Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1957, p. 3

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tho acton free prtii thursday march 7th 1957 stan hall provincial mp reports on weeks events immurea car owners will pay a ertre is into ine unsatisfied judgment rune peat year under a mil given fire rsadlng the mini mum amount of liability insurance ywtulred almw111 be raised alfred h cowling ipc toronto high perk estimated the ikitlal two jeer coat of launching a pro posed air pollution control com- mlaalon would mcojm bftts green first reeding would eliminate the ml eelllaf en three eoetsi assistance allowances and pave the way for increasing the meunu if the federal govern ment inn aim lie snare ccp leader uacdonald sccuaed atternejcenenl koberu of ualng commtmlm emear tectlee to dis tract public attention from the use of provincial police aa strike- breakers in a recent northern ont- trjankoffering sale planned by auxiliary knox alert evening auxiliary mt hi the hnma of mtw prima coir frederick st mra i lojd cllfl m romener of the month preatdort the worship kfvltr in eluded oh timru ion king hall hrign vlrlorl ua wcvr a story i till i ihr nali m ant thi hurrli oiir rntiulrtlmn thf rrliturr ira n w read hv mn james van hnl mr lam 1riiti nan lit in prati r thi lu1 jm n ruling with ihr rhun h in taiwan aa pre nl 1 hv mn clifton aaaiated by mr j intel mux mu viin urtt mr inali the president prer11 m irtril4wl ths inwim rto labor dlaput mr roberta toad by lit auumant of lagj week wismi b deid th atrlke bmklnjj chart ubtnl financial crlli john j wtnterrneywr aalc th qovntmnt has failed to detnonatrate thr u a nd for extra tax levtec tha llbtnl opposition moved a non confidence motion in th gov rnmant haa failed to esentomtrate than 1 a need far extra tax lev- taa tha liberal oppoaiuoh moved a jtmiconfldanc mottoa in tha for- rnmmt for imposing h ddll- tonal uni which wr owl of iro- portlori to grants and aarvtraa glv an health minister phillips aald canada a fint treatment rntra for mentally 111 children will open be fore th end of th year at th title town weat of toronln liberal opposition leader oliver said thr government roum have uurrcaard 1u irvrnue by not induc ing th tax on parlmuturl betting premier frost taut ihe lax wax re duced gradimlly lo ilisrourxge ll legal boo making bigger pari mutnl tiettlng pnola resulted a liver t wren i- lab kenoral ui he internment should alt halt film innor tmtard lrrur it la not l nig an gontlf ml- iom ajiul i i 11 mil rnlit 1 komimii nl tr mn mius iti ti pi ii i a ion dales wrre set for the spring thanaoffrring ami plana made f the epring talent sale cuivrnen for the aali are home baking mi irishman mm van heel lalrnl uble mra l w masai a xi george young andy mra rml anderson convener of the te mra frank terry doug davidson was present in dia uas the new avslem of uiher ing and uknl th to opriatiixi of everyone the meeting rlicil v nh the mli pah benediction and a sot evening was enjoyed mrs hot turner expressed appreciation the hitatess and those mho had taken part in the program ittth to tm1 gpitot reader praises policy on liquor advertising hit keoigeli marrh lat 197 mr c a dill- dear sir at oir miutonar mieting on wednesday rehrttarv tt 1 had the opportunlv of ming something about the lnumi pmhlrm in our country first t told of a woman who had become an alenhohr then 1 read from the fehiuarv 1vmperanre ad vocate that thrre are tvooo alctthol ira in ontario ollowod ht the ques tlon where du our homes our achonlr and nur churches its no on this question after that i read policv in changed from pace two of the ac ton free ln s januarv 17 the mi mb ra tif the afternoon auxilurv of the woman mission ary scietv at itallinafad requested me to