Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1957, p. 9

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v the acion frw prmt thurtdey much 2 let 1957 haiton manot world day of prayer observed first man joins hobby class inuiuud for ut wk tim eighth auatlas of tfct hob by cum for tfcif waaon was held in the dining room of the acanor t two ovtoek on wadnatday lurcti c wet it ladlaa pr- mnt includia curto wv etm a chairman and afre itfck- 1 the aaftlaunt director th drrotional period wtth which it to ctiatomary to bafln the mceunci conatotad of the hymn jau savior pilot me a prayer by mr clarka and tha repeaung of our lord prayrr in unison un clarke wttmded a wrm welcomr to mr norman vlt- the first man to join ue hobby cuai mr vlf-t- to an accomp- uahrd knitter and haa knlitad many pairs of socks durini his yvars at the manor he haa alao won prucs at the fall fair held in ullton and just irctnlly a pair of aorka knitted by him wa sent to india the hearty applause for mr viferi showed hrw welcome he ww to th hitherto entirely fem inine hobby after the minutes had been read ajd approved the treasurer gave i her report mrs lorkle gave a rvadlns and in keeping with this reading the chorus kind words can never die was lunx the matter of a si patrick s soc lal was brought up and in view of the very enjoyable social held at st valentines time it was decided to hold a st patria s social along the same lines on wedneaday march 90 a busy hour of work upon the various projects of the class inter tpersed with music came neat the ainging of the aong beautiful isle of somewhere and the repeating of the mixpah benediction in unison brought the meeting xtta cloae the world day of prayer ob- aerved on friday march a the first friday of lent in ml coun tries of the world was very fit tingly observed by the women its tdenu of the manor the service was held in the chapel at threw o clock to coincide with the meet ing brini held at that same time at grace anglican church in mlllon the form of service prepared by serena vassady formerly of ii gary and adapted for use in canada by a rommlttr of the women cammfuviui institute donates 100 toward hospital ibtarchurch council of canada ni used throughout the service at tha manor the form of service was based an the theme who shall separata us vnd was dedicated to those who live behind the iron curtain mr clark the matron of the manor took the part of the leader and was assisted in the service by afrs mara and mrs brant of the manor staff miss hilda marcy took up the offering mrs clark read an inspiring selection turning pain into gain from the book religion and t eryday life by j b chapman about 90 women residents at tended t aa t beutiful ainging by a quartette of talented ladies and thoughtful sermon by the rev orsborn minister of kno prra bytertan church milton wcrjv the feature of the service to the cha pal on sunday afternoon march 10 the lad in who comprised the uuartatte ware mrs stewart lock- te mra thomas bradley mtas marlon wilson and miss heta nay- lor they sans the lovely selection givms our all to god mrs lockia was the accompanist for this sel ection as well as for the hymn simple yet impressive lans uase mr orsborn described the meet in as described in chapter 4 of si johns gospel between jea- us and the woman of samaria at jacobs well at syrhar mr orsborn described and ex plained the ill feeling- that existed between the jews and samaritans at that time the woman to whom christ spoke was surprised that a jew could speak as christ spoke to a samaritan woman in their conversation christ excited her curiosity by speaking v her about the living water and this in turn led to ills explaining that god ts a spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth when christ revealed himself to the woman as the messiah she became an cv angel tit and converted many jx r sons in the city of sychar this mcfling between jesus und the samaritan w imin gives us a vivid picture of jesus kind pnt lent helpful always rtady to bring us his love nnd healing pu r how bout that specially pwared for the acton free press halton jail has 317 inmates during year at cost of 1400 in the halton county jail mil inn 317 prisoners were committed during the year ending march 31 ibm the total number of days stay of all prisoners was 3 434 the average cost of each prisoner per day was ft 79 and the cost of fond for the year was 1 s01 2 the cost of alterations came to 672 31 the total number in custnd during the year was 323 prisoners and out of that number one prison er was under is years of age ac cording to the annual report of the department