Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1957, p. 2

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qtljp artifm jfrrr prraa w wlr iw pmafca4 ft aub fouiuud is ittt a4 piihluhxi 9vmj tbtir- terliwummrc atumont uamber of gvth audit bureau of clmjlatloiu the cw ma led th onurttquebec division of the otwjia adwrtluri rate la rtqumt sub- wrtpue payable in advance 1100 la cauda 400 in the united suui u atoalfca ii 78 aim i copiaa tr author red aa second ciui metr puot offiee deoaryiwhc ottawa feuiuad y ua d41u rrteuwt u4 lutafcte ca uatfted g a ditla kdlurlnchi ml david it i mia iludiirtlonjafanafrr br janira a dilli managing editor bualnraa end lumorlal office if 00 arton ttmbatllmbmlliliii ii jewaaaaam i thursday january i oth 1957 new bonanza cid nawufanium dviy k hlghfepkitig entarpnte among the country great mining project the fart that tin incivfy employ torn 12 000 txrtom with an annual payroll animated at 60000000 may lurprive can dten our uranium retourcet have been a ppilitary secret tmco uranium material te came important to atomic energy work fol lowing the second world war now that canada t vait oranjiim teierve have been made public there are indication thai the uranium mmmg mdutry eventually will hand tecond only to gold mining which in 1955 employed lome ib 03 per tor it with 63 961 744 payroll along with uranium mining by both pri vat and government owned enterprise uranium metal production and other ore pro ceumg industries are expected to give the cooomy another toot there will be or ni ance the manu facture of fuel element from pure uranium mat a i the ource of fuel for atomic power thi year canada i eipected to produce it firit uranium metal from the crown own ed fldorado mminrj and refining limited plant at port hope ont so far uranium mining iti lxen concen trated in new 1 hern arca of ontario and sai katchewan and the northwer territonei but canada i uranium rejerves have been hardly touched the reserves are estimated at 225 000 000 tons the uranium content of thi ore tome 237 000 ton which mean canada ha enough uranium to meet domestic require menti of me two decade there yitl be ore oide and later uran mm metal for exxrt to friendly wetern na tion without their own ivjppliri to further indicate a bright future tor thi new born canadian industry horrible battle it a fiveday battle during the last war had taken the i vet of nearly 800 canadian and american thi nation would have been shocked to the depths of it sout we need only recall such bloody event a the tnvaiton af dieppe to know the nationwide impact of such wholesale death dieppe by the way colt 07 live a high but apparently nece tiry price to pay for a let too that had to be learned but almost a many live a were lot on- that hell torn beach m 1942 werevvted out on the highway of thi continent ovevf the chnstma weekend and the tragedy of it all i tharthe totmibtt been coldly predicted before one of those motorists had got behind th wheel of hi car nor only predicted but exceeded mee the national safety council had forecast a death i t of 660 mthe united states alone e final count was 705 canada s casoalt i st was about the same in proportion to population no general m w htx h e be abla t fd easvand wesltopinioo the financial pott hatmany able writers tdlhcoy of those who relish freedom althe pr4t some of these writers in the same periodica take issue with the opinions of the other such e controversy t