no chatge for announcements ofjurtha marriages deaths and engagements in mamorum 7sc plus 10c par una for verses articles fur aalav rant etc le a word minimum cash eof box no to this office 5c additional coming events 74c minimum for first timwra4dmonsi line 10c cards of thanks toc billing charge of isc added to all account if not paid until after insert inn end add ed for eachjbill rendered- whibil r ttv fr i srtlen jii wedswadsy birtfis marriages deaths be bbftn ttmmjnqs ur and mrs don 1 ttmmiruts ne kvlen braid eehapty to samunrs the birth of their on at st joseph a h- piuv que i ph on december si bolton mr and mr arthur bolton nee marl allan are happy to an the birth a son carl william on monday december m itat at scoct mem orlal hospital seafurth dfxd santord suddenly on thur day december xt iso at his horn umchouee onu kdward j sanford in hw jtfltt jrcat be loved huabaftd oftrnuli rhell and deer father of billy funeral service was held hatur day tn georgetown interment urenwuadcrmetery 0wrtown sou ell vi ux at th guelph oeneral hoaplta on sunday december jo ism george ila homervllle of acton in his tsth i h ei uh d armstrong and deer father of k fe end william of acton irgaret mrs h kleseenl of sarnie joan mr r bum montreal and helen sotnervtu of toronto one son root pre deceased him in itsx funeral service was haul st th rumly funeral home on wednc day january 3 interment was in falrvlew cemetery acton edwards paased sway qualph on monday december u 1mb william ocorge ed wards of rockwood belovec husband of the lau margaret allan lluntet dear father of el la mrs frank hlrkak vancouv er laura mrs stanley robin son bruce mines ont and margaret mrs edwuvbarbcr guvlph brothr of margaret mrs duncan maccaully new wcatmlnster bc funeral service was in rock wood united church thursday december xt interment rockwood cemetery in memor1am robson in lovlrut memory of our dear mother elizabeth rob son who passed swny december so imc in our hearts your memory linger always lander fond and true there s not a day dear mother we do not think of you ever remembered by the robeon fatnjly cards of thanks foft 1au t office service stqograv phj typing btatatnents book keeping etc at bom or at your office phone 433 u fohiale ok rent room house s pedrooraa and bath clot to schools for information phone uoal ud cvrouigi m on 8ate0 nr art nupl i 1i long piim out for ruck a nafttah tmpbillvlll k k i lot j con 1 nuaagmyi for salt pur brad york thir bor i mok old dam qual ard rvr sow tutor mttm rltor lira gtown r ii i th 1 km bm wanted wuibolt iw duu orll mo ihrr works phono tix m wanted ctn rrap or wrocklna phoo 7tl uulon- 1t wanted 1 male boarder ap- i mrs wm meghioway 31 vic rla ave phone ulm a m wanted young man neat ap pearanc under so year of age lor ansition car salesman selling experience in var sales preferre but not isssntial apply frank it ivouse motor acton- kj tbarlon public uulluo muuoo rxrcwitb dublu commnduonl of lluuurt t muuorwr by u ulutiur of ljboc w iiwhiwu in adrlxi uulion b u i u c ualiul mr wayn kllr m ll u ji wtsv i rrs lis ktkbo ii ckjr 1m u ium krii ciuur u mat la ik aulur klu actum rvmm utiuticii fohmutuunur tiik town or alton uuiiktimil corrunlffjloni wuiuuu lfk al no im ithc upiuiu la um autur w ik a vhr wltu oi ml aim rk teas a the laeee aul4ial comnuaaloncr maatisuau o lup per ulgeiow gc appearajvce f yur the commission dr f o oakes chairman w p maaoji hydro buperuiumuunt john mc oeachle secretary treasurer h 0 utn counsel for th pwnmi for the union m j leblanc trweenultyeol jutje union i employ dl n ratnr dbadvtock tucrvice ttm for dead or disabled cows snd horses old horse 04c a lb call acton t40 or ouelph ta 3 hi coltsct for s4 hour service dkadbttock deadstock removed from your farm promptly for aanltary qlsooaal tlphon collect she burn 41 or durham sm 13 00 r vice chare for each call gordon young limited a if dead antmalj tem 1x00 each for dead or disabled old aforres 4 lb