Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1957, p. 2

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sift artntt xtt irraa fto suy tvf kutalt4 to a4 reuwtad ta litt us kuuukee f touhuulllt aeu om llaeafcar ei ik audi bureau of oreulauoaa tka cwf hjl aaa the oelarloqoeeee dhilalo at ike cwja- advenlauuj rataa oa nqu bub- parable ut aavum ut la ka ut tka ualtee lutw au auatba ii t aliujlt eoplea fe aulhoruaa aa enell ctaaa ull pee office daaartmaat ottawa faauabea r ika buk frtauaa aa raallaklm om ueliaa o a dllli kdllor4ncltm david h dllla lroducuon ataaaeer dill managm tailor as jam a bualnaaa and editorial office lt uo arum thursday apoil i ith 1957 for a better parliament there it one potitive way of enhancing parliament t llienglh and that it by tending it good membert tayt the financial potl so the important quetlion it what kind of people will the paity organcalcom telect or b able to gel at eruierii beaten the horrible truth of courte it that it it eaty to get booht to run for election and aw fully difficult lo gel enough intelligent well informed people to run and nothing it tuch a powerful deterrent 10 getting good people into the houte of common at llie prevailing low quality of debate the violence of inter party tfnfe the rldkulout and completely tynthetic tformt rilled over petty mattert the conviction of aome membert that they are only dorng then lob when they are wildly dittortmg the factt these tips may help you a daughter attending ickool and married in th lime year can be claimed at a depend nl that year by both her parent and her hu band the parent can claim the dependent 400 enemptichv the huibend get the wile 1000 exemption thu i one of a lut of 20 tip to lice your income tan in the april mue of liberty magazine other luted are 1 make donation to canadian chantie and keep receipt donation to organization out tide canada aren t deductible 2 don t die funeral expeme and am bulance coiti aren i deductible 3 don t count a income the interest on canada saving bond tatf must be paid only if the bond are cahed 4 you can claim for a relative or anyone ite living with you who qualifie a a full dependent you re allowed a 400 deduction if theyre not eligible for family allowance 150 if they are 5 claim epene incurred m earning in come if you rent room in your home de duct part of home maintenance cot 6 if you end money to upport tomeone in europe you can deduct up to 400 you mutt prove the peron qualifie a a depend nt and keep remittance receipt 7 don t count unemployment insurance family allowance workmen compenta tion dividend on life insurance policies strike benefit and war disability pennon a taxable income 8 medical expense paid by blue croii nd other hospital plan are deductible pay merit made to these plan are not 9 gift such as chusjmns bonuses from employer are not taxable providing thry are under 5 arid not claimed by your tm ployer as expenses 10 parent ot a ihttd born up lo the tit second of the mx yeai can claim the full 150 exemption i children of news canadians must live in gsnada a year before they are eligible for family allowance their parents can claim the 400 exemption for that year 12 in the first year children of new can ediaru are eligible for family allowance their parent can choose the 400 exemption and add the family allowance money they receive to their tax payable this applies only to the first year of eligibility and doe not apply to children born in canada 13 union dues are deductible from in come provided they are for actual operating costs of the union 14 deductions for approved pension plans ere allowable 15 medical bills paid last year for medi cal services performed in any year previous re deductible 16 money inherited from the capital of rrtra i nohekableuaoneyfecetved fror the income of an estate taxable 174tyx3uateivrakajbrjeg not a sola responsibility after many years on school board our tympithy this first year of freedom from that filuenship duty still goes out to those who serve especially at this time of year when the bidding goes on for teachers we gae in awe at the bigger adsihat run so