Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1957, p. 2

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taitm iffyr acton mm limns tl lllf ym remdad is in aiul debllihed every itare- ay at mill sc t aetna out member at the aud bureen f amuauaae the ow ha aad the oaurlequebet dllrjoe et tke cwxx- adtertte4a nmaa aa requaet sub- patebla la adraace aw la eu fa tke united slatea cu fl 75 uafla roplae 7c authorised ea eeend claai mail poet office drpartmaat ottawa rsubaat ar the baa prtatau aad raaiajakm oe i itimrt a a dilla edhor incbiaf david it uuu production llnnirc jwnce a ix1u uannlng bdltar mimiai aad editorial office efc actaa thursday ffbroary 28th 1957 a few days in ottawa tha dtor uit wk ipnt thro days tn ottawa and strang a ii may sawm never for a moment go up to me parliament build irsrjt where the house of commoni it n ses ton the occasion wit the temenual meet ing of the board of director of the weekly newspaper across canada with such a wde tpreed group one may sometimes acquire a wider knowledge than from those tn the cap tal of the dominion people associated with the government do not stay continuously at the parliament building atui many out i do the government play important rolev m govprnnwnt policy for intance the farmers federation had ust presented the r annual presentation to the government and al luncheon one day the president mr h h manrvam explained the brief and enlightened the group on the farm er s povtion m canada i economy the brief mutt nave been helpful to the government m itt study of tle farmer position at another luncheon there were i 5 o 20 government official present and it was a privilege to meet and converge with many of them those al the vanou meals sat at tables of six that day at the table we sat at was a senior official of the post office department a public relations man an official of an ad verliting agency and the newspaper men were from nova scotia alberta and ontario we heard briefly from the heads of the canadian chamber of commerce and last but by no means least were treated to an address by hon letter b pearton the address was informative on the work of he united na tiom but m addition after the address mr pejarton gave an opportunity for an off the record question period the discuttion was earned on n t t by g af h banquet and in ten ing to it one could readily understand why the minuter has so success fully represented canada at the sessions pf the united nations he frankly discutted hs stand in such a way that it was difficult to find disagreement in spite of the fact that you may have had adverse opinions on certain actions his presence at the gathering was no doubt one of the h ghhghts welcome announcement utt weeks announcemens mat what ap peared to be quite an acceptable new water topph had been found is indeed a welcome one crowning many months end several years of searching it seems thar water is a pretty important requirement for a town industry is requiring more- water and new industry always seeks water supply information as one of the basic requisites a search for additional water supplies has resulted in fftaby holes beot drilled around the town naturally the closer jhe source is to the present town mams the less costly it might be to gem immediate benefit by get ting thevupply ready for the heavy consump tion surnrner months acton has been well known for its good water supply but of course it has also been well known ihat the wafer it pretty hard for mat reason it is comforting to learn that pre liminary field tetts indicate a softer water has been found the mam feature of the new water supply appears to have been perseverance because councils have been aggressively continuing the search over the pest several years of course department of health tests have not been completed but the original field tests have ndcated the water is accept able and thit j xertainly to be hoped for water mams ere a requisite on churchill road north anyway and if the source can be loret ed m that area the one mam trunk line could serve the householders on that road provid ing them with a town service many of them will be pleased to obtain if the water supply is acceptable natural ly a water reservoir will be considered in the ultimate plans hut it might be delayed for a year or two if ttte p pel me could be installed early delay of ttte reservoir