Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1957, p. 2

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tep slf artnn ttt glrraa tw mly paw w kwfsluauj to a founded in htf twd pu vw7 tluir- uy t m u1h st aetna out uarobar of ih audit uurwu f clrcuuuon tk cw- ha and th onurtmjuatoae division of um cwna advruiln4 rata on raquaal stib- rrtpttona pajsbl la ad vane fsm in canada 4 00 in um united tum all muelh ii t5 sin cojilaa auuwarttad aa bacond clm mail puit offlc uttmrtmtai ottawa rauukai r ua duu prtaltef aatf fauualauj uatltaal 1 a dill rdilortn chief lawd h ijtlu tixlurtin matufar jane a tjulla mananj vdltur autmru and editorial office ph 600 arn thursday march 14th 1957 you are the one source th 11 touple of weaki have had event which may have bo t ha red the taxpayer depending on ut where he or the livet in ontario we know of certain additional taxes which have been applied at the provincial jvel we are told of certain grant which were not clear enough to be explained to the municipal clvrtvt throughout the provtike in fact it will iiknty mean a iauy in itiumg the municipal tax billi if you live in alberta there it a likelihood of getting per head for all over 21 years of ge provided you have lived there tor the latl fiv yoar of oure you may be taxed by the dominion government on thu addi bona i amount if you live in quebax we re not uf what your tax position will bo but we met a fellow recently who moved hit buenpu to ontario to avoid the multiple taxei he wai tubect to we offered htm io hope that nwvittg would aolve hit problem yet to come it the municipal tan levy and the federal announcement ot itt budge of relief or further tan burdent by tpnng you may have all the figure we doubt it the average cilifn will know if hn tax pout ton tt better or worte than it wat lait year one thing it dear or thould br to every cttucn thai money it not made by government you are the tource of every bit which the government at tome level adminnlert if you want more tervicet more help you must lx prepared to pay for it actortians get it de luxe latt week it appeared that canada wat about ready to take another ttop m what it now familiarly known at cradle to the grave tervice the majority of the provinc et are apparently ready to adopt national health insurance within the next two years of course we have now baby bonuses mothers allowances relief and old age pen tions now with nckncss to be provided for there seeryh hardly any necessity to provide for the ramy day which used to be a time that wiped out savings of sunny days perhaps acton is a bit unique in the latest service that it proposed if you live in town it is proposed to provide free ambulance ser vice for all the residents in rrtoif centres it is necessary to toddle along by yourself you cant get such service in any other city or town we know about when alt the other services come into effect if you live in acton you get the bonus of free ambulance service at least you will for three months anyway in other words you it gat the deluxe service from the cradle to the grave to heck with the rainy day provision in life any more we have however sympathy for councillor goy and the finance committee perhaps our understanding will come later sell them young seemt to be a popular method of filling- in on tv to have a little verse put to music or some cartoon or catchy ingle we thought at first it wat a new gimmick and it catches on readily with the children who of course these days do most of the buying thinking back we recalled it wasn t a new approach to selling at all we recall 50 or more years ago watching the demolition of a barn in town to make way for business expansion up on the wall was a framed lithograph picture of a gfroup of songsters oh yes they were pretty girls of the day the verse they were purported to be singing was a song we sing a song of t hope the world is using comfort soap boy did we ue it in those days too it did the family wash was for the bath and weve even seen it used m the old shaving mugs memory seems to tell vz there was only surprise sunlight and comfort and toft soap in those days maybe the rhymsters are