often the inducements which are offered lo come here or go hither and then we recall the early days when the salary schedule wis first introduced as a means to solve for ell time this yearly bargaining we recall too meetings with officials of the teachers union over iricidanj in which argument used was certainly not cooperative or on an ethical level which one would expect from those who have charge of much guid ance of our young people w recall too correspondence of the department of educa tion over the years that was dot helpful to better training of our future ciliens these of course were the exceptions 1ht mar the backward look of serving on schoof board fortunately they are in the minority there are for the most part many fiite people serving in educational work throughout lite proviiue but we doubt if it it at a ictult of the publication ot ttte hvxjmj b sctvool ttoaitft have a difficult and im port ant kuiiom thry ininl fte mindful of ttw latrpayeit dollar tinny levy for eath yar and ttey are at i our it alt u n a measure tor live level ot education they would maintain in this field bui thrift it not lite sole responti bltity for the end product a shown in thoae who erne i ge from our uhools teacher at sociation have a duty m helping to eliminate those who weaken trw standards at well a talary increases and higher standards tttote in the department loo may well givo guid ence and not only dictation maylte there is need for a fuller review and action in the curriculum in view of new condition all ot the student don t like it and apparently there i a scarcity ot those who want to teach ii maybe some tttem are rightfully asking what they get for the money ttwy pay on tax bill maybe those on the other tide are won denng what kind of homes ttteir material coming from all it not the duly of ihote who terve on the local school boards two kinds of local taxpayers not long ago there was quite a furore about racial discrimination in ontario most of it was centred in a matl town in ontario there wa a l made and we believe a fine imposed and we thought that the people and the government were opposed strongly to all discrimination we never should have made such hasty judgment on thi attitude now that tax rate are being set by municipalities the tame government hat div ided every municipality into two classes there is anywhere from three to five mill difference in the tax rate these two classes wilt pay thts year if you are in business you will pay not only a business tax but also the difference in the mill rate levied if you have a residence only you will pay the lower rate we won t see any riot or insurrection about this new enactment because a a rule business people are not the kind who usuelty not and cause a lot of trouble that may be because they have over the year tiecome to accustomed to the governments ot all level snooping into their business that they have become complacent in accepting any titualion without consideration of equality at a time when every town and village is attempting to get more industrial asessment the move comes as a stupid gesture it only redeeming feature is that it affects only on tano but of course there are eight other provinces in this vast dominion that do not have this discrimination tn taxes like upper and lower canada fvery municipality is finding residential assessment is unprofitable and seeking a balance of industrial and rest dential assessments this law is working m reverse there wont be any visible insurrection but there will be a lot of quiet consideration and it wilt not favor the cause of getting more mduttry here it may please the big sub divider who are making dormitory town of many of our communities and whose actions are largely responsible for the need of more school more municipal services but it only aggravate a problem which wa already acute brief comment if we have to build all our homes by bor rowing maybe we have about all we can handle your municipal tax bills are late thts year one thirjg you dont have to do is make men out or hire help for compiling thi levy they will come to you all complete there