write lo ou to sa how much we appreciate the stand vou nd your sms h taken in regard to lih i ml bv turn- i mi hi i iiih i 1 id attorney eiteml ituiti od hit o 1 1 iimt nl in to i nut ihr prov inrieal polue titri aitil tu i n fine ftjilui ii mr froojeavaitt letllel approval fiv itir rrtrm1ntrrnitpitt nfthr prov liu 1 il hiapital tnauranie plan inli r thnn mnith would jiopirlir th jamimd 1 ipm rtjittlng d ite of the a hi nie lrants to btltiv llmirds in ibm will ih huiiamtl tv iipixvhval fyim tuiitxxono to tuinoooih llmondittonal gran to muni ip atillea ure leing 1 1 vet eased bv m oixxxu from lznonnoo t 3itotw x prov tin lal assistance to nuinli ipalltles for nwili will amount to mflortiooo in ibm but r r 19y7 it will le saioooooo tin li vime of vnlario in ibm can icil nut the inrkt highway and risnd cofudriictlim alncv iht ivpjirtmenl of highway w t formeil the hlghw iv department in the provine spent 203 000 000 the municipalities spent 46 001100 making a total of km 000 mx in 1939 mil of every tax d ltar collected in ontario the fedt ra government took 3th the provinc lal government took 2tv the oun icipal government took iv in 1mb mil of every lax dollar collected in ont art the federal government took 4gc the provinc lal government tiok 23c the mun inpa government took sc in uttd out of every tax dollar vollected in ontario the federal government took 77c the provinc lal government took uc the mun icipal government took lie pi ill ii u lxpr todav ton many people are low rtng their standards ev en some mmuters and jit going with the crowd we are pleased to know one edi tor and ton have not yielded i look forward to the arrival of the tt9 ireea every friday at noon wishing vou continued purveas 1 remain a faithful read r ours trulv n hilts lullinafad hr i oeorgeiown ladies aid wms hold regular meeting llntedd for laat vwk tha febnflfry maatliic of the wila and ladle aid of th praabylarian church war bald r- ceotly in th horn of mra an na coulaop with a food attend anc the wua wax in charg of th praaldant scripture waa rad al- temauly and mra mlno lad tn prayor ihm world day of prayer will be held jointly with th united group tn meeting to to b in th united church- rtnal arta f or uv st patrick a ta at mraa macdougaila war mad mrs w lasby road a lhr from sir- dickaon on 6r worts in formoaa which waa ynry lataraat- ing mra j d lowrt and mra macdonald also gar roadlnga th singing of bleet b th tt that ittnda and prayer by mr c l- by rloaed this meeting isur au the ladies aid in the atiwni e itf mrs james lltertnf waa in iharge of mrs h wright two iiullta hjbtt heen flnuhe1 during the month one waa aaild and the 1h er la f r ale tati m in ipillt 1 were dimiatiil lo le tpillled aiiangriiirnta win nate f r lirt lock t migreifatl nal uper aril rilma t tx hilt juiinit- raster we k sevritil iiiiiiim off 11 i nihke aptihia ti fir ttie baraar ttte mn ting i loxit with miiii ieiieilii1l mi a aim ml half ii mi waa m nl with mia w i tv ii ml xtt m iignll mting tin h wb a niter two boys grl in competition in second place two boy and girl front haj- ton wr aanatig th ais young paopl in ontario who aharad aac- ond place tn th junior judglns ormpetluon tn ronjtavtion wltbth ssusvtion of a u canadian ilidaulna for th current year dougiaa wlngrov canpbll vlu mary lu and don taylor of burlington each reco iss out of a peg hie 10 polnla to place nerand aums with a waterloo boy ihtrborough rflrl and a bur vul boy thy wet among stt 4 h vlub bowj end gtrla from acroaa canada to 1 tag part the winner with iso point wax bnlrlvy jack eon of calgary 4 doug wtngrov won th draw for th aacond plar wis nvmey and th ontario branch of th molsuln frlaalan association of canada will prevent a true type model to eerh of the slaft7 ont