pretenlly being waged between j b mcgeachy and bruce hutchison it concerns that western character mr w r c bennett premier of british columbia whojs dbrreolfytifrthe social cred it camp boftaamungly most susceptible toeny route tfe7 would land him in control tn otft wa mr hutchison lives in british columbia we are not sure ehere mr mcgeachy resid es but it seems it is not likely to be on the west coast here are the concluding paragraphs of the current article from the west coast w the words of a very able writer now t ui wd mrrwimi ttwwr thing or othif rlipkint in the acrapiook to rtnlmirrsm mr itrnnett he la lrjretd rinharraameht tie i not listening it u glmifig in ih uluntace thitr ihro tt euphoria without radar or ground rum nun uatt lun h- in provincial o intra kr is far tw yonit trw iik r rrltlrisni txcnuav 1hr ommitiin kilia air aruhia alilu tally sarial cirdl vconofnlcalljr ni 1 mnition ut tliina l mtforthatim mr m4 iiv mt h- ntitt- f cttll omimmi uttly it miin ur lb in ii fi s citlil uv inntuin ollatwm m kt juiu and at tltr rijitit iiioiiiriil liia nwn hirlttlt airll in thr prnnr tntntmrtia offtrr ll i ihm fi tim in llrttlah t i liimhiat lt utfr tit i ntirfilliia to volt aamal sil iimih oiytir ulliil lillil i ii i t ni i u c anatu by e i tli pikllh i lit nnt tl for t nnl i hi tml itiat i ai ttl st11 id ml m i tt uu m rmuiiil iln tukim nun nt mr nt nt it t uu losses as accurately as safety officials can tell in advance how man will die in the twisted wreckage of automob le on any gien hod iay wefkend this gnm forecast has been reduced almost to a science jhmk of it ght hundred dead eight hundred funeral many time eight hundred gjjefsmcken widows and widower orphans and relatives yet virtually none of these deaths coutdproperly be caller accidental m tkeroe sense of the word almost every one could have been prevented by- imple com mon sense alertness and observance of the rules of the road how much more horrible will our road toll have to feeeome before oovernroent re cognize its seriousness it must be apparent to everyone that safetydriving campaigns end catchy slogans are a miserable fariure some day the dnving of an automobile will be made a privilege not a right if thts awful heughrmsrevetfe b che c drivers will have to be penalized for what they ere potential myrderers londotv free s press ad an tator leader should show leaderihp and nouibe r export gl bness at ducking re sponsb lit e and giving meaningless nter views the r duty s to the cansd an publ c and labor not to the un ted states head quarters brief comment combined ob probation and psychiatric treatment worked with a group of alcoholics at a company sponsored enmc of 180 ptr sons referred to clinic 148 undertoot the treatment of these 83 per cent overcame their drinking while remaining on the ob in rontrast of thoso who refused the treatment only 50 per ceniwere able tp retain their ob refugee hungarians may have heard enough speeches by the time they arrive in your community at hahfax a group of 120 itared at the ovlltng throoghnmrtortgwelcorn jngspeeches one said afterward wa heard lots of speeches in hungary the commuhists always lifted to hear themselves talk jhe good old days ly a mit i tr hiiiu t ho i thi r ijh aiaim if t uit liialm it pin mum lion rwntnm twirrnik lliiuuglioiit noith aim man huuuy ii nixmnli liilii mod or lu itiail ih lit ltl if atift init utilvti ma tx rthil alltl attli mnihi i t it it havng been subjected to