were 2b59 prim winner in the the good old days seasons last snowballs chronicles of gin farm daybook reveals 90s era by owiell r curta 1 could fill this whtle column about the weather nut 1 wi t and if 1 dad it would be out of date by the lime it fot inlo print u always lm anyway stormy rather haa tvrefi more ir leu enteral ao no comment exce tit ay thta r are glad monday and tuesday of ut wnk were fine and hfiim becauae monday our iwin ttelfera rnt to market and tueaday i had a blf washing tn rtn and a lot of buftincfta and running an kind to do after that wednesday and thurdiiy i wan t thinking altoot tin va rather ihtmiim i hud a ml ireonure to browac over 1 ikr to know what l wax nothinc mora or learn thna a doctor dnvltook tutmjt lion 1b50 to 1u7 in the rarly imrt of tin llh r nlury tin n win only tlim dimtor between toronto and lliim- lltnn one of li in ii ir junta cobban of mill in and tin w s hu imhtk i rencl il hour filler limir completely fcinitrd riot only from a mrderal view mint but in ittii r w is i w ii it m d finiti k n dii liil tlit vi thiait ai hilt thi nun of tti fjfnily waa reoiuntreil he wua the hi ad of the hhte otlit r m mlmn wire dikrribiil only accord in to tin tr ri i it ion to the mter ttiu under the heading john smith i would find to bleedinit you to arrinitin mn to ntwti tru imt t oprnlnn abacc ini datitch ti r to mr s nl twiby and ao on john smiths mother wai fki n u little more reconn ulsh ae wt rikimttjid in tin km- da indir i s punti lieidintc hi r iiik unt wtuld rtnl old mrs smith this sundays iivrn iiiniii nr alwjy ucd if lln atinit iiimi a fulrly louirnon iimiii mmiie other on trta of ll nt irnutiimi would im iim d isrhaim iinictr siiulti nilktl dunld m smith john iiui i ii walter atti t lt i j dniteu raim nli r viry mldmii wu llirn my m n i mii of anv ieifi di m liul il wtia ftirly iiy to harunl a uuna ilielr naluii tiv thi miioiik llfthi bel allll tlhhae t1imhlma im klad thl unt ttir vlmiiun k almokl v rytliini mmnl i rll ft in ii illil ri i mip hwc would im fur ii tlnri ihhmnionu infliii n i j nil no iloutit rr lomxh nilnhnti itliitltnu wtx fti n pnmiitxd 1ii a hiup miimly a mt- h nl lould lrm i ant nf blood fur twii thill it ik mid mim m ni limit i tit it would ih fui tin miff of dl m11- hlili blal piur ntil probably unv iim im hi tl bdn t r siond t lv di iti im 1 m nt soon of lh intni i- 11 i miv in llo nm ln und r tin h idini nf j iine mi ilimxm tin n u thi iitry olwti trim 21 ihillirik rn miktit im iinr it w jiith wtio had ha1 the mby tint in fin tm nuirt to lunch von notue in brarkeu too lab sf inl ki of laiighinn you wonder how much sorrow and mffi rini ilea behind that blunt atatement loo latr it l eiy to uniklne what hap pened in ihka cuf to dremaintt jiirneph a finder two hlllmtfa thitt entry waa rt mi1ed thre 1 1 rn rindly thi re wai this to ampul tint jiarili f inf r i wo mitri enlrnk for dnftmni md tl it w nil vthil did lh d church calendar wiumhi p mhtllin i ult io in i nli y ii i1kimi i lhll i i il nivf t ii woil nlxnil tip i hi ihii appiodliilu w1u i ea1 flltd il null in fixwl i jim h pdt ii nl wilh vi m mlxhiiinn 1 p oi kl tn id f in filial unxittl ik f iimii 1 klinwlrdtci i iiiiooki nihll t t ploihif ti v wimlluim ui v bid f f it if tl nl i i i pi f of ih iii k liaikii li titutnrnt i vi iul i filmy bid klnllii ihi n wri ii mm h to tin mopli f lhll m iinl i s f i l- lliiy did lliiir tmi t hnui tin u df m if lb min of tin i inulv omibtii i ih 11 morn v h j i ll in prxlui or wik i ih d nt- plit itiuii pt ihil ippli- i nib- blmkmtllh wik of inm whtk o imlnrn teeeh- i wiil i lw t iui1 i1 bsi i woiifl i lk wtmlll lll ii ilk i im hu k in tin kmi aid t v k of imirm it did i iv ir t ml ilv 111 lk w f i t lik iv i k 1 kill on u ihi ii ii utb r b nd v- t ri iittit ail i oikbt in i ilolin uld fie to ih db you ilulri i luoi w nt atxiut powi r f uluri or fin n pliinibint indlllkm bd miy tniflv until 4oilotl i impi t tn in the iriik m rvnl n it lmllirnn in mirnrtw r and a wmmii ii tub in front of binin pirn jfit for tn orraaionul aoakinif in wtil r w roiildn l ibind nurh ronrlitiona to- ilav w i have becomr aofl w ith