Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1957, p. 2

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gmjr artnnjfrrr jlrrbb tw hlrhw erec pmhuutft jallf fouadad 1b iyt5 and publtahed every tnura- day at m kill sl x acton oot uaatbar of tlu audit bureau of clrculattoma uta cw wjv aad tlur ontarioquebec division of tha cwna advertaaaarralae on requeet- sub aennuoaa payable uy advaae boo u canada m in uw ualtad sum ai nottht 1 t alaale coplaa 7c aultmud a saeoad ctaae uall iniet office depavtmenl ottawa j r ae 1mb reeaaamc and patlleaau ca uadlad c a villi tdlur incbief david r lull production manager jenm a dula avg editor buaineaa and kdllorlal office ih 000 acton tatatavaabatbwr ri dftjr 1 tv thursday january 1 7th 1957 live and learn removed from pcuulton and the nwi thi week ii the cpr itnke among all thoae aftfaied thar tatymt lo be refoking that tgatttir htn for ttiv preterit been ed jutted reading through our exchange ptvp- r thu week many of which come from town end villages which are terved only by the c ptt- it was interesting to note that life was notmat in frgm portal on after the first day one would not get inn viewpoint if reading was confined to canada t tocalled greatest daily the toronto star one may sometimes wonder what constitutes great ness there have been some lessons that can be gained from the stoppage of services both sides ma we ponder their importance to the canadian economy perhaps there is more than firemen on dietelt to be considered sure there is inconvenience in any ehenge but none of us are in di spent able transport a ion in this day has bus truck and airplanes as well as rail and water it was tnieeitmg to note too that vol ummous speech is not always most effective in reaching a speedy agreement address ing a tv audience after the strike were three of four union leaders while only one repre tentative spoke on behalf of management when lh announcement of the end of the strike was given m fh houte of commons the leader of the official opposition was not present to hear the message which had been so hot only a few hours previously only two senior members of the government partici paled m broadcasting comment after the an nouncement the news head i ncs go to othef thing o interest most of them are farther from homo they too are important but of pr me m portance is that we learn from our day to day experience and live from day to day heavy burden whe it be et municipal p or sederal government level in canada whener it bv in england cgypttftussia or china those in authority and high position have a rough lime in meeting the phywesl sirain that leadership requires these days latest of thte to break under the strain fs sir anthony eden just a few months ago tn canada we had hon george drew whose health broke under the strain of serving the public fortunate are we indeed thaf there ere alwayj men and women with shoulder broad enough to take the yoke and carry the burden it is human to err history reveals that often what appears as en error bf human judgement today maywell prove tevbe a blessing m the days ahead tooling rt the present reitodey of sir anthony eden we might well temper our cf lactam me mad an important decision in stepping into action on the size situation ft was a brave and conscientious decision per haps history will never rweal how momen tous it was in world affairs men have steel epeevrfes tnic ere eefee in his retirement we hope he will be spared to see indication of his effort we are thankful that always more public spirited uinens appear whoby liieir effort keep airv jt ifniw racy r a when and how with the rutallation ot d al phones all around acton citiens may well wonder when acton w ii lt inrlik u the change over to automatic service it may not be any imrvovement dial pltones may even have disadvantage over the present system there has always been a desire on the part of people to be alike if the next door netgh bor gets a new gadget the tendency is lo be uniform usually it makes for improved service we do not doubt that when the change s made a wider extension of service will be given preferably one that will take in the north helton area halton has always had a north