Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1957, p. 3

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ttw acton ft pint thursday march 28th 1937 stan halt provincial mp reports on weeks events premier treat said lag til at on which would enable ontario lo lfn a hospital tnauranr ngw- ment wllh tha feder governmrnt would b introduced within a day or so letter from the hon paul mar- tln federal minister or health were mtrodtred in relation to the hoapltal insurance plan the labor committee turned down a government profxtml which would have given municipal courwala more control oyer shop pine hour in their different retail fausinss estimates for the department of aline from marvh iftm lo afarrh 1u7 were paaaed totalling ufiu oftft in ralatioo to god mining in ontario the provlnee of ontario had no ny tn tha prtea of our ffom the price of gold 1 eel br the fader el government of canada the government of the united states of america and south af rka hon fceleo koberu atttrny- oenaral aald he has initiated act- ian which will led ta a court de- culon whether it la lawful t pub- hah or broadvesl nwe arwl edvfr- tlalng on sunday uberal and cct motions f non confidence were drfatd at the conclusion of the throne spexh debate by 13 to 71 second reading wss given hill which wulrt incrraae the tax no corporation l ne iwo per cent and inrreaae the tax on itiecvt fuel in miltu kiliiih bv nlur irut hon c e mapledrtram minlattt of trends and fureeu aatd a amall fee not yrt decided will te irvitm thla yrar n rara intrring kmhc prox tnrlal parka juii i p ceclle minlaler of iubllr welfare aaut the treatment of indians by the iv pari merit if 4ndlan affua in our tydrritl dm ernmt nt has nvn antthinu 1ml gr ion nt effiilue in hi 1tt iiitf the lurs of our indian hon 1 phillip mimlrr of health aalrt in hi addreaa mini ttw ivptmnt of lltttllh puiil in the lat 12 month 1 00 oooooo lr the indiimhon or nni n th iro inr of on1nri bill no 114 ttx losing u bill whuh on lit imieie lhr nvrbur from iru imiir fiom ihonnou l 211 ouhkki ma o hv ik llhcral opimmitioii thr irirt- of the opmtition i ailing for a tmr with ihe reaull that the ccr group ott1 with lhr ioriomeiil the ote in ing 11 to m auction sale of i tractor whine ferage harvester hagana ftlewer and a ceeabklele line mt near new rare machinery tl emdai afrit ins at iurio lirtthorit mrms ii it lmhter owner on hlkhtt i m 1 mill outh of alton 3 rord tractors with loadi r buck rake and blade 1 john ivt rt 4m jubbtr i john deer oakio ell late mo i el limrtor 1 cmr apreafler 1 john pcrit premier i kellr ha an anreadrr 4 nibbei tired wagnna with forage bnxrs and wagon unloader t rubber tired wagnru 1 wood ft combine motor mounted i new holland forage harvester motor mounted with pickup end direct rut 1 al- lls chalmers blower motor mount ed 1 r rear mounted mower fer- ueon i 7 rear mounted mower 1 eat chain harrows i art drag har rows 1 0 ford circular saw l praln thrower i miuwipto rdraulic rake i blluard rutting boa and plpee i agiia with tank and motor mounted on wheel 1 large s- wheel stork trailer 1 mas ffhtjttw fd drill 1 obey hyrrla dtac on rubber 1 one- ia diac 1 ford i furrow plow 1 spring tooth cultivator 1 drag cul tivator 1 foe enotrar antta num- r of gmalw articles vt h hunter clerk cixamxnq auction sale ttelrr irr olpmu uh trt truruoiu rrrnt ooanon mun to wll b public auction it hi frm lot 11 con 1 tdwndilp of ndann 1 mllm aoulh of campbvllvml 1 mil nifftti nf uowvtllv on batubdat maech mu commcnclni t 1 jo o clock cattl 1 holrtclncow rrch b 1 holiuln hucr unh w i h fmh 4mt nttlmto kiiue im yeai n wllltiim and john lm fiom mull lll t on mljntiunk fttin inty somt tinu lult im d h frtini ni ir a mil ttu re tit h ikb farm uilhnm m n one of n f uiuu sfish weeksr houtein heifer 1 years old open 1 hereford heifer 2 year old open 1 hereford heifer 1 years