right in using the imgles to selj products to the chjldren they may remember thpm long after they reach the consumer age but where it comfort soap now terms of understanding in thate days whan termi of millions and billions of dollan ar freely bandied about we were interested to read in the financial pot that some one had put into form we could comprehend what a bllkon dollar meant maybe it will help you understand lomc of the figure that appear in he budget of governments if you had a billion dollars in 10 bills and dec i did to lay them end to end ihe tine would stretch from montreal to vancouver more than three times if you had a bihon dollars and set out to count the money at 100 a minute working eight hours a day for six days a week it would take you more than 66 years to finish the ob if you had a billion dollars in 1 bills and decided to decorate a toronto stteet with them vuu could paer a wall 14 tt high on both tides ot toronto s yonge bt from queen to llloor finally to illustrate from the wallet in stead of wallpaper a billion dollars it dote to thiee per cent of all the money all can adiant will earn tint year by all kindt of eo notnic activity ihit it a mh cpuniry but a billion it ttill a lot of money correct even if different having watt hod at many public dinners the met hod t utett id proposing a toast to i ho queen we were interested to read the uxiril way the autluxity and the highest on this tubject it the comptroller tf the lord high chamlxmlam t office st j antra palace ion don t ngfand ihe chairman of the meeting at winch toth ladies and gentlemen are present rapt once with hit gavel and having obtained til onto says ladies and gqnllomtm the queen and no more the audience then stand at attention while the national anthem s bothy played or sung only then it the glass lifted from the table and hold or a moment at eye level cither before or alter drinking oc sip ot the liquid the words the queen are repeated and the glfltt it feptfle ed on the table the audience will then tit down all tuch introduction at will you rite and drink a toast to her majesty after winch we will ung one verse of ihe national an them are improper it it incorrect to hold ihe glati in one s hand while singing the nation al anthem probably the mo i common an1 wont blunder it tor members of ihe audience to click glaise together when proposing the toast sp now ust clip this out and put it in the vest pocket ot your going out suit if anyone questions your manner of icspondmg to the toast to the queen you can at least show them you are absolutely correct even it you may be at variance with the maonty for those unaware recent tragediet come at a reminder that not all the hazards for children are on ihe highways the spring swollen creek the fascination for moving water the urge to ex plore beyond range have always been a lure for young and old ever stop fll the mighty niagara and gac on itt depths and its scorn ing slow motion and not feel the urge to get closer to it when spring comes every youngster has the urge to find the submerged landmarks which were there a day or so ago in the early winter thertj are always the venture some who desire to find out for themselves whether the first thin coating of ice tj idfe it is perhaps unexplainable to adults this urge to explore but think back on your own boyhood days maybe you too fell in while on an exploit but you were fortunate that you got out by yourself or with some help every spring and fall the creeks and ponds take their toll of children who don t realize the danger in the water that ts a creek no more the seasons for such dangers are short but across the country the toll is heavy we wish an answer could be given broad enough to eliminate this sorrow and lots of life better than the constant need for vigilance and the urge in every place to keep before those who are not aware of the danger that lurks along every little creek in spring or early winter the menace is as great as that of the highways for the next few weeks it deserves a place in every safety lesson given children brief comment in these days when there is so much ac tivity about air pollution