one of mr ben nett s oratorical flight of funny money doc trine a year or so ago when in vancouver and having cipencnced liia diiectnas of hi own style of collecting provincial lanes which isn t practised in ontario we are inclined to lake the opinion of mr mutchlson who lives m british columbia it is very ably presented and reminiscent of earlier days of robust lournahsm that flourished many cari ago experts and imports we found an interesting interview the other mghl on television when mr jodotn the president of the canadian congress of lalkir waj b ig mterv ewed it held pro mse of particular interest at this time in view of the tact thai the present cp8 strike is with one of the brotherhoods which comes under mr jodom s jurisdiction aruf we hadn i heard ol h s activity in the present cnsi in view of the newt piper information that the strike call was sent out from clove land ohio we had up to the time wondered if canada was tacking n experts to settle our labor disputes if was most comforting to hear th canadian labor leader gave assuf ance that the canadian organisation had a staff of experts to deal with all problems with which labor is confronted beyond thi the interview was tn our opinion a lot of meaningless and evasive phrases which might have been satisfactory to those who are not too inquisitive we were left with this query n our mind with all the enpert canadian union advice available here at home why wa the strike call issued from across the border it would seem that canadian leaders were just the supermen but when it comes to the extra superduper commands we are forced to call m the united slate for the supply which to us is verj humiliating the hearing of the canadian problem was handled by a canadian board it was accept ed by a canadian railway the decision to strike ir appears came from cleveland where was wr jodon and his battery of en pert why should he wat for any tnterven tion from the canad an government can ftoto by caller rl winter drydock chronicles of gin farm watching for the mail by lrnjlln i clarka siii tn ii ill iu iiluinn lul milk i vi11 th tl jh of a ritiiiii in ii 1 111 il lit mi si it tiappt ti lit t tiiidi vtiiiil uu nr 1 ir ill i il iv ink an ii kn u it i luilk t itit tiik ilil mi m1 i ml in phi ui n in utt iii tun inl thi v tl ui l i tu 1 111 v i ii ilium- ill 1 n m m i ul ixt msr 1l w 11 i w im rntt t r t int w s tl i tl n i it n i in in iiiikh s k re s u trlkt iim mi iniillity ik r iuk i ivltl 4 i titltr i it i ur it ik t t i 1 illllixilb ii u i i v ly nhiiit j luiuluimjiu in it hi mil vlut vt i ft mills i i mini itil lui iritl tin 1 s it i i m 1 tr tit ki r tt th mm r tt i tl m 111 ii 4 ii ill will lu i i v ii kn v un laikv ilv iik n pttki 4 i it r i i acfc in 1907 tixm rreaa tea taaea al laa laa rraaa teeraday jaasary it iter wlivuluv j c wilaon it a pmlor ottcnok chunh ammunc 1m sujtd conarktwl lal the tullitwm vvrnlng he nv r imaftnre how much it hut in ftlur tr lilmftcff nd tin bcluvod partiirr in llfr th cuftarraauun turned out in unutually larl tyt irvtiniliutry to- the marvin- of rfrrriniiu a brirf procrarn iif iiiualc mild aprvciica wm arrnf uttux- mi w a tlnabdil lwh h chair urul nad tint iltlru mr jihr aru run thru itvppad fin ward arid iniitrd mr wllaoil with a txaunrul fur lined ovrr tut ml wauii was 111 v lied ut uu tu uim iul wlirn un lltfvm iiwimiiiaoji rmtd a very inurcatium uddiraa tu lirr rkrrraaiva of tha jovt and himiii of tftt t rikrtalit n