old open part hereford and houtein heifer l years old open 3 holaleln heifers 1 year old 3 pert shorthorn steers about doo to iwo lba 3 durham steers about 400 and so lba 3 houtein steers about mo lba each 3 veal cakea feed and scfd 300 bu of wheat 11 bu of mixed grain 100 bu hodnev oats suitable for seed quantity of fred corn in the cob hogs 1 mature york sow just bred 7 york pigs lo weeks old tractor 1mplfmknts etc m farmntl c tractor starter nd lights frontend row crop cukuatora and snow plow rear mounted cnltixator mil 2- furrow tractor plow on rubber 1 cock- ahutt 33 plate double due doublgj disc 34 plate tnt sldirake case rake bar and drum hay loader cat 6ft mower cultlpacker steel land roller 3eection drag culti vators horse diac leu grain grinder circular saw add trarna baneh saw twaa tralle root pulper3 drive belts so and 40 ft scale 3000 lba da laval speedette milker with 1 unit and pipingoil it cowi mat crate flatli stralnera bkrrela feed btiu small vqiuintjtr of lumber porta shovel tw cash srrrijtilcxnt wtth clbrkon day of sale proprlatot glvlni up fgrmlnc and hu bought a home in burlington hlncfley elliott aucuoneers roy qouller clerk b373 mr r beuile progreaaive con servatlvub for the new riding known aa tha nickel licit aald in hu ad dress that he considered that the budget prevented by tha hon pro vincial treasurer was the best budget ever presented in the ont ario legulaturv mr w g nuden rogrealve conservative for rainy hlvrr aaw in he addreaa that the steep hock iron mine at atlkokan 4s apending 1 1 1000000 in hmot devalopmant program hon or phillips ti in liter of health announced that employea of the ontario hospitals will go on a 40 hour week april i 1mt on wednesday evonlnge anting of the tgulature the ubevml and ccf members walked out in pro- teat again the government calling major bill for detailed study on ly four member of the combined 14 man opposition were preeent hon philip kelly minister of mine aald there will be no change for at least a yrmr tn the administ ration of surface rights on mining ilalma coming up for patent hon dana porter said he has re- reived a draft agreement from ot tawa which indicates that th out arlo proposal u complately eccept- abla to ottawa hon wrge ihmbar heietary alii that 4 sm new compaiue were iim rw ti atrd in ntt u dining ibm premier 1cwllr ft allow im that ontario farmer hooltl git finaimlal aid frmti ollnwa jo the aim way our fidittl ovrrnmrnt tad the i uii i and mai llimr far met the highway committee fi highwav kafi tv leiommi oded lliur should ik no nwimlalofv mii mlon of drivii tin mi fot con lit ion of tti imiitf whih ahihlv i iinpitlrctl tin um nihiii ia ton- in the lllihw iv truffi at no illlto uid in tlhil in among in nlna now mombsri inltlglexl at iho tog ion hall on friday night march 77 wore two wormn shown laft lo right eta mrs joan smith aa joan nac service women kn ml margarat lambart mrt l mcknight proaonr mornbar protanlod join bretech 197 pint to ttt two now rmrnbri chesley blankets acton 4 to 0 in hockey series after a four game aarlea artun s junior 1 entry itowed t of hockey for the avmutn to hesley colts on friday of jmi week iteptirta have it lliul alton pla td muilr imiftt until the more of 03 woufd initlratr clieatey 1onktvt r w in the third ieriikil urtd icgun m bm i u- nfrilbbt r l acton jitrkli mai shall in the net clo lry roinhln utloh of fmt akatlng aiw plavlog abllrty piovnu tuo tuwu tut aiuui and the twine wu bulgel a til of sit limes tiohinkl wood aiut klngattui being the big aotiti the first imrlml waa faal and sun flower shoots robins here despite sea of mud in garden do you have vuions of turning that aea of mud in your bach yard into a garden this yeart is your wife ar reaming at you for track ing half of the yard into her hmw and mi her nlte new tiardwotal riooi the one ymi nearly broke oor bwa putting