nothing is being done about those pesky skunks thatwandcr about every spring a it is reported that a profit of two cents is made on every four or five cent stamp why not slow back a little of profit into providing better service or lower raterwould perhaps be cfiore appreciated i mr dulles has found a formula for get ting his name in the papers tvyice as often remarks the sherbrooke que- record every time he makes a statement e has to issue a retraction t the good old days back in 1907 tab trmm ska lamte ml life wrm fr thnwumy mara 14 lt1 llfk iivwty who wild paimia oft th 1 mhrtiui lr aln l huiku y ha lioutila ahaat tt turn a hamilton rurwftboy wa finm and cmi laat fk citjirilb hva rallvd vv r yrr irtm uxjvptu th mutorwlimt f miift wlttnti tha antwuiwtimti illnf wy hull ftfcnidliy nim kmjiuuittjjiil do rit mil to i- minrg4tftiri tin wmy iwlliml ihr w iir1 to lv till tlfll hi llllllimi tli- mmkiml off i i hoom m i uj author lly t rsiu it f r klmitiilu out mil untft ntu nianl otxlikt wlllmlna- ri1 1iuln itima kiitixtly an unln omina faint jhkhly lltfiil lo moil f tin 4 l1l iik ho ft jot tit 1 1 i tmnnxoi in ri town h1l a frw hifiiti in th t tli wilt um iiiiy f um iih ni uhrl v krnirlv iy it m ilil in kliok niitf id f hi itl i 3v looking for greener pastures pholn by rior tan chronicles of ging farm wrecking week at the farm hy iw riwlollna f clark 1 11 k v i llf km onll th 1 k v ik 1 nn srn iiiu in it mix iii i r mikm k h1 ltl v 4 4k 11 ttui tllllf m u 14 w r kn u th tit slul 1 w0 it th iluk it ttil mu flllllll u xi it r i i fll inrln r win hlt 1 i ih it vliik hill- vi 1 t ku h tlm r uhf ll 1 11 h lp inn 11 n 1 u 1 ti ih 1 i n i f iii h 1 i it toll h t r 11 d 4 i 1 ld mm kt v llh iii 1 th iitr nnl lt4 1 lollh itt it n dt ml m 1 hi ihkntu ll 4 4 lf 111 hllk l th 1 mi u lll ii si 1 ihiink f 1 nl it 4 11 ff 14 e ft and hi un of 14 it ilt4kl iwt f 1 11 1 it uk hn i r i o 1 th d kt hindrr s ulld ih ti i n k m r in ri t tlllllh 1 1 mo tl h- n nit it 1 1ill k mt nnd thr w miuoi k n mtiiiid i n in 11 mu inn i w i bu it to 1 i t uimii u4 l4lll tt i i i m n4 ir- hi anil uh il i hit tr u r nn iimi uith 11 it old lundrr v on wh hiir1 t ri m 1 k hi n u kt tid frmiin mi n irhin r w 14 ix khi on turn it tmik us ihnr i u t jn for th hinder it rot kood crop md lmr smni tmi4 h ih hhenxes ttrn to hoiw ou would wondi r hm it could dtal m ith thrm or nomrtlmrn nftcr n bad rnin nnd u indslnrm llftrr had to be uard to urt ihe crop cut nt all one ir hcn aprknil cropm wrre crv hpnv nnd a 10 ncrr field of outs hnlf rilt there came a terrific rnin n rrirfrtbr dohije before the field had a chance to drv out there was more rain the first morm had come kuddrnh all that could te done ua loosen ihi rinvwi nnd tuvi ihe bliut r tivlh fi id it il th re all full ii niuldn t be dr iwn thrnmh a lnih of mod v4ii by hoi mm v j m hinllv on not iiii p ih it v r 1 ihihm i ih f ii bind r vl intiilv pod f i of roiirm nil our linph im nt- ot thil lint uin hiiki diaun iuili nd guiin urn hilliil to thr ton il i f i ih om i him t dm n i w otd t ik illnr to th fli lt nnd 141111 r would nun ott utlli do tin in iimimi whllt 1 wiit ilim the uimj f h lit id llu ivint ll fust sh v- out of hi w is soon lino if vs old uffm1 it had hint in in fn a f u mks u pod him th tliint u a dollar n da and hi k hut mm mi i hd to ih lp in th fi id and it th h on 1 irtnrr mi4d out until 1 ok hv mandud tim l and hun did ih iinni if l4iw od it vaasisuillv tin orlkk li fort he va is throuuh llu ihild rt n w4 re not old oiuili in di nuih inori than hi t th talili mash dmhi- nd f4id 1h rlu knn nt couijh we raslimll hid luiwl r troobh nnd i xould h m nt to town pithnte in the innsi and luiitttx t ket a neu ret mm miiim partner uould be mo klnk until i not hm k i cant n m mber that cerr hid anv major breikit althourh c sometimes lost con- niderahle time when tle knolter refused to function or the twine would break fvcnlunuj jnrr got tractor n used one of emirxc adjummrnln were made to the hlndir and it continued to give faithful aerv ire ih this time boh wai able to driie thi tractor while partner rode the binder and what a beitlna he and the binder took the hones hid