umb40usi mia j k mmionpim mitt wetk ifttrti home of in r biotbi i it dtind n mr titoni imiutn of llinnl font nnd mr uid mi- dsntl mi ltan ami family f i mnln vuiliil teerently in the hum of mr an i mrs w menn sr r and mia mhiimii liwrn aiml slvvtn vmitiil 414 ntly with n ill iv 1 a in tori nlo nngratulatioiia to ir ant mra j hem v i nee lonna stsvenson iki th arrival of a eon mrm j mm a ttlltiertmin iv apt ml ing a me time in toronto xaxerve sarrame the sacrami nt of the lr t a supper was obetrved in the lrea hyterlan chtireh with he a mr kenile in charge the many friends of mr donald illscklock will be pleased tn learn he la home from the hnapilal the- avmpathy of a ht f frieivda goes out t mr ami mrs wik wilson and mr and mra john wauon in the loas of their mother mrs eorge w 1 ison sympnthv la also extended to mr and mrs ii harnett in the passing of mr castor stolt mr scott was a faithful attendant of the lrehtcmn chur h and an elder for many years he will be greatly missed in the community as well as the home truck tire bargains npflfjxl lotwvfstwefj oxmujyter tiros fro mops axtealsegf walkea thompson motors phone 69 ford sales s service meaner lay lor 12 waa juat be hltml iter older brother 4td slater with a mine of 12ft inia baxter lab employees drtoco al tfio highlands t in e a f luilrr t4lmiatvu- with wivia hiialiamtt and fr if ruin in veil a ni lal evening toketlirr at tlw- dame l thi hlkhleinda all lh rilitav vitiliig aiot fu at wmlrd inakuir hm ti ip in thne limit nil iium and pilvmb mi a in in mi mid 01 lean plea lug willi ih ih t 1 lll 1 t 11 v mini i iimiii inic i iineti mill- t i hi iiallv lllllllllill miiiiim ulie u4 awl ee tin 1 v nl wna airangftl lv fin tkihnii i rflf of h plum mrs ross hostess to knox heather club ttu i tn nary imi ling of i hi llali r i tub waa u 11 lh homi of mis uky hiaa main kl the- pnahbnt item w a tat mi prr aided for the divollonal and bnain na m rani mi rli klikneaa read a baplir of the iludy ihmiii doiiri oavrilon rhaliman if tin knoa ifihering c miitnlltee in k to tin vioup siimlay aihoil biuil ui mi pint win dvnaed a si iatritka ti a la in held march 13 in the sunday achtmil with helm oi b ilietn cvm riilng the ira hartoll holmea the tiaklng tahle and oral norton the candy tahle i tvnftourtc prhtm wltrert- of irwhforw iudue th wl gponaored a euchre in th hall riret pruea wer won by mra jam noble and ron iat inter aeconds by mra k mjller and am oleby in a rut with clare wllaon consolations went to mra a n stark and meldrum stark cllf ford mcdonald won th lone handi travailing prls th a c patterson vuilel mr and ura carl mckay at brampton mr w mitchell wai visiting in toronto seoul guide mothers discontinue euchres the february meeting of lh hohji and quid molhers aaenrlat- held in the hrout hall evening of last weak the mlnufb were read by the eerretary and me treasurer s report given a lengthy buslneas meeting fol lowetl waa decided to dlaeon untie etrcttrrsi for the rrri tif thr and hold a wiiny sale in ma mo 10 w mi tide r waa wi fon c u it items t intended for last weekr th c o i t airu of knox church met in th claaaroom on february 13 th meeting opened with mr buckner teaching the girls posture and poise the girls wer uien divided into gruupe to work on the layett for mlsalonx jane mcphedran conduct ed bualn part of tha meeting- tv purpoa and hymn were re pealed dorothy duffield read the miriuts of th previous meeting and 13 girls answered thfusll call julia holmes read the scripture acta it varee 39 to m june ren nick gave facta on thailand a prayer was read and buslnee being ended the meeting rinsed with tafia fi i i illi lion mint a i he rial full schedule planned by gjrls auxiliary tin nl- a111i11 of m at linn b hivi lnl1l th ir liats for iw7 