one of our trucks pass your district dally call rawood ssrl i ouelph etw or fergus lwll collect m hour service oeoree gibson e if wanted hlgheet cash prices for dead or disabled horses or cows old horses lb for prompt setvice phone collect freelton 23r23 or llannon 2j3 steve wconi a if lost and found i campbeuviue variety of events mark yule season mr campbellvlllr correspondent ihii tm muipaprr and all it mr and mr irvine of saskatoon l render a happyand prosperous iim school christmas concerts in the nurrnunfling dhtrrlct mndnor carot vlnging the candlelight servic at st dalda lrrbyterwn church nunurou family grt together the cninn f rants and gifts new i ar er parties were armm the ulrtldr ctubratlons rrieiuu f mrs v mcthail mtll u ir to hear she is in st j wph i h wpllal ilamtltcm we v lah ht r a pmdv recover th 1nrwlhv jstcqis communlt in i muidtdto thifuilv t the lair is a school trarher after spending mll johnlngliar the holidav with hex familj mr i ai ii w n n j school children have been enj -v- and mr ii w baxter donnv and h uvg uii ic t crawford pond this h lldav nima dr and mr ne tile hanop and yamttv nf tomntnktr a ndmra william odmwsky ond miss lr ene gibbon of guelph isited sundae with mr and mrs henry are spending christmas and new year with mr and mrs frank in tne of wvnford plsce mr and mrs harvey mccutch eon t and family of london istted his parents mr and mr fred mc cutcheon oerthr holiday mr and mrs v m ballentinc and mr and mr roas bullentlnc and bobbv spent christmas dav at the home of the former son mr and mrs ken ballentlne in brampton mia barbara j tan baxter has returned to kitchener where she smashed wall and a twisted it eel window- frame resulted when a car driven by john h kent toronto mused the curve on no 7 highway and crashed into aax engineering building on monday of this week a pauenger received minor injuries f n i t iuat iocal klbvs i wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent flowers cards and gifts and to all who visited me during my recent illness at guelph general hospital special thanks to th nurse and tr garrett for their kindness alex j on- extend a sincere to all oar friends for their memorials and other expression of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement special thank to lit v evan m jones and bruce bhoemaker lost on december 37 in lake view height e collie with yellow and white marks 1 year old anyone having information please contact bobby kerr telephone 41w3 a 30 for rent garage fon bfnt on church sl west phone 14 a 20 ror rent 4 room upirtmrnt ii ctinrnlcncc cl e tu cho i we sre truly grateful phone 06 n 6 mrs fred hunter and famii tr7 7 i oh rent- heated 3 room self c apjirtmint built in cup board hardwood floors in spart mrnt jiuil linjt phone 3mm a 2s commiutiloners wayne rejly a linemen charged ttincommsslor ober is 111 omtnisslon on oct and i have bean sp pointed to inquire into th metur and to aaceruln if h was dls charged fov being a member of the union or for any union ctivltie which ero eontrsry to tn provis ions of th labor halation ail and to make the appropriate rcc omraendauons to the minister had been employed by th h jalarv lncrei to s3j00 commission for about five yers and in novmbar 1045 h had been given s salary increase from uso0 to s3jo0 per no evidence of a about february sot when elly at ragu msa tiv commission and told the estate sale dorbssj and bsffsf srd cews baby raevas fa oajvas vesla pews sjagrsras issflssssnls luy and far issflssssnls i ftrsw the un4rslnd have received instructluns from the kxecuulx of th eatat of tha late afruart w mclaughlin to ur pobltc luctton at lot 10 con ii nuli township of trafalgar on corner of no 10 stderoad and town una 3 miles north west of streetsvlur on aiaturjlay j an dae if 11 t coiurnvncing st 1 uu p in the following cattle hereford cow close pringer 7 hereford cow bred lu freshen betweeu sale dai and april i i hereford heifers due tlm uf