construction in the light of the present t ght money market should not however put it on the shelf tn definitely since keeping municipal services up to the demand is a very necessary part of municipal development you pay anyway the budget brought down by the pro- v ncial government last week was a very fine illustration of give and ake for the people of ontario there is an illusion in the minds of many electors that governments can hand out grants and give assistance to many bodies and numerous appeals and still hold the line on tawevies the only source of government funds is from las at ion of the people the surpluses that have been reported for several years have apparently reached the bottom it ts estimated the new revenue will amount to about 18 per head of ontario population on the give side more assistance will be given municipalities school boards and other local agencies which should reflect in your the goodh3ltrdays- back in 1907 take froa the tasua of uu free rraaa tfcandar fabrsary m iftvt the yhurch anniversaries ara fain over and have been as in years past occasion of great in terett acton s not howrvvi r without its iod preachers and large congregations that gher weakly in the churches only goes to prove the charm of the gospel during the first seven weeks- of the year messrs heard more and co r reived 7 000 cords of ham lock bark from the forest of he northand nmunlratiun read at the unrll meeting m nday night ttn acton town council was in 2 as e jt52 mots by ktt tt ty willow branches brush the snow ria chronicles of ginger farm spring is inthe air local tam rate such increased amount is j33 7 million or 19 per cent the assistance to municipalities comes in a number of ways such as the province s con tnbution to teachets superannuation school grants per capita allowances welfare costs grants on roads etc which will keep muno pal clerks and board secretaries busy for some little timem igurmg out just what it all amoun t when fan o down to the level of the municipality taw rate just whether you as an individual gam or lose you will probably never actually be able jo ascertain for instance if you are a farmer or rest dentiat taxpayer you will share m an uncon d tional grant if you drive a car or diesel powered jvoiycle you will pay more than the fellow who walks after go ng roughly through the sheaf of papers that outline the proposed budget changes your or our pos tion fa wise it as much obscure at ever one th ng it certa n that all the benfctits you derive from government assistance can only be acqu red by your contribution to the common levies vthch at var out levelt take m everyone you have little choce in the divition and no cho ce m your category of payment rr on i est all r clarta tor a tew rtats lait week the air hmt a rrallv springih fr ling th bird ihhiicht too illuejajib left ihe heller of the and t k l ihe hqehwioft what thev hoped to find on the roxli don t know but thev were certain exploring sparrow swarmed anhind the bushes happily chirping in bird language defying the uncos and chickadees souirrets were in a playful motad cottontails out look ng for food this morning husty was ternblv noisy i said to partner what in the world u husty barking at partner laughed probably a rab bit lie saw one resterdav and didnt know wtial o make of it finally took after it but kept his distance in ease the rabba might bile hot the rod r porta tm h it get iih down all iikuks birt and dllving vondilitn kml so what hnpi ni uu mtart ol m a gool highway en route to visit n friend in a nearbv city r xci pt for puo a when mi iting sn w b inks make the road slushy you k t al ng fine you forgrt your frit nd lies in a subdivision on a gravel led road hut you are noi likt ly to forgt t after vou ve been there the clean enr you started out with is covered in slush gravelly de pnaits hit our mudguard and under carriage salt riddles a hole in your muffler and then after you reach home miraculously aafe and sound u hear again that repetitious road report highway bare driving mnditioru good at least on roadi ou are likely o travfl ad r that lw ilp t nmiri h iv ntor diliktit t gt t rmtra ji lis il m id thi w m n f ik lorn their thoughts to h hic1 m inj u nnl rnt tin urg n n ittr h w h ird yi u try ll nil b t u don t net mpluh too niui h liv t irting e irly and vou nav lc glad to sittla down to knittin again se iking