Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1957, p. 5

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u i fty ygli rv 7 scanning the swscentr wmi iiauiuuccoijai stortuy aftw fir lvt 10 popu homut ten people including itven t hrlrlrwrt were left without a home wlten a great fax ftrfi uvmyml ifju jjjjjifflull in limaauulu iltwu ll tnnw irvm milton battled the fieri blare t helnw ftp temfnr attire ut i f lufintoi ahiv rtulnnli had i or me f a bin vw ixitiiiie atnl ivm1 hhiw of the furniture wei personal notes of acfonlant vitithg outof town o4nn end o4 visitors tn aclon home mr and mm lmn leall 1 ft town this morning motoring l florida mr and mr xialtixt with frli tuli u wn k mi rut mri mutti jullr mmii sunl it in hi iu ihmnnmti tuli in alton ihlo m ii ii mim w hdl i mlltd mi mil mi j m sir i turadm mollik red it i i mr and mr arthur tlwirkkmn r will he ml home to tlrrlr frlrnda iul nintmira on saturday janu ry 10 frii ttai t in fivr pm on ihr tiou of ihrir olden wii ding annlvrrmiy at ihelr hum maplr hill farm ilili acton is laltiu mi and mr a tan join a p p ami to v i hi t ilnik it n mm jdin i ithu of at i hi anl iul 1 ih mr fltua i arlnn if tampttf llvilh rpnl i it i ii k in l tioil mitl hi tended in mitral of hun iiiuaui 1b clifford steele mexican conditions j unfinished business described to wl i pointed out fo group fluav i li- wuiuiia inmlltit at vi mi lot a imihiii fw ihr frlrr l ion of akihiiiiiiii ut mrhx iii iimii jantotry 1 afi i who it tin hi id thru nsonlhly mrrlln- mm imkit tin pioitmil in ll i hmll ll1 iii itlmrt- ilir uuulltll hit in un mi mm lit ft lln mia 1 allhm waa holtm to lit january mtlik of the mliom ant ill pnalful pnidrd i ihr tti limnd 1lt taith llu i jifil vtna lrn iy mm son i tn in thm won ihr trwhnililitv ii t fjrihtom iiiiik hot ttut rrtftioin i j k ihmi rfmi loll lull it rr1nn ihr no inl tl ih i liml r r tiik r i tv art in lui i nrvi immt j l nl it ri nllv i liwni cntu t irtt ol it ihiiiii trtrn nmitnt tn iion lit oulfll i h ill ii- mt llll 1 1 11 i ol 1 oth tin ht of th worn ii m in in i ti lnt n k i tin- imtthl ui m k mi ank toth ji ami mm in no 7 h ki a 1 nrn rrvvnttiffl imimiii ankhifc llul ii tl hit auh i it mi xiii tm i 11 tit imibh i hilimm iim i i i fi m n wni ti p ilrhi fillinit tut ihrit roii te niii1 iht ii int i thai firvlon lvr i i k1 m oi hi hurt h lin mi niinir hi h ilwi im 1v ii tl uk hivf tlir aitntml ninln h ii f mr win itn v inn f ti v ii l 111 ity mi 1 i hi nffti mi ki mr mini mm n il aluumlir ii litilr ami kloi f u uiomi u viih1 on sonu vmh mr anil mm johnnit krark mm firl ijiiiiih rt of mntrk amilo wan hoatt aa to a furrwt ii party for mr j johnson rr church street who u anon rrtumlfta to ht formrr homr in imtlnh vlumlna the fntup includrct mrmltrra or llir- wmtirtii inatltiite and a tvw ciom frirtuu a uiaaant artrrnmin w novrd and a part in klft khi pr mlttl to mrs johnson in upimcla tlnn of h r uiik in tht wmm n i limtltuli grandma griffin dies in 102nd year m in tiiiiili of m- millmm loih wr nr to hiin f tin thmh nf ihi fulliri lumi oiiton i it k horn in in iph onrrnl hmjntal on rriduv tht funrrnl cr lo win tn hi in on iph on mondnv foil txt l intrrmrnl it wh crnirlrrv thrrr mi nod mm 1 itn 1ihr wr iniiitminoft to itmm r and rarrta al iht mrtihtmii h1 i m rorfrtovtn pilot to tluir itavlnt fw rindn tin lint mrltuifd mr nnd mm in iii i iih mi mil mm mhik uilit mr unit mr- ii inln nnd il in mi nnd mm h c cun miikhnni mi ami mm j m mih it mi nnd mm moiui smith mil iiii wiltiunmon mr and mm j to m uulkina mi and mrs mrb iuow lihn tin ni ti 1- lru ht tin nit nilk i thi itd mrtlint ilmttl lu pi latnl tiv thr 1 1 ii f 11 iidt il mm aitkm vnr ptmldrnl mib w unit oilnv h imirrr mm