for th wift if ihvir inhiuttr mid mr aithlimld 4amttll un i vim i un dnnn tutili i th tdiliin nvuliik a limit i wt nf t linai-f- rmia autu iua n wvj in u mihi4 in nt m itlin jiiwih tniti t inti m til in urn my4ri k u- it tu powi r i hiihiihihmi and lutl in lu f vi iht t i i w b ht id ui mindy hul llftt l llt rt t ll fil til mllklhlt l mmrll thr inti intiitlvf w i kri jitl u ntll v tt w i tin rr f u in mi i t i r iim hy luw i i it t tu- tl n i v 1 i- ih m 11 l ii t i wit tv l in th il v u on liul iv i l mi ii 1 m inlnhl un im hik nskl my i nlii 11 muixtll ihiuti tu jlnovir iilxitit 40 if th ti it hi it iiul urfitt i i ml ollii i iiitinlma f ll iiminitlt f mini kt mi ill willi hllih uida ulnl wivt oh iiihltt ril it a mi nttd tn i hut aiifi kivuil with ttiwy ijl mill ml lllll with iii l lt rl mini fn u clulnty lum hrtm on tht hi uklhird wa iilln ii nl 1 dm cftu t ih m ik f inn it mi rit iiliiik uf 14 him hm if n h 11 fix im tvtvn etqihiti i nl ww i mr ol i ul i rotil i i iit- r mi i- ih ui tl m t v 1 i li ill ii it ii back in 1937 taaaa fraaa laa lama at tka fraa frm tkaratfajr juuiafy h hit if you like your tindery all wet aurtly that georgetown acurn tilt un friday niht faveyuuplrntjr wr do t prftend to knjw why thr tnm waj playrd and ii on uf hie hintf prihaim notmdy will understand but of t tha wur- logged xhllauuu we hava ever aawo it waa tup with utclt of wall r alf over un ire it awawldn t gthj hot key guinr ll only jmvnl iliul on- uiinf uwil ac tun tan lake the if orgrtown oyt fa tiu y kind of itr tl era vai a nielty fair iowl rvihlng t i ftkdttrd to me alton take eorgr town 1 an attempt was nimt to kira trr the lir at tin tntl if the rri ui tml llufi w ri putr for thr wdui it ovifflow kpurigin would h im titadt a brtlt ltnilt hi lit ih fit at lirllrlk f 11 t r of it at u tolli ulihti l n ihm mu hrld on hi iv v r i k tlj r i tl i mr l j kn cm rti rh iirinai f ii i onui itn ul tnr 17t7 k lllu ly silv j t rtl ir iirgrtmrtrt tlrritrtu iw frl- liu11 ittuara ji11 mr i i nl miki mm iiiim i raw ru 1 jj im r fiil m t i i lit mi wilt j titit ii rtttrrt mtf pttl1 t ril mi uu aik i n i ly mlu j n ailkfn ir mimt mm li j hi 1 n i it m j i it iii ii hi uk t ml 1 j n m ni li 1u 1 o i ii a fill in vim w nl 1 f r thif uunt ntii v1 i ir ii wtinoit unit a wlillt ago in n it iiilom ihili f 1 r i n mtii kiiuiif hound for jlu now lhi ml mttlllg llmii on lilt jot iii hlmalllh 1 it ht liplllri ih ii ittlin uu itn with ul ii lljiit tn fit n nn jiillmu ml i r c im n i riiit lltrnhirl son 1 im iti inf ul u i nirii i 1 iht luttur on jnur 7 11 will im i n t it i ion piinrr oruoirl ith- i ikiimm it ii 1 1 th n t t i mll hll t ih ti ii ul h i th th in i i it 1 t m v professional directory and travellers guide r ti nlr 11 iht with imn r vjks tl i un mini tti il hi wr win h m k it h ird ti ktp itn r y tt ptr tor n xt tla ih it is tjii inl il if tht sirikr iht m ul in in un tlniik t umi j miniii hi morini ntr now up ir i t tin it iin tint dw vi a rt lit ttijit ilmiii miit part tier titi wii ihi him no mitttr whdl wi hi t hv i du ir it limimn h null mt hi uhr mnn m thin 1 d i ilk in listtn to tht prws of hi di end n d nnd dilitmtl in i hi ul f rm tht wn i cm krip on with mv work nnd til kitp up with the time but ih tt drnvnt nppu tn ik tl wtukls p ipt rt thctimust be rend m rkid ami inwardlv digested without umfit of radio and tv the in the papers we rend from end tu end ond hick again wo read the ndverttmng the council rt port