sal 3 durham cows du imwe 4 sal ft liu cuws bred to freahvn between sale dale and april 1 19 durham and hereford fat calves from s to 500 lbs hereford bull 1 year old bale of llvelockwlll b held under cuv er hay and straw 10 ton of baled hay mixed 10 ton of baled straw power imrements ftc m d tractor oki with m h front end loader enow plow scoop and fork l3l baler with wisconsin motor and starter used i season mil 10 ft power lake oft grstn binder post ho power digger tor case model e u i e lev s tor msy be operated lotor mli fu d fsrtil lxirnd ill be jsnrr t ht ar he hat been patient at miltimtjviate hospital vie vvh him a speed rrcotr juat 363 davs left this year manv car refused to fate the cold on sunda m rning leaving fn mi urn to wnlk to church in the bitter cold christmas decor are coming down speedily since niw ear many christmas tree shorn of their filers hiaded f r the dump toda dr kennrv sastiat the cluniher mchec rut flower ant from south africa and reported in the free press last week are still doing fine fen paring temp rature read in was p pular this week tu a post christmas cold ave en k this area sme mercury readings dr pped t 10 below xcro tht mechanics at work on the three are adam frost and wyman little thetr names are incorrectly ijivtn under the photo the weather has been splendid f ir the youngster who received t it kgans and sleighs from santa cleus man wer admiring the at trictive dee r unni at the symon hmr on willow st during the lu lidays good warning the joung m in inter va in the pulpit for the first time and a lit tit nrnou he read the text be hold 1 come the sermon w as to follow im mediatetv but his mlrd went blank and he repeated the text behold i come hosing to re mimbr tht owning words of the mrm n but with no success tmng to be nonchalant he leaned f rward as he repeated the trxl fir th third time under hi weight the pulpit gate mv we w nh to express our heart i felt thank arid appreciation for the i manv act okindnc rneagci of 1 ivmpathy nntrie jaeiuliful n r 1 i offering recereed from the man i relntivis friends snd ncijj bori during our recent bereavemc it of a in i nit husband and father sm 1 rial thanks to dr kenney and dr i garrett and rev v morgan for their kind and efficient service mrs vm mcgillowav and famil miscellaneous acton firefighter would like to lap samples and paint svs take this opportunity of express o j l t l or mall ing their appreciation to ajj thtwe 1 rank phone 377 47 rredcrl who axaiated them during the s acton appreci who aula ted them during three tire on the week end eluding those ty brought refresh mrnts and tandwtchrs directed traffic aided the firemen in hand ing hose and other task at the fin hnv and bill thompson and the efficient bell telephone switchboard operator acton fire brigade paintino and decorating intimates gladly furnished wall ailable j u ick sl clon a cow 1 fimflfljphqiffjly looks and comfort with sk tvltng your furniture can be handsome and new again low coat call u one week service phone sa act cm a tf r year there was iny dissatisfaction on the part of the commission un hi i kelt of tl mmbr that h wanted an un mediate increase of a further 1300 kr year it was explained to him st the budgeting had been don for 106a and that wages were t for each year at the beginning of the year and that his request wai moat inconvenient for the com mission dr oake the chairman of the commission told kelly that the commission wduld discuss ft and let him know in the morning ut which kelly replied thsl he would stay for tha meeting and get hi increase that night or be d quit i kelly said that he had already quit but i do not think this has any aigniflcsncci the commission was busy and ah rt handed at the time and dr oakes ssld we fei we were on the spot and kelly accordingly was given the increase he requested sometime during the year i was reported to the commission by the clerk- that kelly had been coming into the