south development the urban board the fire protection plan high school admin titration and other developments have proven advantages for this area it is generally felt that an extension of the tetephon service to cover acton milton and georgetown and the townhipi of ti qucsing and naissgaweya would be most od vantageoui we know iuch a move will have it problem for the telephone company but we hope that with two of the towns already with exchanges now designated as triangle the acton change to dial will be included in the same group the earlier the change is meci the more t will be appreciated frosfed panes our kitchen window face out on an un heated sun porch and most every morning in this weather with the temperature hover ing near the ero we have been adm ring the patterns that are etched on the window panes some might call them lacey designs but we see them as bush and outdoor scenes which might be found most anywhere about the countryside these days in ontario there are sometime- rows of hydro and telephone poles sometimes a lake surround ed by trees can be traced somet nics a tra i is blazed or the scene may stretch off into a wooded area or a mountain peak the scenes vary from day to day there are two windows m the porch which are screen ed right or wrong we never remove these screens the ear round unless the w ndowi are washed and lhat isn i n w ntei weather there are no design on the screened w n dows many year ago our father bought a magnifying glass sometmes we were al lowed to get- it from the shelf and view ar torttr rmi warm spot on a cold day chronicles of ginger farm train whistle is music now policy unchanged through il mnythihgs iryatwele eveaect when enlarged on a day when there was a heavy snowstorm and boys could not play outofdoors great py was found m exam ming snowtlakes beneath thegusi it pro vided hours of fun and the only mconven tehee was the constant opening of doors to get a fresh batch of snow flakes at which to marvel we haven f examined snowflakes under a glass since boyhood we haven t noticed the frosty drawings on the wnidow panes they have been there all through the years but in these days of haste we overlook beauty that is all around us the emphasis is on speed the twenty mile limit of speed allowed us to see more on the trip the f spe jttoday takes us farther but we miss tha beauty as we go the other day a i story was carried in the papers in which it was recounted that a et propelled machine travelled so fast that it could not b seen when passing ot plana i we are bund to all about us we had another inquiry the past week on whether we would accept liquor adver flung in our column these inqu r es come along every jo often poss bly the idea is to keep files up todate or see if the paper is still under j he same management at any rate this one came from the ontario weekly newspaper auociahon the an swer was the same as it has btcn for many years no for over seventy years it has been the policy of the free press to refuse to accept liquor advertising or advertis ng paid for by the brewers or distillers we have no objection lo the constant inquiry but it seems necessary every so often lo register our stand the association of which we are a member is only fulfill ng its duty when it sends out inquiries lo all members in the iighl of present day hapenings we feel however that ntox catuxj beverages need no advert s ng we are told time and time agam that alcohol cs are sick peple and need to be treated as such institutions for treatment of these sck people as well as or ganiationa o help akohojcs ae becoming more necessary and do ng fine work we ii be most happy to accept advertising front any ofthcat fine groups hut wr rrfmir tn by wrmdallm p clarle un t it jtruiul to hcaj in train iwnnintf niain wh v uld haw it iirht itu liriih tf a hltlr mimic rx nmiir jri uur er ilul it i al ruht vrtli jn hr ir tlir- hu t huk f tin w utii alonjc tl it i k ttit m irninr uhill a th v 11 nil un rriiwrik ml ou can i n u1 mvt tot hiiuii auut tl ri l ml milt n m iiam until ikt ulxr 1 amr ii it mho knur it s i ma utr m hi u h a i rliiiiliim urtki h tild k tut nr miu u uiul nffi r mi i 1tl trim the rt tn x t h our nl