social affitrs coming ev tnti pergonal items nnd the high likhls nf the week a new ttia np- phei onlv more jm to render who art vqint n distance from home ue g t a bundle of fnjjish itwal pipr 1 im wetk jnd tn u th v r nl lined t goldmine of in t rnntit n this sundays u lit oi r ik long lllr s 111 until t v ui fc t il fi w i likt ih if ull anuth r upst t tti 1 prrttit td itturn to norm 1 living wis the sudden lltwv of a friend in nun ui hi d of h1 living nlon tuiliiiuilt it ivh has nun iltl fn nils v ulwttn us nil kil hd souiout uitli tu u tht lum nihl intl d iv mv jtint miii to go down ifli r diniiti mil t until t ot min od kk the ddy m ifliw rtovtring mrv nmlv unl ni doiiht will sihin in up tul iround il on tht uunt mrk nf sorm f ur imd dtitns is tiulv mim pirtmr of roiirm hm twt n jy ing t hit of hitching hut m long un r is fiid in the refni r itor hi dm in t mind a he doesn t hnve too 4nnnv rhort outside them d i s our one row is going dry a wu fthill toon he buying milk until uch turn ai rossn ejinu f in again pirtiur is ilsn gettin tht birn v ird rli med out tht rmv w iv bv ming the fertilizer thl priirtue is against nil good farming prm ciplts but not in our ense a iill the firm is down in grins and will tvtntuillv im tjken nver h the dtp trim lit of hihwus it is ih t ii will 1 if u in uk kultilutuik is llul n i r pill in f long inn h fin kr it ui i f ik hi i t til i i ippt ii and n os l mi mt ai nrni ai tti npi in h i mm church calendar rv unittdchurchofcanad acln onurta iuk g ilor diirs ma ii d j mil tr fkraonaur 29 doftr avrnut phohr 60 mr crorsr elliotl orcanut and choir leader 70 boarr ar acton horc i siusnw juhy lath ibst 9tw a ni rmorninj pracr 1000 am junior church and church school 11 is a ro mirnn worship the anglican chuich of canada 81 alhao- chonh arub onl r jan h jonea sa ivth imir sundw january 13th 13t i in sunday after the epiphany 8 00 ajn holy communion ami fhujc sohnnl anil 1100 am bf ilnncn clan sermon prmyer no esb tnffjffi in canada knox c iiurcii acton rev andrew h mckcriiit ii du slb jammty 13th m hi i m church schot 1 ii im 1 m morning uorship 70 pmfuninu worship 1115 p m stnior high tlltmship baptist cmurdh acton hev h h coitruj pasror paronge lift boater ave phon 208 sunbw january 13th 193 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning wanbip seakei mr howard jacob- kwi toronto too pjn fentngsrwict t 815 pmdvpu r acton pentecostal assembly meeting in ihc ymca ptor rev k j rrid 81 cook st telephone ww urn t nov tut no 1- mot ils iht w iv d nut i lit md ih lioiihl tntps un inkin h m iniid i ii- i s on if i i i it r dis p- 1 of his in i ik ini m hi ht k m l put on w h1 t tii hi it h t inntr jiff id to do s vm r vi m ed his f ol ml k for in nxtt i iui dii iv end ht u is too n nt r oiis with htirthii nd h pnts uihi netett nreordinuty nnw ilthnugh ht ihii imi it fht t he h is rut dnun on bulk ftmtts md in r iil ttion whu h supply vitimins intt prol inn win n vk buv milk ut h 11 g t skim milk for drinking umi n holth of crt im for our tft i hat r im will be our nlii con tsslon thriuii vt do t iijiy hit ikfim cofft ui h jm ijv k n imiu i tilth nimmnn miim to avoid trouhlt sonitliftu ih cjnil lit pt r will e itrhjip with us hut wi d n t in t nd to j i h ilfw i to rntt l him it ihps somt otlur f ik m iv top think tiid ul iccurdiiik tu tin ir m kk rithir thin tin ir f m v wed christmas eve in double ceremony a f nmlv liinr t in w is hi id in cm iph 1 ist wnk to i