ummluun off tics and asking the employee there what had been done at commission meeting while kelly said he fell that as a la payer he was entitled to information he considered was public the commission neverthc l passed a motion prohibiting c immlssion employee nt em ployed in the office from entering the commission offices two t mpt yet if the commla mn jum v l ktllv ttid tht it win onlv thru ultott ihtr uiulf r i the juriruiicth o f tl sup rlntrnd 1 cut w 1 m oni nsigiidsh rl u n ki llv was tliorhirgii i hi lints in stpumbtr 1 1um un i 1 xu r n sftemlrr t lult llnth them in mvv wiilltii ltl in llt u mr 1 lllanr it ttn n prt ent itit to thi their resiunitlons hnd do wilh ktuv tnl ilisl nlntctl lir h tit n nts limb i o ith i mtild n t nv id tht imprtsfo n nowtvtr that ttuy wm n t tilling the whole truth and i ch o to i iictrpt the ktatement t f dr oakc likewise under mth that he ha i talked tti holmes t n oct ilxr and i i id t iken n tes of the convirsal i tn or oake asked holmts why he was leaving and ud that he ly add understood ktllv waa hard to get skilled re i along wltk holme ild it true divd anvway i wutn i learning any thing from him dr oakes said say that and t any trecl lie slevsu with tractor or motor hji- fsrtil lr grain drill spouts in sa cllnt condition power lift culllv slor so tooth cass sids rsks 4 bar inl tractor plow i or 4 fur row tractor doubw disc rubber tired farm wagon and flat hay rack 14 ft tractor 1 wheel irsusr cats hammsr mill o 10 4 fargo f ton truck with stock rackf cockshutt no 4 manure spreadsr on rubber centent mutr corn rack 1 sat of narrow i fanning mills 1 walking plow steel land rotlor i electric brooders with thermostst 400 chick capacity renfrew scales s 000 lbs i rolls or anew fsneei eaten strew pipe cuttr no of 14 ft pin timber i chicken shelters qusntlty of pin plsnk and inch lumber 1 drive belts ropes pulleys bars chains tc terms cash settlement with clerk on day of sale th farm is rented and every thing must be sold hindlxy and fli iott auctloneer george curttr clerk b 32 z jit un in fai thai n lining to coming events kitciifnfr upholsxfry have your chesterfield suite re upholstered by us and save re finishing one week service call gord mccutchcon men s wear a if lakeside chapter 10 lr i eginn hall 115 pm ko d e nom ination night tuesdp- january fuchrc and pennv sale- friday january 4 at 8 50 pm sponsored mm ir rt- and the scout and guide mother aksociati n at scout hall admis he landed in th up of the wi of ne of iric elder im arully wi have buyers i we need moke fk6pert1es i hoxjses farms small holdings llit now wih our t a 1 priirltli bylaw no 2656 a br law t lleeoas trslur sms elasrs fersss f ports m dwell ings tn th tewnahlp f emss whereas undrr subsection flb of section 3u of the municipal act chspter 341 rso 1060 as smended in 10m the power to license trsllers ls conferred on the councils of local municipalities and whereas it is deemed necessary and deeirsble to charge a lirrns fee for trailers which ar used for living sccommodstipn in the township of esq ue ing now therefore the coun- cm of thf municipal corp oration of tue township of rsquesinanacts as oilows 1 in thu by ijiw trailer shall me in trailer cabin trailer trailer c arh or any othcri form of port at le dwelling which is not assess 1 1 it under tne assessment art chapter 24 it b o 1050 a amend ed from time to time 2 any person using a trailer rnhin trailer tralltrnnrh r oth er form of portable dwi ihng for living steeping and vating aermn m xtntlcn of person for a i infer m rnkl thin thirty day shall first obtain a liceno the clerk of the vuniripalltytto to do 3 the fee for such license shall be ten dollar w10 00 for esch calendar month or ix rtlun there of and shall be payshle in advance 4 the onus of proof thajra he ense has been taken out shall be on the occupant of a trailer and the building inspector of the mun cilpality or any police officer may at any reasonable time