sunt i mint mr m tti u mililiit mm mullhh ml mm sl aiktul mh pimnittrt mm kmhrr mm oo j kktin mi htki mm sinclair mm mu hi proki mi rommlttrv 1ih ii itrnr mm mfkrnilr mm hhiiv mm w hnica thr motto god xlntlnlahr ilitthdav waa takrn by mri llniir thi rmpliaslird that w wrrt not ii mmt thr nrw year with unfln imitm hiilnra thr rhnrrh la pirl of unfimahnt tmalnraa our mm aitin and molto hhnuld lw to mi i k f r ilbht nnd prav for rildtm mi that a individual nnd m mm a j iliirhiman pn milrd kit k tlon ir nrr hrlpintt in mo and mm ii 1 itrnnn m rtmvrn i rnmum or jod thla la our mm on tr of thr projtrnm r rn into a nrw yrar a i n impiioninni of thr mm irt s a trm h tin aitkin fnnulv v group topic church in southeast asia on thumitav jnnnnrv 10 mrm ivrn of thr srntnr auxlllarv wo mm a mnunonarv sorirty of knot ivtnhui inin rhnrrh hrld thr firal airftint of thr t ir nt tlir homr of mr ii m mflmnd at ton lenrtfrtivn 3 krlday a junior hnrkay hrir waa fal wltnraardtty fajrattrd crowd and haa tlnty of anion in aidtr of the axtld tub tfti temporal ii rra axtun juituma w ui- thy haul an adr in a oeatjrtown tram playing wrji hut jim ult ftnnl ettimigh ttrropff wtjbth local who wara cunning for ihla una afirr auf fwlng tw fjrfrat at lh handi f th junfnr loavlrrf in nawriown flay wa dnmlnatrj hy nrtth- jtaininltl thr final mfnutra of ihr laat i haplrr whrn artnn rnailr atitr of lhaji win wltha goal ly 1wi toon knrn flaafrf jiaij nr vdhialy lirohrn ul lltr iotilrat with two neat tfoata aflrr ihr ylallnra had llid it up unllkr thr gimr in lrttglovii ttw pi vlma mnmlay ihllr iittimh play waa rvldrnl init thnr wnr amiir liiuialng lnka handrd nut atlmt playa agadt ihla rilty ntfht tn ihr lot ml io tlair llo vialtra lniiia ttila will w thr thud ttnolliim ihhwiiii hi m imi iiii llnvv a iii ih tioi ihia fai with minliw ti unit inm arum laal lliuimilmy in n v ngt a ih at amtmlniatarrft ty thv at im t luli a w i k pit vlotia 4 mlf jinfm jiaidhli an i ihlliliillif anon of ih t-fat- iii y hamld h tin i lit li j h till whill ih t wl wm ilhlkl f ihr hi i lmmtl i il lln monday nighl llo t loh ih i it hi i l ill toil a h ho v i liui ii m i lot ii i in t ipitllm iht s ill lttilli m h i inn in ho liuffo nn al th top t tilt m to s ml i imu nlo kiilliit lo miifmil h k th it w llo hut mik and miii n iht vsn k t rt milton mimhili tn i i ml milt in ti1ik t hind ii h i i i iii mil iii iii i ii kill i i it ui i ii hi in fo kill iowa ilk it vrbtillovrr j ftmhaid jm1 lf f im with hulm hkr drura putting al yiiti u it any wondrr lh nrrvaw jat frayad himaklug id n it i l laat sututday a llvlant gajnw jjrtwfvn uw nw yotk itangvra and ibtiuit kuit wluga waamtlaaflc urtllkr ihr pirtlia satuiday whrn a vny nulhrf t mrft i mam r wm ah wji laat saftndav a onirat vua a tjoil hi with iht umiik i nanina- thiioirh hi ihr l f w utoiila to pictures of europe t shown at circle toota 1 th kifmliri lulr inn utjluimtttiy ivininit writ i ami mia a jlohoil wh how i pit li f ih u lilp rut p mia hhioi m t pitoi slir tik latmu la in fmdi y hixiah riaiii spain italy llolutml lot ml shulll in mix la rnoyr m hr old illa and hlatit ilhllu mm mn mkiwl ihankid ih t mtiaiitjtrnj thr sriiuli ujt uwj mia rtluiun with m j nil op and ih ur iiidinud jii 0h i out w ith mi- muwr aim klkiiiii pltaltllltl iulim will himt i im a imklim aulr rally in mai it wllh a spli t a i h i i i m ii in no him ilol i iih i a a iiih with mi i tltm r 1111 begin wrecking barr building it ti r ii r it ii i rt mil it w i ii l ii it i mill the acton trw pftt tliurtday january 1 7ih 195 it aftirwiitmrdmvih ui o qiilfryqtjr car wllh ooodyr buburlmnlu winur tlth 48ruffml cuali bit nd tab in llroad rvndilluna burastarm quick atopa aafar driving