Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1957, p. 2

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f 8ltt arton mttt yrtaa ifcaaatr pt ww a a rouatfad ui wl aad publlaad vvwr tu- day iih uu1 st t aem oai umiw of ike auwi mm l clrmlauoba ike cw ha aad k oalartoquaeae utvulon al tke cwka- advnuia rlm on raqueal vxia arlpuoaa payabw in advanoi dm cauda hv 0 umiuw ill enuatha ii tt ingle cwpiea tc autaartsad a strand claia mill iviel oftln devanmanl oiuwl rmiii tk tmlte nwai aa4rakhaaea co itoailee o a dlltt edilortnclilef dai id r lill itodurtioa manage jemee a italia managing kdltor 0ualnaae and kdluwlel off pn geo arton tmdosoay march 58th 19s7 preferred or common in trtata dayt when industry it to much sought after tn ell provinces ontario hat d clad handicap thit year you wont hear much ado about that because there are not at many induttnalittt as there are householders but it will have an effect in many placet and on most people this year the province of qntajio will otn the province of quebec in levying itt own tax on incorporated companies it s lurprmng how many small companies will be affected by thtt form of durable taxation itt an ad dad nuisance and then thit extra tax coat will have to be met some way and the logical and only source is added costs to goods or ser vice supplied in municipal taxes this year there is to be discrimination of a new tort in levying for local taxes business pays property attest men and in addition a businett tax sometimet thit runt at high at 60 per cent of the real ettate ettettment thu year the ontario gov em men 1 hat made certain grant available to attut municipalitiet but only home ownert and farm ownert will thare in thu special a tut lance on the municipal levy municipal official will be requued by tome means to make two ratrt 1hoe who get and thoic who don t they will alto be required to ad verme on your tax account the amount that the provincial government hat given to the municipality toward the municipal rate of courte there will be no mention made that the province it going to collect from you more gasoline and other taxet to give tome of the ratepayert who have the mott vote the money to make the gift to you in the meantime your municipal tax lev let will be held up this year and your pay thihter le wh thu bvet i it being made understandable to you don t take the null rate thit year at any m dicalion of what your payment will be thote dayi are gone brother the lax pleat have multiplied and will attail you from to many anglet and ydu ii be tcratchlng in to many placet that you ii only make yourtelf un comfortable in teeking the trouble tpott in the meantime keep trying to get new industry to settle in ontario revue our pn poganda we re likely to have health intur ance in 1959 and in r were pretently ahead of our titter province of quebec a proven service fire protection whether it be tn town or country cottt money in mott townt and cihet few ciiient realize the amount required in the tax rate to provide thit service each year even then there are unnoticed cottt that are not covered m the budget ir any way and are voluntary everyone realize these cottt but no one contidert for a moment dt carding the tire fighting tervice matter of fact moil evrryone it proud ol the work done and very thankful that a service it at hand when fire strike after several ear ot operation m th i area of an extended service lo the rural areas nothing but praite can be neard for the di tnct arrangement covering the neqhbormg townthipt there it no more tndev sicwrabout gomg to help an tevn whenever he call cornet a the area widened so is the cost and each town hatbeen finding these costs looming larger and larger m the tax rate it wat only to be expected therefore that the north halton area found the levy on the townships made a few years ago inadequate today more equipment m the townt or more buddings to house the equipment ha be necessary new rates are therefore neces sary the reasonableness of these rates wil rc v in thit case be found acceptable after thit first period of trial of the system simitar tervke and operation outside