lhtd hini to rounti rtn t it tafci all tlmit modi rn tneduine ran of fi r in ihe w iv f miikr hntiblotiia and trtniiilliuik drufo ah wel ikxk to th pun fit v bid all thn tcr mkon bin e t id it im kfiiilttriiiiflpi 1 f i i w ik i won 1 irv ml in md i wn t mi in ih im k i pi no- s tht mnt i r i k 1 i i aft- mipir i ik r i in fin i p i ot wr 1 back in 1937 tafcaa frees tka tsaaa ike ti praes tear apr knitai uenii oii u mrs alas mann had mufor tuna to haw id rruatim wih ii waa vauti in b- wrlnr of tl athi imw bloa ytimtvu ar plaaaarf iv taarn mr harold wiu tfwi h ailuualy 111 for aavaral u liuw htilmovliitf all h ut tillii till ta ajiul mr and u w j ium 4 mvrvlti who bva imhmi raidirig in twrteilu fur iba it i hava raturnad to a tori and will rttaba lb liorita in ttia iiokmi tow sali forimaalloii may ittofilh away jiial aoolbr k until ijyligbt having imua into fun in a lat attilid lb m rtlllg too w lilabl i a irfi d lllffh iii pi vlthi plan mow la ilic lllli to bold up ail ml ul i 1 i mi riumilifa i i atoti moelxr i ttnng 21 botmf pl i llll ml air f 2 iwi l oh w- -v- f vi lo i it y mmrtlr wuii im iwl ml ii u a din i imliu k i i i v m tl y od t f f hi w ii lo if iil -1- i on ph i it fn i ii ri uu a lii iu 1- 1 ii r i i ld w ihh k mad and t il diak i d mi viy ffitivi wik up- mm ion of tin damc dun lb i- m lb m an lip who r t ii that 11 ol n until tt nd of aptll and lb m nirm of lb iiool fuhltk a maori i tir ulil i lunb mlaaion 1ioi na1 il fllat ihjbll ppei ihmi of the jaoll on w dlraiu y viiiik apul h lb ij f y io hl i ih- ii mnillal milin t llr i fi 4 mi and mi m ibuil it lliuoiby vnma f ui w k willi pill lk iow1 nil i 111 k on i ir vnm of ll k lb v j it waldo ma ailboi w uvii wll ii d u f ii b lor f livin tl ititaliliim tok pl- in ktn i l locaito ml aial mo ioull walli and mr ah wij of a p i wl mhl 1 ii ui nh baptist church acton ilev ray ji coatrrui taator partunakc 113 bower ave ihone 30s friday anril 12mrn broth r- hiod kally prcatim spakir kr lc drrw of orillia sunday aphil hth 1m7 10 00 am sunday school 1100 muomtng worship 7 00 p m evening service tueaday tpjnbypu wudnraday b pm midweek cr- ice paiuttetlam chimch in cahaoa knox cuumcb acton rev andrew h uckeiuie ba- bd sunday april ulh 157 9 45 am hurch school 11 00 a m celebration of holy communion 7 00 pjn evening worship 815 p m senior high tcllow- unitid church op canada aalaa owtarla rev gordon a da mi ma bd minuter paraonag 3 bowr avanua phone 60 mr getuge elliott organut and choir laadr 76 bower ave alton phone 6 sunday april 14th 157 boo ajn morning prayar 1000 am junior church and church school 1115 am morning worship t thi anoucan church of canada 84 alhaal cfcbrefc aaw 0 rev evan h j one b-a- lth h hi tjldl was nlma thf i f in tti kill h iu- mini ii in ih ii iik if in v iiiiiiiik up fr tiu nul fiedint bit id in ittt ihi other fim- wikv ii wu j tun fill tlurt georgetown displays rally ability puts 1ed cross over top georgetown georgetown rrish swepttakes thiyt notfcordi kept of the n o losers but canadians bought d alimony payments are deductible 18 bad debts incurred n your business re deductible 19 if you marry in ihe last second of the fax year you are entitled to the full 1000 xemptlon for your wife she is taxed for that ynru a single person more 1an those residing in england or the united states glad to note that many haltpn county municipalities are turning dowritheproposal for a new method of assessment havent yet recovered from the effect of the- old manual r auru a p p orv strrvice acronntfcostal asscmaiv meeting in the yiica rtor rev k j reid 61 cook su telephona 640w sunday april 14th- 7 10 tw ajrusunday school 11 00 anv mocntng wcmhlp 7 30 p m evangelutic service wedjiaaday i p itl cottage pray- er meeung and bibwstudy sunday april 14lh 157 palm sunday 8 00 a m holy communion and dutrict rtvldenu have mcr again duplayed their ability to rally behind a worthwhile cam paign nd put it uvcr with daul ing aucceu the effortrtn the cause of the local red croa branch wai noth ing leas than ipectacular leu than two weeks before the campaign which started march 1 the branch was completely