all wintar suburbanite t thompson motors honii w roio taut a ffavici wl 1- il hiiiiuoiv ih 1 1 h i i i d i lion m mhl ilia imili 4 off illhoiiwh i on tol i ltmlly ihl mini ifl i vxitihliik him on tv with lot int ih ppnllni it all gota lo nhow unit 1 1 iln pl ollv ih thntol mhhks yoif tun i iijim nn off mi hi oil iwiai tin i tun anffi i iht i b pirnauii tin you uiiiki n ant and with frl loom miia cnn n tnunilt xv in n tl wiv siram inffm 411llfl nil lu km w h 1 ptnufulu 4uuv i hi in hit i02ul m m lit himkind will pittllmimf in r 11 x 1 wt it main d m iv 2l homi miit onk illr 1 urd on llu fnnn i ot frm win rt s ti iht mm 1 ind thnt i indtna li il pllvmil mllll ii t mi ivoh mill k 111 mr anil mm uum good hockey as local juniors frltake raiders nffin tin i th hit ffin nnd 1011 1 x ttl lo vim 11 h ids ti vht it ht hi 1 fn tn- utix alton 1 1 dtlm 11 xtni liinl 1 jvlllli t11 lisl x ii nd tl au sh in- oil lulu iminlvid ml i 01 it fn l mrs i nihl milo ill 11 wh s h mi lu imv rd ihfiiti ivx ix januirx p th ttotlx ntt il th uothtil fiimiii tltiim until r 1 nliix uhm at 1 1 x in hi iu y 1 111 initod t inn r mir ivimor iu snilkrovt n sl 11 iu tilid li rtiirttm thr rxm hkh x 1- i inlmiii i mi rs mi hix trmtil tx n lirt niimo 1 of ton i lud vu k xtrn 1 frundi luidinr i 1 il th htm uml viimil m 1 1 1 tr mm cm 1u1 t 1 hxttiinl jittnii il inn tint hrld kin v t huii h on hx ml- itou mil c 1 11 mum m 1 s 1 v 11 1 of worohip wis tonttuit il hv mm ii allm n nnd mn a i mrkrn7it mm m i nuiiiii jntd mm o m t in pr si nt d hi iiiism u ktudx t ntini tin miljtrt tin fhur i in toiithtaa amu it wn pn ih nt tft in tin form nf a tlim iiiuihd in tvxi 1 n om rrprrsi nlin 11 chi isti ni miu ina4ifrii ndftnm indnus 11 show nit ih miiulii nnd 11 x tnjoxd a rt aihng tht y nd of t r m n in if t ia wn nrn rx mt ml mm j h x ron hum llu m ripturr ii si itinnntn on ttu tr h ipt r vt m irk w 1 utrrr h 1 urt llru 1 tht inn tun himtt u nh pnui i mm ilkrti ifttr whuh n liv mi liimhioiv xxvia n hx th h sh sn ind immittit in itu mrs annie somerville dies in 87th year h s holden optomitrist i vis txaminid giasbis mflfo 7 dougl si ouelph phoft taylor 37 1 so quality shofs for the entire family b sh enson s owoes lrni r ly lie i liv storo phon 466 mltl st acton mid january sale values linoleum llmiivy uial l7 it a t sale price 149 rexoleum mat iii r u lit salt price 23c thermos bottles hnj vllr sale price 69c 60 watt light bulbs sale price 13c 6 fo lc crpantor poldlna wood rules i ii i sale price 39c mn plc llnd underwear franl inili in rn 1 vii sale price 297 i ll nnl linvti v sale price 167 mn flannel shirts all alpt sale price 157 childs sleepers reg tl 00 sale price 67c suburban and duffle coats oitij iomm oreatly reduced to clear ladies blouses all n pnj i hi sale price 67c candy specials this whk peanut and cocoanut taffy aj ii special 37c lb ckaiin0 uni mrhmllw ll pq p i i sale price 19c aood cndy f- r sale price 15c pillow cases i ifr lfj i iv sale price 97c pair clearance sale ladies millinery and skirts up to 75 off you will savf on tmiii hintons 5c to 1oo store the stottt that 0ives you a ftettcr choice a better quality a lower frige pi hi tt kmii is in thi lot ik dim iftimvt i or tht 1intv i wax two ulv wn 1h ltu1nnijil rittixttt its pohtiitl utdiptiiihthi in lt4i ind rpoiloit th n m il ix i will ixvoim 1 l in unit p iidunt nitioii within tin tht lint si i mm tiwi iltti on u k in 31 m37 mis y s mi id hxtt in 1 t 1 x is dd in nt t illn f ulh iu whi tl f pvt i ilxpitll if in ruhs mr i 1 uti i mi t at ii ac h kt x of th loral news td 1 x in i in nt h nd 1111 ilida it th hnh halt foi th thhil ttntt inuh nond hi rvt tim- ilinu is ih nir ht id it tht lotion m xt nwmilh tht 1 sl om wtu- most