Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1957, p. 6

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th actsn fraa pnu thuraday january 34th 1957 ffwo- units combine urges in dominion- horticulture authority john bradshaw speaks on new mechanized equipment john bredshaw of ctob radio fame and recognised authority on horticulture and alllad topics was ttoa awet apeeher at the annual heating of th hal ion and pael ooerncy club bald in the laquaa ang township halt at law art town an friday january 11 we er at jm atart al the automation age talad mr sradamw juferenre waa mada by tha apaakar to naw mechanised equip mat whlrh l being introduced tn cyder to minimlaa hand labor mr bradahaw elan daalt with tha tub art al publm- relations in this eonnartton hr punctured the fade that the farmer hoildn t edvertlae the meeting whlrh opamrd wtlh a rtrli loo dmnrr irrvrd by the aharoe w ln ded brlrf addrrra by ik b wjmiv halrman nt ihr loldert fjurinsey bjkrlal commntaa on m1 markeug bruce llodglna secretary ol tha canadian guernsey catll club o mckenile p ol tha ontario guernsey club jahit kud eltt jraai4ant ol tha yor ftlthcoe club and cast elite president ol uia cantral ontario ouernaey club mr hodgtna in hf tiajralurtorv ramarhc paid iributa to mre jnr- don king ol trafalgar ontario deirv queen ol imf and u george qraanlaat and bill boblnaun two of tha members of fulton rhamp km inter eounly teem al lha iwd royal onf tlma ihoductlun ward end cert if ira tee were elao presented by mr lladgina to the f ill wing haitian breeder lay ial farm lelrrmo john v mi nabb lhrc iwn joyce hr a of mj n k fea n and ron oakvtlle wm a booth mil ion and george h king and son ol oaavule tha khieaholm row olan len ard aeasle a naw record atatad mr hodfttna wtu roaaa har tha top rvw of tha braad tn canada for buth milk and buttar lal tha election ol lha office for im7 raaultad as follow president gordon king vie praaldant m s alton ta treasurer don joyce olraatnra ival county ilrura mason eauuealng township c w mwarhhamar malvln mccul lough rinlay joyce j v ufnahb tra fatgar uiwnanip kmeraon feather stone j hn mrlfciugall wm 1 lloi th nelson tnnshlp frank tlreenlees nasaageweye township i yd iinjilmll and j t bis hr hareaddresses meeting leslie peer elected president th historical background of th suai and iu political imp ural torn waa in eubject of tha tntrr aatlni and llntrly addraa dallvarail by h h hara at tha annual maal la of ihr halt m hiualaln club ha id at trafalgar memorial hall on tuaaday of i a i weak mr hara who tai tha first art cultural brpreaantatlva for the county of halton racanlly apanl twi yaara with lha unra or ganlaallon in iraq tha problam in tha mwdl aaat atatad mr hara u n of communlant imparlallam and poverty all mlacd up in thi umr pot a the time uf tha ft rat oraat war ihr hthl honourabla mr italfour tn rrlurn for tha formula u r tha manufactura of muatard aaa dlarovrrad by a jewuh cham lat named wriaman prumlaad th jrwa a home in palratine in 190 alatad mr hara thora wara 100 000 jrwi in palestine but by tha lime of partition sfloooo addltlunal jev- had scttum in the nmnlry up until lha time of the partition the jri had bo ri t u inj the j unit but wilt parlili land waa confiscated atvl 100 010 a 1 aba were driven out of palealinr moatly into jordan wherr ttirr arc aittlng in ramps iraq an t arabia d not want lhee arab reftifees in the final artnu iki icl lm nit rec ffnlted b f a 1 t j rdan and syria an tl or speaker who is alwaw a welcome url at any meeting f jlalton niatk and white s la john w powell of tha holstein frlealan aaanclation at mrantfnrd mr pow rtt tnfrrt haltnn hotitetn b to uka teatar inlaraat in hard t lauiflcatlon and tiecord of per formanca woik halton la lagging behind in herd claaalftrallun woik ha atalad long tlma production rertiflcataa wara presented lo tha following halton biradera tom ller had and i ltlua asbvllle farm il hedl j w arney il hw4 