iihhimiiicncr i k t link r tills pimr i dav lanr so ii 14 i i tl i m1t u mm m vthllll in ri ih in ti r i timlmt ih it i in t i ii vtiiki it mr whi ihir it mir mihlifirhl t nnothrr hit mum this m i 1 u tinir tor firmrn s tn f ik ti ii thi kin ttiit im vvititir ni mtjn un thi t trim r l rk m n tl it i a iiiii ilion thit ih 1 m t the put nov ih r i n vl k k hi im n lvt t k r thi dntnn i etmct rn nir any thinknik m nun kiiovti ituit vhfltivrr hui pru aiiid whrrimf h hu in ninn rns us all hut thank h iv u wr ttnl daw lo iral uir it my with the- mikhlv i situ of the iljy vai ran k about our unlmirv nik thi fjrnu r rarink for hu livestock thr farm in v ifi tmn in thr h ur mimc of ihtm rli tninn rmci nnd wanning thi rin n rnrilr ink in for a mill of milk u uik ml to a uilt irik or m vk iivji f n thllilrtn or ir indchil tn n tf mi lop in think of il tlim n i uondliful uuiilry in mhith u hr jum iniifiini ih mt ahli i i u tn avtriui noinifll life wliili k il ptominm f thr rtnv nr 1 ink 1 veil miu it thi hi 1m r tictins our intrn t from n k1 1 niit pi litirallv ftonn nni thinl i m wnv nnd mnw nnotht r but it i itt th v ir doink what th v c ill uli r to ih in thi imm intrnvtt i f thi mi n vv nirn and ttuldr n irrtm c in wh it whitrvir lh f hf from iht hirht to the low m ul 1 k ut o hi m rnitik rt t r s milk th vv runic into in ik ft lili n t thr nrwn heir tl it sir anlh in h n hid nmn hi ind thil ltimlti mucnnll in ut thr m vv iliitih prime mlnivtrr mirtinn rvmu il is true but they ill mi m irv fir rrmoved from thr farmer problrm sit in to im- hut thrv arc n tvirvlhinji th it hppns in ilrlt mi ihi mutdli ut hum a e ir opt ind thr united slitc rvnt unlh hu some indirrvt inmurnre ou u ill inetudink thr bundreil un firmtr thi hitorh breede tint th in irki t hardener n i oni nn or should llnten to the new jihm livii and thin khrutt iin html ter ind rxrlum well thit itv affii n iittu fai bit k t ini1 whirh brings r irm we hivi hid i irv luni tinu inco thi ni v v ir irtitl i fi w worries and on or two mirpn reallv it ui a small ixorld on div i man railed here on buiinrvi nn ihsohite tlranker to both of uk it wrti erv rold no whih j irl nr trid wiir imtor were talking in th livinn room t went out t th kitchen to mike a cup of leu when i got bark i found uu two men tilklng hki old huddu d vou remember so and o sure i d but what about old j what h ipx ned tt- him niiurilh i uondired it mi iiddi n iht unary m 11 it tun it this sundays church calendar puh united church of canada arutv oalaria ptesytirun church in canada out that durinit w r l1 war i in vnilor wit nttnrhiil lo un i nr ballatljn 12 partm r uie 28th but n i in tin urn ttmipiny n t ilv that but thi in in i aine fioni the iimr ontrul in whiih wi livi 1 miiiii wa it it faftiunic in sivka rhr an and t there wrn- v fl id i l ii r r nun rt v f llthrw mi whin two old first war vila tl i th r bumllios i u h ndett ihi w ip lon of irmy llf in km r d ml n i t mhmm in piluu our m w i und rn nd hit i vi n knwn di vimenl 111 u k of motr j iu who attinlnl me w hi i lltt was ih rn al will it ih uik i v r d i i r in w n kin 1 fin nrilv mil smp it hi tir it urn veil nn t irirn thnl me years m whin rrnvtini the main vtreel in muse j iu he was kmnkeil down trv i ir hid killil w in n felt wav ii f i w m nlhv oil i i w it n t i mhiiii u livi m 1 wit ui h pital vi r n m nth un dir or 111 irk i in whui wi wiqt lo tiring it ib limit ui ut imii it ilr llhik offur nut itk eti tor n bill hill j ist f rk t it vou vi h itl n iikh tr iihh nlr idv tlu i dtklt r vi u wtit in to am tin babv ivirv div i exel umil yes vis hul 1 uiu k inn t itn h tpital anyway almost immodntrlv ui ni vetl tlown mt and i t i nn h with dr itlirk and thi n out if i hint tk cam i this visitor nvivintt 11 mt mories a isitor who r urn it irintfir nut mnt iw iv it fin nd h r r r tint it r id outvie sunt iv vv it n i i mimn uirt r nl f ik t arm ui t infci yvlv imncl ilv thi tun ihrv t ht re tht nrr idiatur v it boilinu thi mi r1 i slink 11 h turn il ni in uiinv t r t m sos 1 v iiliph r i i idv t t ikr vt r if thinks rotil tn t tn fistt h vvt bv ikhl ihirtv thi v wt i rail thur wiiv h me itii n arid it th it tinu it v ih i w rt ii i m 10 h t duruitc tin ihht