the- towhs could notbeeqyajled n nyqher way while all people desire to tee tax rates kept to a minimum we believe the coopera tive plans of towns and townships in sharing the costs has proven a most valued and ap preciated one for the common good of the greatest number a message for easter with the coming of the taster season full attention turned to five annual appeal for funds for work among ctlppled children limmy who this year it paul gamble of ccwunna on it tymbolic of ttte many boys and girls throughout the country who require attistatve in overcoming the heavy handicap which nwtfoiluiie has placed upon thent actually the work it uiutev tta ontario society kv crippled children but in this dis trict the rotary cjub hat lakeh on the ob and with their eal and vim the movenient hat taken the local impetus required they are at it again thit year spearheading tte movement and requite anil deserve the attittanq of every citizen tharfatter seal tale mutt provide a great deal of the money tt it parallel to that other great teal telling campaign whuh at christ mat time give the fight against til tuch m petut without the backing ot ontario t 218 ter vice clubt and their allout promotion of the annual fatter seal tale the society and ttt great and coniplex work could not unction official ot the tociefy frankly declare it wat back in windsor id 19 when a few phytkiant mi turgeont with lite mem bert ot 10 tervice iluht became availed at the number ot unattended catet of crippled children in ontario end decided to do tome thing positive about it they formed the ontario society tor crippled children which today needt 700 000 to properly took after it growing cate load of tome i 1 000 hand capped young tier t acrott the province when and where it suits you recently we tuned in on tv to hear the address on the nation t businett when hon walter harris wat the speaker mr harris picture came on the screen hit lips moved but there was no speech than an enounce- ment wat made that there was temporary sound trouble mutic wat played and mr marnt reeppoared we found out later thai we heard the latt two paragraph of the tpeaxh and thit wat pari of free lime allot ted by the cbc to canada s political parlies to review their administration we watched for tome comment but either the finance minister wash t aware that he was blanked out or tie didn 1 hunk the omission wat too impoli lo nnmltcm we did jalcr oet a ropy o the address in the mails and were able to get ihc details which teemed important follow mg the pretentation of the budget that s one great thing nbout he airwave and the great unseen audience you never are aware whether the audience is with you or not we presume mr harris put all his energy into that address and tome advance preparation not knowing of hit mittmg audtexe the printed word however die get through and reached the folkt on the mailing litt perhaps that it the reason for t fwe u thpprt wo ik face of all the new methods you can read it at the hour which iuitt you best meeting on common ground municipal officials who have had to run to queens park for permittion for most every thing will welcome the new plan announced latt week by the minister of the department of planning and development the minitter tard the unprecedented development of the province of ontario hat year by year imposed tteadily increasing re spontibilitiet on this department the in crease and movement of population the rapid expansion of industrial and commercial activity and the record development of natural resources m the province have brought about great changet physical eco nomic and social in all municipalities of the province by the nature ofur work no group it more conscious of this fact than the people m my department and myself a new policy for my department there fore is being inaugurated this year namely that we will now be pleased to send our staff into the field to assist you vvith your prob lems on request experienced people from the several branches of this department community planning conservation civil defence housing and trade and industry will vis t your municipality for the purposes