il c- lvan 11 had i j f trtmbia ll hedi chartaa austin il had it niugham and son i rwd a o hunter ll red j c ha id l had h t oopar it had o lwlta peer and son ll lllua and 1 kadi t j brownrldge had m t walaon 1 silver and 1 itluel another pleasing feature f lha day a program waa tha presentation of fieldman oeorga drvnnan of remler breeder and pramlar kb hlbilor rartlflcataa to b c alax andar halton a popular club prea 1 lent in 10m the election tf club officers f r 1057 resulted as follows president g ieslle iver first vice praahl ent w h royle set itnd vice prea ident w ll t veil r retary trcaaurrr j hn w picket director lutiuealng ward hrt nudge j w i arney t ii mee lord tthkmi and h mi x under nasaagawev wm ma hn ant murray tlu1 m nets 7t lio1 ll ii hrok llarni j ii bl t mid hum hcgvw itt tra rnlknr it igh itenlv hnlph irt and j m irkhall hall tn re ria tntnti n ii a let i f 1 nalt toil ixrcutie ci mmlttee r llmi sega rth thl ihruing rganlratin held its business session in the morning followed hvthe usual bang 11 1 dinner for which the black and white ladies are justly famous orderly ma production control forum suggestions how parity litrurne for agrlcu ttr ran ba a waa diaruaaad by mi uiiiimu uvum m wlulty 14 tttis was tha aarond in a aartaa of topu a imi trlly for agrlrultura onlrolled production and aound orderly marketing with propar laaj latalion wara t b rtaaiaaa fivaaa to aecitra parity incoma other auf irhtmu by tla forum mam bar wara 100 per rant organisation of all farmere forward pricing and mora efficient operation to reduce coats many forums pointed out that tarrtff protection waa an important way of obtaining parity incoma and eupporl prtcaa should ba rtlaad to allow for a fairer profit support your farm organ tiat ion waa also voiced by other for 1 m members llampl n farm forum in durham county pretty well summed up the discuss 1 n on h w parllx income ci uld beachleveit when they aald we think mirlty itwome for ag rl ulltire can le athleved by better management and control of mar kettng this conlr i may tie aided ha ling a iiiggcr main george elliott guest speaker halton jersey club meeting george e elliott qc was tha giictst speaker at the 18th annual meeting of the italian jereey club held in the stew art town hail on thursday of last week baraaclea of tradition was the intriguing title of the in terra ting thought protoking addrea in which the apaaker delved bach into history nd paid tribute to our ancestor and thrrs who carved canada out 4t the wilderness wc are a mongrel race he stated but livr the alley dog we ftght our own hntllra find our own homes seek nr own f od and are er vants t n nr we nn a people f irertt trartlt ions t irneg it t ill stniggle and hen ne i ar hi txl the aid hi if tnt mill mr flliott mar be k lit witir stained but when 3011 w c ff the scum of travel there ire n bjxrnaclrs there may be ditts fi m the rocks scratches from the shoals stains from the blood f peasant and noble who i hied and died ti piuu on to ua their ilildrtn the und the cus toma nnl thi systems their fftth ars k thi m more magnificent than the nvetvrcl them if r included mr fill tt wc hold fast t those trnditl mi there may be more dents more scratches and perhaps mon bl vvd when w turn over the ship to the new crew but there w ill be no barnacloa jame brrmni r secretary of the canadian jertey cattle club brought greetings from the parent organ nation and tn connection with the parish show held at mil ton last fall presented the pre mier jlreeder certificate to feath eratone bros of oakmlle and the premier exhibitor certificate to mr and mrs m w staples of gvtelph others who poke briefly were don mccatg representing the firm of it h bull and son frank bell of the halton dairy products and jocorge switnn of the milton mill ing co john w pauley secretary- manigir of th oalario jersey ejub preaentrd an encouraging ghct comprehenaiva report on the mbult of their all jeraey