ilowii i yoor newly wahel tar now spluttered fiom uuoimir tu uumpci aa a rcault of imiliu motoilal pliitilng ytni at i vi i v opimutunityt iihi ik ml at the top of youi lug lo flgu n wittr fiom ooi i my fiom ihmiiimm l windows od givihtf w inti d r muht silllni llf t liy o igldnifs prop f i in blid not iii i tot iii if hint hoiiu winter nights you beginning lti i building are tmlitve your wife siul frlmid when tliey nk yon if yotiie trying to utr the hlids bat k lo florida wllli that nionsliiwtty will etie r up imtauae spring ha orflrlally nlul flnolly anlvitl lake a look nollde von will pro- bubly find the aim ahlnlng the bods turllng to grow on ihe tret k lt flrl sign of flower okliig lh ir lirt1 ool lii your mown imds nil it mid mlin of mw llfi apt utitirik f w lllhld if fnithi mid h r hi it fi ml vou ihk 1m im- lx on i tmiliint pi 11 iii mpoitiuit smn lik lh n reaches century mk wm mainprize celebrates horn loo vnti wgo on mar h tl h on ii fo in twin aulmn in htiron oiihty ailuni old t i ldnl william 11 m oiiorim will im nit lo in ilum it w v h nid of growint i nrtg of tin it lh iht id lh ikuik lnnliiik ullow lillht np to vt-et- ikiwion and lh y id t ithiulttl tin 1144 at 1 m i ton of mi u nn ago in i hml coniph td gclhcr kinpluyetl hy n fr u w o mllkol 11 lh o r und t iu1 m y impel v w ing tin 4op 1 with llovih lining wi luhl in f of wh niim i r n mi mitliiprii hint iht u hit i ii inti h trig and w mahc mnplt jrip uk onb rncr in those data william mumpriit retcuetl hi education in the village school helping on ihe farm in the summer and going tn school in the winter waa the custom in the early days hr married sarah kitiabelh ask sub post office expect survey soon georgetown the chamber of commerce haa asked that a sub post office be established in the eastern part of georgetown a letter has been sent tn ottawa through the local postmaster har old marshall outlining the need for a branch office until auehtime aa the town will have pesual deliv ery reporting this at the chamber of commerce meeting recently chairman harold bairstow said it is expected inspectors from tha post office department will be vis iting georgetown sometime aoon to make a survey of the situation people buy tha free read and read the free buy it hi outliitd manv of hi friend and all of to own imph 111 fiimllv nnd moot of hia grand rhildrtn hne found n plme in tin community insisting on shaving himself mr mainprlie spends moat of his leis ure time reading watching televis ion and reminiscing with his friends with spring here he will be seen sitting on his verahdah smoking his pipe listening to the birds and watching people go by with an occasional hello to an old friend who looks in to e him when he waa younger his fav orite sports included boating fish ing and deer hunting about if 11 when mr mainprise moved to acton the municipal hydro plant ffenerated tha power for the towns streets munkolpa buildings and houses at ton had no payed roads then and not more thah three automobiles when win pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memobials memouial engraving nurnomi mw 2 wafer st nwth oa1t ml wiii rinxtl from ia ii un hour all at ton join- in it in art iv gret ting to tht o nten moths announcing haltons 4hclub programme far 1w opan lo all turtl soya and oirk i j ta so yaan inclufiv 4 h holilein calf club 4h swine club 4 h jerseyguernioy calf club 4h potato club 4 h beef dual purpose calf club 4 h grain clubs 3 4h tractor maintenance club acton district only iar hrmu for tractor club 14 to jo eani inclusive organization moating for all clubs with the exception of the 4h tractor and grtin clubs inthe acton district colhtt housc milton ruday amu sth at 1x0 j alt thou who wish to enrol should plan to attend this meeting ontario wpartment of agriculture j e whitrock agricultural reprwematlve everyone knows that women