far more intellisencc thnn the tiut toi inminrlivi y itfv up an iifitihl f r th tw vi f it wm fli itos wl11 flmov milt will ii uh it in xj tl in r ill it i li 1 i k pt i ml t on k i it i w i iifci m41m cm hot it pi to i 1 1 h oi t f n im s vs ilh ih w um in i i im i fttium ll k 1 p i ii ih hlsml ox s s o ft r s ir in tli v w ilw htouht in for r p nn u tllt t st ti mo kit st hm hiipr in work p nd iff an in th tnrn th lundi r wis in um w hontihl only uiw emtia t uv ll4l th it w is m iisd oi14 duiiiik worll war tl j t nrtv w a- with us nnd wr it throuih i lot f w ik about ih tint ii h t ami out of th limn puttii 11114 ol its win to u ii 0 ml 11 wmi hnrd to t i and combines i am into tin ir own wl hnl mu triin nistoin hnihd llu bind r l l in it cnu r f th ahtit a dust dr lut f ibt f m it uundink us nli o ih irs ih 1 hi i niini and tini of kmhi foi tun itid mi foituni th it in our wio but uust of it a- i 1 i k link w is ood tht hard tinus t uiitht us mm h that wt would n v r bivt 1 trntd had it lion ikv iioing ull the tinir and th binder w it in lirinmnil ua more now as m rap ir on thnn it would a i pbcf of machint ry and what of the scrap it t il plouiihshan a to awnrda swords o shirt hinders to battlcficltl where doe it all cmp i wonder the binder had a lonn and tweftrt life it would ajipear ua final des tiny w ill be undeservedly uncrr tain and inglorious and vet how are we to know it might be just the opposite this sundays church calendar baptist church acton rev ray it ccuteru pastor parsonage 1 15 bower ave phone 306 sunday march 17th 197 10 00 a m sunday school 11 00 am morning worship 7 00 pm ecnina scr ice h 15 pm byiu the dult fellowship dicussum group 10 am suuda wednesday 8 p m midwesk r- ice th cvcnlnn march 21 8 pm i spring thankoffering spea ker rev gordon cardr fill how s colored slidrs on hu work in india a special inv it nllon to the men v ififai nflican church of canada 81 alhana church aetam ont rev cvan h jona ba uth kaeur iiunpw march 17th 1957 lent ii floo am holv communion i- 9 4s am church school and bible cln 1100 am binners classo- u00 am choral communion a 13 pmholy baptism 1 700 p hi e ensanc wedneadov march 20 8 pirn -r-mid- w ueklcntcp eryioar- united church of canada aetata omarta rev gordon adams ma dd minuter parsonage 20 bower avenua thone o mr george efliotl organist and choir leader tt bower ae anon phone 6 sundw march lffth 157 boo am morning prayer 10 00 am junior church and church school i is am morning worship presbyterian church in canada knox chukcii acton rev andrew h mckenxie ba bd sunday march j7th 1957 941 am church school 1100 am morning worship too pm evening worship 8 30 pm senior high fellow- m ship at the mantc ministers confirmation clou each wedneso at 7 pm acfon pentecostal assembly meeting in the ywca ptor rex k j reid t 81 cook st telephone mow sunday march 17th 195t 10 00 a m sunda sehol it oo am morning worship 7 30 p m evangelistic service wcdncsdn3 8 pm cottage prny- jjy regional conference record attendance representing north hnlton dis trict ot the south centra regional conference held inst week in kitchener waterloo were acm ron smith and cm murray scone of acton the regional conference an an nual gnthinng of cuh scoty ro- cr group commute mtl l and lidies auxilnriea was attended by upwards of 800 leaders jrnarlv double th it of lut yeir it aus considered t be a record numbir of leaders ever to assemble nt onu time in canida fullowuttl ail afteriihn -of- dis- cussion on new rulings the pro gram was highlighted with tht dinner guest speaker fred findlay chief executive commtsiioncr or canada back in 1937 taliah rraaa fh teauia of l fraa praaa tharmstar marrh ii tl1 mrrlrl wihuf m kriwn in ait ii mi nlurdr mnlt 13 1uj7 by htv y u miw mty klun j lijnr t11 f mrs rid u lu mi mkwu bt jiwpti whllhuni 4 nt mi fim1 dm 1-u- mr j whll- i iid fold ridid altull is oji f 11 ulla kir having 1i t lin li u id guiiif jiiii i u il li j k iii u k11 k ii- t liii iif ii ii n i li- i uik mil t ii uhk i h i s ii im ii ti il ii iii fli tlm imm hi lll mi llxlli it ol ut ii hlllf1 i t i i iiilu h i a two i i i li i i f ll 3 rh i t ii t i i 1 i 1 ly j r i im 