of cooperat on and assistance and confer with your elected and administrative officials or the officials of any other boards or civil organisations whose work parallels the ctivi tiet of this department we predict a better and broader under- standing of common problems when officials leave the ivory towers of queen s park and come out and get the viewpoint of the mun icipality affected at least a otoader irsow- ledge of ontario at a whole can be expected j hope 4h cost wont be too prohibihtto get- tht expert opinions briefcomment private enterprise today is learning that the successful way to do business is deal fair ly with your suppliers your employees your customers ahd your shareholders they all have rights which should be respected the rural scene jjjl the good old days springs new addition chronicles of gin farm good time for discoveries n wmlolla r dark iihn lnim ii in i it 1i trnuhli 1h r i i i do iditimim iiml ti crminrt l tlh rrv rl l hi l natter uhit luv 1 imk a viilir ui n uk tup iiihi 3 itiih fiimi i vi iit r h nxiiiv if in milk thr luvi ly wlka tint tlilvi tl ll 111 llllk tl nlllilll t in how mntty rto vim knwt if vwi w nit n niir itrlvt- wliin in i i k w r nnlv hnw uklnmnn hut otir wn nrmiml l hio ik iutv p llb hi 1 in juki in ml i in llltll iy tth vllll wr mm i- thnn id mlli rrnn ton back in 1937 tthm rraaa taa lass el the free prea tan4ar aphl i tlt mu mutli liiuiin prtli lll in an nittalwiir trugrrn rervntly ami i m4uful rta in mimtla ovatilng march s3 mr miwi ui nitrman vntt wrie tmkl arid hiwtinu to alxhll w mimu il tlitm rulativvi gather- l tit hut a aoikbl evwnlng aiut tudmii the itvwlywvd vr arut mri jith wtiltham willi aitiall tmiih v ahowvr mim imiiwi hwltfrr ruira in- liaiilug a jfltli tntml iumh i amhl icnalar at tier hofite mr atitl mr ann maam wt hiivi tmit tiulltlayliim ff n ik in tit tralmirg clif lila wi i iv tl iiuiimi yvalritlay mi ut mia it h rtllott ami faintly nir vuiiiiik in mntmt dlir lug tin tiolliliiya ml vrl llalimli w itoinr frimm tfimit univtiklly i tl rutin nk tint ltukllla in ihr ir uifl ihr flial htn ii iixliiim urty iiiahi hhiiu in ai ui n linn id in hn mm iitimii whii i miu r i thr ui ui i it mt lit i akiilia oiij hit yt it a timvt im ii urn h ii nil luiliik thr hht tmuiuya iht willi ib i iiiiuuuill f will la no w im 11 ilrutnl ft tin rilw mini tilt ihlll ill mil ii l la pin itiitt ih im v king tiiiiifi vi alanim wrrnl im and lilay t ail in iimi ffl mr ami mra y llruwnlni im1 mlm tllw ulila of luiimiut aiknt thr wntk vm1 wllh thrir alaur ami hrullivr ht ihriv la ajmlal ihlrrral for uiinrra in tint llrll tt irphntir a an iiniilmf inrlil tlila wrrk n rinlliit- imia in ratra wttiknirn arr htiay rriiiklrllllif thf inttiiui if ihr nw ftmrral hinit mir ti lmtmvr1 fairly writ at imlh tmtfiiinihtf mix rnit hul in im- i hi i i ll ml i i lllllllll uui lit u in f 1 it hi in millun i m ui tin t mi j ilii m uk i t ii y lr w hlkhl mw ii ltrt tn kro i ttu 1i dm in tit khtt linn f r and i think 1 calrtdv i inn mtt nrr tint i aph nr lo hic tour prrahlunia ihnl hnr aurvimil the m inter tin hulkx an rnuill ruining tip frtim thr rmit thrr arc lth b hry nrt on hiifcr wrll fit iiiittii uavi w 1 ihr aotilh aid of thr protected from nnrthviivl kiiuu if they in cernnitim it is on lie count of iood ha tt nd miimun aiicmrnt i art full i did not cl in up this partiruur bed m the plunu rot left there other dlacnv rrie i made w r r not ao plrainft thr rabbit really went to town on mv thmbi they ern nibbled branrhrt from the ce dar we nerer have don anything in thr way of prevention but i tuppnae wr shall have to if t are going to have ao many unwanted livestock around ll is dtahcarten- ing to leave good healthy shrubs in thr fall and find them about half their proper sue in thr spring but ihrn thr poor little rabbits have to live too but i wish thry would take to the woods or fred on wild shruba the nice weather lam week brought us a full quotn nf laitnr jittni it roople of milra unit ffitmd a hvely country lllrii i with n iniintht of thuntlfiil hotuif ait oinniig trees on lnndnrjiitod it whin the flowers nru out and thr tna tn 1 af wr shall certnirily