reorg anized a new executivewas elect ed and plans formulated to launch a campaign despite the limited time available an objective of back in 1907 tasvaa fraaa uw umw af use vt p tbantur aeru ii itl 1lma ara lv lial m gaftual lima wuuit ii latapaa ara al waya aaluflm 1 treat gttrualy lit it malur ut annual grants rt ai4 fwmau la uur splaftdut vitlunuv fn hm aila mi amwadly llf actm itlffu lulal walrh uta iim1v al ii f huntavs irug ttiay aie naming ttt savan kuiliilatid hu un wlui t ligst ad t tavatlfyl taslf it ii wml4 ttaa ara tle day dt l ara iwo nvlh4 tt ala if as i lllr ijn u warri n 11 wh ull waj f utm tutmx amafial vi hrld laf ih agll aiwiud l u wards ut vi uuu tiaihhl aid a id f ll yuli lr mifl i v iilint 4 laiiti iflllfltl itati lummkl ii wlt 4 illm u u- 1 t i 1 ii 1 i y 1 a hi i a n ii ii i g 1 ma1 1 dir v ui rud w t iwn r ii t v d i if 1 ii 1 i lv wni g in u ii t litflr mt ml f rivi why lh k af el r a i rr lt g i mefi lo ii r i if a w 2 ll i- i mi ii th i ii mtlk v lh ll w h atll imuiiklllk a and mtvm ih i ii ii ofrui i r iiwiri nidi ti iih r t u inj has inrral la 1 1 timr ijmft kinmis l 1 if i if t ul mrni j i- uif1 ii a fr parking n f tr f imi i tw tiir im1s mi w uuitlif i mih rilasforn dr w g c kfnnly fhyairlan and hargeea itrii in hyinnri ftl te 41a mill m f aiun of flee rate 71 kraldrnee us hareb hi f rihtia isa dr 0 a garrett rhyalrun anal kargea corntr nt willnw and hlver sla rnlranee ilivrr street artin ontario rbae im db robert d bucknn rhyalrusi aiwl mrfaa 30 willinirinn st amm nt lkane t7l oftm lluurs i m prn rim httr ani ihmieank liki a i y lrl i h ighl lv uh- utad lth it professional directory and travellers guide ft is a m church school ana 123u uu accepted from hcad- biblc cl ujsa bl daauina-claaa- ci i 1 r si appraiser krai liuu and inkurnrw vvm braclxfn insurance agfncy b mill slrrel hckunr m he olntkai insurance j bert wood jnsurance agency ufa cam caearal iraaraaua phvnc s im m afltr hourt ta 4 m gulph lltntai dr h ie ib imull fmrieaa office corner alcjl and frederick slreeu office hour 0 am lo p m teixphone it acton dr a j buchanan tatal tfarfeeca office sa scllll street r hf iim in pm rcimiiy iijniivai home llt rrao nirl or iy mrijr shmkrr mar olive m iampard at cm kmt teactmc mi fteca nil httdio st aiin lrch iuii it iaitk avr toriivii ihmc ta i h afnftinu accouwtino w m biggs fci eng arrrccellee pealu aaeeauriaas tieoraetown tlllanale t ual succruur lua j lluhop c pa uver t hoskin karteree areaaclaala m mam st n 112 kin 81 w llrmniitun tlronta 1 lh cub 27h im lll ia11 o hack ii nn it t a t a mmtttttrti altlllntnt 111 m i st m i 1 rim lie a li wait h pom f erliried pabllv aereetael lirl r l s c trv 1 tn s- s fii tn c lie 7 h2i opt1i al i i bucmnfr ho totirtrat a mill m i- rin lit orfkr itcir wediraoaya i vi t 0r p m rvrninga by appoinlrrveat ttavvmiw oown ocay coach iink coacuca lcavcactom ttmtwammm 111 am dailr aaewpl sua ajs hol1 am am 11 iv am im pm smp tjjpm im i m pm 5tl pm ajj pm i pm loo pm rsun aad holl i v a i a ml aaff p 527 pm 777 pm- 9 12 1 1 33 dm 1 13 a m i frl sat aea4 ivai mwmmmwmm 1027 am 1257 pm 137 p j7 pm 757 pm- 12 31 did irtft hoi i canadian natiomal tahwayf mtaatufd ttam quarter althouith thu figure ciuld har hfen rriiurrrtdua to the ii 00 nm matins ipalm crosses viu be ditnbuted no cxeninc aervice holy week services wedneadd apru 17 rf pjn xveh- totxk good friday 10 a m the ut- itay the story 6f the cram cantata rendered by the choir th held locatlly for nearly ten yeart it wax decided to blitx the toun on march 18 those few hours of intense ef fort told the story more than 2000 was realued and subsequent don ations bave boosted tho total well over the 3235 objective closed wednesday afternoon telephone 148 c f leatheriano q dauv w mjn dally aatcam sua days to 00 am 7 12 pm bunw aw 8g pm dail eweaf dahyafat cuormlow imtl j7 pm daily flyar at oawi town 0u pjn ooriv rarruur hallelur salary pauu office hours 1000 am 12 00 a i 00 pm- 500 pi saturdays by appointment only office 33 v phona ut 181 acton dally llmpm dally sunday sj0 nnj tb pjn r 1 pm d ml pm

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