demand the product m of such license snd in the absence of a paid stamp for i the current month th cocupant shall be deemed to have contra d n t sav it if y don t iiav tu 1 accept lr oukes g vjrsion of the conversation which vened the provisions of this by of course holmes denied under l ath later on octirnr 20 holmts n came to dr oake s house snd l jh j l li dr oake i trailers csbln trslers trailsr conches and other form nf port used for eating ic deveau innd h discover novel uses spending the winter at west plm ifcach nortda are mr and for vacuum glear6rl mrs u roy wansbrough of tor onto writing to give hi nrw ad dress for the free press mr wansbrougn recalls this wil be their uth winter al the same hot el there presentations were madt to fur public chi 1 ttachers st the close of school mrs mcqua mr black and mr slratton were leav for iomcuung really novel ing tht staff and miss coles az there s the slorv of the houscw ife being married whose kitten followed her into th attic one day and got itself stuck georgetown chamber if dm in a narro wail opening after metre gave credit vouchers as i trving for 25 minute to rescue the prices in cfirutmat divoratioru i of tht honor newfoundland bands b it and a pair op lob sorr he said much embarrassed i nally dldnt mean this to hap pen the lad smiled kindly andwc plied oh thnts all right 1 fthould hse been readv afur you warned me three times due to unro e the duke of devonshire chapter rodl will hold their regular meeting thursday jamiarv 0 it the htme of mr r h efiiorr 7 bower ave a 25 mr tom nnhmatin- f i h animal with a length ocjope her contest hlier- one i s0nlr t th horn of hu i hn for sale free farm catalogue wriu nad ortoa hundrrd of pr ipcrtir for sale john watkins again according sjid he had heard that kelly had lceti discharged and asked v dr oakes said different th acid because we have lost tw because of him holmes said union man has seen me and w have to sign a st tt mrnt dr oakes said 1 hope you nd the same thing as you tt id me holm e replied you have to be care fill this is the same union where i i in tl 1 i wwr wrong with the um ml likewise i accept dr oake s version of this u able dwellings which are iihui nc sleeping snd ci mi ii commodatinn of persons for sale used tv able manning electric ed un her cleaner the suction of the erev tfre tool lifted the kitten to safetv b the scruff of its neck then tlur- the womcnuhvs sjill uses hcr cleaner to xeep bees out ofhr hair to take honey from a hive she ponnects tne cleaner for suction draws the bees into the hose and stops up th nose with a wilds of vineland 4rnd mrs i dlth clolk after skflremovod the daughter mr andrew mckcnzie rev mckcnzie and family other guesbxat their home were mrs mckcnzie s sister and her husband mr and mrs elm stephenson of seaforth christmas guests bf mr snd j wilds were mr norman trancis wilds of gait mr ant jlnvthomsanjudy and jim- ml ofmuton ur and jlfrs a oram and allah o acton air anol wlch is wnst you call getting un b f wuds and mary of actour trtonsyr worths ton silas norma wudi of osk tui ur don wudi of hamilton honey she blows the beet back in vathihlveend they stop fussing wlch is wnsl our monys srortiv back to school today shrews fight bugs irv juniper woods st johns nfld cp the government plans mt to devilopcr to drln w 10 ahrews from newj for sale mortal electric brunswick end turn them loose range 5 30 colonial beds with to km in the lumner tvblkd prms mattresses 1 54 spring i lo 9m tne juniper ooa mattrcm i 4uihca electric tea victor pcjcha of acton 3oul j hear gander the immigrant kettle 1 electrolua vacuum clean- card skidded his car tnto jheditch shrews small mouselike animals er mrs- johnson 32 church st w of an erm township road to avoid less thmvfour inches long at itj i actoo htttirig another car friday morning ects and insect larvae and are ualton poulthy prol he was uninjured but tils car ckpected to chew a- big hole mtbcucts poultry