aucvi vful ttuihtrr r tin wi linn will in m nn mil nd im t uvd m n u f t m x it il rtrw it i tfti ti r f c nj nnnl i intr1 hun h tin r nd hid t n l nt it x m mln t intmiri f womtiin miximiiii sum tx hool wi i ihuulish hid ils im n i cmrrtttrmlrrrtif wu h i i n it ih i north mir luislnnl k rhtrrt itrs ilo surx umiiiiii xx ui mia j f 1 1 ului su nn as m x nnd inlork mix rrink tmabf1 both f winder i mip jjjljr esatuua findrrid lindon tuostl s f siitlin our t ps ii i ciiffin prdrttan d htr 1m foul athhiuinhtora mia hxi snxdtr k mra atmindn hdunn1 mm ttu nt junior riowd of ttu uu clurn tdru and mr nt llu sprou 1 taitntaartl tnt ntirt nnd livtl- thi niiin nnd txouutiful floxxtrs finiili urttht tuo n tima tnnltt1 for visa lit ion landborouah a utrr ti ailrnt trituitt to tht hmh tht vond i iph laat utk in an tno ntudi nt of dor th richard- ritnm in hich ilu w a a hi id pll- tsirlur jsinu at ctornrtoun ttrr s u pt tn thv ajl nd bcarrra wtrv mr doughi tom jiuttwrraidrri ratthd in norm wncid grdta recital in toronto uts jf w ilium mcpht mon itirt finra donuld kirkxtxkl fxl itiniiuu i gcxau tn tru lat fru minutes j lait n man mrs edith kul t- turn juii lritih munkuhir tv acori a in aclon twk nnr out thc ch1om zero uralhcr hai c bwthtr carina williams ilunal mdr at comnb j hrir la much jnorr tncomohlent her lls sfls ctmttry htlutiind friends from a clta mc tun fixal lead taiice wh attended the funeral ri- j minus tfic armemt of wane ar films taken at thr music and i bic who waa suspended u a result j movemrnt demorutratiun werei ojaschiannr7lr ihr provtou night thown tathe ounxu o t c jtn elnnra the acton cub durplaed in fir parent tuesday were from acton oevxrcatoun oak viue toronto hillsburch erin and for us ntnutett cion sank an insurance mhan jhe c nn strike of thr wel noco many pipe refused to flow children and cisht ereatcrandchid 4 rvn a car drtvep by gerald la- marches30 of 37 vlsin st acton was damajtrd to thai extent of 200 whet it tkidded and entered a diteb on highway js near the oleoapey muahroom farms on pri- day i ur lamarche told iflvatltllnjr rtfiltre hf waa nmrmainm anarth nn the highway- when tieer ran tout tram the aide of the road in brmktng the car went out of con plcnt of geddiup rushing the gorgeiawn derrt with two and three man breaks jackie marshal ln the acton nets played a steady game and had ittue chance on the shots that eluded him the locals resume the schedule here on frtda night with dtntra finat the vlahn r tama have split two games to this point week of sen are bc- troland landed in the watt ditch r held thvee evenings next week jurs r buckner leads the gro a clthkd jkaccinatlnn ppofakiriipi to tr to control brticelloiaikjcrr llngtgrt count s livestock isribc carried on during 107 the pror j gram was reported to county itmnyj it the mercury dropped wfell be lew s f day nu iuu tnt week xowest reading ve heard of that somebody was u bragging about having on his thermometer was 18 belpw ifvdunhb fuel 6il stovl ot fuinace 0ia0es v call 69 tho nnpsonfuets really big annual january sale prices slashed 20 to 50 store wide clearance savings on all sale items sweeping january dress cle arance a a bio savino i house dresses reg 2 98 3 98 98 now 239 319 389 ladiesfcoats tdncontmuing r0 4995 and 3995 3295 2495 special i sedrffless hose all 32es special 109 childrens winter coats and snow suits 20 25 off childiins au wool knee hose subs 49c pr ev u m wlmm flral -eiie- auijd su0ht imperfections illwn dulix urlvnj puuovers ra 39550 now 3t watch our windows for sensational low price buys f ome in and browse around more real bargains insfoe mildred bells lades children s wear a-

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