of reform institut- lona province of ontario although it u the second small est jail in ontario it will accom mndate 17 men and six women tne grt ntest number of prisoner lu thr jnll during the year was 25 and the least was two making an average dullv jail population of 04 the educational status listed two of the mmatea as illiterate 206 with elementary education and 100 with advanced education during the year there wre 230 first time offenders 48 aceond of fender and r2 third time offend era committed officials at the countv jail are w j robertson sheriff t g ryd er jailer mrs e ryder chief matron the total salaries of jail officials was 35 602 10 itttet to trl edftot chapter appreciates coverage in press march 12 1057 dear mr pills on behalf of the duke of devon shire chapter 1 o d e 1 w lsh to thank you for the coverage of our activities given by your newspaper during the past year we do ap preciate your assistance in bring ing our work before the public in acton sinccrcl vours anne spencrrlec corresponding s en tiir scottish dance club hold march meeting in spite of a slow start the march met ting of the scottish country dunn club hi id inlhc acton parish hull w as a vt r pli usimt one and broke up at a inti r hour in than usual intended for last week mrs reginald austin was hostess to tha march meeting of tha campbellvitle woman s institute on wedneaday evening whan mr jamea wallace presided and op ened with a poem three cheers the institute ode was sung in un ison and all repeated the mary stewart collect the roll call was answered by what appeals to me most when grocery shopping mrs jack wheel than gave the secretary s report and mrs begin sld austin the treasurers report mra jama wallace was named to attend the officers conference may and 10 at the ontario ag ricultural college it was decided to enter salada tea contest with a layelte nnwer made for a very m l week with mra frank quinlan as convener mrs james wallace reported on e milton hospital campaign and 100 was pledged annual reports are t be brought to the april meeting at the home of mrs george inglis a nominating committee mrs frank quinlan mra heginald austin and mrs george inglia ate to have a slate of officers for the nest meeting mr charles mitchell took the chair for a program of agriculture and canadian industries and gave a splendid paper on thelame mrs sydney hartley gave hint on home gardening mr nellie wal ton brought member up to dale with current events mr begin aid austin favored with requested recordings the meeting closed with tha queen w 1 grace and social half hour followed the sympathy of this community is extended to mr and mrs james wallace and family during their bereavement in the loss of a moth er and grandmother mrs william wallace who passed awsy sudden ly on wednesday at the home of mr and mra kenneth wallace in guelph mr and mrs clsude inglis and mr and mra amos mathiee con venrd the progressive euchre party at ss no 1 school on thur day evening prlies were swarded to mrs william pickett mrs cor don mcphail mrs tom mitchell jr donald terrier hdgar cairns archie smith another party ill be hi id in two weeks with mr and mrs all rt stewart and mr and mn donald ferner in charge priies were awarded to mrs donald mcclean mr nellie wal ton mrs robett hlot arthur hendrrson and t ham at the lad ir auxiliarv of the ball tnm pro gresivr euchre partv held in the maonr hull campbclkiuc or csdny evening mix sandra lllark was hasten to the march met ting of st da ivirl group when gloria purdy pn hided and opened with a call to worship ixiis greenlees and janet mitchell had charge of the drvot lonai period the roll call was an swerrd with the words peace and margaret hlnck dedicated the ol fering mrs walter hamblv was it charge of the study book on for mosa ixils inglis gave the secret ary s report and plans were made for cookie sale and a gift for rev gordon kaulch handicrafts for the coming er were divuu ed after the closing hmn carol walton closed with praer and a social half hour folowed one of the members susan buck ley cheer aecretary is promoted to the girls group and linda smith u appointed cheer secretary mra robertson had charge of the prim ary group and gave the girls a talk from the laludy book mrs parker had the junior and guve them lh story an evening barrio uken from rlcardos vf vtp i had it scut fftom iatv mowu stt ml avtatst tw but tht saus said i it v- last a utttflf mam bom 4tf couauft it 0ttv scetarcuto afttt wttt it wut s cms low 94 w mot t0 tou oh suawhat a shamf awo to think you nt ail that distance ftuv it wmv tvr n wttth hjhn1tu roa tej hire in acton terrific