are keen shop pers and that they are always on the look out for a real bargain that is why so many bus passengers are r th kn travel bargain they see one when roiid trip fares chicago ios an0eus boston ottawa richmond 1415 10215 2s5 155 3100 tickets and bustavh information at harold wiles honb 207 uuimi auction sale in twi of nakhallaweya w mreelaefc lasajenwu read kte lite undersigned haa retelvett in strutrflons front iii tatmii to sell bv eimllott at hi faun lot m etn 7 alltiated on sfik una 3 inlha aoolh ut of rdefi mllla on wthlnritllav atrii i iminneiiclom al i so lot h harp the following unuhkh anii mahnrst iuy nnue gotitl in all haltou gov ar gml in mii haioa 1ii la a kinmi dt m ntlaltlr tt am he- 1 f tiaisband harm tol iliwh ci ow lot mv n black tow doe m 1 te w im muy m r clean with fl rant nillesple fans reiiieudjtu- oraitl frun his superb showing while playing for artnn intermt dlales a few year bark offk tatlng afton blimg with the thought of it o dlt tone out in the set orejvliaj deieiiiilned to play ihe ttle of likif they are tapulle of full of vim ol vlnitfar tlo y lot fmianlly fat edup the 1 1 only 10 ta- turned imi k al ihe difntte pjajriiut 11 luagnifuriil game in fro of flvfui2 chaffyi goal lc letl rtdlll for arton and hla h foi cite ley got into a nils up and were ttatiished for rest mall leading arlott scorer roptiet the dlat inlo the net for number ofir on a pa front rotvtltl warming up to tht tirt aslon the two iniya team ed up again and made the wore a t on a third rush mall ton third and lait goal oil a ron donation play from arbii nd rot it i it ttie erlo1 enditl g 3 for chesley i to thud itetlotl saw liralrr r ip in liner more gali and alao gt i involvetl will alton in a tola u wllli till itoy hoy iii the ten ally ixii wvorwtt ling whthei it waa n w voik 01 filday ihf iim oll ii 3 willi lo it v ukllig ihe at 1 l t or tiigll 11 i 11 lid llott unlil atton jt l mi lift imi lit hom of 11 lounolii li hm ol sf iht ijioalion l young men will your abilitx carry ycxj ahead 7 exptoro your tutilro in a bns banking caroor many new brancrioi ofasmlnr moan fast prornotian for anihilloui arxl eneiyetic yourij rrtsart with qtxxi acliolatfrc rexnfdf your iramiltij may hkv you aruaa- cnala anrl even ahroatl lo rovilt lite utirvmt nt ftansiftj ofortarco t110 oral maeyr wilt m frleatotj lo talk with protpekflvo alicantt on taaoofiis and tvjvantexr offnrorf tfie bank off nova scotia imii uiinin 1 k i 1 w flhloll ll r hm u 11 in n ii h 0 1 i ll lltll m iui 11 1 1 vttlir ii imi illi it i 1 ii 11 hi i ii 1 i i im i i i i 11 v m 11 i hm xt ni 1 i til 1 wm iiisun w m1m1ii111 link e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon 41 miic it i acton h i 11 c00 iv iijs liy aimiiilrnciit hill aiidlnimknt tfllphoni i is to serve acton better our business is full time income tax returns hfxkkiipinf in all iis hrarefmf tl ul help yuu willi ymm ftitaatn w h bi0os apa fci eng illllimm tf a j tlthot ca main t t tl 7115 1 otodoftown elvis presley shoe here same day cleaning service ffscept saturday no extra charge cash and carry only we now operate our own cleaning plant here in acton for quality work and improved service cau custom cleaners main st n acton ont won 2t2 custom cleaning at standard prices the only one xt its kino in canada i smartly styled in black patent lirnitfd quantity only specially priced at 495 pai free an tio autooiaftlto fhoto 09 you avouiitf unoino tat wttm iach paw of uvm 1mom t b enson s sh oes mtu h acton ont want ad page where old friends meet acton legion hall remember to set aside friday april 5 and make it a date to be at tho acton- rotary fun fair join the cro to tno-flig- carnival of fun laughter and excitement dont miss it youll have the time of your life i bingo games wheels lucky draw rtuzesorr everybody welcome

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