and eggf gained was damaged to the extent of 80 larch sawfly population porfltry custom picked ctiatd and dka miitnntlt s4ui acton ont phone t51jl2 j a willoughby lex hcslop for salstused tire sise 530 x 13 suitable for small english i car phone 423- a m ltmtted sons bealtoma w a tf l li v ilz interrupt thetr p b v3thchlve puuupzainta george and hornb tho th 1uw bridge over ue crk risaf vie pwnship halt was opsnad again alterbelng closedtor soms larcaknown locally as juniper cut us phane motorists passi through 1 is considered newfoundland s stewarttown no longer have the fourth most important tree but detour around lawsons pond to few have developed past the asp- time while it was being widened and relnf orced ltrur- stage aincerth advetnv of the larcbsawrly 70 of 80ybt ago control by parasites and insect predators has been ineffective so far because newfoundlsnd lacked one of the most important predat ors the shrew suffering from backaches rheu matic pnin sciatic lumbago is over if you let rumacaps help vou toir as yo drusapst aj r new and rebuut surge lkri and vseuum pumps pipeline milk ers and snukint parlo low down payments with easy tfrntt avail able jroraee tornlinson surge dsejer 6 uciugnpbwi pton im avlf meeting betwein him and holmes and it add v rtsirmlltudc to the tbviou rtlurlance nf holme x lelthewholi truth before me on october 19 dr oakes had cdnvcrsali n with giant r dr oake asked glazier why he left arid glazier replied that he hnd two rctson first that hi mother wju sick and that he was changing jobs to be nearer her and sccorva that kelly was hard t et along with it must be obvious he was a hard man to work tor when you have lost two mep quitting so close together glazier denied this version of the conversation but again dr oakes made notes of the conversajion immediately after it and i acccdt ins version- trie- rtrrmgrvr ev idence in the c lniqns favor u the statement of ever that kelly was dlscbarged for the buperintendent mason who t being a unionmember or for any said that he had no knnw4dce of i unlawful union scuuity h ui anv differences wilh kelly and that clear on the other hand that the npnc of the asp rsions against commissions distsffection for kelly had come to him snd the keitv started when he demanded fact that mason shvi kelly j the 1200 inrjcase and intreaaed strong if n t gliwing recommend withwhat ihe commission thought at ion when he left another thing to be his other personality defects that as was diskhsnred btp whether or not they were so used before the passing of this bv iaw hut shall not apply to trailers which are parked in the township for us or storage 6 any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by innm n penanym ten dollars jsidqoi nor more than fifty dollars 40 00 eielus ive of costs in addition to all license fees in srrears 7 bv law no 1034 of the township of esipjraing is hereby rescinded this bv law shall come into force upon th first day of janu ary 1d7 and shall remain in force from year to yea until am ended or rescinded head a first and second time thui jsth dav of november adl read a third time and passed this i slh day of december ad 1010- v cletk raav ba f k c l1nimay waltwl unham 2jme wu kelly evef warnad by cause the commiujbrf oiiluf thala wh ha a tartolrhnkjant no barii ml yut tt can b mlklna bu our wnad danlfl in ihr union i u kelly favor ti t 4aton or any member of the com mtulon that hia wqrk or behavior waa not lattsfaetorjr ware aeorthar lecuvabaivalnlna a peraonallty defaetl inlopportal ttiere u nothi u ab ubl about nlng jtrmmenr mi ef- rribaccobblwoby1h the partlea a nrovli- mended na feet between r ion inywhlch wajjhat no embuwaatt rould be duxjwram without fuat mn f j vo heiiuuon- bated atjoronls onuutotinii in holdlnn thai kelly ihould be re- uth davsf 0ambar gu lnatated s tuppeb biablow muutnts i but there wu no evidence what commoiujner 7 v i

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