i think tnitf lrttrr nuke rti ml ait t pn trnt of in it d it tl i rm nut r the goodxmddarsj back in 1907 takaa trm use taatta al ik fraa rrua tliantfaf jsaurr 17 im thr city of kmtilon jamaica was ruined by an earthquake this week thrrv will be hld in im town hall next turaday evening under thr auspice of tht litd lea of hi albans church an cntrctainm nt uniun and enjoyable it jvill be a tpiruuviv tra and tha younj indies will enfurer rules wliirh t will rr quir all thr wil of jtie jrnuru n to irbavrrvr without lurfrlturt of mora- than thr aifrnwaion leeny jfrnustnsn fmind takmg ti a with hi right bjkijit paulna suiylhkmi ur making tfmarks artout thr tra nr tlir pronurtefs of it will in fined five cent a mertinf will hr hrld tn the town hall thu rvinihg f r tin pur ptse ff urganiilnk m retail mir chants nsvariation thomas st anion an curly reul rnt of hockwmid pasmtl y th at the uur of b0 he tune from county kerry irtlirit ind srtlletl in hnkwond m 1m7 and hamt rmtaati ulcrc call sincc al hstuesiiik runnl meetink n l iiday ur hi ore p w ttinmrnnn was re appoint d asti tax r at an an nuil rrn untintion of iv ail il im hrikfl i at 1k back in 1937 wi t iii ft it 1 f r 11 t i ii takaa irate f uw tr praaa ttarmuy jaawarr t i tha initial mretini of tha c school ijoard was hrld on wed nesday evening truster t s blow it i g ftaser w k gra ham j u mcdonald and p w pearen wi prrnt the mch school jiupecum- 9 report y a j muiband was rad it ruested thai th pupil wv gvm mat homework thcputhe sfhool suff ws empowered to purchase m sand boa for thr junior poiuri stormy winter wralhar failed to deter a f jind enthuaiaatw crowd at the annual meeting f artain fair yaterdajr aftern am and dlreeiiars hatt every reason for pjuletl t continued succnm the atidiuara rpurt wai presented by messrs a t uiown and f lies wu k irie money for attack and exhibit sel a new high at fl vkllh about m3 vt r that paid last year a ihlls wus elo led president f 11 i f rtr laoard for l3t i wright w lhc unamm iui chuu v for hie poailion of cretair ireawiirer the aal u iiasv lu n iiki vfd on itir iu marsh trophy e dr phil kdw u wh was ll 1 is ihi ii t olt ohllug ii 1 t i ui i f r 1916 in murt n guei firfith t i i i i in hnl mr t ki f lv fr i tl f i il i it link titti i iitui liuuua m i t tliis is ur rly invit atlon w mtn r to prep rr wtt n n nnl it led fron nult di iht m and ardt ill im- th flrtt i m k v malt tl v i pi i tl n th rink lnlwn n learns pirketl from it inlm rt md o unm mi an i tin t wn iliyink fir tin town win llanimill and is n niekjm hvdw liulnvm tavlor wimi mynijs tpd f r th tann ry mr tarhkfn itrown m lkial 1 ohvr mmi ne ii ardnure an 1 r ten i npi j 1 a m smith ind 14 lb lift mi im ilia al i s rt nlly tit f il ml f rur ivan fears lb in i ikiiiimii in r ntinually m iv i un rods on m idml lluritlredt tf livis havt bswii liuit til flaming w ret kuge tin ht ivy rains 1 im witk rails ett fl mmin even here lhat hrralen ed i k hki deal of damage the ihivs frtmii the tannery town it id a sweil revtne when they hi4l rsmttrwn a j uint- mint ti rget iwn rouahened it up aclun wire cuiib nt lo take the pumshmt nt and slap in goals nirah j m mrtild is aain miulti t f th la hlon shiiii sulinks f r ihr ir nat n n w ihinn be ketl professional directory and travellers guide mr uk al m1s ri i anfoum dr w g c kcnnfy kljmlby funfpal home riiysteun sad k urge on office in sm n 111 rk 43a mill st r atton 1 h n miu nmtit i r t ly hruie f shoemaker mgr orrica pkmia braldenee hi harrb ml k rhone l olive m tampard kvox ctitkcti act6n rev andrew h mckenile an slnda januain 3th 195 9 4i am church school moo am morning worship 00 p m r v en i nil worship 8 15 p m s nior high fell wship ftaptist chutcm acton rev ray h costerua pastor parsonage 11a bower ava prun j08w suda january 30th 1mt laoq a m sunday school 1100 am morning worship speaker mr ernest wet kit hrtmrmoderator for gutlph association 7 00 pm evening service 8 15 pmbyju acton pentecostal assembly meeting in thr ymca pttorvrev k j reid 81 cobk st telephone mpw sunday january 20h im7 10 0q am sunday school 1100 a m y wowup runsfromhome for 20 award mrs g rd n adams who ht u i her namt cilltd f n ni ht r hunt n a 10 p r crnt