tte making a return visll wr thoukhl it waa tint find tlirn wr mam ed around a i luin h ard im long mg to ii nit e old church high on a hill iwrlonkmk a nvrr there we found plenty of hiatory inktihed tn tht old gn y tombstones siicred iwe hoiwi to the memory of ihr enrh pioneers of thnt dlstnrt wi spent the whole nftern hn just browalng around umld betutf ful und historic surroundings ycl often within sound of the traffic on n eiy busy highway we rrnlly had a wondetful time and we werr glad to real tie that in spitr of thr number of super highways that are being built it u still possible to find beauty spots such a short way off the beaten track at home if we want tn get back to thr grim problems of the day we have only to turn on the radio or television and listen to news of guided missiles misguided foreign policv earthquakes floods fires bl lizards and traffic mishaps a far cry from the peaceful pursuit nf farming in fart fee sometimes r nothing m whul 11 iwi 1int lo lt xtra thil 1irtn ie if i u in ihln dav i mint this sundays quilting bee church calendar hyms back in 1907 taatm from ik taane af tkm fra prua thurajay march st st irwllrnlluiia milnt ti an earl spring mtw laura itydrr haa tht dalut teat md rthmt kllraitlve ratl window in town tualrr a thicks duiklita mta mid n ftxllitnwry ara artlalltally aniig mi mr jutin kannay hr who h itaen sparfuling th wlnli i with hia daughtara in hramputn rtluiitnl immiui iaal wak mrs j it aakna will relva fur lh first lime on tum day aftartumxi and tvnlng 2ml april miss latahaw of lunda waa lha gueat hits wak of mlaa llrrth nlmilghl ttui wlrulnilll mi thr fffiii of mr lttni hl wh of tin xt ml urn wm rtinaldviitlly ilnoingitl hy itu high wind mi tutailuf night of ual wr k iii v 11 aull ha given th cm tmil in imv hi tmiii on nil i uk onviii into wo dwuluiig id will hlllld m iiiw hulll ill lilt u of hi i aldtim mi luini mormy km omn id iiiillliuiy rimmna in hn tulhri a ith1iut mill hi id liivltid hn ft inula lo inapitl tha new rllig iltliia iheiv today iimillir iula plaiiing mill oiiiiuriii td nperun thia wok 1n auw mill will alail th at oo a ui m wrrk 1 1n rmila air woiar limn uaual jual now hkhimila i loail ihla aftrtnoimi and trauma monday h of april a vry sureaasfiil rnnrart waa umu on monday everting uiutar ttta auaplrva of uia liirinta tub lit opanlng numtter by th onh eatra under the leadership of c w mattel waa wall tendered at kualrig him ll last wrrk ihr following armnjnta wr paaaid tut aherp klllrd hy doga j andrraon two thirda value nf imr alir fifl j ritlea me ahrt i st win homir valu iwi alup 11333 win hhoitlll one h kllhl 7 31 a t i i on i ih in i i ll u mial i tn m i i hi v n l loat professional directory and travellers guide in on tin h il wi hud ii f- nut tlnm ttova luive wtuil it tiki out wr nit i onf nit nt that ttnrring m ridints ir dunitrr seaaona these iming f iw will com out n tup thev drai rve to unwiy juat t know hum kw ii u nut hj pv feeling wtll the binln irouiid h rt ir imioimuk nmrr noun n us iviry llltli whlh iiko i w i ire i heard n irioli ami tatrdiy a litlli wmili l cime to rrt on t hirt lr im h of the chmtiuit im nr ir 1hi houn l there anlhini i wondi r quiti mntionlesa a a ml ting owl once hr had found t rnrth tin re im i a sound nr mmrmrnt from the funny little creature in color and shape he looked just liki a nnttir il hump belonging to the branch nf the trre now i must get this column typ ed and ready for the printer before any of the family arrive yesterday our trio from oak ille w as here and no duubl the quartette from toronto will be here soon at pre sent with onw dae being able to nuwfatc nn his own thr children are easily handled a vetr from now will i uiw a nr from m w wul ti 11 thi ur raptist chuich acton he ii t 11 costrrus pastor lr nagr us ikiwer ave phone 20fiw hlsn miuh tlt 1957 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship too pm evening service sthjvr mr 1 c milne ol ottaw i preside b iptist con ention of ontario and quebec tuesday 7 pmbypu vcdncsda 8 pm midweek ser vice the anglican church of canada st ajbaat chrckarta ont rev evan h jonas b-a- uth niium ni rsmnt