tire right puke supmrcvhkm w goodyear tstiu urtml thompson motors hionei 9 fotd sales s sebvtcc stan hall provincial mp reports on weeks events hon w a goodfellow minister of agriculture said veliminary study haa been given university status to the ontario agricultural college hon w j punlop minister of education said that the ontario department of kd lira lion were willing to take over the education of indian children in ontario if the federal government wer willing to contribute the funds mi iilde for that purpose hon w a oodfrllow minuli r of agriculture in hi address jwid tribute to mr art lunmlt who aistant agriculture hrpn entatif for the county of halton mr l nnelt has been railed into mi office of the department of aicnrullure to hiod the junior partner and 4 11 club work ijttor minuter the hon httu- v hild a selnt rommlllrr hhoold niodn thi provmcia luutr inwk ft the onli fair wnv to it tin thi it wit of tmkth minnmmml jind inlr letm to the cpito writer objects acton patients denied service dear editor regarding th acton ambulanct stiaict upon inquir i find that acton taxpayer who are fmlitnu at tht tlynn nursing horn and w ho hai paid tuxey in acton for cnrs sonu for st tara and more and the an still p m taxes cannot avail themkiuci of the acton am bulunlt turmit frtim a hospital hire or from thi nursing home to a hospital bwause we arv a fcv hundnxl feel ouuidt the corporat ion of acton the actoitaxpaers must pr- curv an ambulanct from guelph or milton nnd pn tht rcquirvd fit ftr the same 1 made it veo ckar to the town official that any pat am not of ac ton myself and family would not expect free service however 1 feel that the acton uxnayer in the nursing home should have the ambulance service available and free of any nominal charge i also stated 1 felt we shoujd ha e some consideration due to the fart we were a service to acton the town official stated very flat ly that the flynn nursing home doe wt contribute any service whatsoever to the town of acton in ny way we mn worry if we- have fiftltf in 1 brown auan cray hrold ham- this myself and jtatf sincerely uton tom balllnafad mr and have tried to give of our lieat aire jamieaon mr and mrs sin- beryl flynn clalr arftrmr and mrs gibson ttien was onlv one t ighuonic reel but tht dashing white set gcmt was done several times lb get luyouc up on the floor to dnce iru ludmk ptapist mrs george ho- btrtson and mc for tin twmng mr fleming leaving the retort plner land jtmm shund to pro ide the music mrs robertson instructed in strp tht vrillow and mr flem ing in thi virginia reel which j were danced for the first time and pruned vtr popular with tin gut sis tht re wiu thi usual sing song of scottish faorltits waltz es the ga gordons und two u po and the highland bihbtlische visiting from gutlph wirt tlu misses bjirbara mclnin and shur on brown who tnt olo dancix- thi hfkhland fling sheun trtu and thi irish jie ttuxt talonud und spiritid ouut dunitr upptar- ed in tht latter dame on kitchen er tv ojjbundav evtnlng and tlu hae promised to rtlur tu acton to take part in tht culidh on april 12 which will wind up the firl kiamm of the scottish countr dunce club as nun as pawn bit art ked to wear the kilt tartan skirts und sahts and to bring a box lunch preferabl of scottish fare it is hoped to make tht u gala occasion and alf long has promised to take a movie of a communlt en joying itself in dancing out of town guests from guelph mr and mrs james c fcylor mrs pfggy mvrwm mr andmrt con- nal mr and mrs bob currie miss es eleanor sandford janet spiccr barbara mclean end sharon brown irs brown mr grtfgion mecsre jack croshic kenneth search the birthday song was sung for susan vantol and jean el la jinn ella was in charge of the entertainment suggest added car equipment a memorandum to all opp stations in district three compris ing tht count us of halton wtnt worth brunt and norfolk from dimricl inspector i r robbie out lines three suggestions which if followed out could hi ip in saving iims particularly during ptriods of unxi ms w titling for umbulunctg find skilled medical utttntion ufn r a traffic accident 1 if tverv motor thick was iquipptd with u first ii id kit a coniidirublt amount of asitanc u tould bt nndtred on the spot by thone who know how to ue such i kit for txumplt b those train ed m st john work or by a police man 2 tirv motor ehicle should be iqiuppcd with a small mv to handle fin extmguishtr which might htlp in two wus in theev- tnt of an ictident causing a fire it miiht be possible to txtmguish u jt once and prevent an explosion that might cause considerable barm to if a driver spotted a rvi- idtnuul