of knitting thi rr w u little item in a mwspiper i it week thai intrigued mr a minister in a church in t ngland u enc uraging women to bring thnr knitting lie says it helps i hem to concentrate well now ln t th tl om thing maybe the cleric preaches extra long sermons tven aa i w as interested because 1 like to knit at meetings but 1 hnve nrir tried taking it to church t iitealtww t 1 it we la it not bud manners to knit while list ening to a speaker i would say it depends on the knitter the fng lnh cleric claims it helps concen trntion thl ngnm depends on the knitting nnd the knlttir a fine p itb rn calls f r practically undiv ided attention and u can x con eentntc n bth the knitting nnd whit tht speikiru s i inj on the other hnnd csy knitting n illv help if the ivi r m j mh thr four from reference to the see rid hand fire ngine owned by the city the committee have as yet not held a meeting so that n answrr has been sent to acton council dutlpti jlerald there must be some mistake about 4hla acton chat r i want any secand hand fire engine when it has in ll own fire hall a first class steam engine the kitfhm and woodshed of the house at the corner of mill and john m the site of thr new johnstone blrk has been torn down tills house has a hlt ry it was the firt h use erertrd on mill st after it was penrd and was built tiy tttu adams a nej h ew of ihe f undrs of thr town the 1 t formed a part f the farm of the intr kufua ad tin the nrw sunlit i iw p ism d nt lt si ssion if i hi dominion purl i inn nt r mrs intn fc rce neitl sun d iv th llhitiil st it s ir i v 1 lrit r nn t i m li 111 in it h i ontrv i i will i i ill 1 s it 1 iv i i 1 i i k ir i i ri n i crtrvi i tl s i t iv ti ir all ur n s jj k 1 i l il ll 1 ill v i it si vn f tt i i ik 1 w i vl i m i i 11 tt w i ii ouik with luht m s t iv xs i thi uit i iirrnl an v n t r in i m ly ii- dlmi i t il if hm i t i in oil h in k viii n m it r v n 1 1 i t t th it will fit i t h or mill w c aup th till r m nth f m in h t m rr back in 1937 tatun freaa lava taaaa at use free fraes tkarsatay march itst the purchase of the blue sprung property by the provincial council of the boy scoau asaoclation waa an item of local interest the property compriaes a hundred acres it waa operated quite fuc- reasfully for some years as a park by mr and mrs w a murray the owners of the farm the scout ramp will be used for scout graining groups jhf pur ihase price was 3500 fir george mason scoutmaster of the first acton troop has been named fp supervise and develop the proper ly the highway through acton w 11 reouirc some attention th spring the surface applied last summer was a little thin lakeside chapter t o i f arc arranging a coronation dnce for may 12 watch for particular ttte ire carnival by acton cltlf ens band last evening in the arena was staged in the excitement of hockey piav offs the georgetown hand sujtplied a splendid program f musif from the old man of the bis lock tower column my last series of reverie hvtik us up main street as far the c n it tracks that same main street railway crofting has txen a d ingerous mini ivrr nt it was built 81 vears ug why f wis ever made m ittvel rtoaaing it haa lx thi red my id t e id t determine then nevi r was it tetter plate fir 4 subwny nnvwhen and thi railwuv build i ri i f those id days r inveyed trnin 1 at if gr ivel l in ike ap i r i ii ho whi h it th r mlng t h i i hi th t fill i f slti- tl i 11 1 i n r t i m rn w lilt h w a titnnrrv then a shingle afl r srr inn his apprentice i i tjinner william jlem i t tn it a tinnerv on thi prop d ilr hi re mr mjlm brtrk hi use n w ttil turnery he open led ihiiim r f ve ir iul busine nut tn h ft ll nut built a y tt nmiu c rnrn professional directory and travellers guide mfdical dp w g c kenney phyaialan an4 hargeaaj offke in symnn block 3a mill st f acton offlaa pkam ii miflcri4jsvtljb rumlfy funfral home ihrtne 8d0 night or day bruce k shoemaker mgr ol m law a t c m n m t teaeavar af ptaava acton studio st alban s pariah hall 14 park avf culph phone ta 2 9914 ai nrrinn accorvtino w h biggs tci fng a rr red i lad fa h tie aeecnniaju giorgetown tlhiiiili 1 11m yes that s our husty the best watchdog and the bent dog with children c hae ior had but hasn t the mlightext idea about hunting mnchie white has forgot ten the art too probablv too well fed to blither he watched a mouse run arroaa the kitchen