couptin nn saturd v aftirnoon at tht ppntialnn i rv drw came runniryier nrht r t iue to receim k0 in vouchers winntr bf iht a avafvl i rav arbic due to the itmall awards handed out thy jackpot has gone up to 222 dr d a garrett fhyaarlan and murgron irmr f v lib w and hlvr sts 1 nlranti it v i r strtt t acton ordann rhane zu dr robert d bucknfr rhysirusi aitd hnrfron 18 ellinkton st acton ont rhone 7ft office hours 0 p m rfal fhtatt ani isht tt e f l wright 20 v ilbur st aili n hitarin ihonv ai appraiser real i state and inaiiranee wm r bracken insurance agency h mill sinn j bert wood- insurance agency 1 ifa and oeneraj inaaranra i rni mia 124 mill u a t c m 11 m t teacher of flan attn studio st albans pinth it ill m iauk avi 11h ill ih nr ta 2 35 m nrrtcm e i buchner r o optometrist ill mill st f ih me 113 offne hours kednsnavs 1 jo fl 00 p m rviningsliy appnmtltirrat c f ieatheriand qc rarruler a hot let ur salary pwfcua office h urs 10 0 am 1200 am 1 no p rn 5 00 pm sat udavs bv u hi ntin nt only ofni 22 phone ids 151 actun llver hoskin i hartered areantajila m main st w llramtoi i tl iii ajth 212 king st w toronto 1 r m 4 111 tmvfufis- outoi q1ay coafh iimm luh more t5a t publ city to lure people to become alcoholics and lick to till our in ihtutiom acceptance of liquor advertising would we feel nullify oar freedom to eprejour opinion on the ubect we know our thought are contrary to those of many people we do not want to be looked upon at a martyr in any ieme our stand gives us more personal tails faction than the funds we would derive from the liquor advertising we do believe we have a duty to our fellow men and women to assist them in their fight aaamst temptation and help them stay well you do not cure people by administering more of t tame poison that is our stand we tee no reason to alter it and would yor be happy if we chonged tl our sole obect in life was to accumulate money at a cost we would rrv tnrdon adm ma 11 0 minister parsonage 2tt boer a phone so mr george elliott organist and choir leader to bower ai ac ton uhan i sundy january joth 1957 8 00 am morning prayer 10 00 anv junior church and church school 11 15 am uormng wanhin the anglican church op canada tit albana ckarcfc aeiam ont htvxvan h jonea ba lth afw r h ta 4 3950 cuelph nrvtata dr h leib dental margean of fi- corner mill and ndtrick streets office hour a a nr to fl p m tlllphone 19 actjon never have chosen newspaper publishing the firtt place sundy7anuary 20th 195t i epiphany ii u 00 a ni holy communion 95 am church school and bible claa xsftjlc begmnen claas jlw amthnrnl cnmmuninn fire at acton dump came thurtdjy call ifillowing imokc from the town dump on churchilf road thursd i if last aeek resulted jjy a firt call kaportixt bv a cjiurcml road res taterjiurtan ident tht smouldering ire was no oirce trtidteiidcnce 24 knox ave eximguiahed b tht brigade the actun phone iso fiyroclock call in freezing ueathtr folloed a recint rash pf fires m q m the tunn b d young b v 9c dr a j buchanan damtal sargaaa office 5a mill street office hours bam to ft p m c ised wednesday aftfccjioin telephone 148 ttckinaby f g oatces bv sc 4 is p m holy baptism 7 00 pn annual week of pra er erjcc af4 ttuaiil 7 30 rutk evaaieliiuc satvlee wedneadai a pm cotufa praar meattrntinit aipw itudy r tlrrmrn a xh iiu blaae uas not endnnscrlns roundins property and returnvd tu tgwn j crn yoowgrpv f ttrs t rk acton lltuaul ttau raatbaaaa m am t dally txcpt sun and hoi i ui am 1 1 13 am mtnpm mpm 133 pm tm pin loin pm sun and hoi i wralbaaaat 1027 am 1237 pm 257 pm 3 27 p m 727 p m a 12 pja 1132 pm 112am ifrl sat sub and hoi i canadian national railways uuadara tlaaa railliaial daily 6 40 a m dally ejtcapt sun- day iuuoam 111 pnr sunday only 8u1 p m daily except stln day flyer at c3enraetown imb aja a 37 p m da ly r iyer t gaorga- lliunloll pm lvrilbaaad dally im pm dally sunday 8 jo ajni 3 v vatrrlnary sariaeru otfict krookvllle- pntarto phnne million th 8 0177 i p m gj ay nuiy sunday only- ml ajn t ally aaeapl pm tftaav atopt hunaay only plyar al guelnh 7j xlmdally and sun 610 pm flat- at ly aacept sal n t yn4ask amaaawawwlitawiijshv

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