momr mr 1 vli rit with church and sunday m 3 1st lent iv 15t acta oatarta rev gordon adams ma d d minister parsonage 30 borr avenut phone ho mr getr ge elliott organut and choir leader 76 uowcr ave at ton phone 6 mnday march 31st 1967 9 00 a m morning prayer 10 00 am junior church school ii 15 am morning worthlp prttlyterian cmucff in canada knox cliumctt acton rev andrew h mckenxte da bd sunday march slit 17 0 45 ajtt church school 1100 ajn morning worship and reception of new member 700 pm evening worship snndav xpnl t 11 am spring commuiyort sttrvicc af fonpewncostal assimblr ml mi a short business meet in c a hi id withjhe minute and thank you noli s read sour mata wen m kit and wild a ad in guclph irdirrd t quilt top mrs llcwtr nffrriht tar hortve for a quiltm the preaidint mr llew er led the pri r r ice in the theme who shall separate us mrs j ta lor read the scripture lesson romans s 3139 those taking special parts wese mr o baker mrs ed archibald mrs gwagnefmrs w croft mrs c pharoah mrs j smrertk and mrs a adie mrs e talor led in prajer thf meeting closed with the hymn the da thou gact lord is ended and mrs hewer closed with the benediction mrs fatt cfed lunch and a social halt hour wat enjoyed ihalrlan and hurgean i r if vtill w tti1 t i t ok ilwr s arton jntarn rhn im dr robfbt d bucknh rhysicun and korgeon n aellinfcton st acton ont rknr nt offlc hours fl 1 p m atral thtatr ani ishiatancst f i wright 2n wilbur si arton ontario phone 9 aprauer seal kstai ans imaarmisee vvm r bracken insurance agency b mill street pbone 2fl hrs 515r grsmtai issuhance 1 pftft wood v h moos k fnrj arrrr4tl4 tablle arjawajuatf titrii town tltiangle 7 ul snir to a j lliahop pa tivtk hosrin t hartered aecntata 51 main hi n 2u king st w hrimpton toronto 1 id n 24h fm 4 lit eatt o hack ii comrrt hia a c iiatttatn at culntawt 183 main st milton ont th bs563 waitei h t09t erttrud rublle aremmajil hartered secretary 3v main st s frgctwn onl th 7 4831 ornral f l buchner ro optometrist 48 milt st r ihaase us office hours vtrlnemiaya i hi fl 00 p m rinmgi ty at ftincnt irosi c f leatherlanp qc itarrkler 4 kalbllatr naury pakuf off h ir in in am loo a am insurance agency st t llta aaal gmal laaairaava phone m5 124 mill st after atos urs ta 4 390 guelph ntvxl dr h leib dhital marrm office corner mill and frederick street office hours 9 am to 6 p m telephone 19- acton dr a j buchanan dmtal ria office sa mill stret office hour 0 am to 6 p ro closed wednetday afternoon telephone 141 mrm ai himrimtnia 08 w g c kinnry halrun an4 hurifm lfir in sy fl hi- ia mill ml at m thtlrr rfcsnr 1 brldrrr iis krrl ml f lbonr im kumlfy funrpal home imii km milit ur ilkr llruf r hlikr mil ouvf m iampard a t m 11 m t tvkfbor at ltw st aln lrikh hall it iahk avk iiinrn llt- ta 1 mil dr d a garrm al limso acrodnttmo traveuets guide gray coach lines f oa itrti l w a ton tatkaw tism taatbmbml su am dally escept suit and hoi i im am ii 33 in 2jm pm vpm 6 33 pm ijf ptn 10 08 pm sun rnd hoi watbawtt1 1077 am 1237 pm 157 pm 3 27 p m 727 pm 9 13 pjsvi 1132 pm 112 am fn sat sum and llftl i a i canadian national railways hlandartl ttaaa eaalbawttl r dailv 640 am dally eacept atuil- d- 1000 am t13 pin b0aajr 8 01 pmbauy tl atriica or tut rat- booam holy communion 0 4 am church school bible class- 11 00 a m beginners clatf 1100 am matins 415 pm holy baptism of fantsv 7 00 p m evensong lectin in the y-moa- ptor rev k j rrid pi cook st telephone 640w port colborke ont cpt blake moscnp found two relics of past general ions while crossing the humbcrttonc township dump a rusted animal trip with six prongs used to stab the xictim and a vctmikaby- sunday march 31st 1037 0 0f a m sundav school 11 00 ajrt morning worship etmmtips and bible tudf ing th sapofmpl trc b 0 young 8v sf c i young dvm vttcrliurr borcmu office bcookvillc ontario phone milton tr ttt div flyer at ceotfetown oot 437 emn i daur riyraiaari town 1011 pjn wrtifca- dally h pm dally a ta stod70 pjn- saturday only in dm sonday only 043 am fftaf- only riyar at naily aneapt 8at topi sunday guelnh tjt and 8onr10pj xal

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