flo r today and sun evcn interested the other da when a little mouse praclicallv crushed his path he did mamge to eilih it then he lit d jljtn ami luuknl auiaiucit- news reporter now i k vou h w does any reporter know what roads ou are likelv to travel what of the thousands of commuters in nnd out of suburban districts what of the friends who set out to visit them what f the firm 1 in he fire ou hit ihe hlghwav what of the count and township roads so don t b misled by ridio rojtd reports all roada nee n j hlkh w ivs 11 tier le smirt and r4dnee us charrk kl c phone 1u dr d a garrett rhyslelan and nurgraa rmr if uillw nnd hivcv sis r ntranci kii r sir a ti n ontari thone 2w et nn nn iinm r hii hid ii chnnct to improve af ti r nil the rot g vrrnmrnt ha giv in u v i r em our ik mi nt tj livi the cir i nm bj bolting g i ohm two cent n gnllon thi troubu ih whit wi would llki to tlo imi t ilw in pivisibli m mav cut ul pleniurt jaunts but vou i ni t cut out biimticui trip anv w iv thi ii thi bi taltinm f in h to wi run expect unplei int vti itttr 11 it win it i idnuttidlv ttail unhr f t th it pnnih f 1 ing in thi ni hh mid in mriurii int and tin divt are gitting lon in ym rm n irntt nrw dr robert d bucknev fbylcuh slid nurgeon d llnikton st ait n tnt ihane c79 off ci ii nn bh p m krai fstatt ami insl ran c f l wright ii ill or st ai ti n tnl uiu- 1 hi in it appraiser krai islala and insurance wm r bracken insurance agency h mill strut phine jtt he 6sar lrnr al insitus j bfrt wood insurance agit3cy t 1 ift and deneral inanranr xlh ik 5tti 134 mill st after hours ta 4 300 guelph bintau dr h lfjb isrntal hargaan offict- comer mill and r di rick streets of ire hours 0 a m in 0 p m tlupiionc 10 acton something for nothing the mtrodtxton of trading tamps into canada is meeting with mmed reception it has been in operation in the united states for some time and can get some beneficial study here it appears that it adds one to two per cnt to the cot o goods where it s applied and of course the cuitomcr uit matcly most pay th s cost the federal on of agr culture n ts brtef to the government lays the canad an federation of agr culture wishes to ally tsclf w th those who are op posed 0 pfrm tt nj the use of trad ng stamps and strongly urge action which will require the dsccmt nuahort of th s merchand uing abuse the d tnbut on of tlvese tamps with food purchase represents a type of com pulsory bumg at high cost from a restrict d selection of pioducis and the practice of representing these itamps as free premiums is wholly misleading practice from nova scotia a publisher told us that tn his town gold stamps were introduced with xclirnv use to one group of merchants a few weeks later another colored stamp plan wat sold to another group of merchants some weeks later a third group was granted enclusve rights o another colored trading itamp investigation ihoweci all three colored stamps were operated m the united states by one group from manitoba we learned that the trad ing stamp business was now being studied in the courts in an effort to make jljem it legal in tht province when you feel that price are high and complain that the cost of living it advancing remember that there are many items which contribute maybe you are paying for something you do not want remember thr are no giveaways hen the mmih disappeared down a holt and it whit 1 teh a mouse in a trap hi t quit real to a it w old an me like a good m rn r mavu ur mitihu i u i m fued ovtr mm t i d ovir eithr f trwavt a m nlhl farm ni i iith rami out ilh a hmg rinif vv jthi r f trt t whi h nu tantr ti mill t n x r aturt ire expected t r all ont irio f i w ilio utrr a jo d i f ni ti ip p nreil in the d ill pi vvhuti aid uorii i jnui n rni tl ti nipt r iti r muv iw expected this sundays church calendar u iv if the spi iknr r hiring hi ink mum thing t i do with ur hinds keep vnu from getting fid mttv mid n tunik hu h ird tli m itii n si u tmslhi r mhi i in li tin rind knit i tjriiti iinti n n m can minnrtjn t li r n illv i nn ih imr inin mind if mv h tnd in hcupied hut nl urn i n vi nt n i ii i ivi d iputi n ji ll whi n i i xiuilim vud it vvit in iffr nt t i i ikir f r w nun t knit ilurtn in kmkoo n t thi n w i- i ii uht in thi ut hut with no intinli n ik ing dim s us it m k i i k nl dihiti fi r ur 1 1 u i limehouse surrrwnr to a j bishop cpa lfver hoskin bartered areauntaiita