milk ilarketing program the election of officer for 1957 nlultcd m follows president wm fmthecstone first vice president stanley matthews second vlcc- preaident george hewer tecsau- ry- treasurer j e whltalock dlncton esquaainfl mae alex ia trafalgar m c beaty w h devlin glen col beck nelson frn eat davles naaaagaweya duncan moffat erin and eramoaa trad mwrrsndj w wolfe halton dlr ector to the ontari 1 jersey club jack feathers tone hydro progress topic of greenock program green ck women a institute held their january meeting at the home of mrs william ilnltrntine with a fair attendance the president mr f patterson w n in charge the mc ting opened with the stngink f thi institute oile and the mnrv stewart collect mrs calvin ail ken road the scripture f ll wed b th 1a rd praer thi r ll cill w is answered ly naming n cuudian produ t in our with all farmers firm ly ttetnnd it if farmers woulit ian i tikcthtr strongly on means tha joining uf maple tattle breeders aunrlafum and toronto district cattle breeders aaaotlat ion i id could wall ba th format ion of lha largaat artificial inaaan nation unif in i aiiada this new unit will nefate under hit name uf central ontario c alt la breading auorlatlon thlb name well oaf in e jh area aarvhad by thi unit a you could aay that lha rountue aarvlred make up tha central sect ion of ontarfci service la avual4 in the rountlee of halt york himroe lwl onurlo victoria peterborough dufferu waulngton and flrey in addition to thi rountlee service la given in the verner puweasan muihoka and parry bound dlalrrii the new aseorlatdtn is a c4i opai atlw organltalum tta conner members ol maple will have their memberships in thai organ nation honored by enlel onuj dr c h jlaada has pa luted manager of this aaatarlatlimi total srrvuea in ttiu initial yi i1m7 la esetpt to hhimni m qui in lha in t iim dlsunt future this tmtrtottrt t- tluemuiallug i in aw uwa annually iiuiim ttuc a pleat u realn baaetl malarial llled ilka paint forms a hard anmmiib walerprtmif surface it ii suitable reporta tha financial poal for reflnlshlng laundry tubs ckaaasi sub a hilehen flslurea it cornea in while red gray green and clear of marketing they could rmrol it ta far grea degree the for ward pricing for farm product would aid tha farmae in his amount of produrtlonao tha market would not need in t flooded at time the farmers must stand tugether lo show the government what con trot of tarrlffs must be ued for their welfare home price aupporta at limes may help but wa think tha farmer must hllp himself m coxe nimuino hiatino favmhtooohino hm oat t oil fomacaa oat wrw tankm fi c pmoni s acton by popular demand we are now prepared to servf you again with ourdellcious fish and chips bymenu takeout or deiivery service free delivery fridays every half hour between 5 and 7 pm phoni 44 late snack specials fttoay and xatutday niohts fkom 10 wm to closino plan to dine oul tonighl you ii enjoy il i mayfair restaurant qukn it f acton ont frfr oatald aonhar kana h inn an 1 w hi re it wn made in the absence of the secretary mrs e johnston the minute were read b mtsa f pearen who also read a letter fri m mr jamrt haggerty napanee provincial preaidcnt f w 10 plans were made for making i quilt fir ttie bed cros also f r a social c i niog in green vk s fiool and film board picture the treasurer was instructed t send s3 to the wellington coual historical society sh rt report wer gicn jay mr 1lcmie on 11 imp economic and health mrs ballentine on citlxenxhip and ed ucation and mr pejiren on hist oricaj research mr j near took the chair for tha program on agriculture and canadian industrie which was convened bv mr near and mrs w cole the theme of the program centered on 50 years of hydro progress in ontario interesting reading by mrs j s allan mrs r mckcown and mrs near were given on past present andfuture of- hvdro wnth special mention of the mammoth hvdro network serving the rural nrea of the pro mce a