uiilir ibr i mb iblp of mra hill ill mid mn hiiihii lli y mv pliiiiil n full i aitlvi tuheduu whlih 1111 india hiihdl 1 raft i iihliik 11111 1114 wli m 1 ymtol miki liilefk ii parties ll ing 11 luisaii n 11 y org ml itinn tin v win k i iw 11 la lo iplng kh pie in ntml ami miiuii mnrlt a at i101111 itudgeawiiid mi4lliigi are in m rv ty lliuimlny in thi pirloi hall from 7 to all girl ovi r 13 art h s holden optomiraist iyts ixaminro glassts filltd 7 douglaa si ouilfh pkaem tayloe j71s0 sl35 eaej a inr uxok ion ssfgm perfect tailoring light handsome cushioned heres a beautiful walking shoe styled in supple calf its light flexible and cushioned by the famed magic sole that makes walking a wonderful experience bensons shoes miu st acton ont there is only onj liqu i leather beware of imitations l taow me good mil for 6f00006 csb ym mil me the name of ike onlr prodnct na the eurkel erhlch can be palmed on upholstered tsiibirure gilaj leather ukb finish mad where can it be obtained uh uh l that liqulleather uh tad do too ft it at th root haftware absolutely bight yon hare won t300o00 far knowing the xao economical way of renewing old worn oot eernltare q u i l e a t h e r complete selectfen of colors see the prdof c the product x tj i at root hardware rockwood ont phone ul 65991 younger vattll lok aal fr v uwhrr in ilenlinrl l for yon srn sit mllal trntl out ail and nliua ejn- kiep lag tmmtmitrr i all to ilav far figure aoslrai mrs jean rundle ooofejafown onv t 7wis spencer w h oinnv see state farm agent nrst for all three ehjaxekv mackenzie news i tke coil ll msdeil for new arfaorlta counter top arborlle never nosels painting or patemng wont chip or tratk is heel roiittept end wipes clean with only damp cloth 4x9 thawt coiti 1920 2 x 8 ihmt ceitt 1140 12 ft moulding eoiti 372 and prat- tit contact eamant coitt 300 quart jandukmvimyl countir toppin0 on felt bock 37 inchoe wide costs 5c per lln ft cement for lame le 0c por ejusrt call 41 km mi istimatif another new custom built bungalow open for inspection sol rj brrk mnrlmi hull n lath heated y j with fufririrr find n r tfn i i oner complete cxxx ie i jt t vr rii t ur rinlov frxl ft llrtf exrl vof rirnafih p an i mater rll c lo to publir nr h rjl irhool tfrms one half dowfj f l wright realtor appraiior iniuror p -m-wntot-jt- by any standard canadas most modern six powf rt ford 1 roadproved mileage maker si the nstuf rtfcirri rr 11 the indutfrv delivers 144hp of jnlltant pcrfornuncc it i the most powerful six in iu field kisponstvinissi a touch on the gai pedal and youre away tn a flash compression ratio of ltol and new carburetor coninbme to the mileage makers eager responsiveneu smoothnisti the mileage maker six 11 qualify- e nght down to the finest detail to give you the smoothext quietest perfofrnance of any six on the canadian road economyi imt a powrrrilxat with a rnidgct appetite for gai because the mileage makers is the only mar shortstroke engine tn its class it trea ia rottoi ttsa qucce more milet out of every gallon of regular 44 rkliattlltti the umt kind ot engineering sdvanvcmenttlhat ha c made lofd v gthc worlds bcat seller give the mileage maker sn iu rcpuu tion for continently dependable performance t six ott vtmi ootmo is 0tlatt pick your own brand of ginger tn the new kind of ford you can have the worwi bestselling vl in any of ford t it tyledfot- tomorrow models or you can choose the mileage maker sw in any custom or custom 300 rnodel in the ranch wagon the del rio ranvh wagon or the su- passenger country sedan trgveam esuwrew letwaurawei etv ford mileage maker- youti invrrtb to en jib na or thi ww kind m ron r vout rotsaomioi mutit lv thompson motors acton utd phone 69 r aaonontario

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