m mun st n 212 king st w toronto i fm 401s1 oitk al e i bucmnfr r o ojtinn trit t v 11 st f ihine 115 omr i ur w dm aoara 1 10 ado p m rviiuriga hv appo ntinent llll brief comment its an ill wind that bio nobody any good for canada european tnbulat on mean or should mean a gam of many thou sands of potential new cttirens in the months ahead campbellfon n b tribune a if this civilization which hastgiven us the highest standard of living the world has ever known is to surviverttpor and management will have to take their full measure ot re- spofuibility it can be done through the pro cesses of democracy stanstead que jour na i we arcjselectmg the best from all the cut tures brought to our shores and blending them into a useful peeceful and comfortable way of irfe this process will continuejp enrich all of us if we continue tp regard all canadians m brothers under the law which governs us that is bixrfherhood for peace and freedorn lachutts que watchman tjkftist cmutch acto kev ra 11 t oaterus ijtor pars nage us howrr avt lhon 3las slmuy vmtch 3rd 1957 10 ou a m sunday tchool 1100 am mnrrttng worship 700 pm fentp ier icr 15 pmbyju ac ton kntccostal assemuy meeting in the ymc pu rev k j reid 1 cook st telephone mth busday march 3rd 1957 loflu am sunda shil 1100 am- morning worship 7 30 p m evangelistic scrvic uednesda t p m cottage prav er mectinj and bible stud imusavrthian church in canada knox emmen acton re andrew m mckctule ba bd sunday march 3rd 1957 b45 am church school it 00 trkrmrtrtiing worship 7 00 lxmtihrenina worship sj0 prru seaiorhijth ellow- shtp at si manse uinbters conflrmauon clan each wednesday at 7 pjn united chuich op canada actaa osetmrta rev g rdon adam ma r d minuter parsonage 20 ho war avtnut phona 60 ir georg elliott organut and choir leader 76 bo we r avr ac ton phone 0 suvdy march 3rd 1957 9 00 a m morning prayer lootr aro junior church and church school 11 15 am morning worship the anglican church of canada 81 albany ckbrch artan obi j evan h j one ba uth keeur sunday march 3rd 1q5t iquinquagesima boo am holy communion 0 43 am church school and bible class 1100 a m beginners class 1100 ojn choral communion 7 00 pmrevensonb w wednesday march a ash wednei- day d am holy communion baking sale euchre sponsored by wa thi w a pon ml u vtrv mh 1 1 xv fill nl f liomi ni ut i hnkmi ind i i ijchr m i lint h him mini nil ill winnir win mr n snvdrr md neil n st irk with m ond kiik h mr jim m in erv and i invd mttm r iftm tnhh f irila utn plivtd and the lidu rml lunch afttrward r cimpbll srfulilr crtir tjlnt d hi r sutul iv ktuml 1 1 ii at h r h tni following a t tokganini part mnnlvn pattiraon of rockuood spent the vseek end with hrr ruui in joy patter4n here mr nnd my- r mr dun ild nf kirkland like spent thi week md with hi r vter mrs v quihttl htr husband nnd fimil thi wms mttin3 was hi id nt the honu nf mrs awn rton on thursdi liming whin tin iiki word prner ws aniwtred as roll call miss hens read htr vull prepared poptr on pratr mr patterson led in prntr and turc vfan rend by miss iveru mrs roughlcy cpnributcd a piano nolo souvenirs and mrs a w norton sans jesus jtemember the hostcax served lunch after the meeting to the 12 attending dr a j buchanan dental mnrgees of fire 5 a mill street office hours s a tn to p m clused wedneaday afternoon telephone mb fct binary f g oakes b v sc veterinarian office and rtsidfnee 24 knox ave acton phone iso b d young b v sc c l young dvm vtttrlnarr surgvons office brook ville ontario phono milton th b0177 c f- leatheriand qc itarrutrr a kolteltar naury psttsll orfui m in kmni am lino am 1 mi mi mpn satuulava tv i ixintinnt unly 0fi j id n h i 151 alttis haviuhi quid x gray coach iinis coariir irar acton huadard tlssva raathennd i 8u am daily accept sun- ana hall 151 am 11 sj am 20hpm sohpm bupm pm 10 oh pm i sun and holt wealtsmisd 10 37 am jj57 pm 157 pm 27 p m 7 7 p in 9 13 pjtt 1133pm 113am fri sat sum and ilol i canadian national railways standard time taaihound dll hho urn dally exctpusun- day 1000 am til pmsundiajf only hoi pm daily except sun day flyt r at ceurguown 9 03 gjn 6 37 pm nailii flpi na town 10 11 pm vrrslboufld daily 1u4 pm dally excap sunday a 30 am flu pm flag top 740 pm atiirdsy nnlyljt pm sunday only ma am flag- stop i sunday only flyer at ouelph 7 05pm dally i and sun 10 p nv n

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