lit r ih tin vth wdling inmvustrv of mt fiul mr- thntin lln iirlvin tu or w g c klnnty ihsklrun and surgenn oiiii ill stiii ii 111 rk ua mill st i at ion of flee than 1 reatdenee lift ttareh hi v 1hinr im dr d a garrrtt rblrun and hurgrnn if r f va a nd kivr knit mo kiv r slrt i atoti ontario thane 2u 0 robtkt 0 filkknw rhitlrlan and nurgeun 1 ui lluikton st alton ont lhone 67 offkt moon 0 h pin t 111m h urai rntatr am inhlranre f l wright ju wilhur st arton oliuiio 1h nt 1l appraiur real 1iui and iniuranee ww r bracken insurance agency h mill strut 1hnii 2fl hea ftr ttnulai insuiianf j beri wood in ag t i buc hnir r o ton tlriki 4 miii si i hafmi mi offirr lloirla va lniijik 111 flg p m ivtiiing by mp iinttth nl 1 i- i i lm c f ieatheriand qc lurrlaler nallrllnr salary rnbll oftti iiuin id imi h in win m 1 ml pm smpm stiirdavn hv m h rib nt only it lb a li iever hoskin t hartered aeenlanta m min si n 212 king sl w llrimpion toronld t iboii a 247k m 4 ui31 mihi 111 asmliih rumiey funfral home phone fluh nikht or day ilrue f shoemaker mgr olive m iampard a t c m it m 1 tvaehar af flano acton studio st albana llirnh 11 1 1 14 ialtk avf juki ill thont u 2 ull travellers 0ui0e mt luting th lum turn win thi hint ns ul tht roiiplt with th ir fundus r ifd mrs h huh uds n nnd lime children nnd mr or ill kich irdson n isiiun nd mr ind mr j tk lltrhiminn and tui mi in fitkuk th kichird us wrt mrrud on chnstmjii tv itcttiilr 24 jluqlmit- itvluhl widdmg cejjun onv tht olhtr bruit w is mn kichardson a islt r jenuv i it tcher who btcimt the brid of mr ah it k cumins of north dakoti mr hichtirdaon u the former firt net kit tcher d tughti r of ftra irihnjft fltlciie djrbvvillt sloisngawt v3 nt wlhiiiomt- the wttdding ws ucmniztd bj jte fmj assifcted bv re hton torontd unch i f tht bride mr richardimn 1 jrmed ln nnua gautva until hi retirement about 10 vimt ngo whtn the couple mov ed tq kurgus where the still make thur home 1 t ife and nral innuranee 1 m sh 1x4 mill st aft r lie ta 4juw virlptl dr h leib dental kurgron offict corn r mil mikj rrdt rick strieta offirt hour 1 a in it 0 p m tt u ihohfc u acton dr a j buchanan drnial hnrfgnn office j euhman rluck mll st office llouxi 0 am to 0 p m xkay teltphone 148 vittrinary f g 0aks bv sc veterinarian office und peiidtnct 24 knox ave acton phone 130 sunday- january isthmirf 10 00 am sunda school 1100 a m morning- worth tp 730 pjn7vanffcltxtic service wednnday 8 pin cotmge proyer mpeting and bible study rpte hw fn rh gray coach lines oafllth ii avi aimt tiundard tjmt t aatbund fl 33 am i dally except sun and jim im am 11 jl m j0ntnn 1 uh m 0 31pm in pm iu0h pm i sun- and hoi tffititeuiuf 10 27 am 12 52 pin iv pm i iiin 7 27 ptn 0 13 pm ii 32 p in ilium tfri sat sub and llul i canadian national railways hundard time kaalhound dailv 6 40 a m daily except sun day a in oo jm 7 13 pm sunday only h01 pm daily except sub- duy flyer ut georgetown 003 gjfiv d 37 pm daily hyirat oeprgt town kill pm ttltrm one jyilhfnind daughter myrllr jcnntydcceaixd nd three tonx jack of kergui and ktn and ortille of naxagawna there are six gnmdrbjldttn and the great grundchld s 0 young bv st c l youmgt dvm veterinary kurgfona office qrookvllle qnurio phonpr milton tr d0i77 n oailr impnit dully -etw- oj im prn cna pm sunday only 043 am ftfig- gunduv bjq am 653 pm bpi 7pm atop bunuay only flyer hut lph 7i n m dally except stt apd sun 9 10 pm u

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