1 1 1 iv f i igl t il al u kll i ii h i m nlm i f i mu mi 1114 t i ii l f ii i 1 j i i it mi ii in n r ii i 1 f a- i f i lt i i it t i t li ii it it v t i u 1 ii l h ii ill f 1 t i w imifkin i h ml ii iim i tin f hi tti it- 11 i m il ii f i u l k ih i tl in h puld in i iii i t ilmlliit of iiik hillnf j iiifi ijiiliiting us intinlhi i 1 1 if iitfigd tiiun ii hi him li j ii in i ik in a t n on hlui 1 v do m h to mi nn i mr j ii 1jh m n tin n t i nl u u g n tl li i nitf in ii mrttuwlut 1 mi lv ih i in aid will nil ittli siiik off 11 ih admin f nil ih hi t ill udnilld will u i m ii itiif i hi il li v am i i cnn 1 1 c i ol i i 11 i- i i tf i f i i f ii j ilv i ii v n v k xi i mil ii nd nm will will i ri 1 mi a ii tin of ll m i it m nli nl i f ki i iff i mridiy viiim 1 ii i on of mi ii mimaiiiiiii am i 1 v ot i ii il i i y it ln v hi pii- r mii mmahoih wiimiu lun rl tx k itir hkiutn m 1 ifiirl lie it ii ld doiidliti mllil vr m itinit an inili i i 1 i won y ll iu ll ii kl lllr a wi k fl i i to rdd n d nnii n r i n i vlnt in t i v fud iii ny to itx ir tionn at ii koi ii t i t in kid m im im f i 1l wl d f iniily uifiiik m it l i mid mini niasroim dr w g c ktnniy rhlen and hurgeon lfi in sviiuin itlock 4ia mill si f alon flfflrr ihofi tl rrildenc tis hurrh nt t ihone im ow d a gappi1t ihyaleun and surffoa iinii of willow nnd mler sta him irif itiv r strm i a um ontario phone j dr robfrt d bucknfp phyalelan and horgeoa m wellington m acton ont ihonr 7t orfice hours mpm rai- ktat ami ivhuranck f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 9 appraiser kaal catata an iitaaranre ww r bracken insurance agency 8 mill street phone 20 hes 55v general insurance ptthocunjrfandbtble study new appointments v executive appointments havjjr been announced by w r mclacfa ian president and general marpt ager orenda engines limited frank l trcthewc has beeh named assistant to the president and continues as a director of or enda engines limited paul y daoud has been ap pointed tcepresidenh sales and service- kchncth r chvirch has been appointed v tecpresident iinnnce and treasurer john ii ready has been appoint- od secretary j bert wood insurance agency life and otnaral inatfrmnra phone mu 124 mu st after hour ta 4 mm guelph orhieib v dentaj surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am totpm telephone 19 acton d a j buchanan dental sargeaa officeta mill street office hnura 0 am to j p m closed wednesday afternoon telephone 148 vftvrinarf b d young bv 5c c l jtoung dv m veterinary bnrream ofr ce orookville ontario i pnojie mluorf tr jlltt professional directory and travellers guide kijmuy funfllal home inxmr flw nljtllt ir lajr llrurc r hhormakrr faitr otive m lampard a t c m 11 m t thr ml riwm actn ktljfjlo ft album f ilatt h faiik avf fillmimi fhirf ta j 3514 ai iimvn accoimma w h bigg5 fci enrj arrrfdllfl pnbll arrminlu1 tiihnlr 7 33si siicir lo a j lllihop cpa liver hosicin c hrter4 acrhhuu 31 main si n 112 kin 81 w llramptun toronto 1 ilionrm 37m tm 4biii iari o slack ii comm ufa c a rilakteiien actfjimtant is2 main si milton ont th 8m2 orncal e t buchfjer r o optometrist is mill st r ihonr 119 office lloun wrdntaayt i 30 6 00 pin evrnlngi liy ppnintmrnt irriat c f leatherland q c lurruirr hollcllr noury pimlt offirr lloun 10 in nmuoo m ilim i 00 pm smurda liy ikjintmt nt only offlcr 22 fhonr it 131 acton traveuirs ouidi cray coach iines f oa iffklkavr attom hundartf tim ealban4 tf33 m tdally except sun and hoi i isj il 33 m zoflpm iiui pm 6 33 pm tii pmjooflpm sun rid hoi wralhosna lo am 12 37 pm 2 37 pm 27pm 7 27pm si pjn1 1 1 32 p m 112am i frl sat 8utt- and hnl l canadian national railway hunimri time eaatbonml dailv 6 40 am daily except sun days 1000 am 7 13 pm sundij only v01 pm dally except sun day flyer at georgetown 0 02 am only 01 pm dally except sun day flyer at georgetown 0 02 am 0 37 p m dally flyer at george town 10 11 pm r 1 wvalbooa pally 1144 pro- dally except sunday 8 30 om 6 33 pm fjajl- jod 7 49 pm saturday only lt pm sunday only 04 km fnajt- top sunday tmiy flyar -iti- ouelph 7 0ft p m qaily except sav and sun 010 pm v-

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