fin he would have a means at hand to help keep it un- der control and might in so doing sat a life or ljes 3 it should be compulsory for tver whicle to carr a depend able flashlight this would help the driver if his engine stalls to signal other cars out of the wsyor gain assistance from passing mot orists although this could not be compulsory the attorneygeneral uf of the opinlnn that inch suggest- j ions would be helpful in rriany i cases r mr alurl vt mi i itxril mem tx r fir ktnora said tbtlie w i iwhin 1 thi minuter kdurition that tht indian children of on tin i tin anie fit uc lion a ilren ind that the tthi tl overnnitnt at ottawa lu uld miv the ct rjlimtis for ihe iviwmmrnl of ilor ition from march 1bs7 to march ibm totalled for ordinar expenditure 139006000 the leader of the government honj leslie m fnist said that the new unconditional grants svulrm m the grentet sweeping change in prints evtr attimptcd by an gov crnment report on ceeapenaattoe nard hon george h dinbar iro- v incial sicrctarv tabled the a nuul hi port of the workmen s c hmpenhalion board for ism the numbtr of people in ontario that rt reived aid wa ww 33 paid in pensions 10231 857 paid in comp ensation sh 773602 paid in med leal aid tlt78 02r iremier the hon leslie frost said in his remarks that all ontario civil servants may be working a five day week before long l premier frost also denied a charge by the leader of the ccf that political patronage was pract iced in civil service appointments the estimates for the department of planning and development were puird showiruz that the province of ontario paid 5 000 000 under the dominion provincial portnctsblb agreement for housing develop monl r irst reading was given a bill which would require private land ow ners to observ e the prov ince s game and fish laws premier frmt said that ontario is getting niggardly treatment frtwn the federal oovernmenl which had an actual surplus of mote than tassutdooo because of money hid den away aeeeae lresaler i iberal members accused the premur of fighting the edml tl tetion in the icglidaturc j a matomy progress ivi con mrvulive htnfrtw smith mid in his addriss that there is living in ontatlo one third of the mtpu1allon of c annd that ther ik collected in ontario hit half tht fedtrul tax so tul of ihe terii nil ovtrn rm nt surplui of 53i0000 on i arm pwm half tin tedir ol the opixmitloii thi hon riimtihur ohvi r nud that ttie figure tli4l wen med lv hon tront win jum i myth i hon irmic m t rot mini th it the figure he iimii were thi flgun a tablrtl in tht httin il lovirnment bv the hon w it r r hnms mia i iler of intnce mr oliver ipiirinll ill i not know tint thi fimn fiuri of the federal hiidtl urt olwivs t ibled in the rihtirjl nrrnmnl th day in fore the budh t is pn nted hrtigrekmvt c tnm rvnltvi i ui fot vttlltrigt o duffnn mr john ittxit siid in hi addres on t 11 roads and highways financing thnl in hn opinion he uamnt nire whtthtr wi wire buildint high u imi in onl irlo us fast as the need mas ri ui red with our develop ment in ontario rouo vat ine vancouvfh tt pi there has luin no ruin to buy salk polio vaccine here a spokesman for the 11c pulio fund says he believes a reduction to 87 eases in the province lal year fr m 260 in i0u has left eople too complac ent about polio labor iiicum in canada in 10v exceetled f 14 bill ion rompiiretl to ftofl billion in 1di and 3 4 billion in 1030 phone 128 acton and m sulf op thi ust elusive sanitone 1 1 ftm wckip md luuvwy robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists ilormrrly f p ilrad phone oullph 1914 5t s oorii squarv phone iq acton were always at your service a your local ba dutnbutor wo re always avaiubu for ndvicc whsn it cornea to lubncauon probleoos around the farm arrange for regular visit noiv contact thompson fuels ltd acton ont phone 69 your iocai ba distributor want ad page where old friends meet easter creations made with milk chocolate novelties that are different and njjmited supply now on display for best selection shop early acton creamery limited there is only one liquileather beware of imitations now my ood mio for s6s00000 ob yea tell bm ih rum ol ibt ool product ob tha aurkct which on be palnwd oa upholnetm furoilure gila il a leather uke finish tad where ao ilbe obuitwd f uh ub u tbu liquileathbr uh tad da tod f il it the root harware absolutely eight yob ha woa ts 00000 for kaawlaf the aaoat economical way of reaewlag old wota onl l i q u i l e a t h e complete selection of colors seethe proof of the product at root hardware rockwood ont phoneul9551 r- n g thlnai

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