paper on tgnculturc prepared b mr cole was read mrs r mckcown gave th molto what canada make make canada and also read a poem the institute meeting a contest weights and mcisurcs wo won by mrs c alt ken i the 00th armlvecsaxy of the wo mens institute will be celebrated at the february meeting at4r hqroeoi mrs el johnston ugh touch new mcculloch directdrive in weight since ul itfhtar in weight than any other hiahcapclry ttmcidrlve uj the mcculloch cm4 allow yotmo cut more wood without gelling tired thi maket the d44 ideal for cutting llrewood felling and buck- lag pulpwoodtending woodlou and many other type of cutting when apeedy lightweight uw b called tor coma in for a demonstration of the iv44 today or tomorrow sea how eatuy e outperform all other- dirtct drive uwi ashgrove welding phona oeor6etown tr7877 h barnes prop r uo t n f at section bed lllltaililad for last wasii a number of men fnwit i igur athtad amntuii had a m lael wmi fiuv al tha w itfaol and put il wm a new floor wm mr ami jaf it w fftadgc fur new years wei mr simi mi hotter klrby and fiollr rtjndala mr and miar r ikredga and family tha malty flatids in title emu iiiiiiiltr of mia f tare hitberuwm of multll wuh tlar a aealy rewvary mn hol os hi a itoaplla ilia nt faoilllaa wais preaaii jtaiiisa of mlfhra ahif afolilruila weta aiibiwari attati lha imtalnaaa hatuay iar tvaauier hit a few halt hospital ml an ft mis kit tlavaitpoft ami uailin war dimisr guaats of mr aftd mi kiuh haplliar alo nuimlay mf ami mi felgai jjuwileti anj famllr wua nw vaai a gola willi ml aiad ur thus itmwdaii i lajuy ffiit f um iil al llt mi aiad mil flafatma fwwwit imii of mf and ml jiff hi own atad family huiuitght war with ilia inaetliigs was flntsltad nig alolall iis o mr and mra flail it ai4aisn on hi arilm uf ibwlr lby damtflilof mi ad m i healer fesfvlte weje rfawyeaia guasls uf thcii vi mi4 daufl lat iii law mr and mis aroiad fsmvla immilo m jsiiuaiy t and al mr rinlay i ufia m o4 mi jjjfuary mr a i ad mis llfrjijwt and fain 14 it t naw vaar shortill sheet mavtaf nuauimfj hiathmo oar waaal rumaaaa tavatlrauajkuf 114 chuichiu ioao for all your banking i j you rvrr ttoji to tonu trr all t fey fhtnpi a hurtrrr tun rin in v t yiu t it ll it u tr than s t onvrriirrit lit to make a 1rhnt ih g lirrjur or te unit lusn ydu can slto imy tuvrllrrs iliniucs sik irioury ntt rtnt ufny lirrmrtil imji purttiiw fornga unrficy talk over ytmt fmautul plant oc irtlcnii hie lm goc on tfid on and all ihrie wrvicci arc available at the branch where you lo youf tanking branch bank u in cflnt a rrvic tentre n i everyone on fhe aralf it litre to lirlji you jo took after your tanking urrnmly onlitlcnoslly an j well the chartered banks serving vour community pontiacs cornered the market on firsts klahlsag poua ilihaii seat wgal oaamatanwxrrryaawatea4 naw afara kaa aar rv bi r a laaa abas uaaa paauae oneiaa ban eaaaara4 ua par- toe aw all ol aaodar 4aalc rrat la laallam tla i aa twm f latariata touii aa4 aaw ataaaor anr hciartt altaaaal hj th laaaba ob iha uok to tar ckatf aaj aaiaa aiuaiam rnt at aalafaaatatknll i ika twaa mmt aantraf arlioa flora la taa toiliailij a inlaw alartaoa of oagaaoa raagiojg fraoa 1 il ta 170 a bwlliail illiaailllllni p baa lo ikll for hiiill ikorao boo mil ill gjmhlii maorcvallatio9tahaajluahlaj i pnlorauara ramaaf aial aiieauy aaaabtog yaa eaaaoar with aaaaaufa akaaal mwt paarfu4a or awam srrariitl llrava ci i la caaafarl earn aaaabag aaaa roniscv i infill it flili lull ilill hn ol tha t au poaniaea iaiaiililh aa- hi fmtioa fraa fraa far aaaaav a nil lialilililliila i aadla ninlil icaauoa nrltraj aaaj tioa of ai i oaba t av anjii iliamwaiwa a aamaaa m vauai first art ikr nrrltci gnalat dmcr ef i first ulh hie xivrtdsigrfaust choice cfengjhus- first with the twins greafpl choice models 1ac new frotm power to ptrsonautyll t r franklin prouse motors queen street- actonic drwtfr jlwail

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